O Q e Quilt

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4-H Motto

Learn to do by doing.

4-H Pledge
I pledge
My HEAD to clearer thinking,
My HEART to greater loyalty,
My HANDS to larger service,
My HEALTH to better living,
For my club, my community and my country.

4-H Grace
(Tune of Auld Lang Syne)

We thank thee, Lord, for blessings great

On this, our own fair land.
Teach us to serve thee joyfully,
With head, heart, health and hand.

This project was developed through funds provided by the Canadian Agricultural
Adaptation Program (CAAP). No portion of this manual may be reproduced without
written permission from the Saskatchewan 4-H Council, phone 306-933-7727, email:
[email protected]. Developed July 2013.

Writer: Elya Lam

Table of Contents
Unit 1: The History of Quilting
What is Quilting? ................................................................................................................... 1
Types of Quilts ....................................................................................................................... 1
Quilting and Communities ..................................................................................................... 4

Unit 2: Quilting Basics

Parts of a Quilt ....................................................................................................................... 6
Quilting Patterns .................................................................................................................... 6
Fabric and Fabric Care ........................................................................................................... 8
Colour Theory ........................................................................................................................ 9
Estimating Yardage ................................................................................................................ 12
Equipment and Tools ............................................................................................................. 12
Sewing Machines ................................................................................................................... 15
Methods of Quilting ............................................................................................................... 16

Unit 3: How to Quilt

Choosing a Pattern ................................................................................................................. 19
Choosing Fabric ...................................................................................................................... 19
Choosing Batting .................................................................................................................... 20
Preparation of Fabric ............................................................................................................. 20
Cutting ................................................................................................................................... 20
Piecing .................................................................................................................................... 21
Pressing and Ironing .............................................................................................................. 21
Making the Sandwich ............................................................................................................. 22
Quilting .................................................................................................................................. 22
Binding ................................................................................................................................... 22
Embellishments and Special Effects ...................................................................................... 23
Quilt Care ............................................................................................................................... 25

Unit 4: Quilting and Your Community ......................................................................................... 26

Unit 5: Quilting Projects .............................................................................................................. 27

Glossary .......................................................................................................................................

References ..................................................................................................................................
Unit 1: The History of Quilting
This project requires a basic knowledge of sewing and how to use a sewing machine. If you have
no sewing experience, please take the 4-H project Clothing/Sewing.

What is quilting?
Quilting is a type of sewing which involves attaching two or more layered pieces of fabric
together. Traditionally, quilting was done to make quilts – heavy, warm bedspreads or blankets.

The earliest intact piece of quilted fabric, a linen carpet found in a tomb in Mongolia, was
believed to have been created in 100 BCE. Throughout time, quilts and quilted objects were
made by people and cultures all around the world – from quilted wall hangings in India to
quilted armour in Asia. Quilts and quilted objects were a way for people to demonstrate
craftsmanship, tell stories through the use of pictures, and even pass along messages through
the use of symbols. However, fabric is very fragile – few of these early quilted pieces have
survived the test of time.

In North America, the first quilts were created for survival purposes. European settlers who had
just arrived needed warm blankets to make it through cold winters, and creating layers of fabric
was an easy way to add warmth. Quilts were made by hand with a needle and thread, and were
used to teach young girls the basics of sewing – measuring, cutting, and stitching. For those
families that achieved wealth in North America, quilting became less about function and more
about creating beautiful works of art. During periods of economic struggle, such as the late 1920s
to early 1940s fabric and clothing that had been worn out or outgrown were recycled into quilts.

Today, quilting has grown into a type of textile art created by both men and women. The variety
of quilting styles and projects are limited only by the quilter’s imagination. Start with simple
projects to learn the basic quilting skills, and you will soon be able to create intricate and
detailed quilts and quilting projects!

Types of Quilts
There are three basic types of quilts:

Pieced Quilts – Pieced quilts are the most easily recognized type of quilt. Ask someone what a
quilt looks like, and they’ll probably describe a pieced quilt. Pieced quilts are made by sewing

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small pieces of fabric together into
different patterns and shapes. These
pieces are sewn together to create a
larger piece of finished fabric which
forms the top or front of a quilt.
Simple pieced quilts that use only
squares or rectangles are called

Vintage Patchwork Pieced Quilt

made by Elizabeth Thiessen

Appliqué Quilts – The process of appliqué

involves cutting shapes or letters out of
fabric, and attaching them to another
piece of fabric by sewing. Appliqué quilts
are covered with pieces of appliqué, often
cut into the shape of flowers or objects,
which have been attached by sewing
around the outside of the shape.
Sometimes, these pieces of appliqué are
first attached to the fabric using fabric
glue or an iron-on fusible interfacing.

Appliquéd Baby Quilt

made by Elizabeth Thiesse

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Whole-cloth Quilts – Whole-cloth quilts are somewhat of a lost art – very few people still make
them. Whole-cloth quilts have a top made from a single piece of fabric. Designs are created by
sewing intricate images and shapes onto the fabric, often with a matching colour of thread to
make the design more subtle.

