Lenus Medicare Brochure
Lenus Medicare Brochure
Lenus Medicare Brochure
Our Vision
Our Mission
Lenus Medicare would like to expand the
sales territory globally and excel in providing
Multiband Ligator
The Lenus 6 shooter Multiple Band Ligator is
designed to provide clear visibility and enhanced
band performance in a user-friendly system.
Multiband Ligator
Band Handle
The handle is designed to fit in with ever
Biopsy Forceps
Endoscopes. It has a smooth sensation while the
band shoots.
Mouth Guard
We offer a selection of disposable mouth-guards
available for both adult and paediatric Endoscopy.
This product has a soft surround flange to provide
improved positioning and patient comfort.
Biopsy Forceps
Band Handle lenus offers biopsy forceps that allow easy H.Pylori Test Kit
tangential targeting of lesions with their
swinging cups.