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Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

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Fuel Processing Technology

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Conical spouted bed combustor to obtain clean energy from avocado waste
María J. San José *, Sonia Alvarez, Raquel López
Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU. Apdo. 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain


Keywords: The advantages of spouted bed technology for waste treatment are linked to the high excess of renewable
Avocado wastes biomass waste generated by the large worldwide consumption of avocado. Therefore, the applicability of avo­
Biogenic fuel cado waste as fuel in a novel conical spouted bed combustor was investigated. The solid cyclic movement in this
reactor innovatively promotes better mass and heat transfer, as well as better energy exploitation of the waste.
Conical spouted beds
Renewable biomass
Local heat transfer coefficients were experimentally determined in the beds of avocado waste in the combustor to
assess their heat transfer and determine their value as biofuels. The combustion of the avocado beds in the
spouted bed regime was performed at 300–600 ◦ C in a conical reactor at the minimum spouting velocity. The
exhaust gas evolution was monitored over time, and the emission ratios were calculated. The combustion effi­
ciencies of avocado seeds, skin, and their binary mixtures, determined from flue gas concentrations, were
compared, and the effects of temperature and bed composition on combustion efficiency were analyzed.

pyrolysis, and gasification [5].

1. Introduction Avocado is a positively trending edible fruit whose global con­
sumption has increased notably over the last few years, with an esti­
With the rising energy demand and depletion of fossil fuels, which mated global production of over 8 million tons in 2020 and a harvested
contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global warming, the area of almost 825 thousand ha in 2020 [6]. It is known as green gold
European Union established in Directive EU 2018/2001 the major pri­ because of its high nourishing and antioxidant properties. Avocado
ority of providing clean energy by replacing fossil fuels with renewable consists of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, low-saturated fats
energy [1]. Decarbonization aligns with these goals at the international (mainly oleic acid, 71 wt%), vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, E, and K1) [7], and
level, led by the European Union. The European Commission adopted a minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus,
series of legislative proposals in July 2021 in the 2030 Climate Target potassium, and folic acid. Avocado consumption generates a large
Plan, with the ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050 and amount of waste. The avocado tree, Persea americana Mill., 1768, orig­
an intermediate target of a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions inally from Central America, is classified in the Lauraceae family and is
within the range of 50 to 55% (compared to 1990). The European Union cultivated in subtropical and Mediterranean regions. Mexico is the
has set a target of producing 65% of electrical energy from renewable world’s largest producer of avocados, with almost 2.4 million tons in
energy sources by 2030 and 80% by 2050 [2]. Renewable energy pro­ 2020 [6]. The growing demand of the European Union’s countries is met
duction relies on low costs and high energy efficiency, which requires by avocados harvested in the south of Spain and in the Canary Islands,
technological advancement. Fuels derived from renewable sources can with a production of over 99,000 tons in 2020 [6]. This fruit is a berry
contribute to decarbonization and mitigate climate change as they with an oval or spherical shape, rough skin ranging from dark green to
participate in the closed cycle of biogenic carbon, in which carbon di­ purple, and contains a fleshy light-green pulp and a single large hard
oxide released during their combustion is the same as that captured seed. Although there are hundreds of varieties of commercial avocado
during their growth. According to the recently approved Spanish law plants, there are three main botanical varieties: Mexican (Persea ameri­
regarding waste and polluted soils for a circular economy [3], the useful cana var. drymifolia), Antillean (Persea americana var. Americana), and
life of waste is extended instead of being landfilled. Guatemalan (Persea americana var. guatemalensis). Hass is one of the
Biomass, with a share of about 60%, constitutes the most important most cultivated varieties worldwide because of its excellent pulp qual­
alternative source of renewable energy in the EU [4]. Thermal processes ity. The industrial manufacturing and food consumption of avocado
for obtaining energy by biomass conversion include combustion, generates a large amount of waste (skin and the seed or stone), mainly in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.J. San José).

Received 12 July 2022; Received in revised form 17 October 2022; Accepted 22 October 2022
Available online 4 November 2022
0378-3820/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

Nomenclature X moisture content (dry basis) (kg/kg)

