GDSHCA Datasheet

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World leaders in the manufacture of laboratory systems for soil & rock

Hollow Cylinder Apparatus (GDSHCA)

The GDS Hollow Cylinder Apparatus (GDSHCA) allows for rotational
displacement and torque to be applied to a hollow cylindrical specimen of
soil. Using this device it is possible to control the magnitude and direction
of the three principal stresses. Studies can for example be made of the

• The anisotropy of soil samples.

• Thee-ectsofprincipalstressrotation.
• Thee-ectsofintermediateprincipalstress.

The GDSHCAhas specifically been designed to be capable of testing a

very small axial strains (down to 0.00004%). The GDSHCA can apply a
uniquely wide range of stress paths on the test specimen. The loading
systems are computer controlled and strains can be measured directly on
the test specimen. Studies can therefore be made under the following test

• Plane strain.
• Simple shear.
• Very small shear strain both axially and in rotation.

Key Features: Benefits to the User:

The system exhibits a high level of axial and
Resulting in a machine being well suited for small strain testing right through to high load and high
torsional sti-ness coupled with the minimum
strain testing.
amount of backlash and friction:
Flexibility in the capacity of the system:
the testing required and the budget.
Balanced ram:
cell pressure during dynamic tests.
Submersible, interchangeable combined axial /
Measures axial load/torque with no errors introduced due to friction on the loading ram.
torque loadcell:
Cell top lift frame: For ease of use when lifting the cell top, comes as standard.
By changing the pedestals, the system converts into a fully functioning dynamic triaxial testing
Can be used as a triaxial system:

Technical Specification:

Operating Frequency: 2Hz 5Hz 5Hz

Load Range: 10kN 10kN 10kN
Axial/Torque Force Range: 100Nm 100Nm 200Nm
Pressure Range: 2MPa 2MPa 2MPa
Sample Size: 100mm OD/60mm ID 100mm OD/60mm ID 100mm OD/60mm ID
Lifting Frame: As standard As standard As standard

Optional Extras:
Unsaturated Testing Available
Triaxial Sample Upgrade 50, 70mm
World leaders in the manufacture of laboratory systems for soil & rock

System Elements & Options

The fundamental system hardware elements are ADVDCS v2 Acquisition Pad

shown in Fig. 1 below. The actual hardware used
may be chosen to suit your testing and budgetary The ADVDCS v2 is based around a modern, high speed, 32 bit
requirements. processing core and has eight simultaneous sampling 24 bit
universal analogue input channels, enabling any transducer in the
GDS range to be connected. High speed digital bus technology
allows real-time streaming of transducer data making it ideal for
GDSLAB Software high speed data acquisition. The ADVDCS v2 supports full digital
control of servo motor and hydraulic actuators allowing accurate,
The GDSLAB control and precise and noise free control of actuators.
acquisition software is a highly
software platform. Starting with
the Kernel module and the ability
to perform data acquisition,
additional modules are added
for your testing requirements.

Pore Pressure (kPa)

Rotation (degs)
Torque (Nm)
Axial Displacement (mm)
Axial Load (kN)

Load frame control

Cell pressure / volume

Note: Connection via USB

interface to PC. Back pressure

Inner cell pressure/volume

Pressure Volume / Controllers

• Enterprise Triaxial Automated System (ELTAS) Hollow Cylinder System
which is based on 1MPa Enterprise Pressure / Frequency Range (Hz) / Load (kN) /
Volume Controller (ELDPC). Torque Range (Nm)
• Standard Triaxial Automated System (STDTAS)
which is based on 3MPa Standard Pressure / • 2/10/100, 5/10/100, 5/10/200
Volume Controller (STDDPC).
• Advanced Triaxial Automated System (ADVTAS) Specimen Sizes (mm)
which is based on 2MPa Advanced Pressure / • 100mm OD/ 60mm ID
Volume Controller (ADVDPC).

Fig. 1 Fundamental system hardware elements
World leaders in the manufacture of laboratory systems for soil & rock

Hollow Cylinder Apparatus with Inner and Outer Cyclic Cell Pressure Control

Lifting Frame - Counter

Balance for easy access to

Triaxial cell with large

tie bars for axial and
Large bore tubing rotational rigidity
for dynamic outer
cell pressure

Access ring for

hydraulic connections
and additional local
transducers such as:
LVDT, Hall Effect, mid
plane pore pressure

Dynamic outer
cell pressure

Pore Pressure
transducer and
pore pressure
de-airing block

Dynamic inner cell

pressure controller
World leaders in the manufacture of laboratory systems for soil & rock

SS-HCA, Example dynamic system performance for axial axis based on a 5Hz machine.


