Web Systems Reporting Script
Web Systems Reporting Script
Web Systems Reporting Script
(Jan takes the floor, Click the Home option on the top)
Jan Vincent: This is the homepage of our website, as seen on the screen,
there is a navigation panel.(Scroll down the page slowly) If we scroll
down, it stays fixed. We have the different team div shown here, we also
have the featured products div, and we also have an interesting design
here where the picture stays in place as we scroll down the screen. This
is done in CSS. (Keep Scrolling). We also have the clothes panel, and
different teams merch. At the very bottom of the website, we can see a
footer that shows the contacts, some links, and also some icons. Our
designs are very well organized thanks to Bootstrap and Font Awesome.
The Font Awesome is an extension you can use for the icons shown here
(Hover over the icons, fb, insta etc..) On the other hand, Bootstrap is
responsible for making our website responsive. (Minimize the window
and scroll up and down) If you can observe, the header becomes this
three line window here if we minimize the window and if you click it, it
will show the top options. (Maximize the window). That is all for the
home page, I will now be passing the floor to Mark Dominic for the Shop,
Contact us, and Account page.
Mark: I will now be explaining our shop page. This part is still under
development and we will update it sooner. As seen on the screen, there
are some pictures of the products. In later updates we will have more
pictures shown here.(Scroll to the bottom) If you scroll down, on the
bottom left, there is an option which shows the pages available in the
shop. This is called the pagination and it is still under development for
future updates. Let us now move on to the contact page(Click the
contact page). It is a very simple contact page which shows the
websites contact information like the phone number and email address.
By the way, the blog option is also still under development. Let us also
click the account icon.(Click the account icon) If you can observe, the
account page shows the information of the current user of the website.
As explained earlier by Anthony, we can see the change password
functionality on the right side and the user information on the left side. I
will now be passing the floor to Roldan Day-ong to explain the cart
functionality of our website.