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Important!: Instruction Book For: Remington V3 Autoloading Shotguns

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Instruction Book for:
Remington® V3™
Autoloading Shotguns
This manual contains operating, care,
and maintenance instructions. To
ensure safe operation, any user of
this firearm must read and understand this man-
ual before using the firearm. Failure to follow the
instructions and heed the warnings in this manual
can cause property damage, personal injury, and/or
This manual should always accompany this firearm,
and be transferred with it upon change of ownership.
WARNING! Keep this firearm out of the reach of
children, unauthorized individuals, and others unfa-
miliar with safe handling of firearms.

Alert Symbols and Definitions:

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
WARNING! result property damage, personal injury or death.

CAUTION! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could

result minor to moderate personal injury.

NOTE: Address practices not related to personal injury.

Page 2............... The Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety

Page 7............... Important Parts of the Firearm 14REM3185 V3 Logo Concepts
Page 10 ........... To Check Barrel for Obstructions OPTION 1 - ORIGINAL
Page 11............. To Assemble the Firearm
Page 11............. To Load the Firearm
Page 14............. To Unload the Firearm
Page 16............. Lubrication and Maintenance
Page 21............. To Function Test the Firearm
Page 27............. Parts List
Page 30............. How to Obtain Parts and Service

© 2015 Remington Arms Company, LLC

A Tradition of Performance and Safety.
In 1816 Eliphalet Remington was confident he could make a flintlock that
was as good or better than any he could buy. His confidence was well-
founded. The barrel he handcrafted set a new standard for firearm accuracy
and spawned generations of products that have made Remington America’s
leading gunmaker. While performance and style are certainly hallmarks of
Remington firearms, one factor ultimately drives their performance. Safety.
Eliphalet Remington never lost sight of the fact that his rifles were potentially
Eliphalet Remington’s first
lethal and could kill someone if handled improperly. And after more than flintlock launched a
190+ years the same holds true for any firearm, including your new Remington. proud tradition
of accuracy & responsibility.

Safety is Critical to Performance.

A superbly crafted firearm is only as good as the hands that hold it. You can never be too careful.
Shooting accidents are often caused by careless oversights such as failing to control the direction of
the muzzle, failing to fully engage the safety, leaving ammunition in the chamber or using improper
loads. These oversights can result in the destruction of life, limb or property. There’s no calling back
a bullet once it’s been fired, so it’s critical that you know the principles of safe firearm handling and
storage before you ever take your new Remington firearm out of the box.

The proper use and performance of your firearm depends on correct assembly and maintenance,
so it’s critical that you familiarize yourself with the information in this instruction book. Even if you’re
a veteran shooter with a collection of Remington firearms, take the time to read this literature. Not all
firearms are the same. That means the first step in safe handling is to learn the features and require-
ments of your new Remington.


The Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety should be etched in your memory forever. Let them
govern your action wherever and whenever you’re involved with firearms. In the field. On the
range. Or in your home. Please take the time to review and understand these rules.

Always Keep the Muzzle Pointed in a Safe Direct i o n .
This is the most important firearm safety rule. A safe direction is one in which an
accidental discharge will not cause injury to yourself or others. Never allow your
firearm to point at anything you don’t intend to shoot. Be especially careful when
you’re loading or un-loading. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded. And make
it a habit to know where the muzzle is pointed at all times, even when your firearm
is unloaded. No one will be injured by an accidental discharge if you keep your
firearm pointed in a safe direction. It’s as simple as that.

Firearms Should Be Unloaded When Not Actually in Use.
Load your firearm only when you’re in the field or on the target range and ready to discharge. Never let
a loaded firearm out of your sight or out of your hands. Unload it as soon as you’re finished shooting
before you bring it into your car, camp or home. Remember, unloading your firearm means unloading
it completely, so there is no ammunition in the chamber or in the magazine. Before handling a firearm
or passing it to someone else, visually check the chamber, receiver and magazine to be certain they
do not contain ammunition. Always keep the firearm’s action open when not in use. Never assume a
firearm is unloaded even if you were the last person to use it. Always check for yourself.

• Let common sense rule when you carry a loaded firearm. If you’re in a situation
that could risk accidental discharge - such as crossing a fence, wading through
a stream or climbing a tree - always unload your firearm. Never pull or push a
loaded firearm toward yourself or another person. Never carry a loaded firearm in
a scabbard, detached holster or firearm case.
• Certain firearms (including some Remington rifles and shotguns) are equipped
with internal security devices to prevent unauthorized use. In addition, some
firearms owners use external devices, such as cable locks and trigger blocks,
for the same purpose. Even if you use such a device, you should still keep your
firearm unloaded when stored or not in use. And using internal or external devices
cannot substitute, however, for securing your firearms and ammunition in a Firearms should be stored
in a secure place where
separate, locked location. children cannot access
them. A firearm safe is an
• Safe storage of firearms is just as critical as safe handling. Never store firearms ideal way to secure your
loaded. Be sure to keep your firearms in a secure place where unauthorized firearm
persons cannot get their hands on them without your knowledge.
• Take special care if there are children around. Children are fascinated by firearms. It’s a natural
curiosity that can have tragic consequences when not properly supervised. Store your firearms in a
locked firearm safe or some other location that physically bars a child from gaining access.
• Ammunition should be stored and locked in a location separate from your firearm. Never leave an
unsecured firearm or ammunition in a closet, dresser drawer or under the bed. Remember, it is your
responsibility to make sure that children and others unfamiliar with firearms cannot get acess to your
firearm and ammunition.

Don’t Rely on Your Firearm’s Safety
Treat every firearm as if it can discharge at any time, whether or not there’s pressure on the trigger.
Your firearm has been carefully designed to maximize performance and safety. However, because a
firearm’s safety is a mechanical device, it could fail.
Human error is a more likely reason for a firearm’s safety to fail. By mistake, you may think the safety
is on when it really isn’t. Or the safety may have been disengaged without your knowledge. Or you
could think your firearm is unloaded when there’s actually a cartridge or shell in it. A mechanical safety
is not a substitute for common sense. It’s merely a supplement to your proper handling of a firearm.
Never touch the trigger on a firearm until you are ready to shoot. Keep your fingers away from
the trigger when you’re loading or unloading. Don’t pull the trigger when the safety is engaged or
positioned between safe and discharge.
Before using your firearm, read this instruction book to understand the exact location and operation
of your firearm’s safety. Even when the safety is on, maintain control of your loaded firearm and control
the direction of the muzzle. In other words, don’t rely on your safety to justify careless handling. If your
firearm’s internal mechanisms are broken or have been altered, your firearm may discharge even
when the safety is on. Remember, you and your safe firearm handling practices are your firearm’s
best safety.

Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It.
You can’t stop a shot in mid-air, so never
discharge unless you know exactly where
your shot is going and what it will strike. Never
discharge at a sound, a movement or a patch
of color. A hunter in camouflage can easily be
mistaken for a target by an impulsive shooter. Before you
pull the trigger, be absolutely sure of your target and what’s
behind it. Make sure the shot has a backstop such as a hillside or
dense material like sand. Remember, bullets can travel great distances
with tremendous velocity. Know how far your shot will go if you miss your target or the bullet ricochets.

Use Proper Ammunition
Every firearm is designed to use a certain caliber or gauge of ammunition. Using the wrong ammunition,
mixing ammunition or using improperly reloaded ammunition can cause serious personal injury or
death. And it only takes one cartridge or shotshell of the incorrect caliber or gauge, or which has been
improperly reloaded, to destroy your firearm. It’s your responsibility to make sure the ammunition you
use exactly matches the caliber or gauge of your firearm. Refer to this instruction book to find out the
specific requirements of your firearm. Always read and heed the instructions on ammunition boxes.
Confusing shells or cartridges can cause serious personal injury or death and destroy your firearm.
Examine your shells or cartridges closely and use only the precise caliber or gauge for your specific
firearm. For example, suppose you accidentally loaded a 20 ga. shell into a 12 ga. shotgun. Because
the 20 ga. shell is too small for the chamber, the 20 ga. shell could travel down the barrel and get
lodged in the bore. If you then loaded a standard 12 ga. shell behind it and fired, the 12 ga. shot
will slam into the lodged 20 ga. shell and may cause the barrel to explode right in your hand. This is
commonly called a 12/20 burst, and it can kill you.
Check all ammunition before you load it to make sure it matches your firearm’s requirements. Every
Remington cartridge and shell is head-stamped with its caliber or gauge for easy identification.
Likewise, you’ll find the caliber or gauge of your new Remington firearm imprinted on the barrel.

I f Y our F irearm F ails to D ischarge W hen the T rigger is P ulled , H andle W ith C are .
If for some reason the ammunition doesn’t discharge when you pull the trigger, stop and remember the
1st Commandment of Firearm Safety - always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Keep your
face away from the breech, then place the safety on, carefully open the action, unload the firearm and
dispose of the cartridge safely. Remember that anytime there’s a shell in the chamber, your firearm is
loaded and ready to use. Even if you tried to shoot and your firearm didn’t discharge, treat your firearm
as if it could still discharge.
Always Wear Eye and Ear Protection When Shooting.
Your sight and hearing risk injury from shooting and should be
protected at all times. Wear protective shooting glasses to guard
against falling shot, clay target chips, powder residue, ruptured
cartridge cases and even twigs and branches in the field. Also be
sure to wear eye protection when you’re disassembling or cleaning
a firearm so that tensioned parts (like springs) and cleaning solvents
don’t come in contact with your eyes. Continued exposure to shooting
noise can permanently damage your hearing. On the range, where shooting volume is the loudest, be
sure to use the maximum protection of a headset. Learn to use ear protection at all times.

Be Sure the Barrel is Clear of Obstructions Before Shooting.
Before loading your firearm, open the action and make sure there’s no ammunition in the chamber
or magazine. Check the barrel for any obstructions or debris. Even a small amount of snow, mud,
excess lubricant or grease in the bore can dangerously increase pressure and cause the barrel to
bulge or burst when firing. Use a cleaning rod and patch to wipe away anti-rust compounds or any
other residues or obstructions in the barrel. Never try to shoot out an obstruction by loading another
shell and firing!
When firing, rely on your instincts. If the noise or recoil of your firearm seems weak, stop everything,
unload your firearm and be sure nothing is lodged in the barrel. Remember the 12/20 burst? That’s
what can happen when the barrel is obstructed. Always be sure you’re using the correct ammunition
in your firearm and that it’s free of obstructions.

Don’t Alter or Modify Your Firearm and Have it Serviced Regularly.
Your firearm has been designed to operate according to certain factory specifications. You’ll jeopardize
your safety and that of others around you by attempting to alter its trigger, mechanical safety or other
mechanisms. So never alter or modify your firearm in any way.
Like any mechanical device, a firearm is subject to wear.
It must be maintained and periodically serviced to assure

optimum safety and performance. Only a qualified service
facility should service, repair or modify your Remington
firearm. Consult your instruction book for instructions on
how to send your firearm to the factory or for the location
of the nearest Remington authorized repair station.
Proper cleaning and lubrication are also important to firearm
maintenance and are necessary to assure accuracy, safety
and reliability. Before cleaning, always make sure that your
firearm is completely unloaded. Always clean the barrel
from the chamber end to the muzzle when possible.
Make it a practice to clean your bore every time you’re going to shoot. Be sure to clean your entire
firearm before and after long-term storage and no less than once a year. It’s also important to clean
your firearm whenever it’s been exposed to adverse conditions such as rain, dirt, mud, snow, sleet or
For safe and dependable operation of your firearm, all parts of your firearm must be properly cleaned
and lubricated. Periodically inspect the internal workings of your firearm to be sure they’re clean and
free of rust, unwanted dirt and debris.
Use recommended lubricants on your firearm and do not over-lubricate. Excessive use of a non-
recommended lubricant could adversely affect the function and safe operation of your firearm.
Remember, you are responsible for the proper care and maintenance of your firearm. Failure to
properly maintain your firearm cannot only damage or ruin your firearm, it can expose you and others
to unnecessary risks of personal injury or death.
Remington has a wide range of firearm care products and resources for best results when cleaning
your firearm. Everything from solvents and lubricants to rods and patches. They’re all available from
your Remington dealer.

Learn the Mechanics and Handling Characteristics of Your Firearm.
Not all firearms are alike. They have different mechanical characteristics that dictate how you should
carry and handle them. Anyone who plans to use a firearm should first become totally familiar with the
type of firearm it is and the safe handling procedures for loading, unloading, carrying, shooting and
storing it.
Before you even unpack your new Remington firearm, read this
instruction book from cover to cover and familiarize yourself with
the different component parts of the firearm. Then read, under-
stand and follow the Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety in
this manual.
WARNING! Discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, clean-
ing firearms or handling ammunition may result in exposure to
lead, a substance known to cause birth defects, reproductive
harm, cancer and other serious physical injury. Have adequate
ventilation at all times. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure.

There’s one other rule that must be followed when handling firearms. In fact, respect for this
rule is necessary in order to effectively practice the Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety. The rule is:
SHOOT SOBER! Firearms and alcohol or drugs make a deadly combination. Never consume anything
that would mildly impair your judgment or physical coordination when you’re using a firearm. A stag-
gering percentage of the shooting accidents that occur every year involve alcohol or drugs. Be smart.
Always shoot sober and stay alive.
WARNING! Failure to follow any of these safety rules may cause personal injury or death to the shooter
or bystander and damage to property. Do not use a firearm until you fully understand and practice the
Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety. If you have any questions about the safe use of a Remington
firearm, write to us at Remington Arms Company, LLC, Consumer Service, P.O. Box 700, Madison, NC
27025-0700, or call us at 1-800-243-9700.


