RG 2021200079
RG 2021200079
RG 2021200079
Differential Diagnosis of Facet
Joint Disorders
Julia E. C. Anaya, MD
Silmara R. N. Coelho, MD Spinal pain due to facet joint disease is difficult to diagnose since
Atul K. Taneja, MD, PhD the clinical history and physical examination findings are usually
Fabiano N. Cardoso, MD nonspecific. Facet joint disorders have a wide range of causes and,
Abdalla Y. Skaf, MD because of the potential for chronic back pain and disability, an
André Y. Aihara, MD, PhD accurate diagnosis is essential. The most frequent cause of pain in
facet joints is osteoarthritis, which can be assessed at radiography,
Abbreviations: AS = ankylosing spondylitis, CT, or MRI. Ganglion and synovial cysts of the facet joints can
CPPD = calcium pyrophosphate deposition cause compressive symptoms of adjacent structures, especially
disease, FDG = fluorodeoxyglucose, GBCA =
gadolinium-based contrast agent, NSAID = radiculopathy, lower back pain, and sensory or motor deficits.
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, OA = In ankylosing spondylitis, imaging findings of the facet joints are
osteoarthritis, TGCT = tenosynovial giant cell
tumor useful not only for diagnosis but also for monitoring structural
changes. In septic arthritis of the facet joints, an early diagnosis at
RadioGraphics 2021; 41:543–558
MRI is essential. Gout and metabolic diseases are best evaluated at
https://doi.org/10.1148/rg.2021200079 dual-energy CT, which allows the depiction of crystals. Traumatic
Content Codes: dislocations of facet joints are usually unstable injuries that require
From the Division of Musculoskeletal Radiol- internal reduction, fixation, and fusion and can be well assessed at
ogy, Laboratório Delboni Auriemo, Diagnósticos CT with three-dimensional reconstructions. Facet joint neoplasms
da América SA (DASA), R. Dr. Diogo de Faria
1379, Vila Clementino, São Paulo, SP 04037- like osteoid osteoma, plasmacytoma, tenosynovial giant cell tumor,
005, Brazil (J.E.C.A., S.R.N.C., A.K.T., F.N.C., and osteochondroma are best evaluated at CT or MRI. The authors
A.Y.S., A.Y.A.); Division of Musculoskeletal
Radiology, Alta Diagnósticos, São Paulo, Brazil
provide an overview of key imaging features of the most common
(J.E.C.A., S.R.N.C., A.K.T., A.Y.S.); Muscu- facet joint disorders along with anatomic tips and illustrative cases.
loskeletal Imaging Division, Hospital Israelita Acknowledging key imaging findings for the differential diagnosis of
Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil (A.K.T.); De-
partment of Diagnostic Imaging, Federal Uni- facet joint disorders plays a crucial role in the diagnostic accuracy
versity of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (F.N.C., and proper treatment approach for such entities.
A.Y.A.); Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology,
Hospital do Coração (HCor), São Paulo, Brazil Online supplemental material is available for this article.
(A.K.T., A.Y.S.); and Teleimagem, São Paulo,
Brazil (A.K.T., A.Y.S.). Presented as an educa- ©
RSNA, 2021 • radiographics.rsna.org
tion exhibit at the 2019 RSNA Annual Meeting.
Received April 27, 2020; revision requested June
12 and received July 11; accepted July 16. For
this journal-based SA-CME activity, the authors,
editor, and reviewers have disclosed no relevant
relationships. Address correspondence to Introduction
A.K.T. ([email protected]). Chronic back pain is a common pain syndrome attributed in part
RSNA, 2021 to the facet (zygapophysial) joints in up to 82% of cases, which can
lead to disability and have substantial socioeconomic implications
SA-CME LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1–3). Diagnosis and treatment remain difficult because of the large
number and diversity of potential pain generators in the spine. The
After completing this journal-based SA-CME
activity, participants will be able to:
majority of studies present intervertebral disks as the main cause.
