Hollywood History
Hollywood History
Hollywood History
Michal Bosworth
Schools and historians depend more on goodwill than most people
realise. Much of the school’s equipment and many of its small
luxuries have resulted from the generosity of parents and friends.
Much of this history is built upon the hours of time given to me by a
number of people, whose names can be found in footnotes,
bibliography or in the Memory section, as I searched for information Hollywood Senior High School is to
and answers to questions that are the inevitable accompaniment to close at the end of the year 2000. It
research. My own ideas of historical argument and what a history of will re-emerge in a new guise,
Hollywood should include have been greatly enhanced by the together with Swanbourne Senior
committee who gathered to oversee the project. Jim Head, Tim High, as Shenton College in 2001. As
Gibbney and especially Chris Hill, could not have been more helpful a result it has become a matter of
or enthusiastic. I owe them a large debt of gratitude, although the some urgency to record the school’s
responsibility for the details and such argument as emerges in this history before its surviving records
work is mine. My own daughter attended Hollywood for a couple of disappear or are shifted to the State
years. She also read this work as it progressed and I am grateful for Records Office. In this work, I am
her perceptive comments. aiming to illustrate how Hollywood
has functioned, how members of its
Writing this history for the WEB, instead of book publication meant diverse communities have interacted
that I had to think of presenting information in a different way. over time and how government
Illustrations became essential. The school was lucky to have policies have impinged upon it. Along
employed a young master in 1958, Murray Mason, who was a more the way we can glimpse the effect of
than competent photographer. He stayed at the school for most of changing ideologies of education and
his working life and produced a magnificent photographic record of their impact on one school.
school activities especially in the 1960s. Other gifted teachers and
students have also contributed illustrations that show, more than While I was researching and writing I
words can tell, something of the atmosphere of the school. The WEB came to regret that government
authors at IMAGO have made full use of their work. schools do not employ archivists.The
potential value of a school history is to
extend our understanding of our try to write in bites, each one has been established to provide a space
school-educated selves. Unfortunately, encompassing a particular theme? Does for the Hollywood community to
in Hollywood's case, as teachers have every student rate a mention, does record their own memories of the
come and gone and as classroom every teacher? How should I deal with school.
practices have been introduced or student activities that are not recorded
discarded, memories of change are in any documentary way? Would the History is not just lists of facts, people's
often all that remain, and memory is an form of publication on the WEB affect names or events, important as they may
uneasy basis for a history. Newsletters the way I wrote? At first I tried the seem. Historians try to encourage an
to parents, school magazines and chronological approach, interspersed understanding of how and why such
journals, and even a list of outstanding with themes, that could be taken out elements matter. In following the story
students, have all been kept patchily at of context and set aside—this was how of Hollywood Senior High School
best.The most consistent records have I imagined the WEB design might through its forty-two years I kept
been preserved by the Parents and work.Then I realised that I needed to remembering the inheritance we
Citizens Association who have done a keep the narrative together in a more received from those nineteenth century
stalwart and professional job over the bookish way because the text of this forbears who came to believe in free,
years in taking and handing on the document is yours, the reader's, to compulsory and secular education as a
minutes of their meetings.This history download. So I have tried to necessary basis for our democratic
reflects their care. compromise. In the following pages civilisation.Their expressions of faith
you will see that I have intermingled belong to another world, but their
The biggest challenge I found lay in themes and chronology that sometimes optimistic tone was to be enshrined in
deciding how to write this history. overlap. Using the technology that the government education policies
Should it be a straight chronology of WEB allows, you can jump from throughout the country. Idealism holds
such detail as could be garnered from theme to theme, from image to image a significant place in the history of
the available documentation? Should I and from image to text. An e-mail site education, for schools are not
machines.Very often they are not even have been held and promulgated in What is a school?
particularly logical institutions since one part of Western Australia’s If it seems strange to ask a question to
they suffer from being the focus of education system.Youthful idealism and begin a history of a school, it is
many competing interests and creativity have been fostered at because the government school,
ideologies.This history tells of one Hollywood. I am hopeful, as the school historically speaking, is a comparatively
bulwark against the dark tides of closes and Shenton College opens, that new institution, and it is not always
ignorance that some would argue this school’s achievements will be not well understood. Schools educate the
threaten our brave new technologically be forgotten and its idealism and young, but the way they choose to do
advanced world, while revealing the optimism will continue to flourish in this has changed over the last century.
different ideals that, from time to time, its new location. Schools also can be described as
institutions which hold together three
groups of people in a sometimes
uneasy alliance for the greater good of
the least powerful among them.The
groups are the staff, the parents and the
children. Among these groups there is
constant movement and change. In a
senior high school like Hollywood, a
generation of students endures only
five years. As they come and go so, too,
do their parents, their lives disturbed by
small events, like new teachers or
courses that overtake their children
from time to time, but mostly
uninvolved in the major educational arranged their promotion or their Teachers have a lengthier and more
developments which have resulted transfer, accepting their skills or demanding career path than their
from government directives and have attempting to train their inadequacies pupils within the school structure.
been introduced as carefully and slowly into more formidable uses. Some of Many of Hollywood's present teachers
as possible. Occasionally at Hollywood these functions have since been have been with the school for more
changes have precipitated what seemed devolved more or less effectively to than ten years.The particular cohort
on the small school stage some local managers, an administrative who will see the closing of the school
cataclysmic events, such as student change noted in this history.The contains members who began teaching
lock-outs from school meetings, or department, which paradoxically has in the 1970s and 1980s. Some have
parental withdrawal from volunteering presented itself as both a conservative left, gained other experience in other
support, but these strong reactions body and as the harbinger of change, places and returned at a later date,
generally have proved amenable to also decides what may be taught and some have not moved since their
how this knowledge should be assessed.
discussion. Part of this history concerns appointment to the school.There are
the establishment of means of Some basic elements of education few teachers in their twenties. One of
communication between the various have undergone major revision in the these, when learning of her transfer
groups. years covered by the life of Hollywood from a country high, was told by a
Senior High. Curriculum development colleague that she was being sent to a
Overseeing the school, its adherents and the demands made on school 'retirement' school. Partly this ageing of
and its combatants, its development administrations have ensured that the the teacher group indicates that
both physical and intellectual, is the experiences of those who attended Hollywood Senior High has for many
Education Department with which Hollywood in the 1960s differ years represented a plum position.The
communication is also necessary1. The markedly from those who will be students perform well, the parents
department once employed teachers, leaving the school at the end of the support the school (generally) and the
categorised them into subject areas and year 2000. school is well located in the leafy
1 This government department has altered its name from Department of Education to Ministry of Education back to Education Department,Western Australia, in the period under review.
western suburbs of Perth. However, factors like location, demography, social Background, 1950s
partly this ageing of the teacher group class and parental expectations. It, too, In 1956 the Department of Education
is also a grim reminder of how the has changed with time, although accelerated its building program for
profession has lost prestige and Hollywood's parents seem always to secondary school students.Western
opportunities for advancement over the have supported the school generously Australia, in common with the other
past two decades as the public with both time and money. It was states, was experiencing the post-war
education sector has contracted.2 government policy that established this baby boom, and initially coped by
school with all the accoutrements that providing more primary school
The interaction of the three groups, a reasonably prosperous part of post- classrooms. However these post-war
students, staff and parents, although it is war Australia could muster, and it is babies were soon adolescents and
in constant flux, gives each school its government policy to close it despite during the new prosperity, when full
particular flavour, its special sense of its proud record of academic success. employment was enjoyed throughout
itself. Such interaction is the result of Australia, parents were demanding
educational opportunities for their
children. High Schools were under
construction at Armadale, Fremantle
(John Curtin), Mount Lawley and
Midland.Tuart Hill, Belmont, Merredin
and Manjimup High Schools were
almost ready to accept pupils, and an
urgent need for secondary schools had
been recognised at Applecross,
Hollywood, Kwinana, Busselton,
Melville and Scarborough.3
2 For evidence of the shrinking public education sector see Education Statistics Bulletin 1986-1994, compiled by the Information Services Branch of the Education Department of Western Australia.
3 ‘It cannot be stressed too frequently that the number of children in State primary and secondary schools has increased by 44,000... or 77%’ in the last ten years. Report of the Education Department for
the Year 1956,Votes and Proceedings, 1957,Vol. 3, pp2314-2379.
Post-war Perth had only four American States, nine years in New South His demands have a familiar ring—a
government high schools that taught to Wales and ten years in Tasmania, but only higher leaving age (something we still
the Leaving Certificate. Most of the eight years in Western Australia. hear from time to time), a reduction in
new institutions would initially offer a class size (classes in Hollywood
He also pointed out that in the USA
three year course of instruction, with occasionally reached 50 or more
75% of students remained in school
children who wished to matriculate during its first years), and 'a change in
until they turned fifteen, while in
and attend university having to move attitude amongst parents towards
Western Australian only 44% did so.
to one of the four at the end of the retaining talented children at school
His next statistic was more alarming. In
Junior Certificate year. Retention rates, beyond the permissible leaving age.'
the USA 55% of the school population
linked with a low school leaving age— This last was not to prove a difficulty
completed high school, in Western
14 years—were regrettably low.This for most Hollywood parents.They
Australia only 8.5% reached the
point was emphasised by the Director soon proved to be among the stoutest
Leaving Certificate.
of Education,T. L.'Blue' Robertson, on supporters of keeping their children at
his return from an overseas trip in school until the Leaving Certificate.
Robertson was not averse to relating
1957, after visiting New Zealand,
education to broader questions.
Canada and the United States.
The question naturally arises whether
It was apparent to the Director that Australia as a nation can afford to
progressive countries regard ten years of neglect the preparation of its future
school attendance as the minimum citizens in this way without serious
preparation for future citizens.The period of repercussions. As a small nation, surely
compulsory attendance is ten years in Great we must be even better prepared than
Britain, from ten to twelve years in the larger ones.4
4 Report of the Education Department for the Year 1957,Votes and Proceedings, 1958,Vol. 2, pp.1533-1594; pp.9-10 of the Report.
Establishing the school, into the 1960s on its southern border, increasing its
Hollywood High School was designed area to ten acres, still far less than the
in the Public Works department and supposedly desirable size.The old
built at a cost of around £277,000,5 laboratories were transformed into the
which was no more than an average Manual Arts training centre. All the
cost for the high schools built in that new high schools were provided with
era. Its grounds were somewhat smaller rooms to teach woodwork, metalwork,
than those of other schools because at technical drawing, cookery,
dressmaking and laundry as well as a
Home Science flat (a small area
furnished with tables, beds and chairs
for the practice of housework).
Classrooms for the teaching of literacy,
science and numeracy skills and a
library were provided as a matter of
course, although a science block was
first the Animal Health Laboratories, not erected until 1967. Children were
run by the Agriculture Department not the only people to be taught at this
along one side of the site, were in use. school, trainee teachers arrived each
(In 1961 the Education Department year in a group from Claremont
suggested that high schools required an Teachers College to undergo their
5 State Records Office [SRO] Public Works Dept. area of between twenty five and thirty practical learning in the classroom.
AN7/17, ACC1562, ‘Hollywood High School, Erection,
1955-60’. acres).6 It was not until new facilities Hollywood remained a practice school
6 SRO, Education Dept. AN45/1, ACC1497, 1435/1961,
‘Metropolitan Area School sites—general file’. By 26 were constructed for these animals in for student teachers throughout its life.
September 1961 there were 19 high schools in Perth,
accommodating nearly 20,000 students. 1960 that the school acquired the land
Perhaps the toughest time the school The students also must have wondered oval was repaired.Teacher energies
experienced was during its first year, what they had come to.There was no were consumed by the unfortunate
1958, when some 364 students were area where they could run around school circumstances.
enrolled in order to relieve freely.Teachers nervously patrolled the
overcrowding in John Curtin High undercroft and flagged verandah areas. The following year, 1959, produced
School, Fremantle.The construction of The cemetery across the road quickly some developments that were hailed as
Hollywood High was incomplete. Half became an unofficial recreational space, minor milestones by the principal, Mr
the school's complement remained at to which teachers tended to turn a Loneragan, in his annual report. School
Claremont Central School and a core blind eye, even though the cemetery colours, red, white and blue,7 a school
of five female teachers and two men board showed less leniency.The oval crest and a school motto, ‘Fide et
attempted to guide the first intake of was not yet formed, and as it had been Labore’, had been selected with the
pupils through the horror of trying to the former Nedlands rubbish dump it help of some students, almost every
work in an environment where required serious treatment and was not pupil wore school uniform and a cadet
bulldozers were noisily clamouring to be in use for another year. School corps was in place, albeit with only
outside, carpenters had set up their sport was only possible because of the thirty enthusiasts. Cadets were early
benches in the courtyard and painters forbearance of two local Councils established in the new high schools.
were demanding entry to finish some which permitted Hollywood students They were generally popular among
of the rooms.The teachers were beset use of public ovals two afternoons a the boys, so much so that the Army
with problems and no doubt bitterly week. Girls' sport lapsed that first year had to set a ceiling for enrolments.
regretted the day they had agreed to and next.Was it because the girls were Hollywood’s corps increased to 90 by
join the staff of this particular school. It apathetic and the female physical 1964, and cadet camp won an
is not surprising in this environment education teacher inadequate, as established place on the school agenda.8
that their headmaster recorded suggested in one account, or was it
disapprovingly in his annual report not because the facilities were so sub- The library already had almost 5000
all of his staff had performed well. standard? Sport was to suffer until the books and Nedlands Council had
7 Red and white were more frequently worn on the sports field.
8 See SRO Education Dept. AN45/1, ACC1497, 1917/1958, ‘Cadet Corps in State High Schools—general’, for the uneasy relationship that often existed between the Army and the Education Dept.
