Challenges and Benefits of ERP System An
Challenges and Benefits of ERP System An
Challenges and Benefits of ERP System An
© 2020. Mohamed. YJ Ahamed, Muneeb M. Musthafa & Faiz MMT Marikar. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the
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Challenges and Benefits of ERP System and
Non-ERP System Integration in a Developing
Mohamed. YJ Ahamed α , Muneeb M. Musthafa σ & Faiz MMT Marikar
Abstract- Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) have become overly complex with higher functional
emerged as solutions oriented to manage organization´s integration. Thereby, management decision making has
resources in an integrated way. They allowed the automation become more complex and more data oriented. In this
of its department’s activities, made information available to
context, efficient information systems that inter-relate all
users at the right time, supporting more accurately their
business functions such as finance, logistics, and
decision-making needs. It is empirically proved that the best of
the breed application for the optimum benefit of an
production are obligatory and further, accurate and
organization is a mixture of both ERP and non-ERP timely information is considered a key for winning the
competitive advantage. The purpose of this research is,
t is obvious that over the last few decades, ICT has failure rate of ERP applications is remaining high and
seen a significant growth. Simultaneously the modes according to survey conducted by Robbins-Gioia LLC, a
of business the modes of business operations have leading provider of management consulting services
Author α: Union Road, Akkaraipattu 01, Sri Lanka. found that 51 % of companies across a wide range of
Author σ: Department of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of industries stated that their ERP implementations were
Technology, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, unsuccessful. Sri Lanka has experienced ERP systems
Oluvil, , Sri Lanka.
Author ρ: Staff Development Centre, General Sir John Kotelawala for nearly two decades, and it is observed that several
Defence University, Ratmalana, 10350 Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan organizations are still struggling to achieve
e-mail: [email protected] the anticipated benefit of their ERP implementations.
© 2020 Global Journals
Challenges and Benefits of ERP System and Non-ERP System Integration in a Developing Country
The emergence of the enterprise resource and can significantly improve an organization’s
planning (ERP) software radically transformed the workflows, business, and decision making. Doing it right
computing platform of most organizations (Haddara and though is worth the extra effort.
Hetlevik, 2016). One of the ERP systems characteristics Although integration success in ERP
is the ability to automate and integrate organizations’ implementations is questionable, ERP system
business processes (Ha and Ahn, 2014). However, even functionality and integration greatly improved over the
though ERP systems were introduced as integrated last decade by incorporating specific industry solution.
suites, they have not achieved many of their anticipated In addition, integration capabilities with third party non-
benefits while they still co-exist with autonomous and ERP systems increase system functionality, flexibility
heterogeneous applications (Peng and Gala, 2014). This and integration, supporting streamlined business
fact indicates the importance and the need for processes. This research reports on a case study
applications integration and justifies the recently large aiming at describing and evaluating the integrated
Despite the advantages, ERP implementations ERP systems. Serendib Group is presently
have a nasty reputation for going over time, over implementing, Oracle E-Business Suite ERP application,
70 budget, and underperforming. There are several for few of its subsidiary companies, and plan to extend
examples and many reasons why. Let’s look at a few of the ERP system to other subsidiaries also. Though the
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( A ) Volume XX Issue X Version I
the reasons ERP software implementations go over organization has implemented a sophisticated ERP
time, over budget, and under perform. One issue with application, they had to implement some non-ERP
implementing an ERP system is, knowing what should application also to fully automate their entire operation
be integrated, and what should not. It is difficult to know and needed to integrate both the ERP and non-ERP
where integrating systems in an organization can gain a application to get a maximum benefit of the automation.
competitive advantage and where it will hinder the At the present implementation they face lot of
organization’s workflow. This becomes even more challenges in integrating the ERP system with existing
complicated in a large organization where different and newly developed non-ERP system. Hence, this
business divisions view each other as competition, or understanding would make them more committed and
good old-fashioned office politics gets in the way. The would make them to provide more support in the future
challenge this adds with ERP implementations is that ERP implementation.
decision makers often do not know fully what the ERP
system is capable of when they are planning the II. Methodology
system, and these decisions and goals need to be a) Conceptual Framework
decided on in the beginning. Researcher has developed the following
The biggest problem by far though with ERP conceptual model based on the literature review and
implementations comes from not having well-defined discussions with experts (Figure 1).
measurable goals and objectives at the outset of the
project as well as a process in place for adding to or
changing these goals. Many projects, not just an ERP
implementation, have failed because of this. One of the
most often misunderstood issues with most ERP
systems is that they typically require extensive
customization. Often what a company is buying is not a
packaged solution, but a framework with which to build
a solution. When decision makers do not ask the right
questions and do not appreciate these two factors,
projects are delayed and experience cost overruns.
