Sikadur 52 Normal

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Sikadur®-52 Normal
Low viscosity epoxy resin


Sikadur®-52 Normal is a low viscosity, free flowing and ▪ Shrink free
fast curing injection resin and primer/coating based on ▪ Insensitive to moisture during application, cure or
a 2 component solvent free epoxy resin; ideally suited whilst in service
to a wide range of building and civil engineering ap- ▪ Applicable over wide temperature range
plications where highly penetrative material is re- ▪ Low viscosity
quired. ▪ Excellent adhesion to most building materials even
when damp
USES ▪ Proven in service
▪ High tensile and flexural strength
Sikadur®-52 Normal may be used to inject and fill ▪ Supplied in factory proportioned units
cracks between 0.2 - 5 mm wide in a wide variety of ▪ High early strength
constructions applications. Sikadur®-52 Normal does ▪ Chemical resistant
not shrink on curing and forms a rigid, high strength
product which exhibits excellent adhesion to most APPROVALS / CERTIFICATES
construction materials enabling the restoration of
structural adequacy to columns, beams, foundations, ASTM C881-78 complies with Type 1, Grade 1 Class B
decks and water retaining structures. &C
Due to its highly penetrative nature Sikadur®-52 Nor-
mal is ideally suited for application as a primer be-
neath Sikadur epoxy mortars or Sikafloor mortars and
coatings on dense substrates. Sikadur®-52 Normal
may also be used to stabilise weak and friable sub-
strates. Special high strength grades can be made to

Composition Epoxy resin
Packaging 450 ml twin cartridge
3.0 kg and 8.0 kg net pre-proportioned kits
Colour Part A: Semi-Transparent (pale yellow),
Part B: Transparent (pale brown)
Part A+B mixed: Pale straw colouration
Shelf life Minimum shelf life is approximately 3 years
Storage conditions Store in original, unopened, sealed and undamaged packaging in dry condi-
tions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C.

Product Data Sheet

Sikadur®-52 Normal
January 2021, Version 01.01

Density 1.1 kg/litre (component A+B mixed) (at +23 °C)

Viscosity Temperature Viscosity

+20 °C ~300 mPa.s
+35 °C ~110 mPa.s
Note: 1 mPa.s = 1 centipoise (cps)

Compressive strength +20 oC (AS 1478.2)
1 day ~44 MPa
7 days ~54 MPa

Tensile strength ~22 MPa (after 7 days at +20 oC) (BS 6319)

Tensile adhesion strength +20 oC (EN 1542)

Adhesion to concrete >3.5 MPa
Adhesion to sandblasted ~10 MPa

Mixing ratio A : B = 2 : 1 by weight and volume
Consumption 1.1 kg/m2 approx. per mm thickness
(dependent on surface profile, texture, temperature, porosity and
Ambient air temperature +5 oC to +30 oC
Substrate temperature +5 oC to +30 oC
Pot Life Temperature Time
5oC ~ 70 minutes
20oC ~ 27 minutes
35oC ~ 16 minutes

BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA mm or greater than 5mm wide. Unless injected un-
der pressure in which case cracks down to 0.15mm
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are are possible.
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may ▪ Maximum permissible substrate temperature 30oC.
vary due to circumstances beyond our control. ▪ Minimum age of new concrete 3 to 6 weeks, depend-
ing on thickness.
▪ Do not apply Sikadur®-52 Normal to substrates lower
▪ The temperature at which the Sikadur®-52 Normal is
▪ If the Part A shows signs of crystallisation, before ap- stored during the 24 hours before it is mixed will
plication place the Sikadur®-52 Normal cartridge or govern its potlife when mixed.
container in warm water (heated to 60oC) for at least ▪ Compressive strengths etc. of epoxy resins must be
one hour. qualified by the testing method eg. Test Standard or
▪ Do not apply to surfaces with standing water or to size of specimen under test and the rate at which the
water saturated cracks. test piece is loaded while under test, as these factors
▪ For optimum penetration and adhesion substrates will affect the result. Faster loading rates will gener-
should be dry. ally give higher ultimate loads and vice versa. Also, a
▪ Maximum moisture content of the substrate 10%.
specimen at lower temperature will show higher
▪ Do not part mix containers to avoid mix ratio errrors.
strengths and vice versa.
▪ Do not dilute the product with solvent as this will af-
fect both the cure and in-service performance.
▪ Constant in-service temperatures >70oC may affect
the performance of the product.
▪ Maximum application thickness 5mm.
▪ Not suitable for injection into cracks less than 0.2

Product Data Sheet

Sikadur®-52 Normal
January 2021, Version 01.01

ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY To fill horizontal cracks under gravity construct a
For information and advice on the safe handling, stor- reservoir above the crack, fill with Sikadur®-52 Normal
age and disposal of chemical products, users shall and allow to penetrate. Residual material may be
refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) con- ground off when fully cured. Vertical and overhead
taining physical, ecological, toxicological and other cracks should have injection nipples fixed centrally
safety-related data. over the crack (between 30 - 50 cm centres) using
Sikadur-31 or Sika Anchorfix-3+. Seal the surface of
the crack with Sikadur-31 or Sika Anchorfix-3+. Allow
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION Commence injection under pressure from one end of
the crack (the lowest nipple on vertical cracks) until
All surfaces to be coated, should be mechanically the Sikadur®-52 Normal exudes from the next nipple,
roughened, free from all contaminants (eg. dust, oil, seal off the first and proceed to inject from the second
grease, etc.) surface water, laitance, old coatings, cor- nipple etc. Once the crack is filled and Sikadur®-52
rosion products. Suitable methods of preparation in- Normal fully cured remove the nipples and use a gas
clude blast cleaning and scabbling. For optimum pen- torch and paint scraper or grind the surface back to
etration the substrate should be dry. line and level. For further details on crack injection
When Sikadur®-52 Normal is used to inject cracks, the please refer to our Technical Department.
cracks must be blown out with oil free, dry com-
pressed air. Cracks in the width range of 0.2 - 5 mm CLEANING OF EQUIPMENT
may be successfully injected. Uncured material may be cleaned from application
MIXING tools, etc. by using Sika Colma Cleaner (flammable
solvent). Cured material can only be removed mech-
Sikadur®-52 Normal is supplied in factory propor- anically.
tioned units comprising the correct quantities of Part
A (Resin) and Part B (Hardener). Thoroughly stir both LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
components separately using a slow running drill with
a windmill type paddle (max. speed 600 rpm). Decant Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
all of Part B into Part A and mix thoroughly (typically 3 the declared data for this product may vary from
mins). (Not applicable to twin cartridge packs). country to country. Please consult the local Product
Data Sheet for the exact product data.
When applied as a primer/coating Sikadur®-52 Normal
should be worked well into the substrate. This is par- The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
ticularly important on damp surfaces. Ensure the at- tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
tainment of an overall gloss sheen but do not allow products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
the material to puddle. If Sikadur®-52 Normal is used rent knowledge and experience of the products when
as a primer for Sikadur epoxy mortars and Sikafloor properly stored, handled and applied under normal
mortars and coatings it should be allowed to cure (but conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
no more than 24 hours old) prior to applying the ensu- tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
ing Sikadur/Sikafloor materials. (Please refer to the strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
relevant Sikadur/Sikafloor Technical Data sheets for ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
further details). particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
When used to fill cracks Sikadur®-52 Normal may be legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
gravity fed or pressure injected for horizontal surfaces. from this information, or from any written recom-
Only pressure injection is suitable for vertical or over- mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
head cracks. user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
Sika Australia Pty Limited
will be supplied on request.
ABN 12 001 342 329
Tel: 1300 22 33 48


Product Data Sheet

Sikadur®-52 Normal
January 2021, Version 01.01


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