Midterms - Chapter 8-10 Assignment

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Explain how the network layer uses IP protocols for reliable communications and
characteristics of the network layer?
The Network Layer
• Provides services to allow end devices to exchange
• IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6) are the
principle network layer communication protocols.
• The network layer performs four basic operations:
• Addressing end devices
• Encapsulation
• Routing
• De-encapsulation
IP Encapsulation
• IP encapsulates the transport layer
• IP can use either an IPv4 or IPv6
packet and not impact the layer 4
• IP packet will be examined by all
layer 3 devices as it traverses the
• The IP addressing does not change
from source to destination.
Characteristics of IP
IP is meant to have low overhead and may be described as:
• Connectionless
• Best Effort
• Media Independent

2. Explain the characteristics  of IP?

Characteristics of IP
IP is meant to have low overhead and may be described as:
• Connectionless
• Best Effort
• Media Independent
IP is Connectionless
• IP does not establish a connection with the destination before sending the packet.
• There is no control information needed (synchronizations, acknowledgments, etc.).
• The destination will receive the packet when it arrives, but no pre-notifications are sent by IP.
• If there is a need for connection-oriented traffic, then another protocol will handle this
(typically TCP at the transport layer).
Best Effort
IP is Best Effort
• IP will not guarantee delivery of the packet.
• IP has reduced overhead since there is no mechanism to resend data that is not received.
• IP does not expect acknowledgments.
• IP does not know if the other device is operational or if it received the packet.
Media Independent
IP is unreliable:
• It cannot manage or fix undelivered or corrupt packets.
• IP cannot retransmit after an error.
• IP cannot realign out of sequence packets.
• IP must rely on other protocols for these functions.
IP is media Independent:
• IP does not concern itself with the type of frame required at the data link layer or the media
type at the physical layer.
• IP can be sent over any media type: copper, fiber, or wireless.
The network layer will establish the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).
• Network layer receives this from control information sent by the data link layer.
• The network then establishes the MTU size.
Fragmentation is when Layer 3 splits the IPv4 packet into smaller units.
• Fragmenting causes latency.
• IPv6 does not fragment packets.
• Example: Router goes from Ethernet to a slow WAN with a smaller MTU.

3. Explain the role of the major header fields in the IPv6 packet from IPv4?What's the
IPv4 Packet Header
IPv4 is the primary communication protocol for the network layer.
The network header has many purposes:
• It ensures the packet is sent in the correct direction (to the destination).
• It contains information for network layer processing in various fields.
• The information in the header is used by all layer 3 devices that handle the packet
IPv4 Packet Header Fields
The IPv4 network header characteristics:
• It is in binary.
• Contains several fields of information
• Diagram is read from left to right, 4 bytes per line
• The two most important fields are the source and destination.
Protocols may have may have one or more functions.
IPv4 has three major limitations:
• IPv4 address depletion – We have basically run out of IPv4 addressing.
• Lack of end-to-end connectivity – To make IPv4 survive this long, private addressing and NAT
were created. This ended direct communications with public addressing.
• Increased network complexity – NAT was meant as temporary solution and creates issues on
the network as a side effect of manipulating the network headers addressing. NAT causes
latency and troubleshooting issues.
IPv6 Overview
• IPv6 was developed by Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF).
• IPv6 overcomes the limitations of IPv4.
• Improvements that IPv6 provides:
• Increased address space – based on 128 bit address, not 32 bits
• Improved packet handling –simplified header with fewer fields
• Eliminates the need for NAT – since there is a huge amount of addressing, there is no need to
use private addressing internally and be mapped to a shared public address IPv4 Packet Header
Fields in the IPv6 Packet Header
• The IPv6 header is simplified, but not smaller.
• The header is fixed at 40 Bytes or octets long.
• Several IPv4 fields were removed to improve performance.
• Some IPv4 fields were removed to improve performance:
• Flag
• Fragment Offset
• Header Checksum
IPv6 Packet Header
IPv6 packet may also contain extension headers (EH).
EH headers characteristics:
• provide optional network layer information
• are optional
• are placed between IPv6 header and the payload
• may be used for fragmentation, security, mobility support, etc.
Note: Unlike IPv4, routers do not fragment IPv6 packets.