Whole-Cloth Quilts
made by Elizabeth Thiessen

Sometimes, all three quilting styles are used in a single quilted piece.

Whole-Cloth Baby Quilt

with Patchwork Border
and Appliquéd “B”
made by Elya Lam

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Quilting & Communities
Quilting in Canada was, historically, a community event. Young women learned to sew and quilt
from their sisters, mothers, aunts and grandmothers. Quilting bees, or day-long quilting events,
were regularly held and involved all the members of a town or village. Quilters shared patterns,
techniques, and passed along valuable quilting skills and knowledge. By the end of a day, several
quilts would have been made from start to finish. Because of the many cultural backgrounds of
Canadian citizens, no distinctly Canadian quilting style ever emerged.

Throughout the rest of the world (and throughout various time periods), quilting remained a
community event. Amongst these community and cultural groups, different styles of quilting

Amish Quilts: Amish quilts are among the most famous style of community quilts. The Amish
people, who live in North America, follow a denomination of Christianity. As part of their
religious beliefs, they live a simple life without modern conveniences (such as electricity) and
unnecessary “worldly” elements in their dress and home decor. In the Amish community, every
aspect of life is communal (or shared) – everything from cooking and eating, to quilting is done
as a group. Amish quilts reflect the simplicity of their lifestyle, and are characterized by bright
colours and simple patchwork pieces using squares, rectangles, and triangles. They are often
made by hand, or with a foot-powered or treadle sewing machine. What sets Amish quilts apart
are their intricate and tiny quilting patterns.

First Nations Quilts: Although the First Nations people of Canada and the United States had no
known quilting traditions, they learned the patchwork style of quilting when it was introduced
to them by European settlers. They quickly developed their own style of quilting influenced by
their culture and traditional art forms. Stars, bison, and cultural icons are all popular First
Nations quilt pattern themes. Today, many First Nations quilts are used for ceremonial
purposes, often as gifts to important leaders and guests at pow-wows. Star blankets, one of the
most famous styles of First Nations quilts are traditionally used as ceremonial gifts. Star blankets
are also used in wedding ceremonies, as they hold great meaning to the First Nations women
who make them. By offering the groom a place under the star blanket wrapped around her
shoulders, the bride symbolizes making room for the groom in her life and home.

African American Quilts: African American quilts are commonly separated into two categories –
quilts made before the Civil War (also known as slave quilts), and quilts made after the Civil War.
Slave quilts were made by African American slaves. Rumor has it that these quilts were often
used to send secret signals about the Underground Railroad (a series of homes and people who

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would help slaves escape to freedom). However, there is no reliable source to prove that quilts
were used in this way. The few pre-civil war quilts that still exist were made by slaves for their
masters. After the Civil War, African-American people became famous for Biblical story quilts,
appliquéd with images of famous Bible stories.

Hawaiian Quilts: Traditional patchwork quilting was introduced to the people of Hawaii in the
early 1800’s by European missionaries. However, Hawaiians very quickly developed their own
style of appliqué which used a folding technique to create images of plants and fruit (the same
way you may have made paper snowflakes in elementary school!). A single appliqué design
covers the entire quilt top. The bedspreads are quilted using an echo technique, as the quilting
stitches follow the outline of the appliquéd shape.

Japanese Quilts: Various styles of quilting have been popular in Japan since the 1500’s, when
armour was made from quilted fabric. Many traditional Japanese garments were made with
patchwork or appliqué style quilting. As Japan began trading freely with Europe and North
America in the 19th century, quilting large bedspreads for daily use or for art became more
popular. Japanese quilting is characterized by using recycled fabric scraps rather than new

Italian Quilts: The Italian style of “trapunto” quilting is often confused with other styles of
whole-cloth quilting. Trapunto quilts were developed in Italy in the 13th century, and was
developed to add more dimension to traditional whole-cloth quilts. Trapunto involves cutting
small slits in the shapes created on a whole-cloth quilt, and filing them with stuffing to create a
3-D effect.

Though quilting is no longer done simply to keep people warm at night or to pass along secret
messages, it remains a community and relationship building activity. Most modern quilters
regularly get together (whether formally or informally) to discuss patterns, fabric, and view each
other’s work. Many have formed quilting guilds. A guild was traditionally a medieval group of
employed craftsman (such as carpenters or blacksmiths) who would get together to control and
enforce the accurate continuation of their craft. Members of quilting guilds today strive to
ensure that old patterns and techniques are not forgotten, while also providing a support
system and community for other quilters.

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Unit 2: Quilting Basics

Parts of a Quilt
Most quilts are made using the “sandwich method”, meaning that they have at least three

Top – The topmost (or front) layer of a quilt. This is usually the part of the quilt that is decorated
with intricate patchwork patterns or appliqué.

Batting – A layer of padding to add weight and warmth to a blanket.

Back – The bottom layer of a quilt. This is usually a whole piece of fabric.

Quilting Patterns
A quilting pattern is often used to help quilters determine what their finished product will look
like. Many quilting patterns are centuries old, having been passed down from generation to
generation. There are also new quilting patterns being created every day.

