1. The document outlines a multi-disciplinary project for class 8 students on the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Students are asked to study the origin, causes, effects, treatments, and prevention of COVID-19. They are also asked to explore the impact on nature, government efforts, and diagnostic tests/vaccines.
3. The objectives of the project include understanding the scientific concepts and health impacts of the pandemic as well as its societal, economic, and emotional consequences. Students are encouraged to develop various skills through this project.
1. The document outlines a multi-disciplinary project for class 8 students on the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Students are asked to study the origin, causes, effects, treatments, and prevention of COVID-19. They are also asked to explore the impact on nature, government efforts, and diagnostic tests/vaccines.
3. The objectives of the project include understanding the scientific concepts and health impacts of the pandemic as well as its societal, economic, and emotional consequences. Students are encouraged to develop various skills through this project.
1. The document outlines a multi-disciplinary project for class 8 students on the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Students are asked to study the origin, causes, effects, treatments, and prevention of COVID-19. They are also asked to explore the impact on nature, government efforts, and diagnostic tests/vaccines.
3. The objectives of the project include understanding the scientific concepts and health impacts of the pandemic as well as its societal, economic, and emotional consequences. Students are encouraged to develop various skills through this project.
1. The document outlines a multi-disciplinary project for class 8 students on the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Students are asked to study the origin, causes, effects, treatments, and prevention of COVID-19. They are also asked to explore the impact on nature, government efforts, and diagnostic tests/vaccines.
3. The objectives of the project include understanding the scientific concepts and health impacts of the pandemic as well as its societal, economic, and emotional consequences. Students are encouraged to develop various skills through this project.
S. N. Head Input 1. Title of the Project COVID-19 PANDEMIC : MOST DISASTROUS TRAGEDY OF 21st CENTURY 2. Question/ Statement/ Topic of • Make a Study of the origin of Covid 19 virus, causes, effects, control the Project (in not more than (treatment) & prevention. 100 words -give verbal/ visual • What are the side-effects and harm to nature because of misuse of clues to clarify the Project science. question) • Identify the efforts taken by Government of India for curing, controlling & managing this disaster. • Explore the related diagnostic tests & vaccines available. • Discuss our role as a citizen in preventing disease. • Do Data collection, its analysis and graphical presentations of most affected places in your state. • Do an Online survey/Interviews of front line workers (doctors, nurses, health-workers, police, banks, NGOs etc.) about medical challenges faced by them. • Make relevant Audio, Video Recordings and images & using them. • Write detailed reports and compile. • Exhibition, Dramatization, Role play etc. 3. Objectives- write the learning 1-Exploring the key scientific concepts of this viral disease. outcomes 2-Understanding the ill- effects of this pandemic on human health. 3-Encountering all possible major symptoms of dreadful disease. 4-Analyzing the causative factors of this disease. 5-Realizing the consequences of this pandemic on society, global relationships & economy. 6-Recognizing the need for immunity & balanced diet. 7-Investigating & interpreting how the challenge of such pandemic is affecting human physical, mental, financial & emotional health. 8-Finding relevance of some practical actions (specifically lockdown, personal hygiene, curfew, sanitization) & preventive solutions in our community. 9-Illustration/making or collecting pictures related to the pandemic. 10- Comparing the effects in different countries of the world. 11-Developing technical skills like photography, making audio and Video recordings, editing them & ensuring their proper usages. 12-Developing 21st Century skills: Global brotherhood, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Effective communication & Leadership etc. 13-Inculcating the habits of independent learner & confident citizen etc. 4. Methodology - Project Report/ Power Point Presentation/ Self Written Skit/ Long Self (components of the project- Composed Poem/ Study Paper etc. based on thorough learning of which may be used by the some the following : students in writing their project 1- News items & reports of epidemic or any other. e.g. - Interviews, 2- Movie / Audio/ Video clips related with side-effects of misuse of questionnaire, case studies, science. bar diagrams, pie charts, 3- Research projects, factual reports, multimedia presentation etc. related graphs, reports etc. with any other natural disasters. 4- Case Study/ Interviews of effected people with any other man-made disaster or natural calamity e.g -war/ epidemic (Spanish flu 0r bird-flu or plague)/ tsunami/Earthquake/ Cyclone/ Flood/ Drought etc. 5-Facts given in NCERT Text books of various subjects in any chapter/ topic related with diseases. 6-Information from other resources regarding pandemics & their overall effects.
For presenting / Show casing the projects, students should prepare
Report/ File/ Charts/ PPT/ Movie/ Skit or Play etc using some of the following components: • Descriptive writing • Interesting Narratives • Appropriate Questionnaire, • Relevant Thoughts/ Shlokas/ Poems / Self composed poems etc • Relevant Audio / Video Clips / Images/ Photographs • Posters, Drawings, Sketches and paintings • Data analysis, Bar diagram, Graphs, Pie Charts 5. Resources which the students Websites like : https://www.who.int may refer to e.g.- Websites, books, journals, etc. News Papers, Magazines, E-News Papers, Journals, Government websites like https://www.cowin.gov.in/ , Social Media Inter-actions etc may be suggested to find some facts & additional material etc.. AND Class VIII NCERT Books :- Science – Chapter-2 (Micro-organisms) Social Science- Chapter-1 (How, when & Where) English- Chapter-2 (The Tsunami) Hindi- Chapter- 3 (नई समस्याएँ) Maths- Chapter-5 (data handling-Bar chart & statistics) Sanskrit- Chapter-4 सदै व परु तो ननधेहि चरणम Art Education- Drawing, Painting, Sketching and Making charts Work Education- Technical skills- Video, Audio recordings, Photography, Using waste materials etc Physical and Health Education-Suggesting/ Exhibiting for Healthy life habits/ styles etc. 6. Remarks (if any) It is only suggestive. The teachers may add or delete any of the activity/ components as per the resources available with their students & their standards. As far as possible, the scope for independent learning / autonomy of the learners to be provided.
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