Now that you’re a firearm owner you have the obligation to help ensure that shooting sports are safe for
everyone participants and bystanders alike. You can do that by practicing these principles of firearm
safety and passing them on to others - especially new shooters. Set an example for beginners. Be
a guide to their safe entry into the exciting world of shooting sports. Invest your time and patience
for the love of the sport and for its future. After all, it’s your love of the sport that led you to buy a new
Firearm ownership is a right and privilege. It’s a right guaranteed in this nation’s Constitution. It’s a
privilege, which carries with it a personal responsibility to use your firearm in a way which will ensure
your safety and the safety of others. The preservation of this right and privilege depends on the
personal commitment of you and your fellow shooters to the safe and responsible use of firearms. Let
the Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety outlined in the manual guide you at all times. Teach and
promote these rules whenever you can. Remember, firearm safety depends on you! That’s the only
way to really enjoy your new Remington firearm and to preserve sport shooting as we know it today.

Remington® V3™ Autoloading Shotguns
Congratulations on your choice of a Remington With proper care, it should give you many years of de-
pendable use and enjoyment. For best results, we recommend that you use Remington Ammunition,
the ammunition used in factory testing your firearm against our rigorous function and performance
PICTURE 1 This picture shows the main parts of the REMINGTON V3 Autoloading Shotgun. The picture
will aid in understanding the instructions.
Operating Handle Barrel
Stock Receiver Ejection Port

Bolt Magazine Cap Muzzle

Magazine Tube Release Fore-end
Cut-Off Carrier
Safety Mechanism

Important Parts of the Firearm Serial Number and Cartridge

General Operation Designation:
The Remington V3 is a gas-operated, au- The serial number is located on the
toloading shotgun. The firearm is capable shooter’s right side of the receiver. See
of firing successive shots with 2¾” and 3” Picture 2.
inch shotshell cartridges interchangeably. PICTURE 2
At the start of the firing cycle the trigger
is pulled and the hammer is released,
striking the firing pin. In turn, the firing pin
strikes the chambered shotshell’s primer,
igniting the powder charge. High pressure
gas from behind the shot charge passes
through ports in the barrel to the gas cyl-
inders. The residual gas pressure forces Serial Number
the bolt assembly rearward, operating the
action. The spent shell is extracted from Specifications for the correct gauge and
the chamber. The hammer is re-cocked. length of the shotshell intended for use in
The trigger and cartridge release are reset. your shotgun is located on the shooter’s
left side of the barrel. See Picture 3.
As the action continues rearward the spent
shell engages the ejector, expelling it from
the receiver through the ejection port.
When the bolt assembly is fully rearward, a
new shotshell is released from the maga-
zine onto the carrier. As the bolt assembly Gauge & Length
moves forward the carrier rises to place
the new shell in front of the bolt assembly.
Completing the cycle, the bolt assem- WARNING! Only use the specified gauge
bly continues forward pushing the shell and length of shotshell ammunition
into the chamber. The bolt head rotates, specified for your shotgun as designated on
locking the cartridge into battery (firing the barrel. See “To Load the Firearm”, on
position). When the last shell has been page 11. Using ammunition not specified
discharged, the bolt assembly locks in the for your firearm may lead to property
damage, personal injury and/or death.
open position.

The Safety Mechanism PICTURE 5
The manual safety mechanism on the
V3 shotgun provides protection against
accidental or unintentional discharge
under normal usage when properly
engaged and in good working order.
This safety mechanism is not a substitute
for following the rules of safe firearm Safety Mechanism
handling. The cross bolt type safety “FIRE” Position
prevents the trigger from being pulled
when fully engaged in the “ON” or “Safe”
position. WARNING! The firearm will discharge
when the trigger is pulled and the safety
To engage the safety mechanism, push the mechanism is OFF or in the “Fire”
“Safety Button,” located at the rear of the position. Failure to control the firearm at
trigger guard, to the shooter’s right until the all times may lead to personal injury and/
button stops and THE RED BAND MARK- or death.
See Picture 4. Even when the safety is engaged in the
“ON” or “Safe” position, careless han-
dling can cause the firearm to discharge.
See The Third Commandment of Firearm
NOTE: If desired, a left-handed shooter
may have the operation of the safety
mechanism reversed by the factory or
a Remington Authorized Repair Center.
Once reversed to accommodate a left-
handed shooter, the safety mechanism’s
“SAFE” Position “ON” and “OFF” positions will be exactly
opposite as described in this manual.

Additional Features:
Always engage the safety mechanism by
moving the safety button to the shooter’s Besides the manual safety mechanism,
right before handling, loading or unloading the V3 autoloading shotguns incorporate
the firearm. passive features providing additional
protection against accidental or uninten-
When you are ready to Fire the firearm, tional discharge under normal usage and
disengage the Safety Mechanism by push- in good working order. These passive
ing the Safety Button to the shooter’s left features such as the inertia firing pin sys-
until the button stops and the RED BAND tem, steel alloys and/or their metallurgical
MARKING IS VISIBLE. See Picture 5. You treatments, the hammer, sear, and trigger
have now disengaged the Safety Mecha- engagements, the trigger disconnect, the
nism and the firearm is ready to Fire. breech lock-up system, head space, and
Do not touch the trigger while moving the the trigger guard all work without direct
safety mechanism. Your fingers and all input from the user as long as your firearm
other objects should be kept outside of the is kept clean and in good working order.
trigger guard and away from the trigger WARNING! Do not alter, modify, bypass,
until you are actually ready to Fire. or render these safety features inopera-
Never pull the trigger when the Safety tive. Modifying these features may lead
Mechanism is in the “ON” or “Safe” posi- to personal injury, property damage and/
tion. or death.

The Locking Device The Operating Handle, Bolt Release
This firearm was originally sold with a The operating handle is used to move the
key-operated locking device to assist the bolt rearward, opening the action. The bolt
owner in protecting against unauthorized release is used to release the bolt from the
use. These are storage locking devices, locked open position. See Picture 6.
which should be used when the firearm is
stored or not in use. Always store a firearm PICTURE 6
completely unloaded.

