Convention On Te Rights of The Child
Convention On Te Rights of The Child
Convention On Te Rights of The Child
on te rights
of the child
Ricardo Martinez
Article 11 Article 12
1. States Parties shall take measures 1. States Parties shall assure to the
to combat the illicit transfer child who is capable of forming
and non-return of children abroad his or her own views the right to
express those views freely in all
matters affecting the child, the
views of the child being given due
weight in accordance with the age
2. To this and, States Parties shall and maturity of the child.
promote the conclusion of 2. For this purpose, the child shall in
bilateral or multilateral agreements particular be provided the
or accession to existing opportunity to be heard in any
agreements. judicial and administrative
proceedings affecting the child,
either directly, or through a
representative or an appropriate
body, in a manner consistent with
the procedural rules of national law.
This article talk about one of the The articles that corespond to my
most important conventions in the presentation explain that our children
world: Convention on the rights of are not an object to play with or hurt
the child. againts their rights.
It talks about the future, and I am
referring to the fact that our children All the states parties should provide
are the future, the knowledge of the convention and
and we have to protect them and we to make sure they are being respect .
have to respect them in order to help
2, 1990.