XH , (XH )u weight fraction of particles of the greater diameter or
Db, Dc, Di, Do diameter of the top diameter of the stagnant bed, density in the whole bed and in the upper volume half of
upper diameter of the cone, of the dryer bottom, and of the the bed, respectively.
gas inlet, respectively (m) xsteel, xins thickness of the reactor wall and of the insulation (m)
dS Sauter mean diameter (m) z longitudinal coordinate (m)
h local heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 ◦ C)
Greek letters
Hcylin, Hcone, Ho height of the cylindrical section, of the conical
γ angle of the contactor (deg)
section and of the stagnant bed, respectively (m)
η combustion efficiency
M bed mass (kg)
q power input of the cartridge heater (W) Abbreviations
r radial coordinate (m) CI combustibility index
r/R dimensionless radial position FC fixed carbon
t time (s) HC hydrocarbons HC
T temperature (◦ C) HHV higher heating value
Tb, Ts bed and surface temperature, respectively (◦ C) LHV lower heating value
u, ums velocity of the gas referred and minimum spouting velocity VM volatile matter
of the gas referred to Di, respectively (m s− 1)

guacamole production, which only employs the pulp. The avocado fruit [29], of fruit tree [30] of sludge wastes [31]; by pyrolysis of biomass
is small to medium in size (140–400 g), of which the skin comprises up [32] and by gasification of biomass [33]. This good performance in
to 15 wt% [8], and the stone comprises up to 26 wt% [9]. Even though thermal treatment is due to the high mass transfer [34] and heat transfer
avocado wastes can be used as animal feed [10], alternatives to com­ [35], produced by the vigorous cyclic movement of the particles and the
posting [11] or disposal in landfills are required. Novel potential ap­ vigor of the fluid-particle regime in countercurrent allows to handle fine
plications of avocado waste include bioplastic production [12], particles [36,37], and avoid particle stickiness and segregation [25].
pollutant adsorbents [13], and biorefinery applications [14]. Hass av­ Thermal processes such as drying, pyrolysis, and combustion involve
ocado is composed mainly of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin, with heat and mass transfer. To improve the design of spouted bed reactors
percentages around 44, 11 and 13% for seeds [15], and 11.5–25.3, for thermal processes, it is advisable to determine the heat transfer co­
12.1–27.6, and 4.4–35.3% for skin, respectively [16]. efficients. Some authors have quantified the heat transfer coefficient in
As avocado seed and skin wastes have high calorific values, they are spouted beds by the change in temperature from the inlet air tempera­
suitable candidates for energy recovery. Nevertheless, since research is ture at various axial and radial positions within the reactor, as measured
not currently focused on energy valorization, there is scarce literature by several thermocouples [38,39]. Several correlations as a function of
regarding the thermal valorization of avocado waste. Domínguez et al. dimensionless moduli have been proposed by other authors to estimate
[9] analyzed the potential use of avocado seeds as a fuel by the com­ the heat transfer coefficient based on the total surface area of particles
bustion/reforming of avocado seeds in a porous media reactor and by and on the overall effective temperature difference, mainly for drying
torrefaction and pyrolysis in a rotary furnace. In addition, the energy and coating in spouted beds [39]. There are few studies on the local heat
properties of avocado seeds were evaluated to determine the feasibility transfer coefficient in conical spouted beds, but some researchers have
of their biomass as a solid biofuel for domestic and industrial heating measured local heat transfer coefficients in fluidized beds and spouted
applications [17]. The chemical composition of avocado skin and seed, beds by locating a small probe to avoid disturbing the flow at various
as well as their phenolic content and antioxidant activity, were deter­ radial and longitudinal positions within the bed comprised of different
mined, aiming to fully valorizate these avocado wastes to obtain mul­ materials [40,41].
tiple bioproducts [16]. García-Vargas et al. [8] reviewed valorization This study focuses on the feasibility of using avocado seed and skin
strategies to obtain bioenergy, biofuels, and other commercial goods wastes from industrial biomass wastes and home consumption as a
from avocado waste in a single or integrated process within a biorefinery replacement for conventional fuels in a conical spouted bed reactor by a
background, as well as by green technologies such as microwaves, ul­ combustion process with very low polluting gas emissions. Since the
trasound, and supercritical fluids. The good thermal behavior of the green energy produced might be utilized by guacamole production
avocado waste was confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) companies and for home consumption, it may contribute to the circular
[15]. Finally, the thermochemical conversion of avocado seed waste was economy, battle climate change, achieve climate neutrality, and decar­
conducted in a rotary reactor by torrefaction and carbonization [18]. bonize the environment. Adequate operating conditions for the com­
Despite the potential application of avocado wastes for energetic bustion of these wastes were studied, as well as the local heat transfer
purposes, these wastes present some disadvantages from an industrial coefficients inside the bed. An exhaust gas analysis was performed to
standpoint, such as high moisture and ash contents [16]. Ashes improve the combustion efficiency, and the emission gas ratios and
remaining after combustion have an adverse effect on the combustor, combustion efficiencies were determined. Moreover, the influence of the
equipment, and combustion process because they absorb some of the moisture content of the wastes, operating temperature, and percentage
heat generated and interfere with the contact between the fuel and of seed and skin wastes in the mixtures on the combustion efficiency was
oxidant. Additionally, avocado wastes may be dioxin and furan analyzed.
Spouted bed technology has been successfully performed for thermal 2. Materials and methods
treatment of biomass wastes by drying: in conventional spouted beds of
fruits [19] and in conical spouted beds of sludge wastes [20–22], of 2.1. Equipment
biomass [23–26]; by combustion: of torrefied rice husk and other agri­
cultural residues in spout-fluid beds [27] of rice straw in spouted beds, Thermal treatment of avocado seed wastes was conducted in an
in conical spouted beds of cork [28], of vineyard pruning wastes [24]– experimental plant designed at purpose at pilot plant scale with two