4. How a Host Routes Host Forwarding Decision?

Host Forwarding Decision
• Packets are always created at the source.
• Each host devices creates their own routing table.
• A host can send packets to the following:
• Itself – (IPv4), ::1 (IPv6)
• Local Hosts – destination is on the same LAN
• Remote Hosts – devices are not on the same LAN
• The Source device determines whether the destination is local or remote
• Method of determination:
• IPv4 – Source uses its own IP address and Subnet mask, along with the destination IP address
• IPv6 – Source uses the network address and prefix advertised by the local router
• Local traffic is dumped out the host interface to be handled by an intermediary device.
• Remote traffic is forwarded directly to the default gateway on the LAN.
5. What are the three types of routes in a router’s routing table?
There three types of routes in a router’s routing table:
• Directly Connected – These routes are automatically added by the router, provided the
interface is active and has addressing.
• Remote – These are the routes the router does not have a direct connection and may be
• Manually – with a static route.
• Dynamically – by using a routing protocol to have the routers share their information with
each other.
• Default Route – this forwards all traffic to a specific direction when there is not a match in the
routing table.

Chapter 9: (15 points)

1. Describe the purpose and functions of ARP?
A device uses ARP to determine the
destination MAC address of a local
device when it knows its IPv4 address.
ARP provides two basic functions:
• Resolving IPv4 addresses to MAC
• Maintaining an ARP table of IPv4
to MAC address mappings
ARP Functions
To send a frame, a device will search its ARP table for a destination IPv4 address and a
corresponding MAC address.
• If the packet’s destination IPv4 address is on the same network, the device will
search the ARP table for the destination IPv4 address.
• If the destination IPv4 address is on a different network, the device will search the
ARP table for the IPv4 address of the default gateway.
• If the device locates the IPv4 address, its corresponding MAC address is used as the
destination MAC address in the frame.
• If there is no ARP table entry is found, then the device sends an ARP request

2. What's the difference between show ip arp c and arp –a?

• The show ip arp command displays the ARP table on a Cisco router.
• The arp –a command displays the ARP table on a Windows 10 PC.

Chapter 10:(15 points)

1.List down at least 6 basic router configuration steps.
Basic Router Configuration Steps
• Configure the device name.
• Secure privileged EXEC mode.
• Secure user EXEC mode.
• Secure remote Telnet / SSH access.
• Encrypt all plaintext passwords.
• Provide legal notification and save the configuration.

2. How to configure a router interface? Example: The commands to configure interface

G0/0/0 on UBRouter1?
Configuring a router interface includes issuing the following commands:
Router(config)# interface type-and-number
Router(config-if)# description description-text
Router(config-if)# ip address ipv4-address subnet-mask
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
• It is a good practice to use the description command to add
information about the network connected to the interface.
• The no shutdown command activates the interface.

Configure Router Interfaces Example

The commands to configure interface G0/0/0 on R1 are shown here:
R1(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0
R1(config-if)# description Link to LAN
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:acad:10::1/64
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# exit
*Aug 1 01:43:53.435: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0, changed state to
*Aug 1 01:43:56.447: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0, changed state to up
*Aug 1 01:43:57.447: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface
GigabitEthernet0/0/0, changed state to up

3. List down 5 commands to verify interface configuration? 

Commands to Verify Interface Configuration
show ip interface brief/show ipv6 interface brief - Displays all interfaces, their IP addresses, and
their current status.
show ip route/show ipv6 route - Displays the contents of the IP routing tables stored in RAM.
show interfaces - Displays statistics for all interfaces on the device. Only displays the IPv4
addressing information.
show ip interfaces - Displays the IPv4 statistics for all interfaces on a router.
show ipv6 interfaces - Displays the IPv6 statistics for all interfaces on a router.

4. How to configure the default gateway?

Default Gateway on a Host
• The default gateway is used when a host sends a packet to a device on another network.
• The default gateway address is generally the router interface address attached to the local
network of the host.
• To reach PC3, PC1 addresses a packet with the IPv4 address of PC3, but forwards the packet to
its default gateway, the G0/0/0 interface of R1.
Default Gateway on a Switch
• A switch must have a default gateway address configured to remotely manage the switch from
another network.
• To configure an IPv4 default gateway on a switch, use the ip defaultgateway ip-address global
configuration command.

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