Project Planning Template
Project Planning Template
Project Planning Template
This document is a workbook for Planning Projects in JCI Galway please fill in
with as much detail as possible.
We will look at two aspects in the planning phase the Analyse and
Design. The Execute and Review will be done seperately.
1) Analyze the needs for the project so really important you carry out a needs analysis so
ask yourself some of these key questions as part of that:
i. Look at current Market trends locally and nationally will the project benefit
all the members and wider community? Is there a need for this now? Gap?
ii. We want to recruit new members build a network where we are getting the
opportunity to get JCI further afield will this help with that?
iii. Can we get sponsorship and cashflow from the project? If so, how do you
plan to do this?
iv. If the answer is no to these questions then you need to rethink how will we
adapt the project to meet these needs of the organization?
2) Design/Develop the project around the area/gap you want to fulfill in this project.
i. What resources do you need to carry out the project? Zoom account or live
stream if online? If in person where will it be what is needed?
How long will each of the tasks take? Create a project overview spreadsheet
with all info needed to run project create this for the event (see below)
iii. People- How many people do you need for the project?
-creating flyers on canva ensuring that they are resized per platform twitter and facebook
-uploading events on all social media platforms Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, website and Instagram
-Who will manage social media platform update you on how many has registered and do additional
posts online to drive the social media for the event
-Manage the zoom or live stream who will do this if its being recorded or has a chat function who
will look after this?
-After event has ended who will send the speaker a certificate of appreciation? Attach recording of
session if on zoom also.
-Who will review the project and give feedback on areas that went well and not so well? What can
be learned from this?
Donna Kennedy- 5 February 6.30-7.30
Passcode: ixTBoIx!