Information System Manager Q1
Information System Manager Q1
Information System Manager Q1
Of course, there is a divide between people who work in traditionally defined business
units and those who work in IT. This divide was intentional in the initial stage, but as
technology slowly came to its substantial importance, suddenly a requirement popped
up for local and global businesses, this divide is now seen as a hindrance and naïve.
Companies these days recognize the need to align business with IT. A recent Gartner
report predicts that worldwide half of organizations have achieved increased IT-
business collaboration by 2022. Though, the problem is that IT-business alignment isn’t
easy to achieve.
Most companies are in view that IT and business aren’t working as closely as they
should have been to optimize their product delivery service. What might be the oft-cited
reason? The working of technology is very different from the traditional business units.
Other reasons come into perspective that stereotypes perpetuate misconceptions about
how IT sees business and vice versa. Persona l,who are not IT savvy, think It is too
technical to comprehend, and they might fail to recognize that IT takes part in core
revenue-generating activities like customer service, sales, marketing, etc. Though, in
the 21st century, these stereotypes are changing, and so, different disciplines do
inherently have their incentives, languages, cultures, objectives, and skillsets. That is
why some people are more compfortable working with spreadsheets and numbers,
while writing makes sense for some people.
Obstacles: Today every organization is out & out of a technology business, no matter
what service or product you offer. This shift is unavoidable, and with it comes the
concept of aligment of IT business. That is why IT enable business while business
drives IT efforts. Hence, both are revenue-generating, and neither is less necessary.
Definition of alignment for business and IT: The concept of business and IT
alignment Is rooted in the longstanding reality that the business folks and the tech side
were unableto bridge their communication, knowledge, and skills gaps to work in
tandem so that they can support successful service delivery.
Consider these best practices to align IT and business: Change your doing &
change your thinking---Think of your entire business units, those must include tech, in a
continuous as well as strategic loop. Changing your thinking reveals teams start
understanding other teams too so that all teams can function better, reduce risk and
increase efficiency. Consider IT as a business transforming instrument --- If you’re
corious other business units like sales, marketing, product development, etc. you’re still
running after an archived approach. Expectedly,you explore revenue streams, so that IT
can directly impact Make the ambiance of a customer experience the# 1 factor –
Aligning everyone under common goal and language that will be directly supportive to
the customer, will be easier to break down discipline silos of traditional types. Make sure
your tech teams can focus directly on the customer too.
Solution 2: Arthur D Little played a very significant role in bringing in a change initiative
in BPCL that started towards the end of 1996 in co creating a vision for the company the
methodology of ADL involved a cross section of the organization who all determined the
company current reality conceptualized the gaps between current reality and vision and
finally evolved a change plan too bridge these gaps the emergence of customer focus
took place as the overriding dimension of this exercise therefore the change initiative of
the company down the line was transformed into a program called Customer service
and customer satisfaction.
Strategic business units : The change plan in tangible term resulted in radical and
restructuring delaying of the organization it abolished the erlier departmental ssilos
while creating six strategic business units SBU. Refinery ,industrial and commercial and
aviation retail, LPG, and lubricants in addition to sharing service and support entities
such as fiancé, information systems , human resouse as compared to the previous
seven or six layers the new structure came up with four layers. According to it involved
in intangible terms change process that would transform BPCL into a learning
organization. Since the entire change plan required effective intergration and had to be
premised on a massive increase in the organization information intensity it was
envisioned that to great extent IT would contribute to this and thus began the project to
evolve as an information system for the organization.
BPCL IS Plan : The IS plan of BPCL envisaged the comprehensive system creation for
supporting the business aspiration of the company small team of nine people drawn
form the CUSECS and IS program set out to map the existing business systems and
also the future needs characterized by resource optimization customer focus integration
and flexibility the teams concluded that it was essential to replacethe prevlent batch
process oriented legacy systems with a state of art ERP system the IS plan team as
part of the selection process mapped all the major process in BPCL with the help of
conceptual insights of process of workshop and conclusively came up with over
600proceess maps these workshops were conducted at all 4 regional headquarter viz
,Mumabi , Calcutta , Delhi , Chennai .the team a comprehensive questionnaire
developed a detailed requirement list based on these process and finally came up with
somme scripts so that they could capture credible business scenarios.