provided eight pencil pines to be canteen and bought several pieces of facilities especially since the main
planted in the main courtyard. All but equipment for science teaching and for games of that time, football and
the first year students were on site and general amenities. cricket, required space and other sports
although the oval was still under repair like hockey or rugby had to compete
and teachers were exhausted, averaging, By the end of 1960, Mr Loneragan with their dominance.
as they did, only three non-teaching although still concerned that his first
periods a week, it seemed as though year children remained in the 1960 also saw the first display of the
1960 might be considerably more Claremont Annexe, because of a total students’ work prepared for a parents’
comfortable. During 1959 Nedlands enrolment of more than 1200 students, night.They viewed their children’s
Council had announced itself a City, had twelve second year classes and ten efforts at art, craft, woodwork and
Hollywood prefects represented the third years reasonably ensconced in the technical drawing, they visited the
school and some of the girls acted as new school.The oval had been science rooms (a new science
ushers to the guests at the ceremony. improved and basketball and tennis curriculum had just been
The school already had claimed a place courts had been constructed. Students implemented) enjoyed a concert,
in its community and the students had were beginning to compete at inter- watched some rhythmic dance and a
discovered ways of utilising their school sporting competitions. Rosalie fashion parade and applauded school
surroundings. Adding substance to this Park was still the venue for some prize winners.This evening was in
emerging image, the Parents and training because the school site was too addition to two other public
Teachers Association transformed small to include all sporting amenities. ceremonies, the presentation of Junior
themselves from Claremont P & C to In other places in the world such an and High School certificates which
Hollywood High P & C and area would be regarded as more than took place in front of teachers wearing
immediately set about raising money adequate, but Western Australians have their academic gowns in the Nedlands
and the headmaster’s spirits.They traditionally demanded high standards Civic Hall, and the passing out parade
donated to the library, organised a when it comes to providing sporting of the school cadet corps in the school
quadrangle.The school’s place in its incorporate parent suggestions. At a under his direction the school’s
community was nurtured with these time when formal landscaping was still landscape grew more attractive year by
events. the province of the rich, or of the year, attracting positive mention from
knowledgeable town planner, Oldham’s passers-by. He was eventually lured
perceptions of the beauty of local flora from Hollywood to work in other
were innovative as was his ability to places, eventually transferring to
work with a community. Most of the Subiaco where he became responsible
trees and shrubs he advised were for the public gardens.
natives, although not all were from
Western Australia, and in winter 1961 The hardest task for the gardeners then
trees provided by the Public Works and later, was to improve the surface of
Gardens Department and by Nedlands Council the school oval. A cricket pitch and
Hollywood was distinguished, as were were planted by the students on Arbor practice nets were erected as soon as
other government institutions of the Day.The school’s gardens received a possible, and although the oval suffered
same period, by obtaining the services good deal of attention during these intermittently from the invasion of
of Landscape Architect, John Oldham, first years, flowers beds providing a weeds and inappropriate treatments,
to draw a plan for its surroundings. He source of income one year for the this sport was played at the school for
directed the Landscape section within Parents and Citizens, when they sold many years as was Australian Rules
the Public Works Department and the blooms on Mother’s Day. football. Nevertheless Hollywood’s site
designed the grounds not only for Individual parents worked to beautify continued to be viewed as inadequate
Hollywood but also for Swanbourne the grounds: another 100 shrubs and and as a consequence the Physical
High School, and for Perth Modern’s forty trees were planted in 1967.The Education teachers have always found
extensions. Oldham attended P & C school gardener, Mr.Weller, was an it necessary to utilise sporting venues
meetings to discuss his ideas and important figure in the school, because outside.
captained Essendon and won the the first years. Boys also attempted
Brownlow medal. He returned to his cross-country running, often in bare
home team as captain coach in 1976. feet, through King’s Park. Girls had a
Steve Malaxos trained with the slightly more restricted fare.They were
Claremont Colts in 1977 when he was offered swimming (in the Crawley
still in Year 11, and played both for Baths), tennis, softball and volleyball in
them and the school, at times putting summer and basketball, volleyball,
the school above his club. He later hockey and athletics in winter.
Sport returned to Hollywood as a teacher. Competitive sport was encouraged, and
Sporting heroes and heroines are part Other champions include Robin local interest groups such as the
of every school’s legend and despite the Cornish—Lacrosse; Louise Sauvage— WANFL and the Amateur Athletics
popular understanding that Hollywood wheelchair athlete, paralympian Association organised field days at
is not a sporting school it has produced champion; Peter Haselhurst—hockey weekends for school students. Until
a series of champions in a number of and Rechelle Hawkes, captain of the recently, clubs remained important in
sports.Two footballers who have Olympic Hockey Team.9 training young players and in offering
remained prominent in the game in facilities to schools for competitive
Perth, Steve Malaxos and Graham From the very first days of the school’s events. During the 1960s and 1970s,
Moss, are Hollywood boys. Moss was at history a wide variety of sports was they provided an impetus to
Hollywood 1963-1968. He was available. Boys could play cricket, competitive students by organising
coached by Percy Oliver, also a softball, water polo, tennis, basketball, sporting carnivals, however Hollywood
champion sportsman but then a Phys volleyball and gymnastics in summer also had its own sports’ days when the
Ed teacher, after school. He first played and Australian Rules football, soccer, ‘factions’ within the school competed
for Claremont in the WANFL before rugby, hockey, athletics and gymnastics against each other.10
journeying to Melbourne where he in winter. Speed cycling was popular in
9 Other sporting champions also were educated at Hollywood, they include canoeists, cyclists and rhythmic gymnasts, as well as swimmers and surfing champions.The list could continue.
10 Other schools organised their students into 'houses'; Hollywood called the groups 'factions'. Each had its own captain and colours.
11 SRO, Education Dept. AN45/1, ACC1497, 37/61, 'Annual Reports, Secondary Education, 1960'.
of books and films emphasising by teenagers themselves in 1959. It headmaster Loneragan as the
violence within schools.12 contained suggestions that mainly cornerstone of the school funds.Then,
called for teenagers and their ideas to in August 1961, the P & C held an
The highlight of Parent & Citizen be taken seriously – not more extraordinary meeting to determine
meetings during this decade tended to discipline.Their proposals were debated how many students would stay at
be visiting speakers who offered their by the Federation of Parents and school if it became a senior secondary
expertise on all kinds of social and Citizens Association, which thought school. It was assessed that 254 would
educational matters. J.A. McCall, that all school associations should continue and so, with the new
Director of the Child Welfare discuss them. However, in spite of headmaster James Best’s blessing, the P
Department, seemed the most parental fears, student participation or & C composed an urgent letter to the
successful of these visitors, impressing rebellion did not achieve status as the Department of Education that the
his audience when he gave a paper crucial issue in secondary schools chairman agreed to deliver personally.
entitled ‘Management of Children’. He during the early years of this decade. By September, parents were pleased to
was invited to publish his wisdom, Funding did. hear that a fourth year would be
which had been distilled into a available in 1962 and fifth year would
‘teenage code’, in a small booklet Knowing that little reliance could be follow in 1963. A potential conflict had
which would then be given to all laid upon the Commonwealth disappeared.
school parents.Whether he did so is government for extra funding, and that
not known, but fear of the young the State government was fully The parents also in 1962 raised the
getting out of hand, playing beyond the stretched building new schools, the issue of a school hall. Space had been
control of their school or their parents, problem of financing the expansion of incorporated in the original school
seemed very real and was responsible Hollywood to a five year high school plan for a hall facing Smyth Road—
for the imposition of rules and became a focus for parental anxiety. but no money had been made available
regulations within the school. But a They first established the school so it was left to the parents to establish
Teenage Code had first been proposed canteen, which was referred to by a building fund. As with many saving
12 The film 'Blackboard Jungle' is one obvious example.The concept of childhood as simply a time of innocence was under attack on several fronts, and radical educationists in Britain and the US like
A.S. Neill, Ivan D. Illich, Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner were endeavouring to redefine it.Their work became better known in Australia during the 1970s.
projects, as the funds grew so too did arrangements for swimming were to of an aquatic centre. It made sense for
the proposed costs, always putting the rumble along for many years. A pool schools and local Councils to agree and
hall just out of reach. In 1968 the seemed a bigger and more difficult invest their resources in one large
department lifted the burden from the undertaking than a hall, for the parents facility, but the first site proposed was
parents’ backs and designed and built to acquire, and many plans were in King’s Park which proved too
the hall as a community facility.The formulated to co-operate with other controversial and later proposals were
parents’ funds were gratefully put schools, or with local government in too costly. As a result all the schools in
towards furnishing it.The hall was order to build a pool where students the neighbourhood eventually built
immediately in use. Nurses sat their might train.The Empire and their own. Hollywood’s opened in
exams there, parents and local groups Commonwealth Games, held in Perth 1971.14
met there, it provided a much needed in 1962, clearly influenced this popular
space for school plays, films and obsession with swimming even though Parents were not always happy with
gymnastics, including the state the school lies between the beach and departmental decisions about their
rhythmic gymnastic team, and was the river and children had traditionally school.They agitated for improved
celebrated with an inaugural school been satisfied with one or the other as classroom space and expressed
ball in 1969.13 a place to swim.The department dissatisfaction with the transfer of some
certainly brushed aside parental teachers, especially a popular French
Parents also learned in 1962 that requests for a swimming pool as too master, who was also a champion
swimming lessons would become expensive. Parents at other high sportsman. Mr Punch was reinstated as
difficult to obtain during school hours schools, like Tuart Hill in 1962 and a result. Children were still being
because Crawley baths were about to Applecross in 1963, decided to build taught in Claremont Annexe and it
close. Given the number of jellyfish in pools themselves. In the western seemed likely that a couple of classes
the river perhaps this was no bad suburbs the discussion about school would be located there even in 1964.
thing, but dissatisfaction about pools was waged around the suggestion One cloakroom and part of the
13 The school had a film group from 1968 organised by an enthusiastic teacher, Paul Duncan.The hall was built with space for a full-sized cinemascope screen. On the other hand, it had no toilet
facilities - allegedly a cost saving measure.
14 SRO, Education Dept. AN45/13, ACC1606, Box 2 124-50, 1950-65, 'Provision of swimming pools- policy'. A parent designed the pool and the P & C helped to fund it and later to run it after
school hours.
undercroft were also in use as government began to offer scholarships shortfalls in the 1960s, although he was
classrooms. Both were deemed to children to help them stay at school approached on many occasions about
unsatisfactory spaces.15 for the final two years.They were specific projects like the hall and pool.
substantial—£100 for maintenance and Parents continued to be concerned and
At the beginning of 1964 came the £100 for books and fees.WA was to active.They held an annual school fair,
first indications that Hollywood’s receive 708 of these prize packages, which entailed an enormous amount
parents felt their hard work in raising and every year thereafter Hollywood of labour, in order to further equip the
funds was perhaps being taken for students were awarded Commonwealth school library, and supplement the
granted.Their first and now outgoing secondary school scholarships.16 By school hall building fund but found
chairman, Mr Gladwin Grove, who was February 1965 all the classes were on that their main goose laying golden
also President of the Western Australian site for the first time.17 eggs was the canteen.
Parents & Citizens Federation, stated
firmly that raising money was not the The Parents and Citizens Association
essential reason for joining the P & C, held its Annual General Meeting in
an interest in education was. But by February each year and with
the middle of the year the parents were accustomed aplomb, always invited the
sufficiently behind the school again to local politicians to attend. Being
assert that their association had always fortunately located in the electorate of
got on well with school staff and the man who was soon to become the
principals. Funding fears were further State’s Premier, Charles Court, seemed
allayed when, later that year, no doubt no bad thing, especially as Mr. Court 15 Information about the P & C comes from their Minute Books
partly as a result of continuing endeavoured to attend most major which have been preserved from 1959.
16 SRO, Education Dept., AN45/1, ACC1497, 1534/1964,
lobbying by parents and state functions.18 However, not even Court 'Commonwealth Secondary Scholarships'.
17 Forty-nine teachers taught 871 students.
politicians, the Commonwealth magic could overcome the funding 18 Sir Charles Court was Premier 1974-1982.
19 The Oslo lunch was introduced to Perth school in 1946 at Mt. Hawthorn public school where an Oslo lunchroom was constructed.The food was designed to be healthy - fresh brown bread, healthy
fillings for sandwiches and fresh fruit and milk formed the main elements of the Oslo lunch.
course was successful and was the hall.The mothers and managers selling health foods of low-sugar content
presented again in later years. continued to labour in cramped products. Many students are disappointed with
Hollywood’s mothers were frequently surroundings until mid-1967 when the this change and also commented on the prices
exhorted to help in the canteen, Public Works Department extended going up almost once a term. Some items are
because it was clear that not enough the canteen. It was refurbished in 1977 more costly than the normal deli prices...
women were willing or could find the and again in 1997.
The school canteen’s latest idea of solely
time to give to such a worthy project.
‘health food’; no coke, fanta, no rollers etc is
Many were joining the workforce, Food sold at the school in the 1960s
absolutely pathetic. Since when did children
others had commitments elsewhere, included hot pies, soft drinks and bags
like healthy foods and not want to buy ‘junk
but each year a small group of regularsof sweets. During the 1970s a band of
formed, some filling in during helpers decided to research foods on
emergencies even after their children the grounds of health, as the Oslo ...Students at this school don’t want healthy
had left the school. lunch had apparently lessened in appeal food, they just want something good to
and influence, and offered more fruit ‘munch’ on in their break.