WARNING! These locking devices DO

NOT eliminate the need for safe firearm
handling and storage, including keeping
this and every firearm unloaded and locked
in a secure place when not in use. Read
and follow these and other safety rules in Operating Bolt
this instruction manual. Failure to read, Handle Release
understand, and obey these rules can
result in serious personal injury or death. WARNING! When the operating handle
See the “Ten Commandments of Firearm (bolt assembly) is forward in the closed
Safety”, on page 2. position and the safety mechanism is in
the “OFF” or in the “Fire” position, the
Keep your locking device engaged when firearm can be discharged by pulling the
your firearm is not in use. Keep the keys in trigger. Not controlling the firearm may
a secure place, inaccessible to others. DO lead to property damage, personal injury
NOT leave your keys or any ammunition and/or death.
with your firearm, which should be kept
locked in a safe place. The Trigger Assembly
To secure your firearm with an external
locking device, See instructions provided
Pulling the trigger FIRES the firearm.
in the packaging. The trigger assembly of your V3 shotgun
is a single-action (SA) system. When the
trigger is pulled fully rearward, it starts the
firing sequence by releasing the hammer.
The trigger assembly is not adjustable.
All repairs to the trigger assembly must
be made by the factory or a Remington
Authorized Repair Center. See page 30 on
how to obtain repairs and service.

Cable Lock

WARNING! Never place your finger on the

trigger unless you are ready to discharge
or fire the firearm. Never manipulate, ad-
just or change any of the internal compo-
nents of your firearm. Improper manipula-
tion of any internal component may effect
the safety and reliability of your firearm
and may cause serious injury or death.

The Choke Tube The Barrel
The inside bore constriction at the muzzle WARNING! The inside of the barrel
end of a shotgun’s barrel is known as the and chamber must be clean and
“Choke.” When a shotshell is discharged, free of obstructions. See the “Ten
shot travels down the bore, exiting the Commandments of Firearm Safety,” on
muzzle and begins to “spread out.” The page 2. Discharging a firearm with a barrel
spread of the shot is controlled by chang- obstruction may lead to property damage,
ing the muzzle constriction. The V3 has a personal injury and/or death.
changeable, screw-in, choke tube system. I. To Check the Barrel for Obstructions:
To change or replace the barrel’s choke
tube, see: “To Change the Choke Tube,” 1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a
on page 14. For more information about safe direction.
choke tubes, see: The Remington Guide to 2. Engage the safety mechanism in
Shotguns and Shotshell Ammunition publi- the “ON” or “Safe” position. The red
cation. band will NOT be visible.
3. Make sure that the magazine tube is
empty. See Page 14
WARNING! Unload your shotgun before 4. Open the bolt by pulling the operating
removing or installing a choke tube and handle fully rearward, locking the bolt
ensure the safety mechanism is engaged in the open position.
by placing the safety in the “ON” or
5. Visually check the chamber, ejection
“Safe” position. Changing a choke tube
port and magazine to make sure the
when the firearm is loaded or the safety
firearm is completely unloaded.
is not in the “Safe” position may lead to
personal injury and/or death. 6. Insert a cleaning rod into the muzzle.
7. Push the rod completely through the
NOTE: Never discharge your shotgun barrel until the rod can be seen at the
without a choke tube properly installed, ejection and loading port.
as property damage may occur.
II. To Remove a Barrel Obstruction:
NOTE: Never discharge steel shot through
a lead-only choke tube. Choke tubes NOT WARNING! NEVER try to remove an object
designated for steel will be marked “Lead from the barrel by loading a shotshell
Only.” (cartridge) and firing. This may cause the
barrel to burst or a shotshell to rupture
The Magazine Plug and cause serious personal injury and/or
A magazine plug is provided with your death.
shotgun to limit the magazine capacity to 1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a
two (2) shotshells. A limited magazine ca- safe direction.
pacity limit is required by the Federal Mi- 2. Engage the safety mechanism in the
gratory Bird regulations and certain state “ON” or “Safe” position. The red band
laws. Check with your local Fish & Game will NOT be visible.
Commission or other appropriate authori-
ties to determine whether a magazine plug 3. Make sure that the magazine tube is
is required to limit the magazine capacity empty. See Page 14
within your jurisdiction. 4. Lock the bolt assembly open by pulling
operating handle all the way to the rear
To install or remove a magazine plug, See: of the receiver.
“To Install the Magazine Plug,” on page 15.
5. Visually check the chamber, ejection
WARNING! Before installing or removing port, and magazine to make sure the
a magazine plug, make sure the firearm shotgun is completely unloaded.
is completely unloaded and the safety
6. Remove the barrel. See “To Disassem-
mechanism is engaged by placing the
ble the Firearm for Cleaning,” on Page
safety in the “ON” or “Safe” position. 16.
Changing the magazine plug when the
firearm is loaded may lead to personal 7. Insert a cleaning rod of the correct bore
injury and/or death. size into the muzzle and lightly tap the
rod to free object from the barrel.
8. If an object cannot be easily pushed out Receiver
the barrel with a cleaning rod, return the
barrel to the factory or a Remington
Authorized Repair Center. See page
30, To Obtain Parts and Service from
Remington Arms Company, LLC. Barrel Ring