Identify the anatomy related to facet However, pathologic conditions affecting the facet joints have gained
joint disorders. important attention in chronic back pain syndromes (3).
Describe imaging techniques and select
Spinal pain mediated by facet joints is difficult to diagnose since
the best modality to depict each facet clinical history and physical examination findings in most cases are
joint disorder. not specific, which leads to an inefficient use of imaging studies with
Recognize key imaging features of the
incidental findings that may be irrelevant in some clinical contexts
most common facet joint pathologic
(3). Most guidelines recognize that imaging examinations are essen-
tial for diagnosis and proper treatment if warning signs are present,
See rsna.org/learning-center-rg. when the results are likely to change or guide treatment, and more
rarely, if pain persists beyond 4–6 weeks (3–5).
544 March-April 2021 radiographics.rsna.org
MRI provides excellent soft-tissue resolution, al- The depiction of facet joints at SPECT may
lowing better identification of nonosseous changes, add information on inflammation affecting these
including soft-tissue edema, synovitis, periarticular joints, showing increased uptake (nonspecific).
cysts, and surrounding neural structure impinge- PET/CT and PET/MRI use hybrid techniques
ment. The use of fat-suppressed MRI sequences and can reach higher accuracy rates in many
can demonstrate subchondral bone edema, which pathologic conditions than use of structural im-
is present in the lumbar facet joints in up to 41% aging alone (3).
of patients with back pain. The administration of
gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) leads Osteoarthritis
to an improved ability to evaluate changes in the Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive degenerative
facet joints and surrounding structures, improving disease that is the most frequent cause of pain in
MRI sensitivity and specificity (3,7). facet joints (3,6). According to Eubanks et al (14),
546 March-April 2021 radiographics.rsna.org
Figure 5. Evolution of OA in facet joints. a, Axial CT (top) and axial MR (bottom) images show a normal facet joint.
b, Axial CT (top) and axial MR (bottom) images delineate narrowing of the facet joint space and small osteophytes.
c, Axial CT (top) and axial MR (bottom) images depict mild hypertrophy of the articular process. d, Axial CT (top) and axial
MR (bottom) images show moderate osteophytes, moderate hypertrophy of the articular process, and mild subarticular
subchondral cysts. e, Axial CT (top) and axial MR (bottom) images depict large osteophytes, severe hypertrophy of the
articular process, and severe subarticular subchondral cysts.
signs of OA can already be found in just over half Typical imaging characteristics of OA in-
of adults under 30 years of age and in all elderly clude narrowing of the joint space, cartilage
people after age 60 years, with the prevalence and thinning, marginal osteophytes, joint hypertro-
degree of OA being higher at the L4-L5 level, fol- phy, sclerosis, and subchondral cysts (6). Such
lowed by L3-L4 and L5-S1 (6). These authors also findings may also be responsible for narrowing
reported that the incidence seems to be the same of the vertebral canal or intervertebral foramen,
between men and women, with a slight male pre- causing central, subarticular, or foraminal ste-
dilection, and there was no significant difference in nosis, mimicking symptoms of disk herniation
OA rates when considering ethnicity or laterality (6,8) (Fig 6).
(6,14). On the other hand, higher frequency of OA Cross-sectional imaging methods such as CT
is linked to bone mass index and a more sagittal or MRI provide a detailed assessment of joint
orientation of the joint (6). Although there is no morphology, especially because of its oblique
consensus, occurrence of OA is slightly higher in situation. Although CT is more accurate than
the upper facets, probably because of the increased MRI to help identify bone changes, the agree-
pressure of lower facets on upper facets during ment between both is high. Additionally, MRI al-
flexion movements (8). lows better identification of nonosseous changes,
As in all synovial joints, OA involves a continu- including synovitis and periarticular cysts (7).
ous process that begins with loss of cartilage, de- Some studies consider a strong correlation
creased synovial fluid, bone hypertrophy, reduced between facet degeneration or overload and disk
joint space, and changes in ligaments and muscles, degeneration, although facet OA can also occur
ultimately leading to failure of the joint complex without disk degeneration (6).