In 1966 there was a call for the and vegetables in their sandwiches and
How can you have a good recess or lunch
canteen to be extended and since the P rolls, but their decisions were not as
break if you can’t eat what you want? This
& C had saved $6000 in government stringent as those imposed a decade
totally irrational scheme will force more
bonds the hard-pressed mothers might later.
students to leave the school to go to either
have thought of spending their funds
the shop at the end of Hopetoun Tce. or the
this way. However, food had not
block of shops along Aberdare Road.
achieved such prominence in the Canteen Changes
minds of those who controlled the Over the past few months at Hollywood, the If the canteen really wanted to make some
purse strings and this money was set canteen has made drastic changes to stop money for the school they should bring back
aside as part of the building fund for students from buying ‘junk food’ by only the ‘good stuff ’!! Hungry20
The canteen took some time to were finally acquired and with them
recover its popularity in the 1980s, but arrived a new impetus for parental
since those days it has maintained its pride, enhanced by a growing
solid financial contribution to the awareness that the school was
school’s finances. producing excellent students.
Moreover, although the department Educational Priorities
The new school will have a modern had responded slowly and without In 1968 Hollywood was selected as a
cafetaria.The provision of school food apparent enthusiasm to most of their Mathematics Centre to provide a maths
has moved a long way from the Oslo demands, new winds were sweeping enrichment program with the help of
lunch. through its corridors too. the University of Western Australia.
Students successfully also participated
The canteen was not the only focus for in the Science Talent Quest which was
parent involvement but it did entail a held across the country.The school had
large commitment from the mothers. offered an experimental chemistry
Fortunately other developments helped course to its fourth year classes during
reduce the strain felt by the active 1966.This particular course was
parents, who by 1965 lacked a coordinated and later extended to all
Women’s Auxiliary as the main schools with the help of the
members had either moved on or had curriculum branch of the department.
suffered a form of burn-out.The Hollywood’s science, mathematics and
opening of Swanbourne High School chemistry teaching produced a series of
during this decade, limited the brilliant candidates for the final year
overcrowding of Hollywood. A science exams throughout the 1960s and into
block (1967) and the new hall (1969) the 1970s.21 Their success developed in
spite of a shortage of accommodation Achievement Certificate was to be The language of all Inquiries into
that was remedied only in the 1967/68 based largely upon school evaluation of education suffers from platitudinous
financial year when the new the student.This move took place with excess as the various committees
Commonwealth block of two science much discussion about the merits of endeavour to fit their aims into an
rooms was constructed and despite a examinations, and heralded a new equitable social framework.They thus
chronic shortage of maths teachers. vision of education that was planned to tend to write statements with which
Hollywood was clearly already be more adaptable to changing there can be little basic argument.The
marching down the road of academic circumstances and less tied to a rigid 1969 Dettman Report unsurprisingly
excellence, and this perception was to examination timetable.The Dettman declared that ‘The purpose of
be reinforced by departmental policy. Committee even foresaw the end of education is not merely to transmit
exams in the final year of school, an culture but to equip students for future
In 1969 the Director General of idea that remains visionary at the time decision-making with a view to the
Education,W.H. Dettman, chaired an of writing.23 A new Board of improvement of society’ (par.62). A
Inquiry into Secondary Education.22 Secondary Education was made modest enough aim for educationists
John Paul, Hollywood’s Principal, who responsible for the awarding of all to espouse, yet the effects of the
is said to have been responsible for certificates of secondary education. But Dettman report were far-reaching
Hollywood’s emerging academic perhaps the greatest shift was in the indeed. Division of the curriculum
qualities, sat on the committee which field of curriculum. Subjects were into the ‘core’ and ‘option’ subjects was
was to bring down a Report that divided into ‘core’ and ‘options’.The radical for the time. But English,
transformed the face of secondary committee saw this partitioning as the Mathematics, Science and Social
education for the next decade.The best way to equip students to deal with Studies became generally recognised as
Junior Certificate, held at the end of a world changing so rapidly that no the ‘hard’ subjects, and options, like Art,
the third year of secondary school, was one any longer could imagine knowing Music and Home Science or Metal
scrapped and in its place the all there was to learn. Working, which were soon categorised
22 Secondary Education in Western Australia: Report of the Committee on Secondary Education ... under the chairmanship of Mr. H.W. Dettman, Perth, February 1969.
23 The Synopsis of the Dettman Report concluded its first paragraph with: ‘The last Junior examinations should be conducted in 1971 and the last Leaving examinations in 1973.’
as the ‘easy’ subjects, altered the value learning potential. But the benefits of the teaching profession.25 It was not
that students and employers placed the Dettman Report, which gradually until 1975 that women could hope to
upon a school education.This change emerged at Hollywood during the attain the top post in any school, that
was further exacerbated by the ‘levels’ next decade, included the teaching of a of Principal. Girls at high school could
at which a core subject could be taken: wider variety of subjects, such as not do all the same subjects as their
basic, intermediate or advanced. Such a Photography, Cooking, Grooming and brothers. As one writer in the first issue
plan sorted the sheep from the goats Deportment,Typing, Dance, Christian of the Manual Arts Publication put it,
with a vengeance and was to be Education and Theatre Arts, that were without fear of contradiction from his
responsible later in the decade for taken up by many students with fellows:
employer complaints about the quality enthusiasm.
of teaching which they thought In my opinion all girls should take Home
responsible for the lack of Barely envisaged or touched upon by Science and no girl should take woodwork or
mathematical or verbal ability many the committee was the question of metalwork to the exclusion of Home Science.
young people seemed to exhibit in equal opportunity in schools. As yet Home Science is as basic a subject to girls as
their first jobs. It also caused a certain there was almost none.Women perhaps English in any well balanced program
amount of anguish within Hollywood teachers did not earn the same as men, in our high schools. Home Science teaches
because then, as now, excellent (or and moreover lost their permanency the girls basic cookery, dressmaking, laundry,
‘advanced’) grades were required for status if they married.24 This anomaly mothercraft and homecraft during their
entry into certain university faculties. meant that married women could not formative years of early adolescence. It is very
Subject choice and the level of achieve sufficient seniority for necessary that they should be given some
learning could influence a child’s future promotion to head teacher, much less enlightenment in these subjects in a correct
career prospects very seriously and not Principal Mistress (the quaint title for manner by trained personnel and Home
all parents were to agree with the the female Deputy Head), the highest Science is the subject designed to fulfil these
school’s assessment of their child’s position a woman could then attain in needs.26
24 Similar legislation in New South Wales was repealed in 1947.
25 Women teachers have battled for equality in their profession since the imposition of these differences in the Education Act.They have all been overturned and promotion is now considered on merit
rather than seniority.
26 D.J. Malden, 'Girls in Manual Arts', Manual Arts Publication, No. 1, 1968.
boat. During the seventies, however, usual of school order and discipline This [sound attitude] is supported by
that situation changed. over this question at Hollywood, the commendations we receive after
occurred in the P & C motion in visits, such as to Parliament House, on
The question of whether or not to October 1971 that students be the behaviour and appearance of the
enforce a school uniform rule is a permitted to formulate a dress code. students, particularly the girls who are
perennial one at Hollywood. From a The parents’ request was brushed aside always neatly and cleanly dressed and a
distance the issue is puzzling although by Principal Barton, who appeared to credit to themselves and their families.
uniforms tend to be worn by think he had the matter under control. It is to be regretted that their lead in
secondary school students in countries Such did not prove to be the case. work habits, participation in school
with a British imperial background.30 Barton proved not particularly affairs and general bearing is not
At Hollywood, dissension from the perceptive about his school followed by others who do not
formalities of the school uniform had communities. He managed to upset exercise the discipline in work habits
begun early in the school’s history some parents in 1972 by locking out or behaviour necessary for success in
when boys began wearing white rather their children who wanted to attend a any career or for a satisfying and useful
than grey shirts and narrow rather than public P & C meeting called to discuss share in community life. It is also to be
broad ties, something the girls then school discipline. Later, in his Annual regretted that some parents do not
imitated. (They achieved this latter Report for that year, after noting that exercise supervision over these work
effect by reversing the tie). Such the good academic and sporting habits and behaviour and that they,
rebellion was relatively minor and did results of the year reflected ‘the sound though jealous of their own appearance
not raise the storm that refusal to wear attitude of the large majority of the and careful to use a suitable dress for
uniform caused during the 1970s.31 school population’, he continued, with different occasions, condone the very
more than a passing shot at recalcitrant casual, untidy and sometimes dirty
During this decade, the first intimation parents. looking appearance of some boys.
that there was more questioning than
30 Canada, presumably because of its closeness to the United States, is the exception to this generalisation.
31 See Memory section, Rodger Kohn.
Having done his best thus to cement been followed.The pros and cons of orderly operation of the school or the
staff-parent relations, Mr Barton cannotcompulsory school uniform are too effective implementation of teaching/learning
have been too surprised when the obvious to mention here although they processes, then under Regulation 27(4) he
uniform debate was raised to a new are endlessly discussed still within may require of that student a modification of
level within the school the following school circles. However, it is important dress or appearance such that they do not
year. to realise that the Education constitute an interference. He could not,
department policy on school uniform however, require a student to change his dress
Dettman’s committee had also has always been non-coercive, although or appearance merely because they were not
considered school uniform.They the recent Act has altered the wording in accord with his particular tastes with regard
constructed the issue as one of student somewhat.32In 1972, the Dettman to these matters.33
rights which they tackled with committee on School Discipline stated:
Why then did it become such an issue
accustomed thoroughness.The idea of
in the 1970s? Uniform appears to have
a ‘right’ was explored, and then the The question of student entitlements with
been one of the hidden battles of a war
tricky question of whether or not respect to dress and physical appearance,
for gender equality that was fought at
teachers could impose a uniform therefore, would appear to be quite clear cut.
Hollywood, as at other schools, during
directive was answered mainly in the In the absence of any duty with respect to
this decade.The arguments over it also
negative—they could not, at least they dress or appearance required within the
reflected the personalities of the main
could not if the student was neatly Education regulations, students have the
proponents for school uniform,
dressed and did not pose any danger to liberty to dress as they wish and to regulate
especially the female deputy head,
himself or anyone else by the length of their appearance as they wish, provided that
Merrilees Lukin, and those of the
his hair or the state of his or her they conform to acceptable standards of
students who opposed it. Boys
clothing and shoes.The school uniform health and cleanliness.Where, however, in the
apparently were treated more leniently
could have lapsed as a non-issue at opinion of a teacher their dress or appearance
when they defaulted.Their deputy
Hollywood had this sensible advice is such that it interferes in any way with the
32 Education Amendment Act 1996, sections 21 and 22 are more equivocal about responsibility for imposing uniform rules.
33 Discipline in Secondary Schools, p. 84.
principal did not always appear to take inmates. Rebellion mounted. As one on.This concentration on uniform
the issue as seriously as Miss Lukin— young woman has recalled, ‘I started continued until 1977 despite efforts by
that too became part of the problem. the school in full uniform, including a staff and parents to calm the matter
Perhaps it was this element that properly tied school tie, feeling pretty down. In 1973 some of the Home
Principal Barton was seeking to redress pleased with myself, and by the end of Science girls designed and sewed slacks
when he made his ill-advised mention first year I had thrown the whole that they modelled as a proposed new
of the difference between the uniform away. From then on I didn’t uniform.They were found acceptable
appearance of Hollywood boys and own a school uniform.’ She began to by the School Council, which had
girls. Some girls were unconvinced that wear the androgynous blue overalls recently come into being, but were
their pleated navy blue skirt, a style that were such a feature of radical jettisoned, apparently because of Miss
which didn’t do much for the feminist clothing in the 1970s.34 Lukin’s opposition.The Student
confidence of anyone who was less Council then drew up a series of
than tall and willowy, to be worn with The energy that was devoted to school rules for the School Council to
a white shirt, did amount to being a ensuring that all the girls wore the consider which contained a paragraph
‘credit to themselves and their same clothes was enormous. Dissidents on dress suggesting that if reasonable
families’.They were annoyed too at the were scolded, lined up by Miss Lukin, standards of ‘modesty and cleanliness’
different attitudes and punishments given notes for their parents, refused were met, students might dress as they
dealt to boys and girls over the wearing permission to attend school outings, all wish.This was too advanced a position
of school uniform.These girls, who because of a little pleated skirt.Those for the school administration, although
were expressing such feminist views girls who did wear uniform often it was almost a paraphrase of the
began to construe the uniform transgressed in minor ways that were Dettman Committee’s conclusion on
question not only as one of appearance also subversive: wearing the skirt too the subject.
and presentation, but of social control short, sporting coloured blouses,
exerted by an institution over its refusing to tie their hair back and so
Gender roles underpinned the Student activism, which continued teach a new Politics course.
administration’s firmness about dress throughout the decade, instigated some
codes. Girls were expected to conform changes and resulted in some The students themselves were in no
with an ideal of neatness that was regrettable costs. In 1974, largely owing doubt about the annoyances and pitfalls
accepted without question by the to student and parent pressure, some of their own educational experiences.
private schools in the area. But by this form of gender equality was creeping Four of them set about resuscitating
decade mothers as well as daughters into subject choice. Manual Arts, the Australian Union of Secondary
were fully conscious of the inequalities Home Economics, Art,Technical Students in the hope that school could
within the school system.The Drawing and Physical Education, all be made into a ‘more enjoyable and
uniformly masculinist language used in compulsory first year subjects, could humane experience’.The issues they
teaching sciences and mathematics (and now be selected by boys and girls. chose to highlight included corporal
in many of the formal Inquiries into However, Mr Barton died in office punishment, still allowable in Western
education read for this history), and the from a heart attack in 1973, Australian schools until 1984, student
absence of equal opportunities for boys presumably affected by the stressful discounts at places of entertainment
and girls in sport, in their optional events of the previous months. Deputy and on public transport (now widely
choices and in their first year general Principal, Miss Lukin, who knew her available), compulsory religious
subjects, were not difficult to detect. students and their parents, gradually education, sexual discrimination,
Girls had to learn housework, although bowed to social change and accepted a assessment and student choice in
the subject was dignified by its name— relaxation of the dress code. Political course structures.These were all very
Home Science—boys did woodwork education was also initiated in the serious issues and had been tackled by
and metalwork.The uniform school at this time when political the Dettman Committee considering
symbolised more than was directly parties were invited to give public school discipline, but without much
understood at the time. lectures. In 1977 Hollywood became success as far as this group of activists
one of the first government schools to was concerned.
