PE 11 Lesson Plan

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PE 11


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Distinguish the types of eating (fueling for performance, emotional eating, social
eating, eating while watching TV or sports events).
 Recognize the relationship of health behaviors (eating habits, sleep and stress
management) through oral recitation; and
 Create a weekly meal plan that shows balance of nutrients needed in the body.


Topic: Sports Nutrition

References: PEH -11-UNIT 9: Sports Health Discipline.
Materials: Laptop, Power point Presentation


Preparatory Activities
A. Routinary Activities
 Prayer
 Introduction
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom Rules
 Review of the previous topic

B. Motivation

Let’s Warm Up!

Unscrambled the words.
A. What word is being described? Write your answer in
column 3.
Words Meaning Answers
tnirnope essential for building muscles PROTEIN
bohcardtesya energy giving foods CARBPHYDRATES
tafs aids in the absorption of vitamins FATS
iescloar unit for energy CALORIES
micluca For strong bo+nes and teeth CALCIUM

Essential Questions

Why is there a need for special diets f or specific training or sports? Does food
intake really affect performance of the athletes?


Learn about It!

Food intake and other consideration in eating varies
according to the level of activities that a person is being
Amino Acids cannot be stored in
engaged. For example, you decided to be active in cycling the body, therefore athlete’s
and it requires more energy compare to other physical needs to consume protein every
activity, therefore more calories than the average person day. Thus, there are protein
should be consumed by a person engaged in cycling. foods that considered
incomplete protein due to not
having a high level of all
essential amino acids, like
Calorie is defined as the amount of energy that the foods beans, peas and nuts. However,
provide. The number of calories needed to produce energy it can be combined to
is based on the food we eat. Mostly the required calories per complementary (with missing
person to stay alive are 10 calories per pound of body amino acids) protein like rice
and whole bread.
weight. But if you are active person and you want to keep
(Source: Nelson, Karl, and Bob
going 17 calories per pound, but if you are in endurance O'Connor. Playing the Offensive Line.
training it requires more calories. United States : McGraw Hill, 2006)
Composition • Made up of 22 amino acids
(Most of our muscle cells and tissues are made up of large proportion of
our cells, muscles and tissue are made up of amino acids therefore amino
acids give cell structure) Refer to Table for the list of Amino Acid

• Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

(only found in protein)

Role Essential for building every part of the body, the brain, heart, organs,
skins, muscles and blood.

No. of Calories per  4 calories per 1 gram of protein


Acceptable  10-35%
Distribution Range

Requirement In take • 0.8/kg BW

• Endurance Athletes and those who are in heavy resistance training: 1.2 to
1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day
• Strength Athletes: 1.6-1.7 g/BW
• Vegan: Plus 10%

150 pounds of body weight=50 grams of protein
Some Other If you have deficiency in protein and planning to take protein supplements,
Reminders think again. Because there are other protein supplements you may consider.
Compare to other protein supplements chicken, milk and eggs are better,
cheaper and healthy.
(Source: Nelson, Karl, and Bob O'Connor. Playing the Offensive Line. United
States : McGraw Hill, 2006)

The Essential Amino Acids and some foods containing them:

Isoleucine Fish, beef, organ meat, eggs, shellfish, whole wheat, soybeans and milk

Leucine Beef, fish, organ meats, eggs, soy beans, shellfish, whole wheat, milk, liver

Lysine Fish, beef, organ meats, shellfish, eggs, soybeans, milk, liver
Methionine Fish, beef, shellfish, egg whites, milk, liver, whole wheat, cheese
Phenylalanine Beef, fish, egg whites, whole wheat, shellfish, organ meats, soybeans, milk

Threonine Fish, beef, organ meats, eggs, shellfish, soybeans, liver

Tryptophan Soy milk, fish, beef, soy flour, organ meats, shellfish, egg whites
Valine Beef, fish, organ meats, eggs, soybeans, milk, whole wheat, liver
(Source: Nelson, Karl, and Bob O'Connor. Playing the Offensive Line. United States : McGraw Hill, 2006)

Composition Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Role • It use in developing the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves and aids of
vitamins A,D, E and K ( fat-soluble vitamins) absorptions
• Serves as protective layer around our vital organs and good insulator against cold.
Highly concentrated energy source and add flavor and juiciness to food.

No. of Calories per 9 calories per gram of fat


Acceptable 20-35%

Recommended • Avoid saturated fats because it is responsible for raising blood cholesterol level
Dietary and hardening the arteries. This may lead to overweight, and risk of heart disease.
Allowance • Monounsaturated fats ( oleic fatty acid) have been shown to have the greatest
effect of the reduction of cholesterol and has positive effect on atherosclerosis
• 15-20% calorie intake
• Intake of polyunsaturated foods (linoleic fatty acids) such as fish

rich in omega 3 (salmon, trout and tuna) can prevent atherosclerosis.