Project ENTRANS: A short form for enterprise transformation ENTRANS name was
decided by the top management for the project that are implemented their SAP project
the name represented the vision of BPCL top management to transform BPCL and
make it a new BPCL theeeeee uniqueness of BPCL ERP implementation is that it has
been a robust business that too right from the project 1conception we just performed the
necessary catalytic role paradoxically this expression of pride or egoism is noteworthy
from the head of IT in BPCL . Although during the phase of software selection on
account of the criticality of technology issue Bpcl. IS had to get into the role of a
process anchor and subsequently the implementation phase was led by a non IS
person the person who eventually headed the project was HR professional the notable
feature of the IS plan team was that it had only ten perssons from IS the rest of the 60
come from various business discipline A project steering committee was constituted
with the heads of all HR , IS,SBU and finance as its member the PSC mandate was to
validate decision taken by the project teamand take the decision on interfering the entity
inter SSBU issues followed by identifying and soliciting decision from the Apex council
on issue with wider organizational strategic implications providing recource and
reviewing the project progress the PSC used to meet at least once a month and as
when the issues mandated resolution .
Solution 3A: Anyone like Jennifer is in the process of developing a coporate bring your
devices policy still hasn’t gotten around to creating a poicy yet or might already have
one that is outdated the following few tips that will help in addressing it security IT
service application use the many other components. Jennifer robberts keenness to go
ahead with the infra revamp indicative hawthorne investments and has started her
journey by targeted bring your device policy as her first initative as the requirement of
the assignment need to highlights a few of the important tips for eastablshing a
successful BYOD police in your company
Specific only the permitted device : The older days were simple and clear you had a
blackberry that you used to bring with you for work and nothing else. However
employees are pampered with choices with a whole variety of device from android
phone to IOS based mobiles above all it is important to specify what exactly is meant by
BYOD should you instead be saying bring your IOS devices and not your android
device or should you be saying bring your no other gadgets excepts your ipad you need
to clarify what devices can be used and what devices are acceptable by the enterprise.
Defining a clear service policy for devices under the BYOD system is must: It
must that the management need to set the boundaries when its comes to question
about employees device and resolving problem there in policy makes will nneed to
answer the following question to enable themselves to implement .What all will be the
policies for supporting personally owned application what support need to be provided
for the devices that might get damaged will ypur management limit the helpdesk tp
ticketing problems with calendaring, email, another personal information management
type application .
Solution B : BYOD or bring your device is the latest IT tend in town. It is a practice
under which employees are encouraged to make use of their devices to access systems
and data of the enterprise being a small part of the larger trend of IT consumerization
where software and hardware of the customer are allowed into organizational premises
BYOD is such a movement that can affect from the CEO to the hourly worker. The IT
department struggle to stay on the top of constant technological changes is vigorous
even these days the systems has emerged as an increasing desire among employees
who carry their own devices for accessing corporate data the umbrella term BYOD has
also come to refer to several other initiatives such as BYOT or bring your technology ,
BYPOC or bring your PC and BYOP or bring your phone these initiatives have emerged
as the empowerment of the workforce and also aligning them with the cocept of IT
consumerization .
The Concerns
1. No matter the background or the situation problems will always arise no uniform
end used support is available there. There may not be a uniform support system
in place with BYOD in regard to any issues that may issues arise since most
employees will be working on makes of device and different types it is of
foremost importance to understand and equally remain aware of this.
2. Security has been an unending concern across all platforms today and this is no
exception for a BYOD policy as well, yet it is not impossible to tide over this
challenge all it requires is the sensible preparation of IT department to remains
alert. Antivirus programs and password protection need to be installed to
separate apps and work decks from personal information.
3. Data retrieving what happens to the organization data when an employee leave
the company data. What happen if when client were calling that number directly.
For an employee in the sales environment this BYOD system become extremely risky
and BYOD policies need to be understood very carefully and so address this issue,
otherwise of it an ex employees may suddenly turn into a competitor with easy access
to client information.