All Cases

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The Noun: Cases

Why do we need cases?

We need them to show how the noun and other words in the sentence interact with each other. It
is basically a grammatical category.

How to understand where to use a certain case?

You must put a certain question to a noun in the sentence. For example, in English you can put
three kinds of questions to a noun depending on its role in the sentence.

The boy is playing with a kitten. (who? what?)

The word “boy” plays the role of a subject.

The boy hugged him. (who?/whom?)

The word “him” plays the role of a direct object.

His kitten.

The word “his” plays the role of a possessor. (whose?)

But in Ukrainian language you can put 6 types of questions.

Every case in Ukrainian language is named after a specific word which helps to identify the
question needed to be put down to a noun, therefore children at school are taught to memorize
the questions according to the names of the cases. I think that it would be a useful thing for you
to put on notice this way.

Nominative case (Називний відмінок): хто? що?

The nominative case is the easiest one as it answers direct questions: who? and what?

The word “називний” is derived from Ukrainian “назва” (a name), so basically it is a dictionary
form of a noun,

which names the object in the sentence:

His name is Oleh. — Його звати Oleг.

If a noun is a subject in the sentence, it has to be nominative case:

The girl is playing the piano. — Дівчинка грає на піаніно.

The book lies on the table. — Книжка лежить на столі.

If a noun is a part of a predicate (stays after a dash, which replaces “to be”):

He's brother is a doctor. — Його брат — лікар.

I am a (male) student. — Я — студент.

Genitive case (Родовий відмінок): кого? чого?

The genitive case shows that something or somebody is possessing or not possessing to
somebody or something else.

The word “родовий” is derived from Ukrainian “рід” (a gender, a generation) and the question
you can put is: whose gender?, so

it's basical purpose is to point out the possession, belonging, membership of the object:

The girl's piano. — Піаніно дівчинки.

The back of the chair. — Спинка крісла.

He is a school principal (a principal of school). — Він директор школи.

In some negative sentences:

I do not have a credit card. — У мене немає кредитної картки.

James cannot send the letter. — Джеймс не може відіслати листа.

Dative case (Давальний відмінок): кому? чому?

The word “давальний” is derived from Ukrainian “давати” (to give) and the question you can
put is: to give to whom?

He gave a candy to a boy. — Він дав цукерку хлопчику.

or to show something to somebody, or to tell somebody something, or to explain, to present etc.:

Please, explain (to) sister this rule. — Будь ласка, поясни сестрі це правило.

He did not tell (to) his friend that secret. — Він не розказав своєму другові той секрет.

Accusative case (Знахідний відмінок): кого? що?

The word “знахідний” is derived from Ukrainian “знаходити” (to find) and the question you
can put is: to search for whom? to search for what?,

in this case it is a direct object of a verb (action):

He is searching for mom. — Він шукає маму.

She is searching for a book. — Вона шукає книжку.

The student (pupil) has made his hometask. — Учень зробив своє домашнє завдання.

Instrumental case (Орудний відмінок): ким?

This case is used when you want to express that someone or something is used by or works with
smth or smb else.

The word “орудний” is derived from Ukrainian “орудувати” (to operate with, to handle with)
and the question you can put is: who to handle with? what to handle with?

He paints with a brush. — Він малює пензликом.

with the preposition з(зі) (with):

Mother went to the theater with sister. — Мати пішла в театр з сестрою.

Travelling by transport or going on foot, walking along the street, city or other long distances:

I walk along this street every day. — Я гуляю цією вулицею щодня.

He went to France by car. — Він поїхав до Франції машиною.

When somebody is interested, engaged or involved in something (somebody):

His girlfriend is interested in history. — Його подруга цікавиться історією.

She is studying (is engaged in) classical music. — Вона займається класичною музикою.

Locative case (Місцевий відмінок): на кому? на

This case indicates the location. This case is used only with a preposition.

The word “місцевий” is derived from Ukrainian “місце” (a place) and the question you can put
is: on what? on whom? (but only the location, not the destination!)

The cat is sitting in the armchair. — У кріслі сидить кіт. (location, Locative case)


The cat jumped in (into) the box. — Кіт стрибнув у коробку. (destination, Accusative case)

When telling time (with a prepositon о (at)):

He came at nine o'clock. — Він прийшов о дев'ятій годині.

Vocative case (Кличний відмінок)

The vocative case doesn't have any questions. It is used only in the direct speech when
somebody is addressing somebody else.

“Mother, put it please on the shelf.” — “Мамо, поклади це, будь ласка, на полицю.”

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