There are hundreds of thousands of pieced patterns to choose from. Most pieced patterns are
for the creation of a single quilt block, or square which are sewn together to create a quilt top.
These are the most common block patterns:

Nine-Square – A simple block made of nine identical square

pieces in contrasting colours.

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Log Cabin – A block made of 16 rectangles. Half of the block
is made with light colours, while the other half is made with
dark. By arranging the blocks in different ways, a variety of
patterns can be made on the quilt top.

Evening Star – A block made of 17 triangular and square

pieces. When assembled, the centre image resembles a star.

Windmill – A simple block made of eight identical triangle

pieces in contrasting colours.

Appliqué is rarely done using a pattern. Instead, the quilter is encouraged to use his or her
imagination to draw a simple shape or outline of an image that would be suitable to use. Images
of flowers, leaves, or simple animals are common appliqué themes.

Heart Appliqué Tulip Appliqué Flower Appliqué

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Whole-Cloth quilts are created by embroidering repeating patterns (called medallions) all over a
solid coloured piece of fabric. These medallions usually follow traditional designs, and are as
varied as they are intricate.

Simple Heart Medallion Double Feathered Wreath Medallion

from Sunrise Quilt Studio from Forest Quilting

Fabric and Fabric Care

The type of fabric that you choose to quilt will have a great impact on your finished product. If you
cheap, low-quality fabric, the quilting project that you spent so long on will not last! Most quilts
are made with 100% cotton fabric. It is lightweight, easy to sew, and will last for a long time.
However, cotton will shrink in hot water,
so it is important to wash, dry and iron
your fabric before you begin any cutting.

Whether you are sewing or quilting, it is

important to be able to identify the
different parts of a piece of fabric.

Selvage is the factory finished edge of a

fabric. It should be a perfectly straight line.

The lengthwise grain of the fabric runs

parallel to the selvage edge, and has very
little stretch. Also called the warp.

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The crosswise grain of the fabric runs perpendicular to the selvage edge, and has some stretch.
Also called the weft or straight of grain.

The bias runs at a 45 angle to the selvage edge, and has the most amount of stretch.

Weave refers to how tightly the threads that make up the fabric are held together. Check the
density of a fabric’s weave by holding it up to the light. You should select fabric with a medium
density weave, as it will hold your padding in place while still being easy to sew. When you hold
medium density weave fabric up to a light, you should be able to see light, but not shapes
through the fabric.

Colour Theory
Colour theory (or the method of choosing colours to use)
will be a great help to you as you plan your quilting
projects. When discussing colour theory, colours
are often referred to as hues. Colours are
usually shown in a circular shape, called a
colour wheel. The colours on a colour wheel
are: red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange,
yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green,
blue, blue-purple, purple and red-purple.

Value is the lightness or darkness of a colour. In

quilting, value is almost more important than colour,
as you can create many different effects by using a combination
of dark and light colours. Values can appear to change depending on the colours that surround
them. A tint is a very light value, while a shade is a very dark value.

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There are three When these primary Mixing secondary colours
primary colours: colours are combined, together forms tertiary
red, yellow and blue. they create colours: red-orange,
secondary colours: yellow-orange, yellow-
orange, green and purple. green, blue-green, blue-
purple and red-purple. The
various colours are often
shown in a circular shape,
called a colour wheel.

Colour schemes are combinations of colours that look good together. The most common colour
schemes in quilting are:

Monochromatic: Various tints and hues

of a single colour.

Complementary: Uses two contrasting

colours that are directly across from
each other on a colour wheel.

Analogous: Uses three colours that are

side by side on a colour wheel.

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Triadic: Uses three colours that form a
triangle shape on a colour wheel.

When choosing fabric for a quilt, colour and print (patterned fabric) are equally important.

Small-scale print Medium-scale print Large-scale print

Small-scale prints have a pattern that is tiny in relation to the size of the fabric. From a distance,
the fabric may appear solid in colour, but adds visual interest when viewed closely.

Medium-scale prints are the most common patterned fabric used for quilting. Using too many
styles of prints in your projects will make them appear busy and boring.

Large-scale prints are not usually suitable for quilting projects, as the pattern extends far
beyond the size of a single quilt block. However, you can use large-scale prints for appliqués or
for contrast with smaller prints.

The fabric prints and colours that you choose for your quilting project will have a huge impact
on the appearance of your quilt. Choosing two or more fabrics that contrast well with each
other will create visual interest. Contrast can occur with colour (red and green), scale of print
(small-scale and large-scale), or even shape of print (geometric shapes and swirls).

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Estimating Yardage
The amount of fabric that you will need depends on the pattern that you are following. Whether
you purchase a pattern from a sewing store or find a pattern online, it should contain
information on how much fabric and batting is required, as well as any notions that you may
need, such as buttons or specialty thread.

If you are making your own pattern, here are some general sizes to help you determine how
much fabric you will need:
• Baby Quilts – 36” x 54” • Double Size Quilts – 72” x 90”
• Lap Size Quilts – 54” x 72” • Queen Size Quilts – 90” x 108”
• Twin Size Quilts – 54” x 90” • King Size Quilts – 108” x 108

When buying backing fabric, add 6” to the size of your quilt. To determine the amount of batting
you will need, add 4” to the size of your quilt.