To Assemble the Firearm: Barrel Assembly

The firearm was shipped with the barrel as- PICTURE 8 Magazine Tube
sembly removed.
10. Place the fore-end over the magazine
CAUTION! Always wear eye protection tube until it seats against the receiver.
when handling, disassembling and reas- 11. Replace the magazine cap on the end
sembling the firearm. Not wearing eye pro- of the magazine tube. Tighten by
tection may lead to personal injury. turning clockwise until hand-tight.
NOTE: The bore and chamber should be
cleaned before assembly. See “To Clean To Load and Unload the Firearm
the Barrel,” on Page 18. To Load the Firearm:
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a WARNING! The specific gauge and lengths
safe direction. of shotshell ammunition suitable for
use in your shotgun is marked on the
2. Engage the safety mechanism in the barrel. DO NOT use any ammunition other
“ON” or “Safe” position by moving than the designated gauge and lengths
the safety button fully to the shooter’s specified for your shotgun. Using incorrect
right. The red band will NOT be visible. ammunition in your firearm can result
3. Make sure that the magazine tube is in a severe malfunction of your firearm
empty. See Page 14 or ammunition, leading to personal
4. Visually check the barrel making sure injury and/or death. See “The Ten
there are no obstructions. Commandments of Firearm Safety.”
5. Unscrew and remove the magazine Ammunition:
cap by turning it counterclockwise. The V3 shotgun is designed to function with
6. Remove the fore-end from the 2¾” and 3” inch ammunition. If you experi-
magazine tube by sliding it forward. ence any initial cycling problems with cer-
tain loads, we recommend firing a number
7. Open the bolt by pulling the operating of shotshells of standard game loads to
handle rearward until the bolt locks in speed the break-in of your new shotgun.
the open position. See Picture 7.
Always check the cartridge for the correct
gauge and length before loading the fire-
arm. To find additional ammunition informa-
tion, see the Remington catalog or visit the
Remington website at www.remington.com.
Although this gun is designed to function
with 1-oz target loads it is recommended
8. If the bolt gets stuck in an intermedi- for a new gun to start out with 1-1/8 oz loads
ate position between its forward most and above during a brief break-in period for
and rearmost position apply light optimum performance.
forward pressure to the operating
handle and rearward pressure to the
operating handle to release it from this Shotgun Shell / Cartridge
intermediate position. Continue to pull Gauge Marking
the bolt handle rearward until it locks Head
9. Insert the barrel into the receiver and Body &
the barrel ring over the magazine Load Marking
tube. See Picture 8. Primer
WARNING! Do not apply oil, grease, or WARNING! The shotgun is now cocked and
any lubricants to shotshells. Not following loaded. Make sure the safety mechanism
these rules may lead to property damage, is still engaged in the “ON” or “Safe”
personal injury and/or death. position. Always keep the firearm pointed
in a safe direction. Not controlling the
To Fully Load the Firearm: muzzle of the firearm can lead to personal
WARNING! Always check the shotshell for injury and/or death.
the correct designation before loading the
firearm. Loading an incorrect shotshell CAUTION! When releasing the bolt, keep
may lead to property damage, personal hands, clothing and other objects away
injury and/or death. from the bolt and bolt handle. Personal
Note: The bore should be cleaned before injury may result.
loading the firearm the first time. II. To Load the Magazine:
Follow the cleaning instructions shown on
Page 18, “To Clean the Barrel.” 8. Push up to three (3) 2¾” or 3” shot-
shells of the correct gauge, one at a
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a time, fully forward into the magazine
safe direction. tube (see Picture 11), ensuring the rim
2. Engage the safety mechanism in the of each shell engages the feed latch
“ON” or “Safe” position by moving the and is held inside the magazine tube.
safety button fully to the shooter’s right. See Picture 12.
The red band will NOT be visible.
3. Pull the operating handle fully rearward
to lock the bolt assembly in the open
4. With the bolt assembly locked open,
visually check the chamber, ejection
port, and magazine making sure the
firearm is completely unloaded. If the Bolt Assembly
chamber is not unloaded, see page Magazine
14, “To Unload the Firearm.” PICTURE 11
5. Make sure the barrel and chamber are
free of obstructions, see page 10, “To
Check the Barrel for Obstructions.” To Load the Chamber From the
I. To Load the Chamber:
Note: The bolt assembly must be fully for-
6. Place one shell onto the carrier
ward and the hammer must be cocked be-
through the ejection port. See
fore the magazine can be loaded.
Picture 10.
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a
safe direction.
2. Engage the safety mechanism in the
“ON” or “Safe” position by moving the
safety button fully to the shooter’s
right. The red band will NOT be visible.
Shotshell 3. Pull the operating handle fully rear-
ward to lock the bolt assembly in the
Bolt Release
PICTURE 10 open position. .
7. Close the bolt assembly fully by press- 4. With the bolt assembly locked open,
ing the bolt release, chambering the visually check the chamber, ejection
shotshell. port, and magazine making sure the
shotgun is completely unloaded.

5. Make sure the barrel and chamber PICTURE 13
are free of obstructions, see page 10,
“To Check the Barrel for Obstructions.”
CAUTION! When loading, keep hands,
clothing and other objects away from the
bolt and bolt handle. Personal injury may
6. Close the bolt assembly by pressing the Magazine Cut-Off
Bolt Release. See Picture 10.
7. Push up to three (3) 2¾” or 3” shotshells 4. Pull the operating handle rearward,
of the correct gauge, one at a time, extracting and ejecting the
past feed latch into the magazine tube, chambered shotshell.
ensuring the rim of each shell engages 5. Drop a shotshell onto the
the feed latch and is held inside the carrier through the ejection port. See
magazine tube. See Picture 12. Picture 14.
Feed Latch 6. Chamber (load) the staged shotshell by
sliding the magazine cut-off rearward
to release the bolt and lift the carrier.
WARNING! Before releasing the bolt make
sure fingers, hands, and clothing are clear
of the bolt’s movement forward. Failure
to follow these instruction could result in
property damage, personal injury and/or
Shotshell Latched in
PICTURE 12 Magazine
NOTE: The magazine cut-off can also be
used any time it is necessary to unload the
8. Pull the operating handle fully rearward chamber without feeding a round from the
to release a round from the magazine magazine.
then release, chambering the staged PICTURE 14
WARNING! The shotgun is now cocked and
fully loaded. Make sure the safety mecha-
nism is still engaged in the “ON” or “Safe”
position. Always keep the firearm pointed
in a safe direction. Not controlling the
Drop Shotshell
muzzle of the firearm can lead to personal into Ejection Port
injury and/or death.
How to Change a Chambered To Discharge the Firearm:
Shotshell without Feeding a WARNING! Not controlling
Shotshell from the Magazine the muzzle of the firearm can
(cut-off) lead to personal injury and/
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a or death.
safe direction. CAUTION! Always wear eye and hearing
2. Engage the safety mechanism in the protection when discharging your firearm.
“ON” or “Safe” position. The red See “The Ten Commandments of Firearm
band will NOT be visible. Safety”, on page 2. Personal injury may
3. Engage the magazine cut-off by
1. Point the muzzle at your intended
sliding it forward until it stops. This
action will lift the carrier slightly. See
Picture 13. 2. Disengage the safety mechanism by
moving the safety button to the
“OFF” or “Fire” position. The red band
will be visible.
3. With target acquired and the butt of 5. Repeat steps 3 thru 5 until all shot-
the shotgun firmly mounted against shells are removed from the firearm.
your shoulder, pull the trigger. The When all shotshells are removed from
firearm will discharge each time the the firearm, the bolt will remain open
trigger is pulled until the magazine in the locked position.
and chamber are empty. The bolt will 6. With the bolt locked open, visually
remain open when the last shell has check the chamber, ejection port, and
been discharged. magazine to make sure the firearm is
WARNING! If a shotshell does not discharge completely unloaded and the barrel is
when the trigger is pulled (misfire), keep free of obstructions.
the firearm pointed in a safe direction and
wait one minute before opening the bolt. To Change the Choke Tube:
See: “To Unload the Firearm”, on page 14. WARNING! Completely unload the firearm
Failure to control the firearm at all times before changing the choke tube. See “To
may lead to personal injury and/or death. Unload the Firearm”, page 14. Not un-
WARNING! If the “report” of the shot is loading before changing a choke tube may
noticeably softer or louder or any way ir- lead to property damage, personal injury
regular, keep the firearm pointed in a safe and/or death.
direction; unload the firearm and check Note: Use only Rem Choke tubes in your
for bore obstructions. See: “To Remove a firearm.
Barrel Obstruction”, on page 10. Discharg- 1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a
ing a firearm with a barrel obstruction safe direction.
may lead to property damage, personal 2. Engage the safety mechanism in the
injury and/or death. “ON” or “Safe” position by moving
4. Engage the safety mechanism in the the safety button fully to the shooter’s
“ON” or “Safe” position by moving the right. The red band will NOT be visible.
safety button fully to the shooter’s If the firearm is not unloaded, See “To
right. The red band will NOT be visible. Unload the Firearm,” page 14.
5. With the bolt locked open, visually 3. Pull the operating handle fully rear
check the chamber, loading port, ward to lock the bolt in the open position.
and magazine to make sure the fire- 4. With the bolt locked open, visually
arm is completely unloaded. check the chamber, loading port,
and magazine to make sure the fire-
To Unload the Firearm arm is completely unloaded.
WARNING! NEVER assume your firearm 5. Place the choke tube wrench supplied
is unloaded to justify careless handling. with your shotgun into the choke tube.
Always control the direction of the muzzle See Picture 15.
of your firearm, even if you think it is
completely unloaded. Not following these PICTURE 15 Muzzle
rules may lead to personal injury and/or
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a
safe direction throughout the unload-
ing process. Choke Tube