(3,6). Therefore, it is believed that pain is caused The destabilization between the so-called
by degeneration of the facet joints, leading to in- complex of the three joints (intervertebral disk
flammation of the surrounding tissues (3) (Fig 5). and facet joints) can lead to degenerative insta-
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Anaya et al 547
Figure 8. Ankylosing spondylitis. (a) Sagittal reformatted CT image shows diffuse syndesmophytes
and anterior ankylosis (arrow) and vertebral body squaring (loss of normal concavity of the anterior
border) (dashed line). (b) Coronal reformatted CT image depicts diffuse ankylosis of the sacroiliac
joints, which is typical of AS (arrows). (c) Axial CT image at the level of the cervical spine demonstrates
partial ankylosis of the facet joints (arrowheads).
manifestations (inflammatory bowel disease, uve- sclerosis, bone formation, joint space narrow-
itis, and psoriasis) (23). ing, irregularities, and especially, facet joint
Imaging findings of the spine are an important ankylosis. Facet joint fusions are more frequent
part of diagnosis and monitoring structural changes in the thoracolumbar junction than in the lower
in AS. Many sites may be affected, including verte- lumbar spine (24) (Fig 8). MRI is highly specific
bral bodies, vertebral margins, ligaments, interver- for depicting edema and enhancement of bone
tebral spaces, and the facet joint itself (20,23). marrow and joint space and can also add infor-
Radiography offers limited visualization. mation on bone erosion, sclerosis, bridging, and
CT can provide a clear view of bone erosion, ankylosis (21) (Fig 9).
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Anaya et al 549
Figure 13. Spinal injury resulting in quadriplegia in a 43-year-old C5-C6, and C6-C7 (42,43). During hyperexten-
man involved in a car accident. (a) Sagittal reformatted CT image sion injuries, the spinous process fractures first,
reveals fracture dislocation of the left facet joint (arrows). (b) Sagit-
tal reformatted CT image depicts right facet dislocation with loss of then the facet joints, and the posterior body is last.
apposition of the facet joints, called the reverse hamburger bun sign Soft-tissue damage may also occur, including dis-
(arrow). (c) Axial CT image shows widening of facet joints (red line) ruption of joint capsules and ligamentum flavum.
and an articular facet fracture (arrow). (Figure courtesy of Mariana S. CT screening with three-dimensional recon-
Silva, MD, Diagnósticos da América SA, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.)
structions has a higher sensitivity (99%) and
specificity (100%) for the depiction of spine injury,
compared with the lower sensitivity (70%) of
plain-film radiography. However, both can show
fracture or loss of apposition of the facet joints, in-
creased interspinous distance, and, in the cervical
spine, anterior vertebral translation of greater than
50% of the anteroposterior vertebral body width
(indicative of bilateral dislocation) or 25% transla-
tion (commonly unilateral dislocation) that can
lead to spinal cord injury. CT is also able to show
soft-tissue abnormalities such as disk herniation or
hematoma (Fig 13) (38,40,42–44).
MRI studies allow the visualization of loss or
incomplete apposition of the facet joint, widen-
ing of facet joints, and articular facet fracture.
MRI findings are indicative of facet fracture-
dislocations and may include subluxation of the
vertebral bodies, asymmetric anterior or posterior
widening of intervertebral disk space, increased
interspinous process distance, disruption of the
posterior column ligament complex (mainly the
supraspinous and interspinous ligaments), and
disruption of the intervertebral disk and ligamen-
tum flavum (36,40,43). MRI might be useful in
the evaluation of soft-tissue injuries, hematomas,
and vascular injury, especially in patients with
neurologic injury with negative CT findings (42)
(Fig 14).