 3-10% calorie intake (i.e. ALA , Omega 6)
Some Other “According to the American Heart Association, trans fats increase your risk of developing
Reminders heart disease and stroke, and are associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes”.
(Retrieved from:


Composition Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

The simpler type of molecule

Role Simple Carbohydrates most readily usable energy in the

body Complex Carbohydrates are the starches and break
down sugar for energy but slower than the simple carbs.
Use by muscles for fueling energy

No. of Calories per gram There are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates

Acceptable 45-65%
Range (AMDR)

Recommended People who compete in events that require high level of

Dietary endurance should have higher intake of carbohydrates to
Allowance provide more energy during the training.
• 6-10g/BW
• Dietary Fiber: 14g/1000 calories

Some Other Consuming high carbohydrates can lead to increase

Reminders production of triglycerides in the liver. Triglycerides are
blood fats and are possible developers of hardened arteries.
Exercise and other training can reduced the increase of
(Source: Nelson, Karl, and Bob O'Connor. Playing the Offensive
Line. United States : McGraw Hill, 2006)

Other nutrients for body and performance improvement


Composition  Organic compounds that are essential in small amount for

growth and development

Role  They act as enzymes that facilitate many of the body


Requirement In take • Minimum amount of vitamins for proper functioning

• Generally recommended that daily intake of vitamins at
higher level should be taken.

Some Other Reminders “Nutritional researchers said that natural vitamins are better than
synthetically prepared vitamins”.
• For those who are exercising, it is advise to take
supplements that can reduce free oxygen radical that
considered to be harmful substance produced by natural
body processes. These radicals can cause some cancers
and heart disease.
• Taking a B complex capsule may help in utilizing protein
and carbohydrates and some of vitamin B helps in
breaking down proteins and other breaking down of

Composition Organic compounds that are essential in small amount for growth and

Role They act as enzymes that facilitate many of the body processes

Requirement In take • Minimum amount of vitamins for proper functioning

• Generally recommended that daily intake of vitamins at higher level
should be taken.

Some Other Reminders “Nutritional researchers said that natural vitamins are better than
synthetically prepared vitamins”. Thus;
• For those who are exercising, it is advise to take supplements that can
reduce free oxygen radical that considered to be harmful substance
produced by natural body processes. These radicals can cause some
cancers and heart disease.
• Taking a B complex capsule may help in utilizing protein and
carbohydrates and some of vitamin B helps in breaking down proteins
and other breaking down of carbs.

Minerals -form of structural components and participate in body processes.

Kinds of Minerals Functions
That Body Uses
Iron Important in developing hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood.

Magnesium • Helps in activating the enzymes needed for energy transfer. This is
needed for effective muscle contraction.

• Magnesium decreased or consumed when exercise is being done.

Absence of magnesium result to twitching, tremors and undue anxiety.

Calcium • Responsible for making our teeth and bones strong. It is also necessary
for nerve transmission, blood clotting and muscle contractions.

• Low in calcium would have negative result on bone strength and muscle
cramps may experience.

Potassium Minerals for cell growth, regulate balance of the blood, and regulate blood
pressure. Deficiency in this mineral will impaired nerve and muscle
functions. Paralysis to minor weakness, loss of appetite, depression, apathy,
drowsiness, confusion, heart failure and even death.

Sodium A great partner of potassium because they are both use in maintaining
body’s water balance. Sodium is the major mineral in sweating, therefore it
is need to be increased when athlete perspires a lot.

Chromium An antioxidant and helps in regulating blood sugar and metabolized fats and

Selenium This is part of essential enzymes, glutathione peroxidase. It works together

with vitamins C, E and beta carotene.
Selenium lessen micro injuries to the small muscle fibers.
Other Non-Nutrients to be Consider
Water and Hydration

Replacing our body fluids before, during and after the training or exercise is important. Lack of water

may not replace what your body uses during your physical activity. This lead to dehydration that can

affect your performance. Dehydration can cause heat related illnesses it may a result from sudden

change of heat or humidity where you conducting your training or practices.

According to Murray (2013) on his research, there is a rich scientific literature regarding hydration

status and physical function that began in the late 1800s, although the relationship was likely apparent

centuries before that. Dehydration can occur changes in cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, metabolic,

and central nervous function and can lead to worst condition of a person dehydrated. Also,

performance impairment often reported with modest dehydration (e.g., −2% body mass) is also

exacerbated by greater fluid loss. Dehydration during physical activity in the heat provokes greater

performance decrements than similar activity in cooler conditions, a difference thought to be due, at

least in part, to greater cardiovascular and thermoregulatory strain associated with heat exposure.