2. Engage the safety mechanism in the

“ON” or “Safe” position by moving the 6. Turn the choke tube wrench counter-
safety button fully to the shooter’s clockwise until the choke tube can
right. The red band will NOT be visible. be removed from the barrel.
3. Pull the operating handle fully rear- 7. Select the desired choke tube and
ward, extracting and ejecting the insert it into the barrel muzzle.
chambered cartridge.
8. Place the choke tube wrench onto
4. Chamber (load) the staged shotshell
choke tube and tighten by turning
by releasing the bolt.
9. Remove choke tube wrench. sure. Remove the magazine spring
retainer. Do not remove the magazine
10. With the Safety in the “ON” or “Safe”
position, bolt open, and the chamber
and magazine completely unload CAUTION: Make sure to maintain control
ed, check the choke tube periodically of magazine spring retainer until pressure
to make sure it is tight and secure. from magazine spring is relieved. Personal
injury may result.
NOTE: Never discharge your shotgun
without a choke tube properly installed, 8. With the magazine spring in the mag-
as property damage may occur. azine tube, place the magazine plug
into the center of the magazine spring.
To Install the Magazine Plug: 9. Place the open end, (end without
NOTE: Check with you local Fish & Game teeth) of the magazine spring retainer
Commission or other appropriate author- on top of magazine spring.
ities to determine whether a magazine 10. Push the magazine spring, plug, and
plug is required in your jurisdiction. retainer into the magazine tube while
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a aligning the magazine spring retainer
safe direction. detent slots with the detents in the
magazine tube. See Picture 17.
2. Engage the safety mechanism in the
“ON” or “Safe” position by moving the PICTURE 17
safety button fully to the shooter’s
right. The red band will NOT be visible.
3. Completely unload the chamber and
magazine. See “To Unload the Fire- Detents
arm,” on page 14.
4. With bolt locked open, visually
recheck the chamber, loading port, Magazine
and magazine, making sure the Spring Retainer
Detent Slots
shotgun is completely unloaded.
5. Ensure the barrel and chamber are
free of obstructions, see page 10, “To
11. Once the detents are aligned, push
Check the Barrel for Obstructions.”
the magazine spring, plug, and retainer
6. Remove the magazine cap by turning down into the magazine tube
it counterclockwise. (approximately 1½ inch) until the
magazine retainer can be turned ¼
Magazine of a turn clockwise, locking the retainer
Spring in position.
Retainer 12. Replace the magazine cap by turning
clockwise until hand tight. Do not over-
Fore-end tighten.

PICTURE 16 Sights:
WARNING! Before adjusting the sights or
mounting any telescopic sights or other op-
WARNING! Use extreme care when removing tics, make sure the firearm is completely un-
the magazine spring retainer, as the maga- loaded and the safety mechanism is engaged
zine spring is under compression. Wear eye by placing the safety in the ”ON” or “SAFE”
protection to avoid serious personal injury. position. See “To Unload the Firearm”,
page 14. Not following these rules may lead
7. Depress magazine spring retainer to personal injury and/or death.
until it stops, turn ¼ turn counterclock-
wise and slowly release magazine
spring and retainer as it is under pres-
Receiver Mounted Optics: WARNING! After each use, follow the
lubrication and maintenance directions
The top of the V3 receiver is drilled and in this Owner’s Manual. If the firearm is
tapped for an optic sight mount (not pro- immersed in water, it must be thoroughly
vided). For optic mounting and adjustment cleaned and lubricated as soon as possi-
see the instructions provided with your op- ble. In case of saltwater immersion, first
tic sight system. flush all parts with fresh water, then dry,
Cleaning, Lubrication and clean and lubricate the firearm. If the
firearm does not function properly, have
Maintenance it checked and repaired by a Remington
WARNING! Before cleaning, make sure Authorized Repair Center before further
your firearm is completely unloaded use. Failure to follow these instructions
(both the chamber and the magazine) may lead to firearm malfunctions which
and engage the safety by placing the could result in serious personal injuries
safety mechanism in the “ON” or “Safe” and/or death.
position. Not following the rules for Safe
NOTE: The chamber and bore should be
firearms handling may lead to personal
cleaned before loading and firing the fire-
injury and/or death.
arm the first time.
To Disassemble the Firearm for
Over-lubrication should be avoided at
all times. A light application of Rem® Oil Cleaning:
helps to prevent rusting. WARNING! Unload the firearm before
WARNING! Excessive use of a lubricant cleaning. Look into the ejection port and
could adversely affect the function and visually check the chamber and magazine
safe operation of your firearm. Failure to make sure there are no cartridges in
to properly maintain your firearm can the firearm.
not only damage your firearm, it can
expose you and others to unnecessary CAUTION! Always wear eye
risks of personal injury or death. protection when handling,
When the firearm is to be stored, it disassembling and reas-
should be carefully sembling the firearm. Not
cleaned and thoroughly wearing eye protection may
oiled. Outside metal lead to personal injury.
surfaces should be wiped
NOTE: The V3 firearm should
with Rem Oil occasionally.
When the firearm is to be NOT be disassembled PICTURE 18
reused, all excess lubrication must be beyond what is described in
removed. The chamber and bore must this manual, except by the factory or a
be thoroughly wiped dry. Remington Authorized Repair Center.
For safe and dependable operation of To Remove the Barrel:
your firearm, the barrel and action must
be cleaned periodically. 1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a
Remington recommends using safe direction.
Remington cleaning products and 2. Engage the safety mechanism in the
lubricants or their equivalents. “ON” or “Safe” position. The red
WARNING! The use of a non-recom- band will NOT be visible.
mended lubricant or cleaner could 3. Completely unload the chamber and
adversely affect the function and magazine. (See “To Unload the Fire-
safe operation of your firearm. Do not arm,” page 14).
use congealing lubricants. The use of
non-congealing lubricants such as Rem 4. With the bolt locked open, visually
Oil is strongly recommended. check the chamber, ejection port, and
Note: Remington’s Rem Oil is available magazine making sure the shotgun is
from your local dealer. If your dealer is completely unloaded.
out of stock, ask the dealer to order Rem
Oil from the Remington Distributor.