Infectious Arthritis
Septic arthritis of the facet joints is a rare clinical
entity. Its frequency is estimated at 0.2%–4.0% of
all spinal infections and 86%–97% of all the cases
affecting the lumbar spine (45,46). Hematoge-
unstable injuries that require internal reduction, nous spread is the most frequent route of infec-
fixation, and fusion (36–39). There are three tion (72%), although it can occur as a result of
main patterns of thoracolumbar facet disloca- direct inoculation such as surgical intervention,
tions: (a) anterior subluxation of the vertebral spinal injection, acupuncture, or injury (45–47).
body with locked facets, (b) lateral subluxation This infection can result in significant morbid-
of the vertebral body with laterally locked facets, ity and usually affects older (>60 years of age)
and (c) an acute kyphosis with superiorly dislo- or immunocompromised patients such as those
cated facets (39,40). with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, liver
Unilateral cervical facet dislocations represent disease, alcoholism, chronic renal failure, intra-
5% of cervical spine injuries and are often as- venous drug misuse, or corticosteroid therapy
sociated with posterior fractures, ligamentous (45,48,49). The most commonly isolated micro-
avulsions, and annulus fibrosus ruptures, which organism is Staphylococcus aureus (about 70%),
can lead to instability, neurologic deficits, and while others such as Staphylococcus epidermidis,
severe disability (41). Bilateral facet dislocation is group B Streptococcus, Salmonella, and Escherichia
less common and is part of a spectrum of cervi- coli occur less often (45, 50).
cal spine flexion- or distraction-type injuries. The Clinical signs and symptoms are nonspecific,
most common levels for such injuries are C4-C5, and therefore, the differential diagnosis is wide.
552 March-April 2021 radiographics.rsna.org
Patients present with high fever and severe back up to 38% (Figs 15, 16). Some patients may also
pain that may radiate to the flank, gluteal region, experience remote complications such as endo-
thigh, and calf muscles, which are similar symp- carditis, diskitis, and infections of other joints
toms to those seen in spondylodiskitis, pyelone- (45,50).
phritis, and disk prolapse (45,47,49). Facet joint infectious arthritis is usually man-
Imaging plays an important role in early diag- aged conservatively with intravenous antibiotics,
nosis of infectious arthritis. Standard radiography and surgical intervention is indicated for patients
is rarely useful since the imaging findings are who develop neurologic manifestations or persis-
usually normal and changes are not specific. The tence of epidural abscesses despite appropriate
changes consist of joint space narrowing or wid- antibiotic treatment (46–48,50).
ening, erosions, or subchondral geodes (cavitary
lesions without an epithelial lining), and they are Tumors
seen 3–12 weeks after the onset of the symptoms
(45,49,50). Scintigraphy with technetium 99m– Osteoid Osteoma
methylene diphosphonate (99m Tc-MDP) is 100% Osteoid osteoma is the third most common be-
sensitive to depict infection in facet joints as early nign bone tumor after enchondroma and nonos-
as 3 days from onset but is nonspecific (45,47). sifying fibroma. It usually manifests in patients
CT imaging is 96% sensitive and helps in diagno- under 30 years of age, is seen predominantly in
sis after 2 weeks from onset. CT shows widening males, and has a peak incidence in the 2nd de-
of the joint space and erosive bony changes of cade of life. Osteoid osteomas normally develop
the facet joints and may help depict soft-tissue in long bones, but 10%–25% occur in the spine,
involvement (epidural or paraspinal muscle ab- where the lumbar spine is the most commonly af-
scesses) (45,49,50). fected site (60%), followed by the cervical (27%)
MRI is the standard modality to depict find- and, rarely, the thoracic spine (12%). When the
ings of infectious arthritis because of its high spine is affected, osteoid osteomas are usually
sensitivity and specificity. It can depict alterations found in the posterior elements: the laminae,
as early as after 2 days of infection. MRI helps facet joint, or pedicle (51–54).