The emergence of student politicians been squashed [by] the need to students’ support for a liberal dress
in Hollywood at this time indicates conform and behave, will, I imagine, be policy.This document, written twenty
that the school was far from removed allowed to flower once again. years after the first upheaval on the
or cocooned from social and political question, reveals the tortured debate
upheaval in the wider community. In However, many teachers at Hollywood are still aroused by the issue.36 At least one
general, schools follow rather than lead making attempts to bring some sort of parent got directly involved in school
society, but the idealism of these enjoyment into the education system...35 politics as a result of the resurgent
students led them impatiently to reject uniform question in the 1990s.
The upheaval of the 1970s has not
measured social change. As one of Reading a proposal that it was to
been repeated on the school campus,
them recorded defiantly in her final become mandatory she attended a
but the uniform question refuses to
days as a Hollywood student, throwing Parents and Citizens meeting called to
die. In 1977 the school prospectus
a sop to her hard-working teachers at discuss the matter where they killed
proclaimed the uniform as optional.
the end of her piece: the uniform off yet again. Parents
Some parents, who wished their
declared, among other things, that if
offspring to continue to wear uniform,
The ecstasy that I feel on leaving they wanted to send their children to a
were grateful; others agreed with their
school is an emotion not easily school where the wearing of uniform
children that it did restrict the
described. I have been released from was compulsory, then they had plenty
individual’s freedom and was a form of
twelve years of imprisonment and of choice in the western suburbs.
social control and students continued
degradation. It will be a nice change to Hollywood was the only resort for
to nudge the issue. In the 1980s boys
have some power to criticize without those parents and students who disliked
again were castigated by the principal
fear of rebuke. Education from here on the idea of uniform.37 As the school
for being untidy, and a new school
will be largely of my own choice and prepares to move to its new premises
policy was produced; another was
indoctrination will hopefully no longer this question may well re-emerge. A
written in 1992 that acknowledged the
figure in my life. Creativity, having new dress code has been established for
35 Linkage,Vol. 2, No. 6, Nov. 1977, Janet Parker’s parting gesture.
36 The 1992 Committee, composed of staff and students, considered that ‘any significant policy shift to greater uniformity in student dress can only be successful with considerable support from the
school community.This level of community support does not exist at present and therefore the Committee does not support such a policy shift.’
37 Jan Stuart’s memories, see Memory section.
Shenton College that will see all Year 8 was a contemporary need expressed by lunch in wet weather and poor water
students wearing uniform. the students for sex education.They pressure in the washrooms. Although
had been impressed by a series of students on the School Council
An unexpected result of student action lectures already offered by Sister sometimes felt awkward or unable to
during the 1970s was the establishment McGrath, invited from Kewdale Senior express themselves fully, nevertheless
of a new school body, the School High School, on becoming parents. they now had a forum where the more
Council. Parents who were involved They wanted real information given by confident and articulate among their
debating the uniform question also experts on such matters.This resolution number had a chance to relay their
argued that schools generally required was readily accepted by the school own and their peers’ concerns.38
more autonomy in order to deal administration and led in the 1980s to
satisfactorily with such an issue.They a detailed teaching program about The furore caused by the uniform
expressed a desire to be more involved AIDS.The School Council from its question was local and special to
in the running of the school, so in earliest meetings, not content with Hollywood, but the 1970s also
1973 the Parents and Citizens student members, accepted motions witnessed much greater changes in
executive appointed a small sub- from the Student Council (later re- education, which largely resulted from
committee to look into the named Student Senate) that were better funding. Commonwealth money
establishment of a School Council. It regularly forwarded to it. Naturally flowed more freely during this decade
was to have equal numbers of staff, from time to time these included as a result of the Whitlam government
students and parents as members. student opinions about school impetus in commissioning the Karmel
Hollywood thus became the first senior uniform, which were consistently in report (1973) and the subsequent
high school in Perth to accept the favour of a more relaxed approach, but establishment of the Schools
view that the school community could they also raised such matters as a Commission (1973).With extra
co-operate along such lines. Almost the deficient heating system in the Commonwealth support, Hollywood
first issue that Council had to confront classrooms, lack of space for eating acquired another new science block, a
38 Information in the above paragraph is taken from the Minutes of the School Council, 1973-74. See also Memory section.
new library and was the site of the first those available through the distance Funding provided not only concrete
access policy in the country for school education programme they were ramps to all the levels of the school,
students in wheelchairs. following. A committee was formed to but also a medical centre, to be
identify a school to take the children permanently staffed by a registered
into the classroom. Hollywood, being nurse, and a special bus to transport the
The Schools Commission and close to a large teaching hospital, and children. Other schools have since
educational initiatives not far from Mosman Park, seemed incorporated provision for wheelchairs
During the 1970s, the Schools ideal, but there were certain physical in their design, but in the 1970s it was
Commission was responsible for an barriers to children in wheelchairs in an expensive option to alter a school as
unprecedented injection of funds into the school design. Miss Lukin, was old as Hollywood. Politicians of all
education across Australia. Innovation seconded to the committee and persuasions took a keen interest in the
was rewarded, and during 1974 more together the two institutions applied spending of around $100,000 on the
than thirty teachers in Western for Commonwealth funding. Owing in scheme, and in 1977 both the State
Australia received grants to support part to the size of Perth and the Minister for Education, Graham
their initiatives. However, the costliest wondrous fact that people know each MacKinnon, and the former
new idea funded at Hollywood Senior other here and talk to each other, Miss Commonwealth Minister, Kim E.
High School was the provision of Lukin recalled a connection with Betty Beazley, visited the school to inspect
facilities for disabled students. Beazley, wife of Kim E. Beazley, the investment. MacKinnon, who
Minister for Education. After a phone arrived in a black chauffeur-driven
Yaringa School for physically call to explain the project and remind limousine, was accompanied by his
handicapped children in Mosman Park the Minister that a letter had been parliamentary secretary, a former
was searching for a government school sent, there was soon a positive Hollywood student. Mr Beazley visited
to accept their students who were response from the Commonwealth without much fanfare, but also with a
eager to have more opportunities than Department of Education.39 Hollywood connection. His two
39 Recollection of M.C. Salter, formerly Merrilees Lukin, interview with MB, 16 March 2000.
children had attended the school some of these students, but their Mullane, was given a video camera and
during the 1960s. His daughter presence suggested that more valuable encouraged to express his idea of the
Merrilyn was an Exhibition winner in lessons of idealism and tolerance were school.The resulting work won an FTI
1968, and his son Kim, a Rhodes being learned.They mostly came from award for a short film and was shown
Scholar in 1973, became parliamentary Mosman Park, although a few enrolled again during the 1991 Northbridge
leader of the Australian Labor Party from home, their disabilities ranging Festival. However, Hollywood’s best
and leader of the Opposition from from spina biffida to cerebral palsy and known wheelchair student is probably
1997 to the time of writing. beyond. Some shone as school Louise Sauvage, paralympian, winner of
personalities, like Joe, a boy without gold medals and the Boston marathon.
Miss Lukin and others recall with legs, who used to swing from his chair
enormous satisfaction the moment over the edge of the upper verandah, The Schools Commission also took an
when the first wheelchair students causing witnesses to flinch with fear interest in the gifted and talented
swished along the passageways.These lest he misjudge his strength and fall. children debate, providing funds where
children were to add to the school The other students absorbed these necessary to support individual
experience, despite the difficulties that peers into their classes and pushed students and programs. For another
some teachers had in understanding them along the verandahs when big educational issue of this decade,
their needs or in comprehending the needed. Integration of physically one that a new Director General of
speed at which they might complete handicapped children into the school Education, Dr David Mossenson, was
their lessons. None was specially day was pursued during the 1970s and to pursue, and which was to have wide
trained to teach this cohort although 1980s, as can be seen from class ramifications for the future of
the nurse did give an introductory talk photographs, although by 2000 the Hollywood, was the best means of
warning Physical Education and number of disabled children at identifying and educating the gifted
Manual Arts teachers to be particularly Hollywood has dropped considerably. and talented child.This question also
aware of the physical vulnerability of In 1990, a talented ‘wheelie’,Tighe stimulated public discussion as it raised
the bogey of ‘elitism’, something that determination has meant moving after school. At Hollywood, as already
the government school by its very house to do so. mentioned, a special maths program
nature could not endorse. Under was devised with the help of UWA,
Mossenson’s leadership a policy was The school’s academic success story other enrichment programs, including
formulated which involved Hollywood began in the 1960s under Principal, an early initiation into computer
and sealed its reputation for being an John Paul. In 1968 four Hollywood studies, followed.41
academic school. students excelled in the final year
exams, coming in the top ten students When Dr Mossenson was appointed
of the state—a record that the school Director of Secondary Education in
Gifted Students, into the 1980s found hard to surpass.40 Western 1967 his first concern had been to
Hollywood students have long Australian schools did not then select provide relevant courses for those
performed creditably in the final year their students for their intellectual gifts. students staying at school beyond year
exams, and their success accounts in That practice had been ruled out in 10, who had no intention of going to
large part for that indefinable sense the 1958 when Perth Modern went university. Mossenson was a great
school has of itself. Parents, as well as comprehensive (although it continued traveller. He visited a series of
teachers and the Education to award scholarships to gifted countries in the late 1960s, finding that
Department have played a part in students). Recognition that some Sweden, Japan, Canada, the United
supporting this reputation.They, being children are endowed with particular States and even the United Kingdom,
frequently inclined to judge a school interests and abilities has always were a long way ahead of Western
on its public exam achievements and provoked debate among educationists Australia in this field of education.The
believing that success breeds success, about how best to teach them. During Achievement Certificate, with its three
have endeavoured to enrol their the 1960s, with the encouragement of levels of teaching and the development
intellectually able children at the department, special tutorials were of work experience opportunities,
Hollywood, even when this offered to outstanding students, often espoused by the Dettman Report in
40 Comparisons are difficult to establish as the subject areas have expanded since 1968 and examinations and assessments differ also. In 1988 four students won General Exhibitions. See Success Stories.
41 In 1969 the first meeting of a fourth year computing group which included students from 18 high schools was held at Hollywood. It was run by teachers and members of the UWA computing
centre. In 1977 the P & C purchased a computer for the school and a computer club began.
1969, emanated partly from his advice. In 1981 a policy paper, ‘The education child (Academic Talent Program) has
He also recognised that gifted and of gifted and talented students’, was proved rewarding for the selected
talented children had been somewhat published in the April edition of the students in all sorts of ways, not only
disadvantaged by the comprehensive Education Circular – the departmental as judged by exam results, and
school system that ‘Blue’ Robertson paper sent to every government popular with their parents. It can also
had introduced in the later fifties. In school. All schools were encouraged to be argued that locating a small group
1976 Mossenson was appointed develop a policy for dealing with these of talented children within the school
Director General of Education and as special children, many of whom went had an important side-effect of
such chaired the Schools’ Commission through their school life receiving no encouraging and emphasising
sub-committee on Gifted and Talented acknowledgement of their gifts because excellence in all learning areas. As a
children. In June 1978 a departmental of a widespread belief that they would consequence many students, even those
policy was distributed for discussion, succeed despite being ignored. Places outside these classes, have been affected
‘Gifted and Talented Children in such as Hollywood, which already had by the thrust for achievement.The
Western Australian Schools’. In 1979 a tradition of academic excellence, program is designed for students in
he attended an international accepted the challenge to concentrate years 8, 9 and 10. It is competitive to
conference on the Talented Child held on extending these students. Although join and the competition continues
in Jerusalem. In 1980 a project group a few schools, such as Perth Modern thereafter in a muted form within the
in the Education department devised and Applecross, already specialised in classroom, and more obviously in the
programs for the young talented particular subject areas (music and art), many state or Australia-wide contests
children they saw in primary schools; Hollywood was designated to teach which the ATP classes embrace.
they then followed this through to talented children across the
eight senior high schools where special curriculum. While the story of the academically
courses were created. gifted may seem one of improvement
Provision for the intellectually able and success, it was achieved with
difficulty and rested on debatable Hollywood Senior High School intellectual activity. Programmes that
issues. It also had varying personal instituted an academic extension provide intellectual stimulus and
impacts upon the children who were program at the beginning of 1981, challenge must become a major
selected.The issues not only concerned accepting children who were identified priority.’43
equity in education but included the by their primary schools and who
fear that in providing special options passed ability and aptitude tests.They Mossenson’s own recollection of the
for the talented, the children might were pupils who exhibited intellectual development of departmental policy
suffer a form of ostracism from the rest gifts of a high order, across both the reflects his personal commitment to
of the school body. During the 1970s humanities and the sciences, but they education:
educationists and researchers were also had to apply to join what was first
unsure of how the talented and gifted called the Gifted and Intellectually all children, all students, are important in their
child could be identified and what the Talented Students (or GITS).42 The own right, and each one is entitled to have his
best course was for such a child. justification for accommodating these potentialities developed to the fullest extent
Should schools try to extend the gifted students lay in an analysis of the ‘rapid that the system is capable of, and to have all of
child in the normal classroom and so social, economic and technological his weaknesses remedied as far as possible, and
keep him or her with their peers, as change’ that the department foresaw further, having accepted that the range of
was the case in many private schools, would ‘have profound and far-reaching interest and range of abilities varies
or should the child be offered implications for the Australian society. enormously, and while you do your best to
educational experiences that others There is already a demand for a high care for each one, I accept totally equality of
might not share, in a wholly different level of performance in the sciences, in educational opportunity; that everybody
environment. In the event the the application of mathematics to social should be given every opportunity to advance
department made the decision to and economic contexts, in language, in as far as he or she is capable. But I reject
pursue both options. international and industrial relations— totally any concept of the equality of
in deed in all areas of human outcomes which I think some schools of
42 Acronyms prove the bane of educational writing—GITS changed into AEPS and finally into ATPs
43 Education Circular, April 1981, p.117
thought in sociology and in educational and science and the humanities. Gwen asked questions about the nature of
sociology have been advancing in recent Brockman, a much respected and loved humanity and adopted the inquiry
decades, that it’s only differences of teacher, shared responsibility for these approach to learning.The course had
opportunity or lack of opportunity…I think children, directing the humanities been introduced at Perth Modern in
there are innate differences of colossal subjects. She utilised ‘Man: a Course 1974 but was not generally taught in
importance, and while all are important I of Study’, or MACOS, a teaching secondary school across Australia.
think every teacher and every human being program devised in the United States. Questions about its presence in
has to accept the great range of human It was a very well resourced package of government schools were asked in state
capacities. learning materials as it included a parliament from time to time.45 Its
teacher’s guide, film clips, work sheets significance was later demonstrated by
That being the case, when considering
and suggestions for further learning. Hollywood in the 1990s when
the gifted and talented, He said:
Each group of first year ATP children Brockman’s department devised an
were taught about the Inuits, an idea Aboriginal studies program.