M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

configurations, Fig. 1, the configuration provided with a conical Table 1

combustor, Fig. 1a, and the configuration with a conical dryer and a Geometric factors of the conical spouted bed reactor.
conical combustor, Fig. 1b. The plant consists of a blower, an electrical Conical spouted bed reactor
heater designed for the purpose (Reyter, Spain), located prior to the
Contactor angle γ (deg) 36
combustor for heating the inlet gas, and two high-efficiency cyclones at
the dryer outlet to collect fine particles and at the combustor outlet to Diameter of the reactor bottom Di (m) 0.03
Gas inlet diameter Do (m) 0.015, 0.02 and 0.03
collect ashes. A mass flowmeter, located before the electrical heater, Upper diameter of the cone Dc (m) 0.225
measure gas flow rate operated by a computer (accuracy ±0.5%). The Upper diameter of the stagnant bed Db (m) Di + 2 Ho tan (γ/2)
exhaust gas is cleaned by passing it through a vertical extractor hood Height of the conical section Hcone (m) 0.30
connected to a chimney with a filter medium to minimize the environ­ Height of the cylindrical section Hcilin (m) 0.20
Stagnant bed height Ho (m) between 0.05 and 0.30
mental impact. The combustor is a conical spouted bed which does not
Thickness of the reactor wall Xsteel (m) 0.002
require a distributor plate nor inert material as combustion adjuvant, Thickness of the insulation Xins (m) 0.05
resulting in a lower cost than the fluidized bed.
The conical spouted bed dryer and combustor are made of AISI-310S
stainless steel with the same geometry (Table 1) and with cone angle 36◦ logged and processed by the AMR-Control program to obtain pressure
[30,31] as displayed in Fig. 1. Electrical heaters were wrapped around drop evolution with air velocity.
the external wall surface of the reactor, provided by Schneider Electric The local heat transfer coefficient of a fluid particle in a conical
controller (France, accuracy ±0.5%) to minimize heat loss. This spouted-bed combustor was experimentally determined by the heat
controller is based on a set temperature determined by a thermocouple supplied by the probe immersed in the bed. The heat transfer probe is
aligned within the dryer that can be set up in various positions. The comprised of a 316 stainless steel cylinder 50 mm long and 22 mm in
heaters were insulated with 0.05 m quartz fiber and a cylindrical jacket diameter. The heat flux values were measured using a microfoil heat flux
of AISI-310S stainless steel covered the reactor. sensor (FHF03 Hukseflux, The Netherlands). The heat was supplied by a
Moreover, a K-type thermocouple placed at the combustor inlet small cartridge heater (Aloña, Spain) inserted into a cylinder and pro­
measured the temperature of the air provided by the blower and heated vided by a power regulator and thermocouples (K-type). The heat
by the electrical heater, controlled by Selecta Electemp-TFT (J.P. transfer coefficient was evaluated by placing the probe in various radial
Selecta, Spain, accuracy ±0.1 ◦ C). Similarly, K-type thermocouples were and longitudinal positions on beds comprised of avocado seed, skin, and
employed to measure air temperature at the exit and within the conical binary mixtures of both wastes. The local heat transfer coefficient, h (W/
reactors (relative error of ±0.75% or ± 2.2 ◦ C). Furthermore, air tem­ m2 K) is calculated by using Newton’s law by the power input of the
perature and humidity content at both the inlet and outlet of the reactors cartridge heater, q (W), and by surface temperature, Ts (◦ C), and bed
were monitored by thermal conductivity detectors Alhborn MT8636- temperature, Tb (◦ C).
HR6 (Ahlborn, Germany, accuracy ±2% relative humidity), and the
data were recorded in the Alhborn Almemo 2290–8 data logger.
Minimum spouting velocity corresponding to the velocity at the 2.2. Materials
fountain onset, the beginning of the spouted bed regime, was deter­
mined by pressure drop fluctuations with a standard deviation <10 Pa The biomass used was waste of Hass avocado variety, Fig. 2, biogenic
[42]. Bed pressure drop signal data and air velocity data measured every fuel type E [43], seed of density, 1526 kg/m3, moisture content of 117
second by a differential pressure transducer (Siemens Teleperm) were wt% (dry basis, d.b.) (Mettler Toledo HB43-S Halogen hygrometer), a
Sauter mean diameter of 27.8 mm and sphericity of 0.93, and avocado

Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams of the experimental equipments. (a) conical spouted bed combustor; (b) conical spouted bed dryer and combustor.