5. Remove the magazine cap by turning 12. Remove the trigger plate from the
it counterclockwise. receiver by pulling the trigger plate
6. Remove the fore-end from the maga- downward from the receiver. See
zine tube by sliding it forward. Picture 22.
7. While holding the barrel above the barrel .
ring, pull the barrel from the receiver.
See Picture 18.
To Remove the Gas Pistons:
8 With the barrel removed, remove
both gas compensation plug assem-
blies using a punch (or similar tool),
or open end wrench or adjustable
wrench turning counterclockwise. See To Remove the Bolt Assembly:
Picture 19. 13. Release the bolt assembly by pushing
Gas the bolt release button. See Picture10.
14. Allow the bolt assembly to come to
forwardmost position in the receiver
where the operating handle is resting
on the front edge of the ejection port.
In this position the operating handle
will be aligned with the undercut in the
front lower corner of the ejection port.
Gas Compensation See Pictures 23 and 23A.
PICTURE 19 Plug Assembly
9. Remove the gas pistons from the muzzle PICTURE 23
end of the gas block. See Picture 20.

Gas Pistons

Gas Block PICTURE 23A


To Remove the Trigger Plate

10. While holding the operating handle,
push the bolt release then slowly let
the bolt move forward. Witness Mark Undercut
11. Tap out both trigger plate pins with a
drive punch. See Picture 21.

Operating Handle
PICTURE 21 Trigger Plate Pins

15. If the bolt gets stuck in an intermedi- To Clean the Barrel:
ate position between its rearmost and
forward most position apply light and
rearward pressure to the operating Barrel
handle to release it from this interme-
diate position. Continue with this light Gas Block Gas Compensation
Plug Assemblies
pressure to allow the bolt to come
16. Remove the operating handle by
Gas Pistons PICTURE 25
pulling it away from the bolt.
17. Remove the bolt assembly from the 1. Use the instructions and equipment
receiver by sliding it forward. provided in a quality cleaning kit such
To Disassemble the Bolt Assembly: as a Remington Cleaning Kit. For rec-
ommendations, see your dealer or
WARNING! Use extreme care when remov- a Remington Authorized Service Center.
ing the firing pin and firing pin retainer, as
the firing pin is under compression. Wear 2. Saturate a cleaning patch with Rem-
eye protection to avoid serious personal ington Brite Bore® or equivalent.
injury. 3. Attach the patch to a cleaning rod tip.
18. Hold the ejector rod and firing pin in 4. Pass the patch through the barrel from
place with one hand and remove the the chamber end to the muzzle sever-
two firing pin retaining pins with the al times, removing loose residue
other hand. Slowly release the spring and fouling.
tension on the firing pin and ejector 5. Select the correct gauge cleaning brush
rod and remove the firing pin, firing and attach to the cleaning rod.
pin spring, ejector rod and ejector rod 6. Spray the bore brush with Brite Bore.
spring. See Pictures 24 and 24A.
7. Push the cleaning rod through the
barrel several times.
Firing Pin Retaining Pins Firing Pin 8. Remove the brush from the rod and
Bolt Head attach a tip with a cleaning patch.
9. Push the cleaning patch through the bar-
10. Repeat several times using a new
Bolt Carrier
Ejector Rod
cleaning patch each time until the
Assembly PICTURE 24
patch is removed from the barrel with
out fouling residue.
11. Remove all shooting residue from
the barrel’s locking notches using a
cleaning patch. See Picture 26.

19. Remove the bolt carrier assembly
from the bolt body by pulling the bolt
carrier assembly down.
20. Remove the bolt carrier blocker and
shell support from the bolt body. See
Picture 24B.
PICTURE 26 Locking Notch
Bolt Body Shell
Support 12. Spray the gas block, gas compensa-
tion plug assemblies, and gas pistons
with Brite Bore or equivalent cleaner
and brush to remove shooting residue.
13. Use a .40 cal bore brush and
Bolt Carrier Blocker cleaner to thoroughly scrub the inside
of the gas cylinders in the gas block.
14. To dry, use compressed air or allow to 4. Remove all excess lubricant with a
air dry. clean dry patch.
15. Push a clean patch saturated with 5. Lightly apply grease to cam pin. See
Rem Oil or equivalent through the Picture 26A.
barrel including the gas block.
Cam Pin
16. Push a clean dry patch through the
barrel to remove excess lubricant.
17. Apply a light application of Rem Oil
to the outside of the barrel and gas
pistons, with a soft clean cloth.
18. Remove all excess lubricant with a
clean dry patch.
WARNING! After cleaning, make sure the Bolt Carrier Assembly PICTURE 26A
barrel and chamber are free of obstruc-
tions, see page 10, “To Check the Barrel To Clean the Trigger Plate Assem-
for Obstructions.” Discharging a firearm bly:
with an obstruction may lead to property
damage, personal injury and/or death. WARNING: Clean the Trigger Plate Assem-
bly as a unit. Do not disassemble. Failure
To Clean the Choke Tube: to reassemble properly may result in
serious personal injury and/or death.
1. Remove the choke tube from the
barrel. See “To Change the Choke 1. Thoroughly spray Rem Action Clean-
Tube,” page 14. er inside the trigger plate assembly
where specified in Picture 27.
2. Brush the choke tube, including the
threads with Brite Bore or equivalent Rem Action Cleaner 3 4
1 2
until clean.
3. Brush the mating barrel choke tube
threads with Brite Bore or equivalent
until clean.
4. Push a clean patch through the choke PICTURE 27
2. Thoroughly dry the trigger plate as-
5. Repeat several times using a new
sembly either by compressed air or let
cleaning patch each time until all
air dry.
residue is removed.
3. Disengage the safety mechanism by
6. Wipe clean and let dry.
moving the safety button to the left.
7. When dry, apply a light application
4. With your thumb on hammer and the
of Rem Oil. Include the mounting
safety disengaged, pull the trigger
threads and mating threads in the
rearward and release. See Picture 28.
Repeat multiple times, ensure the trig-
8. To install the choke tube into the barrel ger returns completely to the forward
see, “To Change the Choke Tube,” position each time. Repeat steps 1 thru
on page 14. 4 if the trigger does not fully return.
To Clean the Bolt Assembly:
1. Spray the bolt assembly components
using Rem Action Cleaner or equiva-
lent. Brush if necessary to remove all
2. To dry, use compressed air or allow to
air dry.
3. Apply a light coating of Rem Oil to bolt
assembly. PICTURE 28