I think it’s the same underpinning,
which may have seemed a little
philosophical underpinning, of doing the best
esoteric at the time, but which stood The 1970s thus transformed into a
you can for each one. Now if this one has the
the students in good stead when, in decade of change and innovation,
potentiality to become a nuclear physicist or
later years, they came to inquire into radicalism and a freeing of some of the
something, or brain surgeon or what have
other cultures. Exploring the social and controls that had been exercised by the
you, it’s the school’s responsibility to do
political worlds of a people so far department over the school, and by the
everything, even if it means plucking him out
removed from Western Australian staff over the students. Hollywood also
of the ordinary school and putting him in a
experience had the effect of raising saw during these years a flowering of
special situation44
questions about societies closer to talent among its students when the
At Hollywood ‘special situations’ were home. MACOS excited some school hall more than proved its worth.
provided in two streams—mathematics discussion in educational circles as it Not only meetings, film groups and
44 Dr. Mossenson's comments are taken from the transcript of his oral history - Battye Library, Ohtr 2613, pp.58 and 59. He also spoke with me about forming and delivering this policy into schools.
45 21 May 1987 a question was asked in the Legislative Council by Norman Moore about schools teaching MACOS. Hollywood was the only government school still to be doing so.
gymnastics were located here but 1980s did not necessarily accept this view,
drama, rhythmic gymnastics and dance During the 1980s, a decade of some recording that more students were
all came together when the school prosperity in the west, the ideological completing five years at secondary
produced Salad Days in 1970. Musicals trends of the 1970s were substantially school (although still only 40% of
were to follow as one fruit of an reinforced by the work of the Beazley school starters) and that early school
extensive music curriculum that committee who produced a major leavers might be unsuited for the
included wind and string instruments, report on education in Western available jobs—a kind way of stating
as well as the long-standing choral Australia in 1984.47 Kim E. Beazley, the market for labouring work was
instruction.46 Such out-of-school now freed from parliamentary work, shrinking—they affirmed that all
activities were conducted by chaired this committee which included standards should be raised. Noting the
enthusiastic teachers and are recalled among its 26 members, Merrilees changes in employers’ demands they
with enormous pleasure by those Lukin, recently retired female deputy recommended that computer
students who were lucky enough to head of Hollywood.They were to technology should go into every
take part. For some it was the only consider fourteen terms of reference, school.The committee grappled most
time they really enjoyed their and receive more than 2000 strongly with the difficulty that is a
education. For others, like the young submissions from members of the particular concern of government-
Greta Scacchi and Pippa Grandison, public, in order finally to make 272 funded education—the requirement to
the school provided an opportunity to recommendations.The Inquiry was provide something meaningful for
test growing confidence and abilities called by the new Labor government every level of ability.Their
on stage. in response to a general public understanding of the problems this
perception that ‘standards were slipping presents in the classroom, where
below acceptable levels and that many inevitably some students learn more
students are poorly educated and even quickly or more slowly than the
unemployable.’48 While the committee others, combined with their general
46 Music became a TAE subject in 1978.
47 Education in Western Australia: Report of the Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Minister for Education in Western Australia, under the chairmanship of Mr. K. E. Beazley, AO, Perth,
March 1984.
48 Ibid., p.29.
commitment to a strong public At the same time as the Beazley pastoral care.This school offers a wider
education sector, brought them to committee was producing its vast selection of courses and curriculum
advocate a broad approach to number of recommendations, a second than any other school in the region
education and one that was well committee, headed by Professor Barry and academic results indicate that goals
planted in the community.They argued McGaw, was tackling the difficulties of have been effectively maintained.
that if schools understood their assessing students in their last two years Literacy and numeracy have been
community they could respond to of school.Their recommendations given high priority, with special
their needs more effectively. As each proposed that each year in the senior programs in mathematics and increased
school is different and each potentially school should be assessed separately emphasis placed on literacy across the
lives in a community slightly different rather than together, thus enabling curriculum....
to the one next door, this insight some students to leave at the end of
helped to promote school-based Year 11 and others to continue, but not Monks seemed satisfied with the
decision-making—a much debated necessarily only with the aim of school’s progress on several fronts, and
concept at that time. As part of the achieving university entry. was perhaps cautious when responding
schools’ changing responsibilities and to new ideas, but times were set to
duties, the committee recommended In March 1985 Hollywood’s principal, change once more. Small movements
scrapping the Achievement Certificate John Monks, reported to the Annual within the school saw some alteration
and doing away with the core and General Meeting of the P & C his of educational emphasis, mostly aimed
options curriculum.They outlined the thoughts about the Beazley and at improving the facilities in creative
idea of the Unit curriculum— McGaw reports as they related to the subjects enjoyed by students. A new
something that was already being tried school. Both reports: Perfoming Arts Centre was opened in
in other states. 1985 to be followed by a new Media
refer to curriculum, firstly, with special Centre.49 The art rooms were
emphasis on literacy, numeracy and refurbished and extended also.
49 Journalists Ron Banks, Malcolm Queckett and Peter Holland were Hollywood boys.Teacher, Murray Mason also wrote reviews for the West Australian.
Gifted teaching – Art Swanbourne District Art Prize. Prizes small art department produce such
Creativity in schools is often the are perhaps a somewhat specialised graduates? Was there a particular
preserve of those departments teaching method of signifying a school’s success teaching method or an ideology which
the arts. As should be clear in this even when regularly awarded, because spurred students to develop their skills?
history the Art Department was not they inevitably highlight the work of Hollywood was fortunate to have
the only creative spot at Hollywood, the few at the expense of the many. employed artists and teachers,
but for many years students who took Another promising question might be Rosemary Wallace and Julie Medhurst,
this subject, especially those who whether the art department produced who took advantage of whatever extra
carried their interest through to the practising artists who continue to work funding was being offered.They knew
final year of school, won accolades and in the field? they wanted to offer new and
recognition not only from peers and challenging experiences to their
parents but also from professional artists Indeed, some students have continued creative students. In 1982 the WA Arts
and bureaucrats. From 1993 Western to develop their interest and skills at Council advertised a scheme which
Australia’s Art Gallery has curated an tertiary level becoming artists would place a practising artist in a
exhibition of final year art works called themselves. Names like Greg James, school for a period of weeks to be an
‘Perspectives’. Hollywood Senior High, sculptor, Helene Twaddle, a textile ‘artist-in-residence’. Funding for the
although not a specialist art school, artist, or Gina Moore, who in 1994 artist and materials was provided and
proved remarkably successful in earned some of her living as artist-in- that year the school applied for a
obtaining recognition each year. For residence at schools like Hollywood potter. Jean Robbins spent five weeks
example, in 1997 the work of four teaching students chalkboard art, and at the school teaching small groups of
students was selected for display.The cartoonist Jos Valdman, who worked children from years 9 to 12 how to
limit imposed on each school was five for the West Australian newspaper in throw clay on a wheel. She also
pieces, and few produced that number. the 1990s, are known within the art introduced them to the arcane
Hollywood also regularly took out the world and beyond. How did such a mysteries of glazing. Extra wheels had
to be hired and students were selected Education provided Festival and Special the end of the 1992 school year.This
Project Grants. One was applied for
on the basis of their ability to practice impressive project was actively
pottery skills for an extra two hours a and a sculptor,William E. Rees, was promoted by president of the P & C,
week. Art teaching in schools often has appointed to be artist-in-residence to who thought that students might like
to demand more time from students three schools, Hollywood Preschool, to express their idea of what school
Hollywood Primary and Hollywood
because it is so labour intensive, but at meant to them artistically. Materials
the end of the five week period there Senior High School. He devoted time were paid for by the Parents and
was the satisfaction of an exhibition to teaching his art across all these levels Citizens Association; the work, which
within the school where the potter and ended by making a bronze was considerable, was overseen by the
displayed her own work as well as the armadillo which he then generously art teachers.
students’. donated to the high school.These
grants took time and energy to find Music is another sphere of creativity
The artist-in-residence scheme long and to apply for, and all were where, as has been mentioned,
since has fallen victim to cuts in the competitive, but the Art department Hollywood has been well served by its
Arts Department funding, but other seems to have become adept in teachers. It too demands extra time
institutions have stepped in to provide managing to discover the right from its students. Frequently the school
different opportunities. In 1990 a program and the right artist. Each year has been lucky enough to employ
gallery in Claremont introduced throughout the 1990s a new art project dedicated, skilled teachers who have
students to the concepts behind stimulated discoveries and passion inspired generations of students in
organising an exhibition and running a among the practitioners. Perhaps the classical guitar, wind or string
gallery.This extra curricular work was most obvious artwork in the school, a instruments. Such a one was Bruce
paid for by something called the Post large wall mural on the outside of the Herriman, whose reputation reached
Compulsory Schooling Program hall, was designed and painted by out to local schools and parents,
Funds. In 1991 the Ministry of students over the Christmas holidays at awakening them to the idea of special
music at Hollywood. Perth Modern, were still played, towards more co- surprising given its location and the
located nearby, and Churchlands, which operative activities.They included many opportunities the children have
is not far away, are designated music more outdoor education: camps, to swim. It is a sport that holds the
schools but Hollywood, with its cluster climbing, sailing, cycling and canoeing. interest of students across the school,
of gifted students, has managed also to Hollywood produced some excellent across age and gender, although that
produce fine musicians, including opera canoeists because of this focus, yet the statement must be qualified. It seems
singers Vivienne Hamilton and Ian main thrust of the school’s physical that girls become notoriously self-
Westrip.Yet, as with many creative education teaching was not to train obsessed about their bodies after year 9
subjects, music teaching at Hollywood champions, rather to pass on certain and sometimes refuse to get in the
has operated on more than one level. A physical skills while raising the pool if their class is shared with boys,
teenage obsession with popular music individual’s self esteem. Students today for sport has always been a learning
is expressed in the popular annual are consulted over the sports they wish area where gender plays a significant
Rock Eisteddfod and in garage bands, to play at the beginning of each role. Girls are thought to prefer
some of whom have performed at the semester, for sports come and go in aerobics and dance more than contact
Hollywoodstock end of year schools, influenced by fashion and by sports like football, although from time
celebrations.This form of music brings televised competitions as much as they to time, especially during the 1980s,
Hollywood students together in the once were by seasons. Football has girls have asked to play those sports
way sporting teams once did. never really been lost from Hollywood, too. During the swimming season
but while basketball was king it lost a training is held early in the morning in
little ground.There is at the time of the school pool three times a week.
Sport Again writing a swing back to AFL and Enthusiastic swimmers are rewarded
But in sport too, during the 1980s, the towards soccer away from basketball. with breakfast cooked by the teachers.
direction moved from emphasising Hollywood has always been a A high point in the school sporting
competition, although team games swimming school, which is hardly record, recalled with a certain glee by
coach Peter Webster, was its win in But Hollywood, despite its rather poor activity and proper nutrition. As part of
1991 in the state swimming facilities, is within a five minute walk the unit curriculum it is an elective
championships, breaking seventeen or drive to a wide variety of excellent thereafter. In upper school sport
years of Churchland’s hold on the sites.The school utilises Perry Lakes becomes more recreational and a larger
event. stadium and Beattie Park pool, Rosalie choice of activities is offered. Since all
Park grass tennis courts and the Swan activities which take the student away
Today, the on-site facilities for outdoor River surf cat facilities to mention only from the school must be paid for, some
sports at Hollywood are showing their a few. In kinder times the school bus have been dropped.This reduction in
age.The oval has always been fleet ferried students to and from these choice might have proved a serious
problematic. Not only has the surface places but access to them is now more handicap to the future of physical
been damaged from time to time by restricted since the buses have been education had it not been for the
scavengers, whose memory of its reduced in number from four to one. imagination of the teachers who have
former use as a Council dump means Travel, however limited, costs money provided a welcome variety of options
that they dig at week-ends or at night which is now factored in to fees for for the older students from pool to
searching for antique bottles, but it is courses and becomes part of the martial arts, and circus skills to ten pin
infested with a weed that seems hidden tax which the parents pay today bowling.
impossible to control. Moreover, it is for their children’s sporting education.
small.The cricket pitch and nets The perception of impending change
provided in the 1960s have been sorely Physical and Health Education remains during this decade was not limited to
neglected and are no longer in use. compulsory for year 8 students when creative subjects or to sport.