identify the widening or destruction of the facet Osteoid osteoma manifests as a dense sclerotic
joint space, intra-articular effusion, synovitis, bone growth with a vascularized nidus that can
and the spread to adjacent muscles, spinal cord, undergo varying degrees of calcification. Lamel-
epidural (potentially responsible for spinal cord lar periosteal reaction can also be seen. These
or nerve root compression) and subarachnoid tumors rarely exceed 1.5–2.0 cm (51,53,54).
spaces, and disk enhancement after injection with Clinically, osteoid osteoma is characterized by
GBCA. It can also be used to monitor response intermittent local pain that worsens at night and
to treatment (45,47–49). Epidural abscess, a can be referred to a nearby joint, creating clinical
major complication, can be seen in up to 25% ambiguity. Pain is typically relieved by aspirin or
of cases, and paraspinal abscess has been seen in NSAIDs (53,55).
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Anaya et al 553
Figure 15. Septic arthritis. (a) Axial T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image depicts
bone edema to the left facet joints of L3-L4 (red arrows), with adjacent collections that
are epidural (white arrow) and in the posterolateral paravertebral musculature next
to the facet joint (). These findings indicate septic arthritis of the facet joint with as-
sociated abscesses. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR image shows septa
between the abscesses and intense peripheral enhancement in the posterolateral para-
vertebral musculature (arrowheads). An abscess compresses the dural sac, displacing
and grouping the nerve roots of the cauda equina with marked canal stenosis (arrow).
(Figure courtesy of Luis Pecci Neto, MD, Hospital do Coração, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, and
Teleimagem, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.)
Figure 19. Plasmacytoma (same patient as in Figure 18). Sagittal T1-weighted (a), T2-weighted fat-
suppressed (b), and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted fat-suppressed (c) MR images delineate a T1-hy-
pointense bone mass affecting the facet joints and transverse process of a thoracic vertebra (white arrows)
with high signal intensity on the T2-weighted image (red arrow), and homogeneous enhancement after
injection of contrast material (), with mass effect and spinal cord compression (green arrow).
Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor Its high avidity at FDG PET can mimic more
Tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT) is a aggressive bone lesions, including metastatic dis-
locally aggressive and proliferative benign le- ease (66,68,69). MRI reveals a lesion with low to
sion affecting the synovium of tendon sheaths, intermediate signal intensity at T1-weighted im-
bursae, and joints that can mimic malignant aging and variable signal intensity at T2-weighted
tumors (66–68). It is usually monoarticular, and imaging, reflecting the variable content of hemo-
malignant transformation is uncommon. TGCT siderin, fluid, and hemorrhage, and it often shows
is typically seen in the 3rd decade of life, and the marked heterogeneous contrast enhancement
distribution between men and women is almost (66,69,70) (Fig 20).
equal. Patients may present with localized pain in
the spinal region, radiculopathy, paresthesia, or Osteochondroma
muscle weakness (67,69). Osteochondromas are the most common benign
TGCT can be subdivided into localized and bone tumors, representing 36%–40% of benign
diffuse forms. Localized TGCT usually affects bone tumors. They are typically seen in the ap-
tendons of the hands and feet. Diffuse-type TGCT, pendicular skeleton and rarely found in the spine
also called pigmented villonodular synovitis, affects (1%–4%) (71,72).
the synovium of larger joints such as the knee, hip, Osteochondromas can be present as solitary or
ankle, and elbow (66,68). Although very rare, the hereditary lesions without a genetic component
spinal form of diffuse-type TGCT can arise from or as multiple lesions in the context of hereditary
the synovial membrane of the facet joints and multiple exostosis. The solitary form affects the
bursae. The cervical spine is the most frequently in- spine in 3% of cases, and the hereditary mul-
volved (44%), followed by the lumbosacral (33%) tiple exostosis form in 7%–9%. The causes of
and thoracic (19%) spine. Spinal TGCT may osteochondromas include congenital conditions,
range from 2 to 6 cm, and the majority of tumors trauma, and radiation therapy. They occur more
are typically located in posterior elements, involv- frequently in males (two and a half times more
ing or centered at the facet joints (67,69). than in females) before they reach skeletal matu-
Radiographic findings have varying appear- rity and are usually diagnosed in adulthood as an
ances, including a circumscribed soft-tissue mass incidental finding (71–73).