There is little doubt that performance during prolonged, continuous exercise in the heat is impaired by

levels of dehydration ≥ −2% body mass, and there is some evidence that lower levels of dehydration

can also impair performance even during relatively short-duration, intermittent exercise. Although

additional research is needed to more fully understand low-level dehydration's effects on physical

performance, one can generalize that when performance is at stake, it is better to be well-hydrated

than dehydrated. This generalization holds true in the occupational, military, and sports settings.
It helps for
When a person
perspires a lot, it means
it should be replaced to
avoid dehydration.
(University of Maryland
Medical Center
Water helps to supply nutrients for body.
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Here’s are some signs that you lack wat er:

(Source: Reynaldo G. Cruz, DPT, PTRP, ACE-CPT, 2017. Nutrition Factors in Health and Performance,
Fitness Management and Exercise Prescription, GREP203, De La Salle University-Dasmarinas.
May 2017)

The Great Timing for Eating

Aside from eating the right food based on the type of sports you are in, you need to consider also the
organization and right time eating your meals. From this it can also help you to perform well in your

1. Before an Activity
Increase carbohydrates in take few days before the event is also advisable. It
may help to increase the amount of glycogen to be produced and stored in the
muscles. The result is more energy loading.

2. During the activity

• Just drink fluid preferably water to replace lost fluid. Water is the
most needed element and the least expensive. Both caffeine and alcohol
should be avoided because it makes body dehydrated.
• You are not allowed to eat while having your training.

3. After the activity

• Continue to replace body fluids but don’t rush yourself to eat. Wait
for a couple of hour before you eat and replace the energy you consumed.

Let’s Analyze!

There are substances that can increase one’s performance even in a

single capsule. Some has no negative effects but other have severe
negative effects like steroids and amphetamines. However, these can
assured to work better and more efficiently in short period of time.

If you are an athlete would you take a drug that would guarantee you an

Olympic medal but would kill you in 5 years?

Check Your Understanding

A. What are the 3 kinds of nutrients needed for boosting energy level?

B. Give 3 signs of dehydration.

Family Feud

Mechanics of the Game:

The students will be grouped into two teams. Both teams will race to the teacher to tell their answers.
But the game will have a twist. The participant must first bring an item that the teacher will name.

1. What helps in activating the enzymes needed for energy transfer. This is
needed for effective muscle contraction?
2. Deficiency in this mineral will impaired nerve and muscle functions.
Paralysis to minor weakness, loss of appetite, depression, apathy,
drowsiness, confusion, heart failure and even death.
3. A great partner of potassium because they are both use in maintaining
body’s water balance.
4. This is part of essential enzymes, glutathione peroxidase. It works together
with vitamins C, E and beta carotene.
5. Responsible for making our teeth and bones strong. It is also necessary for
nerve transmission, blood clotting and muscle contractions.
6. Important in developing hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood.
7. An antioxidant and helps in regulating blood sugar and metabolized fats
and carbohydrates.
8. Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
9. It is the simpler type of molecule.
10.Organic compounds that are essential in small amount for growth and
11.What is No. of Calories per gram of protein?
12.What is the requirement intake of protein for strength athletes?
13.Its composition is made up of 22 amino acids
14.What is No. of Calories per gram of fats?
15.What is No. of Calories per gram of carbohydrates?
16.What is the role of vitamins to our body?
17.What is the role of carbohydrates in the body?
18.What are the foods that contains Lysine? Give 5
19.What are the foods that contains Tryptophan? Give 5
20.What are the foods that contains Isoleucine? Give 5
1. Magnesium 11. 4 calories per 1 gram of protein
2. Potassium 12. 6-1.7 g/BW
3. Sodium 13. Protein
4. Selenium 14. 9 calories per gram of fat
5. Calcium 15. 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates
6. Iron 16. They act as enzymes that facilitate
many of the body processes
7. Chromium 17. Use by muscles for fueling energy
8. Fats 18. Fish, beef, organ meats, shellfish,
eggs, soybeans, milk, liver
9. Carbohydrates 19. Soy milk, fish, beef, soy flour, organ
meats, shellfish, egg whites
10. Vitamin 20. Fish, beef, organ meat, eggs,
shellfish, whole wheat, soybeans
and milk

Block and Tackle!

Suppose you are a sports nutritionist and you are handling a 15-year-old gymnast player for an
upcoming Division contest. What will be your meal plan for him/her? Present a Week 1 Meal Plan.
Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner Pre Work out Post Work out

Winning Moments

“Hit the target which is to win”.

This is how a Filipino archer Bianca Gotuaco made a name in US National Outdoor
Collegiate championships and won the gold medal. For Bianca, the reason for
achieving this medal was brought by dedicated practices. She is listed in the World
Archery and represents Philippines and in 2009 she made her international debut.
(Source: TGNP Team .GoodNews Filipinas.
June 20, 2017.
gotuaco-wins-gold-us-archery-college-tourney/ accessed May 17, 2018).)

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