When purchasing binding tape (or fabric for binding), determine the circumference (outside
measurement) of your quilt, and add 6”.

Equipment & Tools

The following equipment and tools will help you get started on your quilting journey:

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Quilting Tools Image Reference Chart
1. Iron An iron uses very high temperatures (and sometimes steam) to
press fabrics flat and remove wrinkles.

2. Quilting Safety Pins Quilting safety pins are larger and more curved than regular
safety pins. They are used to hold the layers of a quilt together
while they are being quilted.

3. Thread Thread is essential for all types of quilting.

4. Thimble Thimbles are used for any type of hand sewing or quilting to
protect your fingers as you push through thick layers of fabric.

5. Hand Sewing Needles Hand sewing needles come in many different lengths and
thicknesses. The size you use will depend on your project and

6. Cutting Mat Cutting mats are used with rotary cutters. They are self-healing,
meaning that they will not be damaged if they are pierced by
the rotary cutter.

7. Tape Measure Use your tape measure to measure lengths of fabric, binding
tape or batting.

8. Ruler A ruler is often easier to use than a measuring tape for small
measurements. It also can help you draw a straight line if needed.

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9. Quilting Hoop A quilting hoop is used to hold small sections of fabric tight when
you are embroidering or hand sewing.

10. Sliding Gauge Sliding gauges are used to accurately mark seam widths, or other
short measurements.

11. Rotary Cutter Rotary cutters are a quick and efficient way of cutting small
pieces of fabric. A very sharp circular blade rolls over the fabric,
cutting as it moves. Make sure you use a cutting mat underneath
so you don’t damage your table or your cutter.

12. Fabric Glue Stick Fabric glue can come in a stick or spray foam. It is used to lightly
hold pieces of fabric together, and depending on the type of glue
may wash off. It is used in quilting to help hold layers of fabric
together, or to attach pieces to be appliquéd.

13. Rotary Ruler A rotary ruler (or square ruler) is used to help you cut in a straight
line when using your rotary cutter. Keep the edge of your cutter
pressed firmly against the ruler as you cut.

14. Embroidery Scissors Embroidery scissors are handy to have close by when sewing.
Their small size makes it easy to trim loose threads.

15. Paper Scissors Paper scissors should only be used for cutting paper (such as
patterns). They are usually too dull to cut fabric.

16. Fabric Shears Fabric shears are used to cut fabric ONLY. Using them to cut
paper will dull them and make them unusable.

17. Straight Pins in Pin Cushion Straight pins are used to hold two or more pieces of fabric
together as you sew. Many quilters find it easier to keep their
pins in a pin cushion, rather than a box, as they can be grabbed
quickly and easily.

18. Needle Threader A needle threader can help you put thread through the eye of a
hand sewing or machine needle.

19. Seam Ripper A seam ripper is every sewer’s best friend! It is used to carefully
take out stitching errors.

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20. Fabric Marking Pencil Fabric marking pencils are made of a special lead that will
disappear after being washed.

21. Quilting Frame Quilting frames hold the layers of a large quilting project together
so that it can be quilted by hand.

Sewing Machines
Every brand and style of sewing machine is different – the only way to truly get to know your
personal machine is to read the instruction manual. However, each sewing machine has similar
components (although they may be in different locations on each machine). These are the basic
parts of a sewing machine that you will need to know as you begin quilting.

1. Thread Take-up Lever

2. Thread Direction Pin
3. Bobbin Winding Spool
4. Tension and Stitch Length Dials
5. Reverse Stitch Control
6. Thread Guide
7. Take-up Lever
8. Throat Plate
9. Stitch Guidelines
10. Needle Screw
11. Needle
12. Feed Dogs
13. Presser Foot
14. Presser Foot Screw
15. Hand Wheel
16. Foot Pedal

When piecing quilts together, you should use a regular presser foot on your
sewing machine.

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When quilting on your sewing machine, a walking presser foot
can make the job much easier. It has extra teeth to help the
feed dogs move thick layers of fabric through the machine.

When quilting, you will need to use the stitch guidelines

(located on the throat plate) to help you sew in a straight line. Most sewing projects follow the
5/8” stitch guideline. However, refer to the pattern that you are using to determine which stitch
guideline to follow.

If you are hoping to do free-motion quilting (you can find more information about this method
of quilting in the next section), you will need a long-arm quilting machine. These sewing
machines are specifically designed for the bulk of large quilts; a long arm allows you to freely
move the quilt fabric as you sew.

A Husqvarna
Quilting Machine

Methods of Quilting
There are three basic methods of quilting: hand quilting, machine quilting, and hand tying.
Hand quilting and machine quilting achieve the same results, but using different equipment. The
layers of a quilt are sewn together (usually in a pattern) using a needle and thread or a sewing
machine. Hand quilting is very time consuming, and requires great skill with a needle and
thread. Machine quilting is much quicker, and allows you to sew through thicker layers of fabric
with ease. Hand tying attaches the layers of a quilt together by knotting small pieces of yarn
through all three pieces of fabric.