(approximately 50%), bone erosion (13.9%), The most commonly affected areas are the
periosteal reaction (8.3%), and intralesional cervical (50%) and thoracic spine, and rare cases
calcifications (5.5%). Up to 20% of radiographs have been reported in the sacral and lumbar re-
are normal. Facet joints can be identified as the gions. Osteochondromas arising from facet joints
site of origin in 45% of radiographs, as compared are rare. They may manifest with neurologic
with in 67% of CT images (67,68,70). symptoms if found anteriorly or with pain and
At CT, the lesion is typically characterized by deformity when occurring posteriorly (72,74).
osteolytic and expansive features and sclerotic Plain radiography may show an osseous mass
margins, with hyperattenuation resulting from that is sessile or pedunculated. Continuity be-
the hemosiderin content being rarely calcified. tween the cortex and medulla of the lesion with
556 March-April 2021 radiographics.rsna.org
Figure 20. TGCT. Sagittal T1-weighted (a), sagittal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted fat-suppressed (b), and
axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted fat-suppressed (c) MR images reveal a mass involving a right cervical facet
joint, with low signal intensity on T1-weighted images (arrows) and heterogeneous contrast enhancement ().
(Figure courtesy of Mariana S. Silva, MD, Diagnósticos da América SA, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.)
the original bone serves as a marker that is best benign, with osteoid osteoma mostly affecting the
visualized at CT. CT shows the bone anatomy, lumbar spine, while osteochondroma usually af-
margins, and trabeculation of the lesion better fects the cervical spine (51–54,72–74). In asymp-
than radiography (71,72,74) (Fig 21). tomatic middle-aged patients with a single mass
The growing end of an osteochondroma is in the axial skeleton, plasmacytoma should be con-
characteristically covered by a cartilaginous cap sidered as a possible diagnosis. In cases of patients
that can be visualized at MRI, which can be used over 60 years of age with multiple bone marrow
to help assess malignant degeneration. A thick lesions, which are typically in the spine, skull,
cartilage cap of more than 3 cm during childhood and long bones, multiple myeloma or metastasis
and adolescence and more than 2 cm in adults should be considered as possible causes (56–63).
is probably malignant (74,75). However, a thick- In some cases, the clinical history may be
ened cartilage cap alone is not sufficient for the typical for a specific tumor, such as in young
diagnosis of malignant transformation. Prominent adults with night bone pain that is relieved with
calcifications, soft-tissue invasion, bone erosion, salicylates, which is highly suggestive for osteoid
and tumor invasion of the underlying bone are osteoma (53,55).
also features of malignant transformation (76). For young adult patients with locally aggres-
A reasonable differential diagnosis can be sive tumors involving soft tissues in the poste-
made for most spinal tumors on the basis of clini- rior elements of the cervical spine, one should
cal data, patient age, location of the spinal and remember TGCT, which can mimic malignant
vertebral injury, and radiologic appearance. These lesions (66,68).
imaging findings are summarized in Table E1.
For example, some tumors have a predilection Conclusion
for specific age groups. In patients under 30 years Pathologic conditions of facet joints comprise a
of age, spinal tumors are uncommon and generally wide spectrum of disorders, including OA, cysts,
RG • Volume 41 Number 2 Anaya et al 557
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S. Silva, MD, Luis Pecci Neto, MD, and Marcello Henrique and worsened functional status. Rheumatology (Oxford)
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