Reversing Light With Negative Refraction
Reversing Light With Negative Refraction
Reversing Light With Negative Refraction
Materials engineered to have negative permittivity and permeability demonstrate exotic behavior,
from a negative refractive index to subwavelength focusing.
John B. Pendry; David R. Smith
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m m<0
elements into which cuts are periodically introduced. The quency set by the geometry of the element. Such a split-
effective permittivity for the cut-wire medium has the form ring resonator (SRR), in its various forms, can be viewed
as the metamaterial equivalent of a magnetic atom. The
(1) SRR medium could be described by the resonant form
where the plasma frequency wp and the resonance fre- m(w) ⊂ 1 ⊗
. (2)
quency w0 are determined only by the geometry of the lat- w ⊗ w20 ⊕ iwG 2
tice rather than by the charge, effective mass, and density The wire medium and the SRR medium represent two
of electrons, as is the case in naturally occurring materi- basic building blocks—one electric, the other magnetic—
als. For w0 < w < wp, the permittivity is negative and, be- for a large range of metamaterial response, including Vese-
cause the resonant frequency can be set to virtually any lago’s hypothesized material (see figure 1).
value in a metamaterial, phenomena—including negative
e—usually found at optical frequencies can be reproduced Negative refraction
at frequencies as low as a few megahertz. Structures are Maxwell’s equations determine how electromagnetic
often designed with continuous wires so that w0 ⊂ 0. waves propagate within a medium and can be solved to ar-
The path to achieving magnetic response from con- rive at a wave equation of the form
ductors is slightly different. From the basic definition of a
] 2E(x,t) ] 2E(x,t)
magnetic dipole moment, m ⊂ 1/2*r × j d3r for current den- ⊂em . (3)
]x2 ]t2
sity j, one can see that a magnetic response can be obtained
if local currents can be induced to circulate in closed loops. In this equation, e and m enter as a product, so it would
Introducing a resonance into the element should enable a not appear to matter whether their signs were both posi-
very strong magnetic response, potentially one that can tive or both negative. Indeed, solutions of the wave equa-
lead to a negative m. tion have the form exp[i(nkd – wt)], where n ⊂ √em is the
In 1999, one of us (Pendry) and colleagues proposed a refractive index. Propagating solutions exist in the mate-
variety of structures that, they predicted, would form mag- rial whether e and m are both positive or both negative. So
netic metamaterials.2 Those structures consisted of loops what, if anything, is the difference between positive and
or tubes of conductor with a gap inserted. One can view negative materials?
such structures as miniature circuits: A time-varying mag- It turns out that one needs to be more careful in tak-
netic field induces an electromotive force in the plane of ing the square root, because e and m are analytic functions
the element, driving currents within the conductor. A gap whose values are generally complex. There is an ambigu-
in the plane of the structure introduces capacitance into ity in the sign of the square root that is resolved by a proper
the planar circuit and gives rise to a resonance at a fre- analysis. For example, if instead of writing e ⊂ –1 and
around 12 GHz.
with the same radius of curvature as
in (a), and its focusing pattern. The
5 10
meta-lens is much lighter than the
positive-index lens, a significant ad-
vantage for aerospace applications. b
Although both lenses have the same x
radius of curvature, the negative lens z
has a much shorter focal distance.
(c) A concave metamaterial lens, de- y
signed by Claudio Parazzoli and his
colleagues at Boeing Phantom 0.5
Works,18 with n –1 at microwave 0
frequencies near 15 GHz. On the left
a c d d
d d
Figure 5. Generalizing the perfect lens.
(a) A slab with refractive index n ⊂ –1
(black region) draws light to a perfect
focus. (b) The negative slab achieves
this focus by “unwinding” or negating
the phase acquired in passing through
free space. The phase velocity (green
arrow) advances in the positive medium
(white region) but retreats in the nega-
d tive medium. (c) Focusing can occur
through two objects that are more com-
b Energy Energy plex, provided that one is the inverse
mirror image of the other. (d) A graphi-
cal equation of optical cancellation:
Mirror-antisymmetric regions of space
optically annihilate one another. A
Phase Phase
negative medium is, in effect, a piece
of optical antimatter.
e O –1 e = +1
m O –1 m = +1
Figure 6. An optical paradox. (a) Ray tracing predicts that some rays, such as ray 2, will be rejected from this system, even
though the mirror theorem illustrated in figure 5 predicts that all waves should be transmitted. (b) The solution of Maxwell’s
equations for a single negative-index cylinder shows the expected diffraction pattern. (c) When the complementary layer is
added, all scattering is removed, within the accuracy of the calculation. Color represents intensity: red, highest; blue, lowest.