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Whether you are quilting by hand or by machine, there are a variety of techniques that you can
use. Each is equally effective, but will give a different look to your quilt.

Stitch-in-the-Ditch: A method of quilting used for pieced quilts,

it involves sewing along each of the pieced seams. Stitch-in-the-
ditch quilting is understated and easy to do, and adds some
puffiness to the quilt.

Outline: A method of quilting used for pieced or appliquéd

quilts. Outline quilting involves sewing along the outline of
each piece or image. Depending on the contrast of thread
used, outline quilting can be subtle or bold. Some quilting
fabric is pre-stamped with a quilting pattern that can simply
be sewn over.

Echo: A method of quilting that works best on appliquéd quilts,

but can be used on pieced quilts. Echo quilting begins in much
the same way as outline quilting, sewing around a piece or
image usually at the centre of a quilt. This outlining is
continued, gradually increasing in size until the whole quilt is
covered. Echo quilting is somewhat difficult, but creates a
beautiful end result.

Selective: A method of quilting used for pieced or appliquéd quilts.

Selective quilting allows the quilter some creative freedom: you
can quilt any part of the quilt that you’d like, using any of the
above techniques. Selective quilting, when done improperly or
without careful planning, can look messy and incomplete.

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Free Motion: Free motion is a quilting technique that is most commonly completed using a
sewing machine with lowered feed dogs and a free-motion/darning foot. It is called free-motion
because the quilter controls the speed and movement of the fabric as the machine sews. Free-
motion quilting is nearly impossible to do on a regular sewing machine – most experienced
quilters who practice free-motion quilting own a quilting machine. Most free-motion quilting
covers the entire quilt surface, and is done in one of three styles:

Meandering Loop-de-Loop Pebble

• Meandering: a curved and abstract free-motion pattern. No lines ever touch or cross.
• Loop-de-loop: A series of identical loops that cover an entire quilt surface.
• Pebble: A series of rounded shapes, similar in size, that cover an entire quilt surface.

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Unit 3: How to Quilt

Choosing a Pattern
The pattern that you choose for your quilt will influence the fabric and colours, method of
quilting, and even the size of your finished product.

Before you begin a project, take some time to look at patterns in a sewing store, or at patterns
that a friend or family member owns. Ask questions about the difficulty level, materials, and
estimated cost. Each of these could influence your decision.

Choosing Fabric
The type of fabric that you choose will be determined by the pattern that you are using. You
may need to discuss your pattern with a sewing store employee, or an experienced quilter to
ensure that you purchase the correct amount and type of fabric. Remember, most quilts are
made with 100% cotton fabric.

Once you know how much and what type of fabric to buy, it is time to decide on colours and
patterns. As you browse through the available fabrics, ask yourself the following questions?
• Who am I making this project for? Your teenage brother might love a bold and graphic
yellow and black coloured quilt, but it might not be suitable for your friend’s new baby girl.
• Does this quilt have a theme? Many quilts and quilting projects incorporate a theme,
from John Deere to dinosaurs. Most fabric stores have a wide variety of themed fabrics
to choose from. If using a theme for a quilting project, it’s best to choose one feature
fabric, and choose additional fabrics that coordinate with it.
• Is there a patterned fabric I’d like to feature? If you fall in love with a green, yellow and
white polka-dot fabric, you probably want to choose colours and patterns that will match
and allow the featured fabric to stand out. In this case, you might choose your
coordinating fabrics in various solid values of green.
• Is there contrast? Do the fabrics you chose have a mix of light and dark colours, as well
as small, medium, and large scale prints?

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Choosing Batting
The batting that you choose for your quilting project will affect the weight and warmth of your
finished project. There are two factors to keep in mind when choosing batting:
• Loft refers to how thick or thin your batting is. Low-loft batting is thin, while high-loft
batting is thick. Low-loft batting will not be as warm, but is easier to machine quilt. High-
loft batting is very warm, but is best suited for quilts that are hand-tied.
• Fibre refers to what material the batting is made of. You will likely have three fibre
options: polyester (less expensive but tends to shift inside the quilt), cotton (more
expensive and can withstand many washes), and cotton/poly-blend (similar to cotton in
feel but less expensive).

Remember to purchase a piece of batting that is slightly larger than your quilt top!

Preparation of Fabric
Once you have purchased your fabric, you will need to prepare it before you begin any cutting.

1. Prewash your fabric using hot water, using a small amount of mild detergent.
Remember to separate your dark, medium, and light colours into separate loads.
2. Dry your fabric in the dryer on medium heat.
3. Iron your fabric (using steam) to remove any wrinkles.

Cutting your fabric must be done carefully and exactly, especially when making a pieced quilting
project. Cutting pieces can be done using two different methods:
• Rotary Cutter – Using a rotary cutter is the fastest and easiest way to cut pieces of fabric.
When using a rotary cutter, you must always place a self-healing mat underneath your
fabric. Rotary cutters are very sharp, and could easily cut into your table (or through your
finger!) if you are not careful. Cutting with a rotary cutter is very quick, but there is a
greater chance of making mistakes.
• Scissors – Fabric shears or scissors are the traditional way of cutting fabric. A good
quality pair of shears will make cutting much easier. NEVER cut paper with your fabric
shears, as it will quickly dull them. Cutting with shears takes more time than using a
rotary cutter, but is safer.

