DLL Agri6 Q1 W1
DLL Agri6 Q1 W1
DLL Agri6 Q1 W1
II. CONTENT The definition of 4.1.1. Environmental benefits 4.2.1Orchard design and lay 4.3.1 Different ways of 4.4.1Identification of
( Subject Matter) “orchard”. Importance of of an orchard out maintaining an orchard. different products
putting up an orchard. 4.1.2. Provisions of food and 1. Square method derived from an orchard
fruit consumptio 2. Rectangular method
3. Quincunx method
4. Triangular method
5. Hexagonal method
6. Contour (or Terracing)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. pp.
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. pp.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from https://plantyourtrees.com/ https://plantyourtrees.com/
Learning Resource LR portal catalog/information/bene fits- catalog/information/bene fits-of-
of-trees trees
B. Other Learning Resources LED tv, ppt, materials for LED tv, ppt, materials for activity LED tv, ppt, speakers, LED tv, ppt, speakers, LED tv, ppt, speakers,
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Energizer Energizer Energizer
presenting new lesson What have you learned about What have you learned about What are the benefits derived
agriculture when you are in agriculture when you are in from planting trees and fruit-
Grade Five? Grade Five? bearing trees?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show a picture of an orchard or Show a picture of an orchard or a Group the pupils into three. Let
lesson a farm? farm? them list down the persons that
Ask: What can you say about Ask: What can you say about the has an orchard in their
the pictures? pictures? community?
a. Presenting examples/ instances Group Activites Group Activites Let the group present their
of the new lesson. output.
b. Discussing new concepts and Group Reporting Group Reporting Discuss their output.
practicing new skills.#1
c. Discussing new concepts and What are the benefits derived What are the benefits derived Original File Submitted and
practicing new skills #2. from planting trees and fruit- from planting trees and fruit- Formatted by DepEd Club
bearing trees? bearing trees? Member - visit depedclub.com
for more
d. Developing Mastery 1.The teacher further explains 1.The teacher further explains The teacher further gives
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3) and discuss the background and discuss the background examples of orchard growers in
information through inquiry information through inquiry the community.
approach approach
2. Have the pupils master the 2. Have the pupils master the
concepts. concepts.
e. Finding practical application of Why it is necessary to plant Why it is necessary to plant If you were an orchard grower
concepts and skills in daily living trees? trees? how can you help other people?
f. Making Generalizations and What have you learned? What have you learned? How can we say that an orchard
Abstraction about the Lesson. What are the benefits of What are the benefits of planting owner is a successful?
planting trees? trees?
g. Evaluating Learning Why is it good to plant trees or Why is it good to plant trees or List down all the orchard growers
fruit –bearing trees? fruit –bearing trees? in your community.
h. Additional Activities for Draw a fruit-bearing tree and Draw a fruit-bearing tree and Draw an orchard that you have in
Application or Remediation explain the benefits of it. explain the benefits of it. your community.
A. No. of learners earned 80%in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored below