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Drug Data Generic Name: Paracetamol Trade Name: Abenol, acephen, aceta elixir, acetaminophen , anacin, tempra, tylenol

Pts Dose: 50 mg IVTT T.I.D. Minimum Dose: 10-15 mg/kg/ dose q4 hrs, prn P.O. Maximum Dose: 650 mgP.O. q46hrs or 1 g TID or QID or prn Content: Acetamenophe n 500 mg diphenylhydra mine citrate 38mg Availability: Caplets,capsul e, oral syrup,oral suspension Route of Administration: P.O., IVTT

Classifica tion Non-opioid analgesics and antipyretic s

Mechanism of Action A>rapid and complete D>25% proteinbound. Level isnt connected strongly with analgesic effect but is with toxicity M>90-95% metabolized in liver E>in urine Onset: Unknown Peak: 1-3 hrs Duration: 1-3 hrs Half-life: 1-4 hrs Chemical Effect: may produce analgesic effect by blocking pain impulses, by inhibiting prostaglandin or pain receptor sebsitizer. May relieve fever by acting in hypothalamic heat-regulating center. Therapeutic Effect: Relieves pain and reduces fever

Indication General Indication: >mild pain or fever >osteoarth ritis Patients Indication: >patient is febrile and also has arthritis

Contra indication Concentration: Contraindicated in patients hypertensive to drug Precaution: Use cautiously in patients with history of chronic alcohol abuse because hepatotoxicity may occur after the therapeutic dose Drug-drug: Barbiturates, carbamazepine, hydantoins,isoni azid, rifampin with high dose use of these drugs, may reduce therapeutic effects and enhanced hapatotoxic effects. Avoid use together. Drug-food: Caffeine may enhance analgesic effects.

Adverse Reaction Hematologi c Hemolytic anemia, neutropeni a, leucopenia, pancytopen ia, thrombocyt openia Hepatic Liver damage (with toxic doses), jaundice Metabolic Hypoglyce mia Skin Rash, urticaria

Nursing Responsibilities Before: >orient self to patient >note significant lab results >note pts drug allergy >Explain therapeutic effects of the drug Calculate dose effectively and accurately During: >use liquid form to children >administer as directed >warn pt to avoid alcoholic intake After: >hypersensitivity reaction caution >management of side effects >evaluate drug effectiveness of the drug

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