Tennis and netball courts, built at the not only is team membership Administrative change was reinforced
same time on the other side of the encouraged, but also students are by the Better Schools report, prepared
school where the pool also was to be taught the benefits of a healthy by the department in 1987.This policy
located, continue to be well patronised. lifestyle, one which includes sporting document encompassed various
proposals which, once implemented, Whereas once it was believed that a Teachers and teaching
had the effect of somewhat increasing good system creates good schools, it is School teachers perform an essential
the school’s autonomy, curtailing the now recognised that good schools task in our society. Not only do they
power of head office to oversee make a good system. Accordingly the pass concepts of our culture from one
classroom teaching, and potentially efficiency and effectiveness of the generation to the next, but they
restraining the tendency towards ad system can be improved only if schools provide a safe and nurturing
hoc decision making by individual have sufficient control over the qualityenvironment where learning of all
principals. School-based decision of education they provide.50 kinds may take place. Hollywood has
making groups like Hollywood’s been fortunate in having a history of
School Council, were endorsed. In However, the apparent goodwill exceptional teachers—people who will
1988 Hollywood parents moved towards schools encapsulated in the always be remembered by their
quickly to re-write their Council’s above statement was diluted in 1989 by students for their expertise, their
constitution, but it was not until a damaging industrial dispute caused by interest, their humanity.They have
January 1992 when regulations were the increase of duties such autonomy been people who have liked their job
gazetted under the Act that their entailed and the erosion of real wages. and enjoyed communicating with their
opinions began to carry more weight. The ministry did not back up its words students.While all of us who have
Better Schools demonstrated that a with extra funding nor with any attended school think we know what
whole new framework for acknowledgement of heavier teachers do, perhaps we only ever saw
government schools was being responsibilities that it laid upon its them as adults who somehow related
considered by government.Yet caution workforce. to each of us as an individual. Our
was not thrown to the wind; the new perceptions or memories probably do
proposals were realised slowly and not take into account that in a large
cautiously. high school one teacher may meet and
greet, teach and talk to more than one
50 Ministry of Education, Better Schools in Western Australia: a programme for improvement, Perth [1987], p. 1.
hundred individuals each day.Teaching teachers and educationists recognised respect for the individuality and rights of
is a highly social undertaking.To be a that students and parents had begun to others and a habit of fair dealing.
good teacher requires stamina as well as develop different expectations about
b) A readiness to join with others without
love of the job; strategies in the their involvement in the school.They
thought of personal gain, either as leader or
classroom as well as knowledge of a were influenced by social and political
participant, in activities designed to improve
subject area.Within the classroom movements taking place across the
community living either within the family or
teachers are notoriously difficult to country. Hollywood’s administration
in a wider group.
study, although they have always been and teaching staff expressed their
accustomed to the process of philosophy in a Staff Handbook c) An acceptance of the need to operate
assessment, enduring it from peers and produced by the school in 1979—not within institutions and customs observed by
colleagues as well as from their such an unusual document it might be the majority even while thinking and acting
students.The professional environment supposed. However, Hollywood’s as an individual and bringing rational
in which they have worked and the advice to its teachers was imbued with criticism to bear upon them.51
stresses and successes which a liberal humanist ethic, perfectly
Elsewhere in the Handbook is advice
Hollywood’s teachers have experienced adjusted to its times.
to new teachers: advice about
in the classroom have probably not
classroom discipline and professional
altered a great deal during the last four For example, in listing the aims of
hierarchy within the school, how to
decades, although the curriculum has behavioural goals to be reached by
deal with unruly students, when to
undergone considerable upheaval since students it details the ‘habits and
report to parents, when to ask for help.
1958 when the school opened and attitudes associated with responsible
Funding and the ramifications of the
their industrial world has been gravely citizenship’ as
school budget, the assistance that might
be forthcoming from the P & C and
a) A set of personal values which include
general administrative matters were
During the 1970s and 1980s, some honesty, compassion for the less fortunate, a
outlined. As Hollywood was still the periods of detention. In the year 2000, restricted amount of knowledge that
venue for practice teaching, dates when as the teachers gather themselves to once was required in each subject. As
student teachers could be expected in move to new premises, the school has teachers grapple with this major
classrooms were listed also. Such arranged the content of its subjects change in educational focus, one of
practical information belies the notion into eight learning areas: the Arts, their aims is to explain the differences
that new teachers, and old, could be Languages other than English (LOTE), between the new and the old to
left without assistance when facing Health and Physical Education, Society parents and students, for their
difficult teaching situations. In and Environment, English, Science, organisation of teaching also is
producing such a list of helpful hints, Mathematics,Technology and different. No longer constrained by the
the school was merely acknowledging Enterprise. Discipline in its most stern requirement for term tests and
the obvious. Staff support is invaluable, serious form is dealt with by the class-room performances which once
not only for the students. Deputy Principal and may involve the were observed and marked by an
student passing time on his or her own inspector or, later, a superintendent, the
In the first years of the school, as has in a ‘time-out’ room.The names of the teacher now operates under a system of
been detailed, the teachers had learning areas seem familiar but the advice from the head of department in
laboured under considerable content of the various curricula differs his or her learning area. Goals are set,
difficulties, as the buildings and markedly from four decades ago.The challenges are issued, parents are taken
grounds were completed.The subjects microchip revolution, the requirements into account, since ‘performance
they offered included mathematics, of the examination system and the indicators’ include not only coverage of
science, languages (French, German broadening aim of teaching the curriculum and academic success
and Japanese), English, art, history and comprehension and analytical skills, rates, but also management of the
geography, domestic science, manual now result in ‘outcomes’ rather than classroom and pastoral care issues.52 As
arts and sport. Discipline wielded in grades. Understanding is pursued part of this move, the school issues two
the classroom included the cane and instead of limiting teaching to a handbooks, one for Years 9 and 10, the
other for years 11 and 12, where the Hollywood, perhaps because of its by the State School Teachers’ Union
content and course requirements are proximity to the University of Western when they commissioned research into
spelled out for students and parents. Australia, has always accepted students the workplace. A discussion paper was
These are years when choices must be from other countries in its classrooms. produced which illustrated that teacher
made. Many children of visiting academics stress and teacher burn-out was
have been educated here for short widespread in the modern world, stress
While change may be difficult to periods. Other visitors have been commonly peaking in the first five
accept, especially in a familiar setting Rotary exchange students or students years in the classrooms and again, after
like a school, it is not all bad news. from a ‘sister’ school in Japan.53 All have twenty.54 Why then do adults decide to
Students are accorded greater respect as had to make adjustments to their new join the profession? These days few will
individuals than in the past and in school, providing another challenge to admit they always wanted to be a
return are expected to act with greater the classroom teacher, as they teacher, although Hollywood’s deputy
responsibility. As most children now themselves added new dimensions to Principal (now head of Shenton
remain at school until they are young their peers’ understanding of the world. College Upper School), Rob Schock,
adults, physically bigger and stronger However, despite the liberalising of the decided that he would be a teacher
than many teachers, and exposed to a education experience, an equalising of when he was fifteen, and fewer still
wider range of educational stature inside the classroom between advertise that there was any ideological
experiences, including such excursions the teacher and the students is an aim commitment in their choice of
as holiday trips to other countries and that is far too radical to be profession. Some will say they just
even the possibility of living and contemplated, even in this most liberal dropped into the profession by chance,
learning in another country for an of government schools. others took a different career path
extended length of time, recent before approaching a classroom. But
changes reflect a broadening outlook Teaching is one the world’s more ask any teacher and the chances are
within our prosperous western society. stressful occupations, a fact recognised that you will receive one of two
53 Hollywood has long been known for stimulating and successful language teaching, see Success Stories.
54 Education Committee of State School Teachers' Union of Western Australia (inc.) Position Paper no. 4, May 1982, 'Teaching and Stress'.
replies: teacher scholarships, which mitigation or exacerbation of stress, inspirational Principal, Max Piggott.
were sufficiently generous to allow all, included place of employment and These two men were capably
but especially country students, to support systems within and outside the supported by their Principal Mistress,
attend university, or a family interest in school, as well as the administrative Miss Lukin, who held that her
teaching proved influential. State style and personality of the principal responsibility was not merely to placate
funded scholarships increased hugely in and support staff. parents or make cups of tea, but to
number after the Second World War to help the school run smoothly and
alleviate the shortage of teachers, but in Hollywood has mostly been fortunate retain its place in the community.
Western Australia the factor of in the personalities of its principals and There were always two deputy
distance, the knowledge that a country long-serving deputies who could principals because of the size of the
posting, perhaps in a remote area, was reliably utter emollient words and school, but the male deputy tended to
regarded as essential experience before prevent treacherous situations emerging move on, usually promoted to a
tenure could be granted, inhibited among the various sections of the headship.This fate, because of the lack
many from applying. Family members school community. In the 1960s the of opportunity for women, did not
who could relate insider knowledge of school was lucky to have John Paul as befall either Miss Lukin (1965-1982)
how the department and school its Principal. He is remembered as one or her successor, Jane Green (1983-
teachers’ union have combined to of those gifted headmasters who make 1997).Yet both emerged as powerful
minimise transfer difficulties and a difference wherever they go. He forces within the school structure and
accommodation problems, allayed that knew the children and could the school would have been
fear to some extent. Country communicate with them and their considerably poorer without them.
experience after all, might not be as parents, as well as knowing and leading They, too, knew all the students and
stressful as work in a big city school. his staff. He was a ‘brilliant parents, sat on the School Council and
Various factors uncovered by the educationist’ and was followed, after an explained school policy. Merrilees
Union researchers to be crucial in the interval, by another affable and Lukin continued to teach at least one
55 John Paul was well respected by Dr David Mossenson who thought he was better equipped to be Director of Secondary Education than himself, see BL OHtr2613. M.C. Salter (formerly Merrilees
Lukin) praised both men when interviewed. She had worked with John Paul at another school before coming to Hollywood.
class each term, usually year 11 the least recognised spheres of the For occasionally the State School
Biology. She thought it important not school organisation is the front office. Teachers’ Union adds to debate within
to lose touch with the special Here parents meet administrative staff schools since not all contention is tied
circumstances of the classroom, but by who answer the constantly ringing to the classroom and school
the time her successor took over, the phone, maintain the attendance administration. During the 1980s,
pace of administrative change was such registers, deal with sick children, find largely as a result of the altering
that there was no spare time for face to time to deliver lunches that have been political environment and the
face teaching.56 These two women’s left at home, ring parents when shrinking of funds for education,
communication and organisational necessary.They also provide the teachers also took industrial action. In
skills, especially during the 1980s and necessary skills to keep the records of July 1981, forty-five members of staff
1990s, helped the school ‘run like the institution and when computers walked out of the school as the result
clockwork’ as one teacher has recalled. were first installed laboured extra hours of a disagreement over the quality of
That encomium does not mean that all to understand the new programs.Their education available in schools.The
decisions taken at the top were number has increased from one, Miss halcyon days of the seventies were
acceptable to the classroom workforce. Little, who served as secretary to the beginning to lose their glow.
In particular the formation and first headmasters, to four fully Commonwealth funding for schools
implementation of the school timetable employed women.This burgeoning of was slowly contracting and the union
was and remains a fertile area for the office work reflects the increased demands for pay increases to reflect
discussion and discord. Students argue administrative responsibilities that have work for value were not to be met by
about uniform, teachers rally around fallen on the school since the 1960s, the department whose brief from the
the timetable and duty rosters as issues. especially during the 1980s.The office State government was to reduce its
was the first place that parents could expenditure. David Mossenson, still the
No school runs well without contact when teachers went on strike. Director, attempted to rationalise his
competent clerical assistance. One of expenditure in the least painful way as
At Hollywood union directives were difference between teaching fifteen difficulties usually relate to lack of
and are usually observed.The teaching years ago and teaching today.Those resources rather than anything to do
award still contains provision for time who are involved in supervising with facing students. Funding remains
to allow classroom teachers to work swimming or other sporting activities, an issue for government schools.
outside the classroom. Known as or who are helping students prepare Nevertheless, substantial gains have
Duties other than Teaching or DOTT, themselves for the Rock Eisteddfod, been recorded industrially, including
this protective ‘spare’ time, awarded in know that these responsibilities rarely the acceptance of merit, rather than
proportion to periods spent in face to receive sufficient recompense and these seniority when promotions are
face teaching, has become something days not all teachers will commit considered.The past two Principals
that is jealously counted and preserved. themselves to unpaid work. Hollywood have been women, June Prouse
It is paid time that is usually spent in no longer produces school-based (relieving Principal) and Pauline
meetings, lesson design and student musicals and extravaganzas precisely Coghlan, who will head the new
assessment but DOTT has grown into because they involve so much unpaid school, a startling change for some
a political issue for some teachers just labour.Yet teachers do continue to teachers. Devolution, while it adds
because so much of their energy is also provide extra curricular activities, like responsibilities, also allows many more
spent in voluntary tasks. Some teachers camps and debating, seeing it as part of decisions to be taken by heads of
still arrive at school two hours early their job to extend their classes socially department, and individual teachers. As
and stay late but not all manage to and intellectually. in most occupations where an
maintain this level of commitment. enormous amount of time is spent
Although such differences may always School-teaching clearly has changed dealing with individuals face to face,
have occurred, there is a change in over the 40 year life of the school. As despite the possibility of burn-out,
attitude in some teachers that has some will admit, ‘teaching is a lovely passionate commitment to the job is a
arisen largely because of the new job’, adding far too frequently, ‘but...’ necessary requirement. Hollywood
industrial climate, and it marks a real when a litany of troubles ensue.The teachers have achieved exceptional
results, both social and academic, which by the school’s increasing focus on appropriate decision making forums.
are the envy of other schools. ‘active citizenship’. These students argued that schools had
a way to go before student opinion and
In 1988 a group of Hollywood year 12 the teaching of students to form their
Teaching Citizenship; approaching the students formulated a submission for own opinions would obtain legitimacy
1990s the Senate Standing Committee on even though Hollywood still had a
An interest in politics has never died Employment Education and Training representative Student Council and
among Hollywood teachers and and when this committee visited Perth student members sat on the School
students and was confirmed when a they appeared before it to explain their Council. In their own way these
politics teacher was appointed in 1977. views, being only the second school in students were endorsing changes
But from the very first years of the Australia to accept the opportunity. proposed by the Better Schools report
school, students had been encouraged The students argued that politics for more autonomy, although it is
to visit parliament house to meet their should be taught more widely as unlikely that they had read the
local members and to observe the school students rarely comprehended document.