M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Avocado wastes characterization

To assess the qualities of avocado wastes as biofuels, these wastes

were characterized by experimental determination of ultimate and
proximate analysis, higher and lower heating values, and by calculation
of the combustibility index, CI, along with the H/C and O/C atomic
The experimental data of the ultimate analyses of avocado wastes,
summarized in Table 2, show that both avocado seeds and skin wastes
contain comparable elemental compositions with high carbon and ox­
ygen percentages, and low hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur percentages.
These percentages are similar to those previously reported for avocado
seed waste [17], Hass avocado waste [16], and avocado seeds (Hass and
Bacon) cultivated with two different fertilizers [15]. However, avocado
skin has slightly higher carbon and nitrogen amounts and slightly lower
amounts of hydrogen and oxygen, as reported by García-Vargas et al.
[16]. In addition, the carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen percentages of
avocado wastes are similar to those of wood [44]; however, the oxygen
and sulfur percentages of avocados are slightly lower, with higher ash
content. The ash content in avocado seeds (1.13%) was lower than in
avocado skin (5.48%) and other biomass, such as oak wood pellets
(3.32%) [45]. Moreover, these values are higher than those contained in
other solid biofuels from agricultural and forestry wastes like olive stone
(0.77%) and almond shells (0.55%) [17]. The possibility of noxious
emissions by the formation of nitrogen oxides in the combustion of av­
Fig. 2. Hass avocado waste: (a) seeds, (b) grinded seeds particles, (c) skin and, ocado wastes is low due to the low nitrogen percentage, ≤ 1.3 wt%, and
(d) grinded skin particles. the experiments were carried out at temperatures up to 600 ◦ C. SO2
formation is not very relevant because of the low content of S in the
skin of density, 611 kg/m3, and moisture content of 100 wt% (d.b.). waste (≤ 0.1 wt%), as reported by García-Vargas et al. [16].
Avocado seeds and skin were grinded by a mill (Fritsch Pulverisette 15, The experimental results of the higher heating value (HHV) and
Fritsch, Germany) to a fraction of Sauter particle diameter of 1.09 mm. lower heating value (LHV) determined by the IKA C4000 calorimeter
Solid particles were separated by size using a sieving machine (Filtra using the ISO 1928 standard are in agreement with the correlations
FTI-0300, Filtra Vibracion, S.L, Spain) and belong to D Geldart group. given for the higher heating value (HHV) of coal by Boie [46] and for the
The density of the avocado seeds, after grinding and drying, was 1136 lower heating value (LHV) of avocado seeds by Sánchez et al. [18]. The
kg/m3 and of the avocado skin 440 kg/m3. fitting presents maximum errors of 0.32% for the first correlation and
Avocado wastes were characterized by ultimate and proximate an­ 0.5% for the second one. Considering these results, these avocado wastes
alyses and by the higher heating value (HHV) and lower heating value
(LHV) determined by the National Institute of Coal (INCAR) of the
Table 2
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Ultimate and proximate analysis.
The combustion of beds comprised of moist and dry avocado wastes,
dried in a conical spouted bed dryer, was performed in the spouting bed Avocado Avocado Standard Equipment
seed skin
regime by preheating the combustor with air supplied by the blower and
heated by an electrical heater at the combustor inlet at the minimum air Ultimate analysis (wt% d.b.)
C 47.33 52.29 ASTM LECO CHN-
velocity, which is over the stoichiometric flow, providing good gas-solid
D4239 2000
contact. Before combusting the dry avocado waste, the blower was H 6.27 6.19 ASTM LECO CHN-
connected to the dryer to dry the first batch of waste. Once the wastes D4239 2000
were dry, the process was continued with combustion-drying cycles, as O 44.88 39.6 By
shown in Fig. 1b. Dry avocado wastes were fed into the combustor when difference
N 0.9 1.30 ASTM LECO CHN-
the set combustion temperature was achieved. The concentrations of D4239 2000
CO, CO2, HC, and O2 gases, as well as the temperature in the exhaust gas, S 0.08 0.1 ASTM LECO S-632
were monitored over time by probes placed at the combustor gas D5865
outflow. The gas concentration was measured using a Testo 350 gas
analyzer (Testo SE & Co. KGaA, Germany) calibrated by the supplier. Proximate analysis (wt% d.b.)
The relative error for the CO2 measurement was ±0.3%vol, for CO ±2 Volatile matter 78.77 71.93 ASTM LECO TGA701
ppmv, for O2 ± 0.2%vol, and ± 10 ppmv for HC and that for tempera­ (VM) D7582
Fixed carbon 20.1 22.59 By
ture was ±0.4 ◦ C (for the − 100-200 ◦ C range) and ± 1 ◦ C (for other
(FC) difference
temperature ranges). The gas analyzer was set to zero by subtracting the Ash 1.13 5.48 ASTM LECO TGA701
atmospheric air concentration. The combustion process was conducted D7582
in triplicate at each bed temperature, and the mean values and standard Moisture 3.54 6.35 ASTM LECO TGA701
deviations were calculated.