Double Amplitude (mm)

0kN +/-5kN
5kN +/-5kN

0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz)

with 5kN force datum with zero kN force datum

Double amplitude Double amplitude
Freqency (Hz) Amplitude (mm) Amplitude (mm)
(mm) (mm)
0.1 50 100 50 100
0.2 50 100 50 100
0.5 26.5 53 26.5 53
1 13.3 26.6 13.3 26.6
2 6 12 6 12
3 2.8 5.6 4.4 8.8
4 1.6 3.2 3.2 6.4
5 1 2 2 4
7 0.5 1 1 2
10 0.25 0.5 0.5 1

Typical test results

Axial displacement feedback control
Frequency (Hz) 1.00
Peak to peak (mm) 2.000
Radial stress (kPa) 200.0

1.5 1.2


displacement (mm)

axial load (kN)

0 0.4



-1.5 -0.4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
time (seconds) displacement (mm)
World leaders in the manufacture of laboratory systems for soil & rock

GDSLAB Control Software

The GDSLAB control and acquisition software is a highly

with the Kernel module and the ability to perform data
acquisition only, additional modules may be chosen for your
testing requirements. Some currently available modules are
as follows:

• SATCON(saturationandconsolidation).
• Standardtriaxial.
• Stresspathtesting(p,qands,t).
• Advancedloadingtests.
• Unsaturatedtesting.
• K0consolidation.
• Permeability.


• DynamicHCAtestmodule.
• StaticHCAtestmodule. Fig. 2 GDSLAB hardware display window
• HCAstresspathmodule.

GDS/AB has the ability to be configured to your hardware of choice, no matter how unique the arrangement. A text

GDSLAB Dynamic HCA test module

• Dynamic cyclic loading tests at frequencies up to 5Hz

(depending on the model).
• Provides sinusoidal cyclic control of axial displacement or
axial force and rotational displacement/torque (see Fig. 3).
• A complete cycle of data can be saved every N cycles
• Controlled data displayed in real-time.
• Up to 1000 points saved per cycle.
• Built in standard waveforms: Sinusoidal, triangular, square,
• Userdefinedwaveformsusing10pointASCIIfile.
• Dynamic control of inner and/or outer cell pressure may be
performed with the addition of optional dynamic pressure

Fig. 3 GDSLAB dynamic test window

GDSLAB Static HCA Test Module

• Independent control of the 5 principal parameters, i.e. Axial, rotational,

outer cell pressure, inner cell pressure and back pressure.
• Axial Control by: Axial Stress (kPa), Axial Displacement (mm), Axial
Load (kN).
• Rotational Control by: Rotational Stress (kPa), Rotational Load (Nm),
Rotational Displacement (degs) .
• A phase shift o-set angle may be introduced between axial and

Fig. 4 GDSLAB HCA advanced loading test setup window
World leaders in the manufacture of laboratory systems for soil & rock

GDSLAB HCA Stress Path Module GDSDCS - Digital Control System

The GDSLAB HCA Stress Path Module provides independent The GDS dynamic systems are all based around the GDS
linear control of p, q, b and alpha under stress or strain control. DCS high speed digital control system with closed loop
This module provides the fundamental HCA stress path control feedback of displacement and load.
functions that test specifications demand with unlimited
number of linked paths Below CA stress path setup screen With 16 bit data acquisition (A/D) and 16 bit control output
(D/A), the GDSDCS runs at a control frequency of 10kHz per
channel. This means that when running at 10Hz the system
uses 1000 control points per cycle. When running at 1Hz, it
uses 10000 control points per cycle

The advantage of GDSDCS system is that no matter which

dynamic system is purchased, they all use the same high
speed control system. This ensures that the system has the
highest level of functionality and reliability because all of our
dynamic systems, over our complete range, use the same
high specification control system. A result of this is t
accuracy and resolution of the test is only a function of the
actuator used, whether it be a low cost pneumatic actuator,
high accuracy electro-mechanical actuator or high capacity
hydraulic actuator.

Adaptive Control Firmware - As standard on Dynamic HCA - Adaptive Control is a cutting edge technology that sign
improves the dynamic load control performance of an apparatus, leading to increased testing precision.

test are also dealt with correctly. An example of this is observed during liquefaction testing, in which
the specimen sti-ness reduces considerably as the soil liquefies. When testing using an apparatus
to be applied to the test specimen.

HCA Top Cap and Base Pedestal

pedestal have large bore inner cell pressure ports, designed to clamp inner
membrance in place

Sample Preparation:

The GDSHCA can be supplied with equipment for making toroidal samples in
either cohesive (using the Cohesive Sample Preperation Kit, picture in Fig. 6)
or non-cohesive materials (Non-Cohesive Sample Preperation Kit, pictured in
Fig 7) using an internal, collapsible sample former.

The manual soil lathe is suitable for all available sample sizes up to 200/160/400
(OD, ID, height).Thecorrectplatensthenneedstobefixedtothelatheinorder
to prepare the required sample size. Platens for specific sample sizes are
purchased separately to the lathe.

Fig. 6 Cohesive Sample Fig. 7. Non-Cohesive

Preperation Kit Sample Preperation Kit
World leaders in the manufacture of laboratory systems for soil & rock

ADVDCS v2 Acquisition Pad Used with GDSHCA

Overview: The ADVDCS v2 is a modern high speed digital

control and acquisition system developed especially for
geotechnical testing, and is the premier device in the GDS
range, typically supplied with our most advanced dynamic
test and control systems. The ADVDCS v2 has been fully
designed and developed by GDS’in-house engineering team.

