Zoy Frangos
Zoy Frangos
Zoy Frangos
Zoy Frangos
Johnny Vision
2019, Musical, Ensemble/US Che, Evita, Opera Australia, Hal Prince
2018, Opera, Palawa Voice, Tasmanian Requiem, Gap in the Fence, Helen Thompson
2018, Workshop, Aeneas, Aeneas, Melbourne Recital Centre, Lauren McKenna
2018, Workshop, Otto Jontof-Hutter, Kristallnacht Cantata - A voice of courage, The Kristallnacht Cantata Inc., Dr David Kram
2017, Musical, Judas, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Production Company/RUG, Gale Edwards
2017, Stage, Various Roles, Taxithi II - Metanastes, The Taxithi Project, Katerina Kotsonis
2016, Music Video, Clerk, Tiny Little Houses - Milo Tin, Ivy League Records, Daniel Dunn
2016, Musical, Boland, Dogfight, Doorstep Arts, Darilyn Ramondo
2016, Musical, Feuilly/US Jean Valjean/Enjolras, Les Misérables, Cameron Mackintosh, James Powell, Lawrence Connor
2016, Musical, Ensemble/US Freddy, My Fair Lady, Opera Australia, Julie Andrews
2016, Workshop, Harry/Various Roles, Kingsford Smith: The Musical, Gordon Frost Organisation, Christopher Renshaw
2014, Musical, Dr Fine/Dr Madden, Next to Normal, Doorstep Arts, Darilyn Raymondo
2014, Musical, Seebee/US Cable, South Pacific, Opera Australia, Bartlett Sher
2012, Musical, Halloran/US Zack & Gutierrez, An Officer and a Gentleman, Gordon Frost Organisation, Simon Philips
2012, Musical, Michael McKeeg, Margaret Fulton: Queen of the Dessert, Present Tense, Bryce Ives and Nate Gilkes
2010, Opera, Jimmy, Pecan Summer, Short Black Opera, Deborah Cheetham
Languages: (* = Native/Fluent)
Voice Over, Musical Theatre, Singer-Professional, Physical Theatre, Comedy, TV Presenting, Professional Dancer, Physical Comedy,
Professional Singer, Voice Acting, Actor-Singer, Musical Comedy
Other Skills:
Web Designer (qualified), Photography, Graphic Design (experienced), Director, Performance Artist, Drama Coach (professional), Drama
Workshop Leader, Graphic Artist (experienced), Musical Theatre Workshop Leader, Cooking/Baking
Victorian College of Arts, Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre), 3 years, 2009-2011
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