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When cutting multiple pieces of the same size and shape, it makes sense to cut more than one
piece at a time. Lay the fabric pieces on top of one another (or fold), and hold carefully in place
using pressure from your hand while cutting.

How you piece together your cut fabric to make a quilt will depend on the pattern that you are
using. However, there are some basic steps to follow when piecing that are the same for all quilts:
• Always put your fabric pieces right sides together. This will ensure that your seams are
on the back side of your quilt.
• Use straight pins to help hold your pieces together before and
during sewing. Place your pins through both layers of fabric,
running perpendicular to the edge you will be sewing – imagine
your presser foot is a train and the pins are the tracks it will
travel over. Perpendicular pins are completely safe to sew over –
but parallel pins can break and cause damage to your machine or
injury to you!
• Remember to backstitch at the beginning and end of each seam that
you sew. This will tie a knot and prevent the stitches from unravelling.

Pressing and Ironing

Ironing and pressing are two very different things. Ironing involves moving a hot iron over a
piece of fabric to remove wrinkles and puckers. You will need to iron each piece of fabric that
you purchase after it has been washed and dried. To press fabric, lift the iron and set it down in
the appropriate position – do not slide it! Pressing is done after each seam in a quilt block to
ensure that seams lay flat.

After each seam that you sew, you will need to press the seams of your fabric pieces to one side.
This will help keep your next seam straight and keep the bulky
layers of your quilt top to a minimum. The iron temperature you
use will depend on your fabric, but most quilting cotton requires
medium-high heat, with some steam. Lay your pieced fabric on
an ironing board with the wrong sides facing up. Fold each seam
to the side and press flat. Where several seams meat up, ensure
that seams are pressed in opposite directions.

When your quilt top is completed, iron it once more to ensure it does not have any wrinkles.

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Making the Sandwich
Once you have created your entire quilt top, you can begin to make your quilt “sandwich”. Find
a large flat hard surface (such as a table or floor) and lay out your ironed quilt back (wrong side
facing up). Use a measuring tape to find and mark the centre of the fabric along all four sides.
Pull the fabric tight and tape down the edges using masking tape.
Lay your quilt batting on top of the quilt back and smooth
flat. Finish by laying your quilt top on top of the batting – use
your centre line marks to help keep it straight.

Beginning in the centre of the quilt, use quilting pins to hold all three
layers together. Smooth the fabric as you pin towards the edges. It’s
best to have at least one pin for every six square inches of quilt.

The method and technique of quilting you use will dictate how you go about quilting. Remember
though – if you choose to use machine quilting, you cannot sew over quilting pins in the same
way that you can straight pins. You must remove each quilting pin as you come to it! Keep a
small basket or bowl beside you to place pins into as you sew.

If you are hand tying, leave all of your quilting pins in until you have finished tying your quilt.
Once you are done tying, you can remove all of the pins.

After quilting is completed, you can use your fabric shears to cut all three layers to the same size. If
you are doing a rolled-edge binding, make sure your quilt back is larger than your top and batting!

Binding is the process of creating a finished edge on your quilt. There are two methods of binding:

Rolled-Edge Binding: Rolled-edge binding uses the quilt back to

create a finished edge on a quilt. It creates a more casual style of
quilt. To make a rolled-edge binding, the quilt back is cut slightly
larger than the top. The greater the size difference between the
quilt back and the top/batting, the larger the binding will be.
Press a small fold around the outside of your quilt back (towards
the wrong side), approximately 1-2 cm wide. Fold the quilt back
until it overlaps the quilt top and pin. Sew as close to the edge of

22 | Quilting Reference Book

the binding as you can, all the way around your quilt.

Binding Tape: Binding the edges of a quilt with binding tape

creates a polished, formal look but requires the purchase of
binding tape. Biding tape is a folded and ironed strip of fabric that
is pinned and sewn around the edges of a quilt. Binding tape can
be purchased in a variety of colours, fabrics and widths.

Embellishments and Special Effects

There are many ways to embellish your quilt to add interest.

• Embroidery: Many quilters choose to embroider images or patterns onto their quilts or
quilt blocks.

Pieced quilt with embroidery made by Elsie Thiessen

• Pockets: For more casual quilts (especially denim or jean quilts), pockets can be added to
create interest, texture and a handy storage space!
• Drawings: You can use special fabric markers (or even permanent markers) to draw
images on a quilt top. This is a great way to involve a large group of people, such as a
family or class in the creation of a quilt.

