Class Viii MDP PDF

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Multi- Disciplinary Project for class VIII

S. N. Head Input
2. Question/ Statement/ Topic of • Make a Study of the origin of Covid 19 virus, causes, effects, control
the Project (in not more than (treatment) & prevention.
100 words -give verbal/ visual • What are the side-effects and harm to nature because of misuse of
clues to clarify the Project science.
question) • Identify the efforts taken by Government of India for curing, controlling
& managing this disaster.
• Explore the related diagnostic tests & vaccines available.
• Discuss our role as a citizen in preventing disease.
• Do Data collection, its analysis and graphical presentations of most
affected places in your state.
• Do an Online survey/Interviews of front line workers (doctors,
nurses, health-workers, police, banks, NGOs etc.) about medical
challenges faced by them.
• Make relevant Audio, Video Recordings and images & using them.
• Write detailed reports and compile.
• Exhibition, Dramatization, Role play etc.
3. Objectives- write the learning 1-Exploring the key scientific concepts of this viral disease.
outcomes 2-Understanding the ill- effects of this pandemic on human health.
3-Encountering all possible major symptoms of dreadful disease.
4-Analyzing the causative factors of this disease.
5-Realizing the consequences of this pandemic on society, global
relationships & economy.
6-Recognizing the need for immunity & balanced diet.
7-Investigating & interpreting how the challenge of such pandemic is
affecting human physical, mental, financial & emotional health.
8-Finding relevance of some practical actions (specifically lockdown,
personal hygiene, curfew, sanitization) & preventive solutions in our
9-Illustration/making or collecting pictures related to the pandemic.
10- Comparing the effects in different countries of the world.
11-Developing technical skills like photography, making audio and Video
recordings, editing them & ensuring their proper usages.
12-Developing 21st Century skills: Global brotherhood, Collaboration,
Critical thinking, Effective communication & Leadership etc.
13-Inculcating the habits of independent learner & confident citizen etc.
4. Methodology - Project Report/ Power Point Presentation/ Self Written Skit/ Long Self
(components of the project- Composed Poem/ Study Paper etc. based on thorough learning of
which may be used by the some the following :
students in writing their project 1- News items & reports of epidemic or any other.
e.g. - Interviews, 2- Movie / Audio/ Video clips related with side-effects of misuse of
questionnaire, case studies, science.
bar diagrams, pie charts, 3- Research projects, factual reports, multimedia presentation etc. related
graphs, reports etc. with any other natural disasters.
4- Case Study/ Interviews of effected people with any other man-made
disaster or natural calamity e.g -war/ epidemic (Spanish flu 0r bird-flu or
plague)/ tsunami/Earthquake/ Cyclone/ Flood/ Drought etc.
5-Facts given in NCERT Text books of various subjects in any chapter/
topic related with diseases.
6-Information from other resources regarding pandemics & their overall

For presenting / Show casing the projects, students should prepare

Report/ File/ Charts/ PPT/ Movie/ Skit or Play etc using some of the
following components:
• Descriptive writing
• Interesting Narratives
• Appropriate Questionnaire,
• Relevant Thoughts/ Shlokas/ Poems / Self composed poems etc
• Relevant Audio / Video Clips / Images/ Photographs
• Posters, Drawings, Sketches and paintings
• Data analysis, Bar diagram, Graphs, Pie Charts
5. Resources which the students Websites like :
may refer to e.g.- Websites,
books, journals, etc. News Papers, Magazines, E-News Papers, Journals, Government
websites like , Social Media Inter-actions
etc may be suggested to find some facts & additional material etc..
Class VIII NCERT Books :-
Science – Chapter-2 (Micro-organisms)
Social Science- Chapter-1 (How, when & Where)
English- Chapter-2 (The Tsunami)
Hindi- Chapter- 3 (नई समस्याएँ)
Maths- Chapter-5 (data handling-Bar chart & statistics)
Sanskrit- Chapter-4 सदै व परु तो ननधेहि चरणम
Art Education- Drawing, Painting, Sketching and Making charts
Work Education- Technical skills- Video, Audio recordings, Photography,
Using waste materials etc
Physical and Health Education-Suggesting/ Exhibiting for Healthy life
habits/ styles etc.
6. Remarks (if any) It is only suggestive. The teachers may add or delete any of the activity/
components as per the resources available with their students & their
standards. As far as possible, the scope for independent learning /
autonomy of the learners to be provided.

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