Another issue that is often a problem is that an
ERP system that is not flexible may force an adopter to
change their business processes to fit the ERP system
model. This requires a re-engineering of steps needed
to complete business tasks and a retraining of
employees and business partners; and sometimes even
customers. As we all know people inherently do not like
change, and this will create resistance and delays for
any organization (at least in the short term). Despite
these challenges, ERP is a resource that is here to stay
Year 2020
experience any difficulties in integrating both actively involves in process designing, resource
application? allocation and decision making. This people will use the
11. Did both vendors supported well for the integration? systems for reporting and management decision making
12. Did you ever require your senior management purposes.
involvement to solve any issues?
c) Data collection
13. Was the data transfer between both system smooth
The researcher is part of the group ERP
or have you faced any issues?
implementation team. Even before the idea of the
14. What would you say the key challenge for the
research come to his mind, he was observing the total
integration of ERP system and non-ERP system?
lifecycle of the implementation of ERP system, non-ERP
15. How did you overcome from that challenge?
system and the integration of the both systems.
16. What are the benefits of the integration of ERP
Therefore, starts the research with the observation, and
system and non-ERP system?
then through the literature review he could find out the
market. Further, ERP provides better communication the necessary validations, integrity checking, etc.
between not only between different functional units, but However, the custom application vendors use outdated
also between different legal entities. This helps the technologies provide cost effective solutions and they
management to have a better consolidated picture of have limited human resources who knows those
their entire function in a comparative manner. Which technology very well. This is one of the main problems
help them to take much better decisions. when it comes to custom application.
Though the ERP system has all these benefits, When pulling out the data from custom made
some companies find difficulty to adopt ERP system system, it does not provide all the required data by the
alone to cater their entire requirement. Though the ERP ERP system as they make the system to exactly fit the
system incorporate the world best practices in it, the requirement. Therefore, they need additional software
uniqueness of certain business operations cannot be components to feed the missing parameter to the
mapped with ERP system. Therefore, the ERP custom application. Further, the data in the custom
application may not fit to the exact and hundred present application is inconsistence and it is not in a standard
business requirements. When it comes to Sri Lankan presentable manner as they do not use better software
context, to adopt a fully-fledged ERP application is very development models and standards. ERP system has
expensive and sometimes it may suite exactly the local high information security and standardized data models;
requirement owing to its global nature. Therefore, it however, the custom application does not follow those 73
requires some customization and personalization to standards. Therefore, ERP system cannot pull the data
application.Both the application together, will help the very advanced. We cannot simply adopt that.
company to get the operational and financial information Therefore, there was a gap there. I call it our
day by day and timely manner. Any management expectation gap.
information could be obtained without any time delay, it (Source: Mr. Y, Chief Financial Officer, Company 2)
is just one button click away. Communication between Though the ERP is not fitting to the exact
different functional divisions is easy and quick as the requirement, it also not possible to customize the ERP
information passed through the applications can be as it is huge cost and even the consultants does not
accessible by any department any time. Accurate and advice to customize the ERP application. Sometimes,
consistent information, and the security and control of customizing may make their life more complex and
information is very high. difficult, there they have dropped the idea of
“The management can really achieve their benefits, customizing the ERP. Since they could not customize
as we have brought up the both systems together, it the ERP, they must reengineer certain business
becomes the best of the breed application for them. process, and reengineering is very beneficial for SL to
Therefore, they will achieve. However, if it is only ERP eliminate the loopholes of the present business setup.
or only legacy system, they may not achieve the full “Yes, with the ERP the process or this kind of a major
expected benefit”. system implementation re-engineering is a must,
74 (Source: Mr. X, Head of Business Applications & without reengineering certain practices we will not
Consulting, Company 1). achieve the maximum benefit of those project, and by
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( A ) Volume XX Issue X Version I
Owing to the above benefits, any company can reengineering the process only we can eliminate the
achieve their objectives of implementing a loop wholes which we have had”.
comprehensive application system to support their (Source: Mr. Z, Director, Company 2)
entire business function. Further, there could so many However, SL could only reengineer their
intangible benefits, such as less time for preparing process up to a certain extent. They could not
monthly and quarterly accounts, elimination of reengineer the process to exactly match with the ERP as
duplicated and manual data entry work, and timely and it very expensive and not practical for their business
accurate reporting makes the customers happy with the model.
company so help to retain them, and employee’s “We cannot re engineer entirely to match with the
workload is reduced therefore relaxed and cool work ERP practices. That is very expensive, and it is not a
environment without manual paper work. workable solution”.
Moreover, management always require (Source: Mr. Z, Director, Company 2)
management information reports with all the operational The ERP system has very advanced business
and financial analysis. Since the integrated application process model, which requires SL to upgrade the
capture all the data into the share database, it is just a workshop infrastructure and requires additional training
matter of pulling out the data into the required form. to work shop staff. These are extra burden for SL,
Which would have consumed number of days to therefore they do not want to reengineer the process to
prepare earlier, could be reduced to minutes. match with the ERP practices.