Legislative Assembly in action. how the state or political parties
Hollywood was also highly impressed worked. But they also made the point In general, schools tend to be wary of
by the United Nations attempt to that the kind of teaching was politically active groups among their
teach students about international important. It was no longer acceptable constituents. Hollywood has attempted
relations and regularly sent students to to be required to learn from a to be more generous.The politics
the Dag Hammerskjold conference, as textbook—most of those in the subject teacher, Chris Hill, who accompanied
state representatives.61 However, the were regrettably unexciting; the this group to the Commonwealth
1970s broadened student understanding inquiry method stimulated a higher Offices in Perth where they aired their
of political issues and this knowledge level of interest. ‘Active citizenship’ views, was later awarded the first WA
was further deepened during the 1980s demanded active membership of Parliamentary Education Teaching
61 In 1996 two Hollywood students represented Australia at the World United Nations Youth Conference in The Hague.They were Emily Davies and Darryn Ansted.
Fellowship. He then spent one month later practised their skills in various building. As that building plan
in Canberra where he assisted in places including University Guilds and suggested, this subject, designed to
developing two curriculum packages student unions. Hollywood numbers teach young girls how to become good
about parliamentary procedure for among its alumnae politicians, Colin wives and mothers, was given high
schools.Teaching about matters such as Barnett, MLA, Doug Shave, MLA, Kim priority.The curriculum then was
parliamentary procedure was perceived Beazley MHR, Christopher Evans, based on an assumption that girls
as laudable, and other efforts made at Sen. and David Parker, a former deputy would marry and stay at home raising
Hollywood to bring the political world Premier. their family. Society began to challenge
into focus for its students have also this version of a female future in the
been endorsed. During the 1990s Hill 1970s as we have seen (earlier in some
squired a group of students across the Domestic Issues families), and by the 1980s the
country to Canberra.They travelled by The politics of the private world have emphasis on equal opportunity raised
bus, and dropped in on also altered greatly since with 1960s. in new reports on education and at
parliamentarians in Melbourne, Sydney Teachers in the traditional areas of many meetings within the school,
as well as the federal capital. A full Home Economics and Manual Arts meant that if the subject was to survive
timetable ensured that everyone (Design and Technology) have sought at Hollywood, the courses needed
reached home exhausted, but to move with the times. Home radical refocusing.The Home
presumably with a greater command of Economics has always enjoyed a Economics department found a new
the country’s political system.This trip certain popularity at Hollywood, niche in school life when cookery and
was not the only one made to perhaps because of its high teacher sewing became available for both boys
Canberra, for since the 1970s the commitment, perhaps because in the and girls.
school has consistently encouraged original school plan, it was located on
students to become knowledgeable one corner of the quadrangle and thus Home Economics today is part of the
about the political world.They have dominated a section of the school learning area,Technology & Enterprise,
62 Information about this learning area has been largely gained from the teachers who took time to explain their understanding of the history of their subjects.
to all successful school graduates. Computing languages are taught and an understanding of how society
web pages designed by students.The works, girls requiring household skills
Photography, now taught by a former first computers were installed in the and boys needing to know how to fix
Manual Arts teacher and head of school as the result of parent generosity things, but still they offer an escape
department, Andrew West, is also in the 1970s. Since that time they have route for those Hollywood students
potentially expensive in material costs, become an essential practical and who are not attracted by the pressure-
but is rather more technologically learning tool and Computing has cooker atmosphere of the competitive
advanced than woodwork.The school become a TEE subject.There are few final year exams. In the past, many
has recently acquired some digital places in the school without the new students in this learning area left before
cameras and together with art, with technology.The school library has been the end of year 12, some taking
which there is some affinity, transformed, although books still stand apprenticeships, others finding work in
photography adds to the appreciation on its shelves. But computer terminals offices or shops.Their prospects were
of design especially as students are and CD Roms reflect the changing enhanced by relationships the school
taught to formulate their own accessibility of information. Students built up with potential employers.This
compositions from the outset. can e-mail their homework to their can still be the case for some lucky
teachers, teachers can draw up lesson students, but most now continue their
Many students choose to spend more plans and utilise the World Wide Web education at TAFE colleges.
time in the business and commercial with ease. Computers emphasise the
streams of this learning area than with rate of change that is overtaking
the hands-on subjects, enjoyable as they schools today, and Home Economics 1990s
might be. Computers have altered the and Design and Technology must be The Better Schools document
student understanding of the understood in their reflected light. influenced the 1990s profoundly,
workplace.The business classroom is They provide something completely although it, in turn, was to be
fully equipped with modern PCs. different. Both once were defined by overtaken by a new administrative
policy of the Local Area Educational care, however, was the issue over which one of their responsibilities within
Plan or LAEP, which brought the most time was spent. It became the their communities.64 His role in the
devolution process to a new level. first priority when the school plan was school is to maintain a Christian
Hollywood parents, especially members finally announced in 1992. presence. He is not permitted under
of the School Council and some the Education Act to proselytise or
teachers, were prepared to take a Although the idea of extending the evangelise any student, nor does he
school-based decision-making group responsibilities of the school towards have a teaching position, but he may
seriously but change takes time to enhancing the individual’s social counsel individual students who seek
accept and implement and the school confidence has always been accepted in his help.The current chaplain is a
administration neither immediately education circles as a positive notion to Minister of Religion who assists with
substituted the unit curriculum for assist learning, the nineties emphasis various school programs that are
core subjects and options, nor drew up required a new team of people designed to promote student self
a school plan as Better Schools working at the school.The term confidence, self esteem and personal
required. Parents expressed themselves ‘pastoral care’ has a biblical ring to it, development.
hampered and frustrated especially by so perhaps it is not surprising to
the 1989 industrial dispute which left discover that the school accepted the He is not the only provider of pastoral
teachers disinclined to attend meetings arrival of a chaplain in August 1990. care, nor is this emphasis new at
after school hours.The Principal was He was and is funded by the Hollywood.Teachers who are year co-
also dismayed by the extent of Hollywood Christian Resources ordinators also accept the responsibility
consultation required to formulate such Council, a representative committee of to nurture and watch children in their
a plan, having virtually ignored an twelve local churches, that include care, referring them to the school
earlier draft constitution drawn up by Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, Churches of nurse, psychologist or chaplain if they
the president of the School Council Christ and Uniting parishes, who think some need has arisen. As well,
and an informed teacher.63 Pastoral consider the provision of this service as Student Services (the new name for
63 Perhaps the similarity the Draft Constitution 1988 bore to ALP Rules was a sticking point, especially in view of the industrial dispute in 1989.
64 The P & C also supports financially this position in the school.
‘pastoral care’) include a youth continue to be needed. As chaplain schools, reflect stresses and strains
education officer whose job once was Shane Scott remarked, within the wider society. Moreover, as
to arrange school excursions and all educationists know, students vary.
camps, but now organises work-place I see a lot of grief in my job. Children who Not everyone will appreciate the same
learning (formerly work experience), come from homes where parents have educational environment. Perhaps there
and a policeman, currently a former separated, children who fail to reach their is an irony in providing a special
student of Hollywood, whose role is to goals, children who feel isolated, students who learning experience for boys in the
provide information to students about arrive from another school and have no classroom. Many of the inequalities
drugs, driving and other hazards of friends.There is a good deal of grief felt by girls faced in Hollywood, which were
adolescent life.65 A peer support students in this school. identified in the 1970s and worked on
program, under which year 11 students by the staff, students and parents alike,
The school psychologist, who is
monitor the incoming Year 8s, greeting have been resolved. Now it is the boys’
present at the school four days a week,
and camping with them in the first turn. Could masculinity be at risk? The
agrees that there is an underside to the
week of term, was established in 1989 pastoral care team, however, rejects this
Hollywood experience.66 He counsels,
and continues to build some of the interpretation.They know that social
assesses and advises students, talks to
social bonds within the school. Pastoral development is uneven and the
parents and is, at the time of writing,
care, which seeks to identify children students they encounter, boys and girls,
constructing a ‘Boys in Education’
in want of assistance, seems formulated do not always enjoy school.Their job is
program for Hollywood.Why should
to stand as a safeguard against to be responsive to individuals. ‘We are
such an idea be necessary, especially in
uninformed public opinion that decries good at putting out bushfires’,
such an apparently successful school?
the lack of moral or social teaching in reported the psychologist.67
Hollywood students have their
the school environment. As schools get
difficulties as well as their triumphs, for
bigger, and perhaps more impersonal, it Parents too, as we have seen, may differ
all schools, but particularly government
is likely that this group of people will in their appreciation of Hollywood and
65 Use of illicit drugs has taken its toll at Hollywood as in other high schools.
66 The Psychologist is employed by the Perth Education District Office and under the accepted formula should attend Hollywood three days a week, but the school itself pays for the fourth day.
67 In 1997 an actual fire at the school destroyed part of the Administration area. It was the only time such a destructive event has been recorded.Two students were charged.
the 1990s proved a testing decade for student involvement, always vulnerable Council meets once a month, and
parent and school relations. Informed to manipulation, be reduced from five retains its value as a bridge between
parents are always likely to to two members. Parents were the various groups within the
conceptualise the school and the immediately outraged and stood up for institution. It generally supports the
education offered by it a little their right to meet more frequently directions the school administration
differently from those who are actually and also for student equality of wishes to go, and certainly espouses
engaged in teaching or administration. representation. If anything, such and advertises the idea that Hollywood
They are often ready to form a group inapposite motions from the principal is a place where tolerance of difference
pushing for improvements.That said, it provoked the parents to more action. and excellence of achievement go hand
is also true that parents who do not Moreover, despite the focus of the first in hand.69
keep up with debates about the school plan, not all were convinced
direction of education probably that a chaplain was necessary, since the Tolerance of difference sounds so
understand the school in terms of their school had functioned for thirty years positively unthreatening but the ideal
own school experiences a generation without one, and understood that his has taken a battering during the 1990s.
ago and are more wary of change. Both presence was a result of the new school It can so often suggest a lack of
principal’s positive response to
groups are likely to express their views. involvement, but evasion has not been
suggestions from the district churches.68 Hollywood’s way. One of the political
Industrial disputes during 1991 again Pastoral care is hard to disagree with debates of the decade has revolved
hampered the production of the school but literacy and numeracy attracted around interpretation of the parts
plan.The principal, no doubt frustrated parental concern as well. New school played by Aboriginal people in
by the lack of progress, sought to plans focussed upon these skills and Australian history. So-called ‘black
circumvent parental involvement by timetabled periods of silent reading armband history’ has struggled with
suggesting that the School Council were introduced to satisfy perceptions modern self-righteousness. How do we
meet only once a term and that of falling standards.The School teach about the past when the pioneer
68 See Minutes of the Parents and Citizens Association, 1990-1994, for details.The parents were persuaded about the worth of the chaplaincy once they met the new appointee and heard his ideas.