Heating values
HHV (MJ/kg) 19.01 21.61 ISO 1928 IKA C4000
LHV (MJ/kg) 17.73 20.34 ISO 1928 IKA C4000

M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

are suitable for energy valorization, as their higher heating values the studied experimental conditions without slugging. Beds consisting of
(HHV) (above 19 MJ/kg for avocado seeds and over 21 MJ/kg for av­ binary mixtures present low segregation with a mixing index of 0.95,
ocado skin) are within the usual range of HHV (15–20 MJ/kg) of which was calculated as the ratio between the experimental values of the
biomass [47], of the same order as those of wood [44], and higher than weight fraction of particles of the greater diameter or density in the
those of other biofuels such as olive stones, almond shells, and olive upper volume half of the bed, (XH )u , and the weight fraction in the
wood pellets [48]. whole bed, XH [51]. The photo in Fig. 3b illustrates the movement of
To estimate the potential use of avocado wastes as fuel for combus­ avocado seed particles in the spouted bed regime inside the conical
tion, the combustibility index (CI) or volatile matter to fixed carbon ratio spouted bed reactor, for example, where the three zones characteristic of
(VM/FC) and atomic ratios (H/C and O/C) were calculated from the this regime are distinguished: spout zone, annular zone, and fountain.
ultimate analysis. Furthermore, the van Krevelen diagram [49] is a Starting in the fixed bed, increasing gas enters through the reactor bed
practical tool for predicting and comparing the heating values of various bottom to achieve a spouted bed regime at the minimum gas velocity,
fuels based on their H/C and O/C atomic ratios. According to this dia­ ums, for every bed mass. In addition, an increase in bed mass promotes
gram, the lower the atomic ratio, the higher the energy content of the higher values of minimum spouting velocity almost proportionally.
fuel because the higher proportion of O and H relative to C reduces the However, the increase in stagnant height corresponding to different bed
energy of the fuel because the energy contained in C–O and C–H bonds masses is less than proportional in the same bed. As observed, the
is lower than that in C–C bonds [50]. The combustibility index is 3.92 minimum spouting velocity for beds of avocado seed particles is higher
for avocado seed, slightly higher than that of olive stone as a solid fuel than for beds of avocado skin, and beds consisting of binary mixtures
(3.84) [17] and slightly lower than that of avocado skin (3.18). The H/C have an intermediate minimum spouting velocity. In addition, in conical
and O/C ratios of both avocado wastes were within the range of biomass spouted beds, a homogeneous mixture without segregation is achieved,
in the van Krevelen diagram. It is worth mentioning that the H/C and O/ which is an improvement compared to the fluidized bed, in which the
C ratios of the avocado skin (1.42 and 0.57, respectively) were lower denser particles are more concentrated in the lower part of the bed.
than those of the avocado seed (1.59 and 0.71), supporting the higher Moreover, the minimum spouting velocity of the mixture in conical
combustibility of avocado skin. spouted beds is lower than that in fluidized beds, with the drawback that
the lighter particles can elutriate.

3.2. Hydrodynamics of beds consisting of avocado wastes in conical

spouted bed combustor 3.3. Heat transfer. Local heat transfer coefficients of fluid-particle

The operating conditions for the thermal treatment of the avocado Longitudinal profiles of the average heat transfer coefficients ob­
seed waste beds, corresponding to the spouted bed regime, were tained at a radial distance of 0.01 m from the axis at three axial positions
delimited in a conical spouted bed reactor. (z = 0.02, 0.10, and 0.20 m) of the conical spouted bed combustor in
The experimental values of the minimum spouting velocity, ums, of beds of avocado seed and skin wastes of a stagnant bed height of 0.20 m
beds consisting of moist avocado seed and skin wastes, and these wastes are shown in Fig. 4a. As observed, the local heat transfer coefficient
dried to equilibrium moisture contents, are depicted in Fig. 3. The bed decreased, following the same trend for both wastes. The heat transfer
mass, M, (corresponding to stagnant bed height in the range 0.02–0.20 coefficients of avocado seeds were slightly higher than those of the skin.
m) is plotted against gas velocity, u, for experimental systems taken as The heat transfer coefficients decreased from the bed surface (210 W/
an example for beds of skin, seed, and three binary mixtures of avocado m2 ◦ C for the seed and 183 W/m2 ◦ C for skin) towards the contactor base
seed and skin with different mass percentages. A scheme of the particle (55 W/m2 ◦ C for the seed and 39 W/m2 ◦ C for the skin) and were almost
position inside the conical spouted bed in the fixed bed and spouted bed proportional in the upper half of the bed and less than proportional in
regimes is also shown in Fig. 3a. the lower half.
Beds of avocado wastes are stable in the spouted bed regime under all Radial profiles of the average heat transfer coefficients for beds

Fig. 3. Experimental system: γ = 36◦ , Do = 0.03 m, a) Operating map of bed mass versus gas velocity of binary mixtures of avocado seed and skin with different mass
percentage. b) Photo illustrating the movement of avocado seed particles in the spouted bed regime.