The ADVDCS v2 is based around a modern, high speed, 32 bit processing core and has eight simultaneous sampling
24 bit universal analogue input channels, enabling any transducer in the GDS range to be connected. High speed
digital bus technology allows real-time streaming of transducer data making it ideal for high speed data acquisition.
The ADVDCS v2 supports full digital control of servo motor and hydraulic actuators allowing accurate, precise and
noise free control of actuators.
The ADVDCS v2 is the direct result of GDS research into high accuracy dynamic control, and contains machine
learning algorithms that adapt in real-time to dynamic changes in sample compliance thereby delivering excellent
control over the full machine performance envelope.

Technical Specification:

Connection to PC: USB

Acquisition Channels: 8 Analogue + 1 Quadrature Decoder
Control Channels: 2 (Analogue or digital)
Multi Box Capability: x4
Max Number of Channels: Up to 32 analogue + 4 quadrature channels with synchronised data acquisition
Sample Rate: 5kHz
Resolution: 24 bit, 16,777,216
Gain Ranges: 8(Userdefinedinsoftware)
Description: Advanced level solution for the highest performance of dynamic acquisition & control
Voltage Resolution: ~ 0.000001 mVolts (1 nanovolt)
Voltage Input Type: FullyDi-erential,BalancedPrecisionInputswithIntegratedSignalCondi
Transducer Excitation Voltage: Di-erential,FixedPrecision+/-5V,Independent(notGanged),RatiometricExcitati
Number of Input Ranges: 8 Independently Selectable Ranges Per Channel from (-10...+10mV) to (-10...+10V)
Excitation Current Sense: Yes - can monitor transducer currents - alerts user of disconnected transducers
Excitation/Transducer Fault Detection: Overvoltage, Overcurrent, Absent Transducer
Independent Per Channel, if any channel is shorted the other channels will continue to
Excitation Fault Tolerance:
operate normally
Current Input Mode: Yes-Viaresistorfittedincabletermination(di-erentrangespossible)
Differential Measurement Range: -10mV..+10mVupto-10V..+10Vforbalanceddi-erentialsignals
Transducer Calibration: Linear, polynomial and custom transducer calibration
Virtual Transducers: Up to 32 virtual transducers (e.g. strain, compliance, calculated values)
Data Acquisition Options: Digitalfilteringfornoisereduction
Digital Control: 1kHz32-bitfloatingpointcontrolloop
Analogue Control: Control of both digital and analogue motor drives possible
Compliance Estimation: Real time specimen compliance estimation
Adaptive Control: Adaptive load and stress control
Custom Waveforms: Custom waveform control with a maximum of 16000 points per waveform
Sample Docking: Automatic sample docking
Display and Monitoring: Data acquisition in GDSLab via USB interface, High resolution real time graphs
Software: GDSLAB
System Characteristics:
480 Mbit/s USB connection
Minimum System Requirements: OS: Windows 7 or later, CPU: 1.5 GHz or higher, Memory: 2 GB, USB 2.0

Why Buy GDS?

GDS have supplied equipment to over 86% of the world’s top 50 Universities:
specialise in Civil & Structural Engineering, according to the “QS World University
Ranking 2020” report.

GDS also work with many commercial laboratories including BGC Canada, Fugro, GEO,
Multiconsult, Statens Vegvesen, NGI, Ramboll, Russell Geotechnical Innovations Ltd,
SA Geolabs, SGS, Wiertsema and Partners to name a few.

Would you recommend GDS equipment to your colleague, friend

or associate?

100% of our customers answered “YES”

Results from our post-delivery survey asked customers for feedback on their
delivery, installation (if applicable), supporting documentation, apparatus and overall
satisfaction with GDS. The survey ran for two years.

Made in the UK:

in Hook. All products are quality assured before they are dispatched.

01:25 company.Thescopeofthiscertificateappliesto
the approved quality administration systems relating to the “Manufacture of Laboratory
and Field Testing Equipment”.

Extended Warranties:
All GDS apparatus are covered by a 12 month manufacturers warranty. In addition to
thestandardwarranty,GDSo-ercomprehensiveextendedwarrantiesforand 241, 36
months, for peace of mind against any repairs in the future. The extended warranties can

GDS Training & Installation:

Allinstallations&trainingarecarriedoutbyqualified A GDS engineer
assigned to each order throughout the sales process. They will quality assure the
apparatus prior to shipping, if installation has been purchased, install the apparatus on
the customers site & provide the training.

Technical Support:
GDS understand the need for ongoing after sales support, so much so that they have
their own dedicated customer support centre. Alongside their support centre GDS use a
variety of additional support methods including remote PC support, product helpsheets,
video tutorials, email and telephone support.

GDSInstrumentsTel:+4(0)125638e:[email protected]

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