“The Sri Lankan industries are not matured enough for “Our workshop people are just technicians they are
an entire suite of an ERP solution. Few of the blue- not capable to hand computer systems, sometime
chip companies and banks in Sri Lanka has one or two may capable, and the turnover also high.
implemented ERP. However, most of them has So that is very difficult”.
implemented part of the ERP system and have a (Source: Mr. Z, Director, Company 2)
legacy system cover-up the gap. Therefore, for
Owing to the above reasons, they compelled go
country like Sri Lanka, the best of the breed
for another system to capture the nonfinancial and
application will be obtained by having both ERP and
operational data where ERP is focusing on financial data
non-ERP application”
and cannot match with operational requirement entirely.
(Source: Mr. X, Head of Business Applications &
Without the operational system, the information what
Consulting, Company 1).
they get from only the ERP is not enough for the
d) Motivation for the ERP & Non-ERP system (Company management decision making, and end of the day ERP
2) is not beneficial from the management perspective.
Our business model is quite simple when we This custom application/operational system gave
consider with international business in the same flexibility which ERP could not give to SL. ERP could be
industry. Certain functions in the ERP is exactly what customizable up to a certain extend but the other
we required, and we were needing that badly. As I system is made exactly to their requirement.
have already explained to cover up the loopholes of Moreover, both this system required integrate to
our operation. However, some other functions and achieve fullest benefit. Some of the information in the
models in the ERP is not exactly what we require, it is front end should be reported with financial information,
© 2020 Global Journals
Challenges and Benefits of ERP System and Non-ERP System Integration in a Developing Country
then only the information is very meaningful to the competitive and challenging business, they need
management. Just only the operational system may accurate information in timely manner. Secondly, they
beneficial to the operational staff and just only the ERP have a lot of loopholes in their operations due to
may beneficial to the finance department staff or information unavailability. They cannot monitor
shareholders, but for the management to run the everything as and when it happens. It is all what they do
business very effectively, they need the financial and is postmortem analysis. Therefore, by the time they
non-financial data consolidated reports, which provides found some mistakes, it has been already done and
them the right detail for decision making. may not be corrected. Therefore they want control on
every operation upfront.
e) Challenges Faced During the Integration (Company
2) “Do not just invest on ERP. You need to have
“We have just evaluated the requirement and output customize solution to capture some data which does
not captured by ERP. Then only you will have a 100%
and accepted the solution. At the time of integration
only we got to know, that there are so many things to benefit from those applications. Further, you need to
have one team to do the entire project a to z, and that
consider. But that knowledge was not shared”.
(Source: Mr. Y, Chief Financial Officer, Company 2) must comprise with financial and non-financial team”.
(Source: Mr. X, Chief Financial Officer, Company 1)
Most of the companies including SL do not 75
have technical expertise within the company. They see Comparison of both case studies was shown in
Requirements very expensive and not practical for simple and less complicated when compared with the
their business model. international standards of the ERP.
The critical information what we need is coming from
Integration Common Consultants also exactly do not know,
Consultants’ incapability
Company1 Challenges what they require
The operational system was very straight forward and
Unique There was no mediator between both simple. However, the ERP system required some extra
Challenges vendors and both applications parameters to get captured from the operational
Less communication between both
vendors about their requirement and Compatibility issue between the both systems.
needs for the integration
The mix of the both systems helps to streamline the
process to match with world best standards like
Integration Common The management information report
budgeting and controlling and bridge the gap of the
Company2 Benefits with financial and non-financial data
ERP and captures all necessary information required
for management reporting.
Management and control on each
operation upfront.
type companies by using a hybrid solution of ERP and and link all the functional departments in a single and
non-ERP application and integrating those application. common database. In the meantime, ERP does not full
Second objective is to determine the challenges fill the entire requirement of an organization and non-
& issues faced during the integration. From the above ERP applications plays a major role in bridging these
analysis researcher found out so many issues and gaps.
challenges during the integration of both ERP and non- After the integration of the both applications,
ERP application and found out the reasons and these applications functions as the best of the breed
solutions also. The challenges of the integration of the application and bring the maximum benefit to the
both ERP and non-ERP system is listed below. Its organization. The key benefits of the ERP system and
custom application is developed for the exact non-ERP system integration is listed below. Benefits of
requirement of the business need and does not intend the best of the breed application can be achieved by the
to capture additional details required for an ERP. Also, organization. Also cost-effective solution to automate
ERP system follows best standards of application the entire business process. Management information
development models, however the custom applications reports can be driven with financial and nonfinancial
does not. But also, ERP system is having lot of control data for decision making easily. Furthermore, less
sequence and measures on its data, but the custom harm/modification to the existing business process or
application does not. Sometimes, ERP consultant or model. Any reports can be generated easily and 77
software application engineers do not the exact comparatively in very much less time as the entire data