Quilting Reference Book | 23

Patchwork hand-tied denim quilt
with marker drawings and
pockets made by the Grade 4
class of Vanguard School, 1991

• Photos: You can purchase special printer transfer paper that will allow you to print any
image or photo from your computer and iron it on to your fabric. This transfer paper is
often quite delicate and shouldn’t be used on quilts that will be frequently washed.
• Buttons, Tassels and Add-ons: The sky is the limit when it comes to decorating your quilt
with buttons, tassels or other add-ons (such as iron-on patches). However, keep in mind
that any embellishments
that could be pulled off are
not suitable for quilts that
will be used by small

Appliqué hand-quilted wall hanging

with buttons made by Naomi Gitzel

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Quilt Care
Handmade quilting projects must be carefully cared for in order to preserve the integrity of the
fabric and stitching.
• Laundering: The less you wash your quilt, the better. Before you wash a quilt, test the
fabric for colour-fastness. Wet a piece of white cloth with water and gently rub it over
each type of fabric on the quilt. If any colour rubs off onto the white fabric, the quilt
should not be washed. If your quilt is colour-fast, wash with cold water and gentle
detergent either by hand or on the gentle cycle in a washing machine.
• Drying: Proper drying is important to keep the seams in your quilt from breaking. Quilts
should be laid flat to dry. Never put your quilt in the dryer, or hang it from a clothesline!
• Storage: The best place to store a quilt or quilting project is lying flat (such as on a bed or
wall) and out of direct sunlight. If you must put your quilt in storage, ensure it is
completely dry. Gently fold the quilt around pieces of acid-free tissue paper (to prevent
sharp creases), and place in a cotton bag or acid free box. Store in a dry location where
the temperature does not fluctuate.

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Unit 4: Quilting and Your Community
In the past quilting was a community activity – and it can be just as effective at bringing a
community together today! Consider the following ways to use quilts to bring people together:
• Join a quilting guild, or get to know an experienced quilter. They can teach you valuable
quilting skills and knowledge that will help you get started on your quilting journey. And
you just might form a new friendship!
• Make a patchwork quilt with your family, classmates, 4-H club members, teammates, or
a group of friends! Give each person a square of fabric and allow them to decorate it
using fabric paint, markers, photo transfer paper or other methods of embellishment.
Consider giving the quilt as a gift to a coach or a leader!
• Make and donate quilts! The options for donating quilts are almost endless. Baby quilts can
be given to a local women’s shelter for newborns. Full-size quilts can be given to homeless
shelters, medical assistance groups such as the Ronald McDonald House, or sent overseas
to soldiers. You’ll get to improve your quilting skills, and make a child’s life better!
• Hold a quilt auction or raffle to raise money for a cause. Once you have completed a quilt
(either by yourself or with a group), people can buy tickets or place a bid to win it. Make
sure you display your quilt somewhere it will be noticed, such as in the main office at
your school.
• Hold a quilting bee and quilt show. Invite the whole community to come together to learn
how to quilt, and display finished quilts. Experienced quilters can teach novice quilters –
and even non-quilters can come and enjoy looking at the all of the beautiful handiwork.

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Unit 5: Quilting Projects
Quilting does not just mean making bedspreads – there are countless other projects that use
quilting techniques. The following are just a few ideas:

Watermelon quilted table

runner made by Karen Hanel

Reverse appliqué wall hanging

made by Naomi Gitzel

Quilting Reference Book | 27

Pieced baby quilt with ruffled binding
and heart embroidery made by Elya Lam

Pieced headboard made by Elsie Thiessen

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Pieced pillow, baby blanket
and banner made by Dana Hupe

Pieced baby blanket

made by Tammy Walerius

Quilting Reference Book | 29

Pieced baby blanket
made by Tammy Walerius

Pieced baby blanket

made by Tammy Walerius

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Rag baby blankets made by Cara Cuch

Quilted Wall Hanging

made by Gladys Ewanick

Quilting Reference Book | 31

Analogous – A colour scheme which uses three colours that are side by side on a colour wheel.

Appliqué – Involves cutting shapes or letters out of fabric, and attaching them to another piece
of fabric by sewing.

Appliqué Quilts – Quilts covered in appliqué.

Back – The bottom layer of a quilt. This is usually a whole piece of cloth.

Batting – A layer of padding to add weight and warmth to a blanket.

Bias – The direction of a fabric which runs at a 45 angle to the selvage edge and has the most
amount of stretch.

Colour schemes – Combinations of colours that look good together.

Complementary – A colour scheme which uses two contrasting colours that are directly across
from each other on a colour wheel.

Contrast – The state of being very different. On a quilt, contrast can occur with colour (red and
green), scale of print (small- and large-scale), or even shape of print (geometric and swirls).

Crosswise grain – The direction of a fabric which runs perpendicular to the selvage edge and has
some stretch.

Fabric – A cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibres.

Feed-Dogs – Angled “teeth” on the bottom of a sewing machine that pulls fabric forwards as
you sew. When doing free-motion quilting, feed-dogs must be lowered so that you manually
control the movement of the fabric.

Guild – Traditionally, a medieval group of employed craftsman (such as carpenters or

blacksmiths) who would get together to control and enforce the accurate continuation of their
craft. Members of quilting guilds today strive to ensure that old patterns and techniques are not
forgotten, while also providing a support system and community for other quilters.

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Hand-Quilting – Quilting layers of fabric together by hand, using a needle and thread.

