Course Code
& Title: ae ui
ent Name: | akan Masood | Nl |z61-54y4
Section: |B
Exam stared at: | [O01 30 Exam finished at: 1:30
Important Instructions:
1. Take sufficient number of printou ‘oF the answer sheet well before the exam date / time,
‘udent information on each page ofthe answer sheet and sign the
Declaration Form given below.
3+ The question paper will be sento yur offical emai address (or uploaded at Google Class as an Assignment) a
few minutes before the scheduled exam time,
“Only Hand Written solution of the exam will be accepted. Maks will be deducted ifthe solution of a
‘numerical problem doesn't include all necessary formulations and calelatone.
5: Assoon as you finish the exam, please submit using the same channel from which vou received the question
‘aver (i. reply to emi or turn-in assignment at Google Clas) The solved answer sheetsner be properly
Fee secording fo the page numbers and must be submited asa Single PDF Fle wth te Ge naming
format as: Roll No. Course Code_Exam (e 17L-0731_CV405_Final eam,
Declaration Form:
I Mr/Ms,
}! understand that I subject myself to disciplinary action if the abor
testify to the best of my belief that:
{ did not provide / seek any support to /from any other person during the exam.
{ did not post my question paper and its solution to any website, social media {group or other online
sources during the exam,
ve facts are found to be falsified and the
r sheet submitted without my signatures won't be graded.
pf 26-01- doao
Suen’ Signature
For O1
ficial Use Only
Question No, Total
CLO Focused:
‘Max. Marks:
irks Obtained:
Le Hoo Fnl Ex.S
ase Lot &
Scanned with CamScannerCourse Code CV-UOL Conctxuction Manageme
Student Nar
Fessan Masood | 8" 1464-5444 | secion: | 8
Incase of any emergency or you don't receive the question paper atthe scheduled time, please contact
immediately with one of the following staff members:
Mr, Abdul Qavi(0322-4756373), Mr. Mubbasher (0313 4483120) /Ms. Ayesha (0337 4829008)
Clearly mention the question number and write your answer within the page borders only. Once you have
finished the exam, please write page numbers (Page __of __)on each page ofthe answer sheet
Take very clear (legible) photos ofthe solved answer sheets and convert toa single pdf file.
For record Keeping purpose please don’t discard the hard copies of your final exam answer sheets.
[Question No._2.
Start writing your answers below this line.
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Scanned with CamScannerCouseCote |Cv-40L Cons tkuction Management
SudentName: | Faawam Masood | Mi | 264-Sky4 | section: | g
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Scanned with CamScanner| Course code | Gychod Concbtarc bon Mamagenert
& Title:
Student ame: [Fagan Magood | Rel JL6L-54G4 | section |B
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Scanned with CamScannerCousstois [CV-UoL ContbpucBion Mamagencovd
& Title:
studentvame: [Paran Magood | No, [EG S4UI | Section |B
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V7CourseCode |CV-UOL — Cone xuction A” anarement
& Titles
Student Name: | Fagan Nakcod | Nai |16L-£4Y9 | section: |B
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Student Name:
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No | L6L-S4U4 | section: | B
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