M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

Fig. 4. Heat transfer coefficient in beds of avocado seed and skin wastes. Experimental system: γ = 36◦ , Do = 0.03 m, Ho = 0.20 m. a) radial profiles and b)
longitudinal profiles.

consisting of avocado seed and skin wastes for a stagnant bed height of [CO2/(CO + CO2)] 100. This equation was taken as a reference from the
0.20 m are plotted in Fig. 4b at five dimensionless radial positions at combustion process in conical spouted beds of vineyard pruning waste
different bed levels. It has been experimentally determined that the heat [24,29], fruit tree pruning waste [30], sludge waste [31], and anthracite
transfer coefficients decrease slightly with radial position from the coal and wood pellets fluidized beds [45]. To apply this equation, the
combustor axis towards the wall, and this effect is more noticeable at ash content was not considered from the beginning.
higher bed levels. At a bed level of 0.2 m, the heat transfer coefficient
decreased from 210 W/m2 ◦ C at r = 0.01 m to 145 W/m2 ◦ C at the 3.4.1. Influence of moisture content of the fuel in combustion efficiency in
reactor wall for seed and from 183 W/m2 ◦ C at r = 0.01 m to 95 W/m2 ◦ C conical spouted bed reactor
at the reactor wall for skin, with both following the same trend. At a bed The influence of the moisture content of avocado waste on com­
level of 0.02 m, the heat transfer coefficients decreased from 55 to 33 W/ bustion efficiency was determined by comparing the combustion ex­
m2 ◦ C for seed and from 39 to 20 W/m2 ◦ C for skin. The heat transfer periments conducted in the spouting bed regime at 500 ◦ C with beds
coefficients of the seed (33–210 W/m2 ◦ C) were higher than those of the comprised of four different masses of dry and moist avocado seeds. It
skin (20–183 W/m2 ◦ C), and the radial effect was more pronounced. was determined that although there is a slightly longer time delay for
Comparing the local heat transfer coefficients of beds consisting of moist seeds (approximately 85 s) than for dry seeds (approximately 50
avocado wastes (seed, skin, and their mixtures) in conical spouted beds s), the combustion efficiency calculated from the concentrations of CO2
with those of beds consisting of sawdust [52], the local heat transfer and CO is slightly higher for dry seeds (94.01%), compared to moist
coefficients in avocado waste beds are of the same order as those in beds seeds (93.75%). In addition, the ratio between the peak values of CO2
of sawdust, and in beds of avocado skin, the heat transfer coefficients are and CO was larger for dry seeds than for moist seeds. Therefore, the
slightly higher than those in beds of sawdust. results indicate that, in addition to improving combustion efficiency,
pre-drying avocado wastes saves energy by reducing the flow rate
required to reach the spouted bed regime and the combustion time.
3.4. Combustion of beds consisting of avocado wastes in conical spouted Based on the results and the weight reduction of avocado waste, the
bed reactor. combustion efficiency following combustion experiments were carried out with dry avocado
To cover the lack of results of exploitation of these wastes in com­ To determine the minimum combustion temperature, as well as the
bustion in this study, avocado wastes, seed, skin, and their binary mix­ influence of temperature on combustion efficiency, batch combustion of
tures were used to obtain clean energy in a conical spouted bed reactor. avocado seed waste was performed between 300 and 600 ◦ C with a
Beds consisting of different masses of avocado waste, seeds, and skin and temperature increase of 25 ◦ C. The seeds were not burnt between 300 ◦ C
their binary mixtures (20, 40, 50, 60, and 80 wt% of skin) were burned and 375 ◦ C, and a peak with a negligible amount of CO2 was obtained. At
at temperatures ranging from 300 to 600 ◦ C, with temperature in­ 400 ◦ C they burned, although the unburned component consisted of
crements of 25 ◦ C at the minimum spouting velocity corresponding to 2.52 wt% HC and 7 wt% ash. At 425 ◦ C, the unburned component
each experimental system. consisted of 2.5 wt% HC and 5 wt% ash, and at 450 ◦ C, 2.41 wt% HC and
The gas concentrations in the flue gas were monitored using a Testo an ash percentage of 4.1 wt% were obtained.
350 gas analyzer during the combustion of the avocado waste. The
temperature of the exhaust gas was measured at the combustor outlet, 3.4.2. Influence of mixture composition in combustion efficiency in conical
and it was determined that the gases were released at a temperature of spouted bed reactor
35 ± 2 ◦ C. The time profiles of CO2 (% volume) and CO (ppm) with time The combustion of dry avocado skin, seeds, and the five binary
are shown in Fig. 5 at 500 ◦ C for some experimental systems. After a mixtures were carried out at 500 ◦ C. The results of the time profiles of
short delay between the feeding of avocado wastes and the start of CO2 (% volume) and CO (ppm) gas concentrations obtained during the
combustion, the signals of CO2 and CO rose from zero, reached a sharp batch combustion of dry avocado seeds (Fig. 5a) of three binary mixtures
peak, and then declined to zero and slightly skewed to the right. (20 wt% of skin, Fig. 5b, 50 wt% of skin, Fig. 5c, and 80 wt% of skin,
The experimental combustion efficiency values of beds consisting of Fig. 5d), and skin (Fig. 5e) are shown as examples. Avocado skin waste
avocado wastes were calculated by integrating the data curves of the presented the highest peak value of the volume percentage of CO2
mean concentrations of CO2 and CO gases monitored over time in the (≈15.86%) obtained at approximately 62 s, Fig. 5e, followed by the
flue gas in the three experiments performed at each temperature, as η =