Hand-Tying – Tying and knotting pieces of thread to quilt layers of fabric together by hand.

Hand-Wheel – A large dial on a sewing machine that allows you to move the needle up and
down by hand.

Hue – A very dark value.

Iron – Moving a hot iron over pieces of fabric to remove wrinkles and puckers.

Large-scale prints – Not usually suitable for quilting projects, as the pattern extends far beyond
the size of a single quilt block. However, you can use large-scale prints for appliqués or for
contrast with smaller prints.

Lengthwise grain – The direction of a fabric which runs parallel to the selvage edge, and has
very little stretch.

Loft – How thick or thin your batting is. Low-loft batting is thin, while high-loft batting is thick.

Machine-Quilting – Quilting layers of fabric together using a sewing machine.

Medium-scale prints – Have a pattern that is medium in relation to the size of the fabric. The
most common size of print used when quilting.

Monochromatic – A colour scheme which uses tints and hues of a single colour.

Patchwork – Simple pieced quilts that use only squares or rectangles.

Pieced Quilts – Made by sewing small pieces of fabric together into different patterns and shapes.

Press – Lifting and setting an iron down on a piece of fabric to help seams hold their place.

Presser Foot – A metal plate on a sewing machine that lowers onto fabric to hold it in place as
you sew.

Primary colours – Colours that cannot be made by mixing other colours: red, yellow and blue.

Print – Patterns printed on a piece of fabric.

Quilting – A type of sewing which involves attaching two or more layered pieces of fabric together.

Quilting Reference Book | 33

Quilts – Heavy, warm bedspreads or blankets, usually made of at least three layers of fabric.

Reverse Stitch Control – A button or dial that allows you to sew in reverse on a sewing machine.

Secondary colours – Colours made by mixing primary colours: orange, green and purple

Selvage – The factory finished edge of a fabric. It should be a perfectly straight line.

Small-scale prints – They have a pattern that is tiny in relation to the size of the fabric. From a
distance, the fabric may appear solid in colour, but adds visual interest when viewed closely.

Tertiary colours – Colours made by mixing primary and secondary colours: red-orange, yellow-
orange, yellow-green, blue-green, red-purple and blue-purple.

Tint – A very light value.

Top – The topmost (or front) layer of a quilt. This is usually the part of the quilt that is decorated
with intricate patchwork patterns or appliqué.

Triadic – A colour scheme which uses three colours that form a triangle shape on a colour wheel.

Value – The lightness or darkness of a colour.

Walking Presser Foot – A presser foot specifically designed for quilting. It has extra teeth that
work with the feed dogs to move thick layers of fabric through the sewing machine.

Weave – How tightly the threads that make up the fabric are held together.

Whole-cloth Quilts – Have a top made from a single piece of fabric.

34 | Quilting Reference Book

“1/4” Quilting Foot, Low Shank #P60801.” Sewing Parts Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 June 2013.

“American Quilter's Society.” American Quilter's Society. Schroeder Publishing, n.d. Web. 11
June 2013. <http://www.americanquilter.com/>.

“Batting and Backing 101.” Diary of a Quilter. Amy Smart, n.d. Web. 09 July 2013.

“fabric.” Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 16 May. 2013.


“FREE Quilting Motifs.” Forest Quilting. Forest Quilting, n.d. Web. 11 June 2013.

“Quilting Frame.” The Grace Company. The Grace Company, n.d. Web. 08 July 2013.

“Simple Heart Medallion.” Sunrise Quilt Studio. Sunrise Quilt Studio, n.d. Web. 11 June 2013.

“Trapunto Quilting.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Feb. 2013. Web. 08 July 2013.

“Walking Foot, Singer #76837.” Sewing Parts Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 June 2013.

Dean, Connie. “Quilt Size Reference Chart.” Flying Geese Quilt Guild. Flying Geese Quilt Guild
Inc., n.d. Web. 11 June 2013. <http://fgqg.com/Quiltsizes.htm>.

Gillespie, Spike. Quilts around the World: The Story of Quilting from Alabama to Zimbabwe.
Minneapolis: Voyageur, 2010. Print.

Holstein, Jonathan. The Pieced Quilt; an American Design Tradition. Greenwich, CT: New York
Graphic Society, 1973. Print.

Quilting Reference Book | 35

Houck, Carter. The Quilt Encyclopedia Illustrated. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1991. Print.

Kiracfe, Roderick. The American Quilt. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1993. Print.

Leverette, Mary. “How to Care for Handmade Quilts.” About.com Laundry. About.com, n.d.
Web. 09 July 2013. <http://laundry.about.com/od/laundrybasics/a/carenewquilts.htm>.

Prichard, Sue. Quilts, 1700-2010: Hidden Histories, Untold Stories. London: V&A Pub., 2010.

Roberts, Elise Schebler., and Jennifer Chiaverini. The Quilt: A History and Celebration of an
American Art Form. St. Paul, MN: Voyageur, 2007. Print.

Seward, Linda. Successful Quilting: A Step-by-step Guide to Mastering the Techniques of Piecing,
Appliqué & Quilting. Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 1991. Print.

36 | Quilting Reference Book

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