69 At the time of writing student participation has been reduced to three.
myth on the one hand has so many a form of ‘institutional hypocrisy’.They most vividly.They stayed in the small
stalwart supporters, while alternative were trying to teach a strand of town and were introduced to
interpretations of black history have cultural studies about a group of Aboriginal sites and history by a group
often only reached people through the people whose status in the popular of elders.They shared their experiences
publication of government reports like press might be misleading but was with some of the local children,
Black Deaths in Custody, or later, inevitably widely known.To avoid glib playing basketball late into the night,
Bringing them Home?70 aspects of teaching such matters in a learning how to perform at
social vacuum it was decided that new corroborees and picking up the guitar
How did Hollywood deal with this teaching materials were required.The together.The students took
challenge, with ‘tolerance’ or with process of acquiring them from an photographs and wrote essays and
achievement? The issue was tackled by Aboriginal community in Roebourne, diaries and collected artefacts, all of
teachers of the humanities stream in a small town in the Pilbara whose which became part of the new
the ATP classes.They accepted the reputation has been sadly enshrined in teaching materials once back in Perth.
difficulty of studying Aboriginal history many people’s memory by poet Jack The teachers were impressed with the
and piloted an original Aboriginal Davis in his lyrical evocation cooperation and openness they
studies program in 1991, although in ‘Remember John Pat’, has been etched encountered in Roebourne and
middle-class Hollywood at that time it in the participants’ memory. Staff and decided that their work might
was hard to find any student who students agreed that it was most constitute a model for other schools.
others recognised as Aboriginal. memorable excursion they had ever They applied for an Education
Immediately they raised the idea of undertaken. Innovation Award, which they won.
teaching about indigenous people it When they accepted their prize they
became obvious to the teachers that More than one class of students went were accompanied by two Roebourne
they could be caught in a classic to Roebourne, but it was the first small adults, Roger Solomon and Allery
dilemma, which they later described as group who recorded their impressions Sandy, who came south to share their
70 There is not room to cover all the issues about the teaching of Aboriginal history in this school narrative.The purpose of bringing it up is to show how a current issue of great emotion and
importance was incorporated into the school's teaching and was not avoided.
satisfaction and help show-case the spread the funding more thinly he agenda, Hollywood was told that it
venture.These two also taught at argued that Hollywood should now shared ATP with Swanbourne
Hollywood for a week. Roger sat in concentrate either on the humanities Senior High School and Swanbourne
the quadrangle with the children he or on the mathematics and science was to teach the humanities stream.
had met up north, teaching them stream. Almost all schools who had Again, Hollywood parents and teachers
Aboriginal words, and encouraging found a place for ATP students were to were stirred to action, becoming the
their interest in Aboriginal history. be affected in one way or another. more annoyed when it was perceived
Allery who was a teaching assistant in Gwen Brockman led the outcry at that the principal, Jim Haynes, held
Roebourne, did the same in Hollywood. She considered it between a rock and a hard place, was
classrooms. It was a satisfying outcomeimpossible as well as unwise to force capitulating to this directive. However,
of MACOS teaching and an impressive children at the age of 12 to make such the department showed concern at the
achievement for the ATP classes.This an unrealistic choice especially since hostility roused by the proposal and
first encounter with Aboriginal people many children in the program are sent a team of experts to the school
has resulted in rich outcomes, leading gifted in both areas. Little consultation who found themselves agreeing to save
to annual Aboriginal Studies camps with schools who offered these courses the humanities. Swanbourne was
organised in various places around the seems to have taken place, but it is allocated mathematics and science. In
State for all Society and Environment clear from correspondence held in the 1998 both streams were restored to
students. Department of Education archives, that Hollywood and in the new school,
some parents and teachers saw the Shenton College, teaching of the gifted
Such achievements were threatened dispersal of the ATP programs as a will continue.
when in 1994 Director General of device to bolster other schools,
Education, Greg Black, endeavoured to especially those that were not currently Changes in the 1990s were introduced
‘rationalise’ funding for the Academic attracting good students.71 Whether or under an increasingly decentralised
Talent Program. In an attempt to not this was part of the departmental administration. In line with an urgent
desire to reduce government spending, compellingly to the Minister and their enrolment, refurbished and built
the Ministry reduced its bureaucratic attended public meetings with new campuses, government schools are
taskforce and shed its former pyramid enthusiasm.They even discovered the being closed. Planners foresee further
of responsibilities for inspection and land on which a new school could be decreases in the government school
assistance.These have been assumed in built. Shenton College may share some populations in these established suburbs,
the ‘local areas’ under the Local Area of the disabilities of a smaller site withwhile forecasting increased numbers in
Education Plan. Hollywood parents Hollywood, but it is planned to be a the growing northern areas of the city.
disparaged LAEP when they first heard shining example of government Owing in part to parents’ efforts, as well
of it, it seemed too like a investment in education. as to government initiative, public
‘rationalisation’ of resources to be education will remain in the western
supported. However the same parents, It is with the new school that this suburbs in a brand new school with all
when they realised that the closure of history must end.The administrative the equipment and material goods that
Scarborough and Swanbourne High changes came thick and fast during the Hollywood possessed.These will not by
schools and the threat perceived by 1990s. Many were devoted to themselves ensure the continuation of
parents at City Beach High would rationalising resources, at the expense, the Hollywood tradition of excellence.
release an increased number of children said the critics, of the quality of The new school will be an
seeking their education at Hollywood, education. However the world has amalgamation of two government
demanded a new school.The fabric of changed since the nineteenth century schools and has a daunting task ahead, to
Hollywood was too tired and the when educators knew without doubt build its own traditions.This history has
classrooms too unplanned, for it had what qualities education should contain. shown some of the elements that proved
grown over the years with successive Today’s teachers grapple with new essential in creating one school: idealism,
extensions made wherever there technology and different educational goodwill, passionate teaching and strong
seemed room, to be able to cope with requirements. In Perth’s western suburbs, communication skills among various
over-crowding.72 They wrote where private schools have increased groups of people.
72 Merrilees Lukin recalled one insensitive architect suggesting a new building be placed in the centre of the quadrangle.
73 Their support for these causes may be financial or more involved. One student visited East Timor in the year 2000 together with Society and Environment's new digital camera which she carefully
could be formed, a fact that former markedly since the 1960s and are add to this listing, or make a
students readily show in their reunions. assessed differently too.Throughout the correction—please contact the
Parents, students, former parents and 1960s the state government ranked Hollywood History Project
former students as well as teachers will school leavers by their academic results [email protected]
generally be sorry to see the closing of in order to reward the top students Awards Listed here:
this school. It has won for itself an with a sum of money, $80.00 for a
important place in the history of public General Exhibition winner, $40.00 for
excellence in the creative arts. (1983-)
education in Western Australia, and it is a subject prize, which was to help
to be hoped that its legacy will be establish them as a university student— THE KEITH COOK AWARD—
remembered. it was meant to assist with Guild fees Presented to a Year 10 student who has
or with books. As can be seen by the displayed talent and enthusiasm in the
Goodbye Hollywood Senior High, list below, 1968 was a particularly good sporting life of the school. (1988-)
welcome, Shenton College! year for the school. 1985 was the last THE ANDREW COLOMBERA
year that students received money to TROPHY—Awarded to a Year 12
mark their achievement; after that time student tenacious in study, excelling in
awards were in the form of a medallion Sport. (1986-)
Appendix 1 and certificate. My thanks to the GWEN BROCKMAN—memorial
Curriculum Council for providing the humanities prize. (1998-)
Hollywood Success Stories list of Hollywood’s academic achievers.
Hollywood’s reputation as an
Sporting and other successes have also 1959
‘academic’ school has rested, at least in
been included in this listing, though no Michael Gladwyn Grove was Fairest
part, upon the results obtained by its
doubt there are many more that have and Best, won the Cyril Norton Prize
outstanding students in their final year
gone unrecorded, or where the records (reported 6 October 1959 P & C)
exams.These exams have changed
have been lost—if you would like to
Jane Isabel Stewart, 20th in list of Exhibitions—Susan Kelsey came in top HSHS students
General Exhibitions six and Justine Lonsdale Posner John Barwood won UN scholarship to
Subject Exhibitions—Karsten attend Sydney Conference
Nancy Ellen Blakers topped
Geography Juengling, German; Neil Philip
Gentilli, French
25 students received Commonwealth
inter-school State teams TROPHY—David Hutchinson Rae-Chi Huang, Siew Yin A Then,
THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Lisa Dale Wilson
Bowden 1987 Subject Exhibitions, Amanda Bower,
General Exhibitions, Rowan Milton English; Oliver Lob, French; Dale
1984 Davies Wilson, Mathematics I
General Exhibitions, Jonica Elizabeth Special Exhibitions, Rowan Milton Hollywood reached Mock Trial Grand
Newby, Jonathon Schultz, Emma Styles Davies, Mathematics II Final vs Christchurch
Robin Cornish and Iain Marshall in Certificates of Distinction—8 7 outstanding German students
Australian Lacrosse Team Certificates of Excellence—17 2 Mathematics competition winners
THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Lisa Language students starred in Alliance Robbie Wood winner of Queens Trust
Bowden Francaise and D.A.S. exams Award for Young Australians
THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Juliana Andrew Jordan won a sailing regatta in
1985 Mammoli Italy
No exhibitions
THE ANDREW COLOMBERA 8 students selected for inter-state
THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Fiona TROPHY—Diana Prescott/Julie school sporting teams
de Garis Luxton 3 represented Australia in World
Disabled Games in Montana USA
1986 1988
No exhibitions THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Lisa
TEE results showed HSHS as best
THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Libby performing government school in the
THE ANDREW COLOMBERA General Exhibitions: Amanda Bower,
THE ANDREW COLOMBERA students in the recent TEE noting ‘The 1991
TROPHY—Darren Lewis school is particularly fortunate in the General Exhibitions—Aravinth Sam,
quality of its student body, the energy Min Dirk Chan
1989 of the parent organisations, and the
P & C received big Lotteries Grant of
General Exhibitions—Ainslie Sze Yuen, commitment of its staff, so it is $27,160.00
Salvatore Cosimo Panetta, Andrew Ang expected that there will be
achievements and I would be School won National Trust Heritage
Subject Exhibition—Adam John Week Competition and the
concerned if it were not so.’
Drew—Geography Earthworm Environmental Award
Rae-Lin Huang won the Beazley
‘Excellence in Science’ Award shared THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Patrick
medal (top student in the state)
by Ainslie Yuen of HSHS and Vaughan Hew
Wittorff from Harvey Agric SHS General Exhibitions Rae-lin Huang,
David Collins, Carolyn Graham-Taylor THE KEITH COOK AWARD—Sam
Mathew Klopper Subject Exhibitions, Rae-Lin Huang,
Chemistry, Mathematics III, Physics
Rachel Meany
Collins TROPHY—Miles Jupp
Samuel de Vries
General Exhibitions, Raefe Peter
1990 THE ANDREW COLOMBERA Brown, David Borman Koong, Jit-Sun
Year 12 Yearbook Principal referred to TROPHY—Sarah Haynes Jason Tan
‘outstanding collection of scholastic
Subject Exhibitions, David Borman
honours’ earned by Hollywood
Koong, Physics; Murray Colin Blythe,
THE M.C. LUKIN AWARD—Peter THE ANDREW COLOMBERA Subject Exhibitions, Philip Pascoe,
Hardman TROPHY—Joseph Turner English and Computing
record. Archives held in the State Records 1815, ‘Annual reports 1961 – general’
Attendance Book for Visiting Religious Office, Perth 1601, ‘Annual reports 1962 – general’
Instruction, 1967-1972 The following are all from the 1534, ‘Commonwealth Secondary
Department of Education, Inspectors’ Department of Education Scholarships, 1964’
Reports, 1959, 1962, 1963 AN45/1, ACC1497 AN45/9, ACC1574
Dress Policy Committee, Survey and 1101, ‘UNESCO Seminars, general file, 1047, ‘Hollywood High School –
Report, 1992 1958’ inspection reports 1965-1969’
Head Teacher’s School Journal 1962- 1354, ‘Equal pay for men and women, 1523, ‘Alliance Francaise – Exams etc’,
1973 1958’ 1958
Manual Training, School Journal, 1961- 1895, ‘Annual Report 1958 – General, 1534, ‘School sports – Australian
68 1958’ football – general’, 1958
Minutes, Parents and Citizens 1917, ‘Cadet Corps in State High 249, ‘Physical education – syllabus of
Association, Hollywood, 1958-1969, Schools – General, 1958’ instruction’ 1963
1970-1979, 1980-1996 (These also 1243, ‘Annual Report 1959 – general’ AN45/13 ACC1606
contain the Principal’s Annual Reports)
1569, ‘Annual Reports 1959 – Box 2 124-50 ‘Provision of
Minutes, School Council Meetings, Secondary’ swimming pools – policy 1950-1965’
1973-1978, 1988-1998
1893, ‘Annual Report 1960 – general’ Box 9 1747-57 ‘Boundaries of
Minutes, Senior Prefects Meetings,
37/61 ‘Annual Reports 1960— school districts – policy and general
Secondary 1958-74’
Minutes, Student Senate, 1990-1998
1435, ‘Metropolitan area school sites – Box 11 129-58 ‘Industrial
Punishment Book, Girls, 1963-1967 general, 1961’ agreements – general correspondence
Government Schools in Western and ATP Yearbooks, 1990-1999 and Proceedings, 1957,Vol. 3
Australia: a statement by the Premier, Linkage, a student newspaper,Vol. 1, no. Annual Report of the Education
[Perth 1988] 1, 1976—Vol. 2, no. 6, 1977 Department for the Year 1957,Votes
Gregory, Jenny, Building a tradition: a Manual Arts Publication, 1968 and Proceedings, 1958,Vol..2
history of Scotch College, Perth, 1897- Annual Report of the Education
Schools and Staffing, Perth, Department
1996, Perth, 1997 Department for the Year 1974,Votes
of Education, annual publication
Hansen, Meredith (ed.) Reflections, and Proceedings, 1975,Vol. 5
The Prokyon, Hollywood Senior High
1958-1983, Hollywood Senior High Annual Report of the Education
School, 1960-1970, irreg.
School, 1983 Department for the Year 1975,Votes
The West Australian Parent and Citizen,
and Proceedings, 1976,Vol. 4
1959 –1975, Perth, monthly
Journals Better Schools in Western Australia: a
Education Circular, Perth, Department West Australian Teachers Journal, Perth,
programme for Improvement, Ministry
of Education, weekly The School Teachers’ Union of WA, Inc.
of Education, 1987
1981, 1989, 1990, 1994
Education Statistics Bulletin, Department McGaw, Barry et al, Making schools
of Education 1986-1994 more effective: report of the Australian
Subiaco Post, May 1998
Hollywood Senior High School, effective schools project, ACER,
West Australian, 27/8/1973;
Newsletter, 1985, 1996, 1997 Melbourne, 1992
27/12/1973; 11/7/1995, 15/7/1995;
Hollywood Senior High School, Parents’ 14/11/1995 Discipline in Secondary Schools in
Newsletter, 1980, 1982, 1983 Western Australia. Report of the
Hollywood Senior High School,Year 12 Reports Committee enquiring into discipline in
Yearbooks, 1977-1999 Annual Report of the Education secondary schools in Western Australia
Department for the Year 1956,Votes under the chairmanship of Mr. H.W.
Hollywood Senior High School,AEP