M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

Fig. 5. Time evolution of CO2 (% volume) and CO (ppm) concentration in the flue gases during the batch combustion process at inlet gas temperature of 500 ◦ C at
minimum spouting gas flow. (a) avocado seed wastes, (b) binary mixture of avocado seed and skin wastes 80–20 wt%, (c) binary mixture of avocado seed and skin
wastes 50 wt%, (d) binary mixture of avocado seed and skin wastes 20–80 wt% of seed wastes, (e) avocado skin wastes, (f) evolution of HC (ppm) concentration with
different skin percentage at three gas temperatures.

binary mixture of 80 wt% skin (≈15.67%) at approximately 60 s for avocado skin waste was close to 18, above 17 for a binary mixture of
(Fig. 5d), then the mixture with 50 wt% skin (≈ 15.16%) at approxi­ 80 wt% avocado skin, over 16 for a binary mixture of 50 wt% skin, and
mately 47 s (Fig. 5c), next the mixture with 20 wt% skin (≈ 14.42%) at above 14 for a binary mixture of 20 wt% avocado skin, as well as for
approximately 52 s (Fig. 5b), and finally avocado seed presented the avocado seed.
lowest peak value (≈ 14.16%) at approximately 50 s (Fig. 5a). The CO2 Furthermore, the time profile of the HC (ppm) gas concentration
generated can be used to obtain methane [53]. Regarding the maximum obtained for the combustion of avocado skin is plotted in Fig. 5e to
value of CO concentration, avocado skin presented the lowest value (≈ compare its concentration with that of CO and CO2. At any time, the
8900 ppm) (Fig. 5e), followed by that for a binary mixture of 80 wt% points corresponding to the experimental values of HC concentration
skin (≈ 9100 ppm) (Fig. 5d), followed by that for a binary mixture of 50 were close to the abscissa axis, therefore, low concentrations of HC were
wt% skin (≈ 9300 ppm) (Fig. 5c), then that for a binary mixture of 20 wt observed. Fig. 5f shows the HC (ppm) gas concentration obtained during
% skin (≈ 9800 ppm) (Fig. 5b). The highest concentration corresponded the combustion of avocado waste for different avocado skin percentages
to avocado seed (≈ 10,000 ppm) (Fig. 5a). The CO2/CO ratio at the peak at temperatures ranging from 550 to 600 ◦ C. As shown here, the HC

M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

(ppm) concentration decreased with temperature and with an increase 3.5. Comparison of combustion efficiencies of avocado wastes in conical
in skin percentage. The HC (ppm) concentration decreased nearly pro­ spouted bed reactor with other biomass wastes
portionally as the skin percentage increased at 550 ◦ C, whereas at 575 ◦ C
and 600 ◦ C, the decrease from 50 wt% skin was less pronounced. The combustion efficiencies of avocado wastes in a conical spouted
From the results obtained for the combustion of avocado wastes, bed at temperatures ranging from 450 to 600 ◦ C are on the same order as
changes in the combustion efficiency of beds comprised of avocado seed, those obtained in biomass combustion in fluidized beds [33,54] at much
skin, and a binary mixture of 50 wt% avocado seed and skin wastes with higher temperatures (800–1000 ◦ C) [55], with a lower energy cost and
combustion temperatures ranging from 475 to 600 ◦ C are compared in lower initial cost to attain the combustion temperature in conical
Fig. 6a. The mean concentrations of combustion efficiency are repre­ spouted beds than in fluidized beds. However, the CO concentration in
sented by the experimental points, and the error bars indicate the the combustion of avocado wastes in spouted beds, even at the peak for
standard deviation of the mean. This temperature range was chosen to avocado seeds (≈ 10,000 ppm), was slightly lower than that in the
ensure a low unburned content, with an HC content below 2 wt%. In this combustion of wood pellets in fluidized beds (≈ 11,000 ppm). The
temperature range, for the seed waste, HC varied between 1.8 and 0.12 combustion efficiency values of avocado wastes are of the same order
wt%, and the ashes were between 3.6 and 1.14 wt%. For the skin waste, and slightly higher than those reported for combustion in conical
HC represented 1.36 wt% at 475 ◦ C, and 0.1 wt% at 600 ◦ C, and ashes spouted beds for other biomass wastes, such as fruit tree pruning waste
represented 7.9 wt% and 2.4 wt%, respectively. For binary mixtures of [30], paper sludge waste [31], vineyard pruning waste [24], and vine­
50 wt% seed and skin wastes, HC ranged from 1.45 wt% at 475 ◦ C to yard pruning waste with a Pd/Al2O3 catalyst [29].
0.12 wt% at 600 ◦ C and ashes from 4.86 to 1.85 wt%.
The combustion efficiency for avocado waste was between 92.3 and 3.6. Emission ratios of environmental pollutants in conical spouted bed
97.65% in a conical spouted bed combustor between 475 and 600 ◦ C. As reactor
observed, the combustion efficiency increases with combustion tem­
perature, and this increase is more pronounced from 475 to 550 ◦ C, To determine an environmentally friendly combustion technology in
increasing by 4.5%, than from 550 to 600 ◦ C, increasing by 0.5%. The conical spouted beds, the emission ratios of environmental pollutants
combustion efficiency presented an asymptotical tendency between were calculated. The production of gaseous carbon compounds other
550 ◦ C and 600 ◦ C. In addition, the increase in combustion temperature than CO2 (CO and HC) was quantified using the emission ratio (ER) for
promoted a less-than-proportional increase in combustion efficiency. each compound generated by biomass combustion, defined as the vol­
The highest combustion efficiency was obtained at 600 ◦ C for skin ume ratio ER = CO/CO2 and HC/CO2. Table 3 shows the emission ratios
(97.65%), followed by the 50 wt% mixture (97.38%), and finally for for CO and HC standardized with respect to CO2 for avocado seeds, skin,
seed (96.94%). Combustion was not conducted at temperatures above and their mixture at combustion temperatures ranging from 550 to
600 ◦ C because the efficiency improvement from 500 ◦ C to 600 ◦ C was 600 ◦ C. As shown in Table 3, emissions of CO and HC, quantified as
very low (<3.5%), so further increases were not likely to cause large emission ratios CO/CO2 and HC/CO2, were lower than 0.036 and 0.27
improvements. Moreover, the combustion efficiency for avocado skin 10− 2, respectively.
presented values slightly higher than those of the mixture, followed by
those of the seed; this effect was less noticeable at higher temperatures.
To ascertain the influence of mixture composition on combustion Table 3
yield, Fig. 6b compares the combustion efficiency of homogeneous beds Emission ratios of CO and HC of avocado wastes.
comprised of avocado seed and skin and beds of five binary mixtures
Biomass T (◦ C) 550 575 600
(20, 40, 50, 70, and 80 wt% skin) against the avocado skin percentage in
combustion at 550 ◦ C. As shown, increasing skin percentage in the seed Seed CO/CO2 0.036 0.032 0.0316
2 2 2
HC/CO2 0.27 10− 0.22 10− 0.20 10−
and skin mixture led to a slight increase in combustion yield from
Skin CO/CO2 0.0273 0.025 0.023
96.18%, corresponding to a bed of 100 wt% avocado seed, to 97.36% for HC/CO2 0.19 10− 2
0.17 10− 2
0.15 10− 2

a bed of 100 wt% avocado skin. Mixture CO/CO2 0.029 0.028 0.027
2 2 2
HC/CO2 0.22 10− 0.19 10− 0.17 10−

Fig. 6. Combustion efficiency of (a) beds of avocado seeds, skin and binary mixtures of 50 wt% of avocado seeds and skin wastes at temperature ranging between
475 and 600 ◦ C; (b) binary mixtures of avocado seeds and skin with different skin percentage at 550 ◦ C.

M.J. San José et al. Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107543

3.7. Global vision of evolution with the temperature of gas emissions of grant TED2021-130150B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/
avocado wastes biomass biogenic combustion in conical spouted bed 501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. Open Access
reactor funding provided by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.

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