WARNING! If the trigger does not fully 5. Wipe with a clean cloth and air dry or
return to the forward position each time it use compressed air to thoroughly dry
is released, then your firearm is NOT in a the magazine tube.
safe operating condition and it must NOT 6. Apply a light application of Rem Oil
be used until you have had it repaired by to the inside and outside of the
a Remington Authorized Repair Center. receiver.
The use of a firearm that is not in a safe
operating condition may result in serious 7. Remove all excess lubricant with a
personal injury and/or death. clean dry cloth.
Note: While your firearm has been
5. With the hammer fully rearward in the
designed and manufactured to provide
cocked position; engage the safety
improved corrosion protection, only
mechanism, multiple times, in the “ON”
proper care will keep your firearm in a
or “Safe” position by moving the safety
good operating condition and maintain
button fully to the shooter’s right. The
its appearance. After extensive use, the
red band will NOT be visible.
protective coating on plated parts may be
6. The safety button must travel fully and worn sufficiently, reducing the corrosion
freely to the “ON” or “Safe” position. protection. Such worn parts should be
The safety should NOT remain in a posi- replaced to assure the integrity of the cor-
tion between the “Safe” and “Fire” rosion protection. Remington recommends
position. you have your firearm serviced periodically
7. If the safety mechanism does not freely by a Remington Authorized Repair Center
return to the full “Safe” or “Fire” position, ensuring the proper function and replace-
repeat steps 1 and 2. ment of any worn parts. For firearm service
see: “Repair Service,” on page 30.
8. If the safety mechanism does not freely
return to the “Safe” or “Fire” position af- To Reassemble the Bolt Assembly:
ter repeating operations 1 and 2, return 1. Insert the bolt carrier blocker in the bolt
the firearm to a Remington Authorized body. See picture 24B on page 18 for
Repair Center for an inspection of the orientation of the bolt carrier blocker.
safety and trigger assembly. Install with the assembly boss inserted
WARNING! If the safety mechanism does into the hole in the bolt body.
not freely return to the full “Safe” or 2. Insert the bolt carrier assembly. See
“Fire” position; the firearm is NOT safe Picture 24.
to use. The use of a firearm that is not 3. Insert shell support into its pocket on
in a safe operating condition may result the bolt body. See Picture 24B.
in serious personal injury and/or death.
Return the firearm to the factory or to a 4. Install the firing pin spring on the firing
Remington Authorized Repair Center. pin, then insert into the bolt body.
9. Apply a light application of Rem Oil 5. Install the ejector rod spring over the
to the areas specified in Picture 27. ejector rod, then insert into bolt body.
6. While holding the ejector rod and
To Clean the Receiver Assembly: firing pin forward, properly align the
1. Remove the action springs and guide assembly notches in both and insert
rods. See Picture 29. the firing pin retaining pins into the
2. Thoroughly spray and brush all com- bolt body.
ponents inside the receiver using To Reassemble the Gas Block:
Rem Action Cleaner or equivalent.
1. Insert the gas pistons, small end first,
3. Air dry or use compressed air to into the top of the gas cylinders.
throughly dry the receiver assembly. See Picture 20.
4. Spray the outside of the magazine
tube with Rem Action Cleaner and
wipe clean. Scrub, if necessary, with
steel wool.

2. Secure each piston in the gas cylinder
by inserting the gas compensation 6. While viewing the right side of the bolt
plug assemblies in the top of the gas assembly, align the witness mark on
cylinders. Tighten the gas plugs into the bolt body with the center of the
the gas cylinder by turning clockwise. bolt handle slot in the bolt carrier and
Torque plugs to 100 in-lbs. If a torque the undercut in the front of the ejection
wrench is unavailable, tighten to hand port on the receiver. With these
tight and then give a quick and firm features aligned, insert the operating
pull or yank on the tool to securely handle into the bolt carrier until it is
tighten the plugs. See Picture 19. fully engaged. See Pictures 23A and
To Reassemble the Firearm: NOTE: The operating handle can only be
CAUTION! Always wear eye protection installed and removed with the bolt assem-
when handling, disassembling and reas- bly in this location. See Picture 23.
sembling the firearm. Not wearing eye 7. To install the trigger plate assembly,
protection may lead to personal injury. ensure the hammer is in the cocked
1. Place the action springs over the guide position. If the hammer is not in the
rods before assembly. See Picture 29. cocked position, rotate the hammer
fully rearward until it engages the sear
2. Insert the guide rods head first with ac- roller. See Picture 31.
tion springs into the rail slots on both
sides of the receiver. See Picture 29. Sear Roller Hammer

Head Guide Rod

Action Spring

Rail Slot
8. Install the trigger plate assembly into
the receiver by inserting it into the
main slot in the receiver and aligning
the trigger plate pin holes in the trigger
3. Ensure that the head of the guide rod plate and receiver. See Picture 32.
sits entirely in the hole at the bottom of
the rail slot before assembling the bolt. Trigger PlatePin Holes

4. Insert the bolt assembly into the front

of the receiver. The bolt carrier will rest
on the front of the action springs as
you slide it into the receiver.
5. With your left hand hold the front of the PICTURE 32
bolt carrier down until it is flush with 9. Attach the trigger plate assembly to
the front of the receiver (do not push the receiver by replacing the trigger
on the bolt head or bolt body for this plate pins so they are flush with both
assembly step). See Picture 30. sides of the receiver.
PICTURE 30 10. Open the bolt by pulling the operating
handle fully rearward until the bolt
assembly locks in the open position.
11. Insert the barrel into the receiver while
aligning the barrel ring over the maga-
zine tube. See Picture 8.
12. Slide the fore-end over the magazine
13. Place the magazine cap on the end of
the magazine tube. Tighten by turning
clockwise until hand-tight.
To Function Test the Firearm: See page 30, to find instructions on how to
obtain Repair Services.
When the firearm is fully reassembled, a
short function test should be conducted to 8. With the safety mechanism engaged,
ensure proper operation before loading or attempt to pull the trigger fully rear-
discharging the firearm. If the firearm does ward. The trigger should not move
not function as described in any part of the and the hammer should NOT release.
Function Test, then the firearm should be WARNING! If safety allows trigger to
reassembled and function tested again. release hammer your firearm is not in a
Do NOT discharge the shotgun, if the safe operating condition and it must NOT
firearm fails the Function Test again. See be used until you have it inspected and
page 30, to find instructions on how to the problem corrected by a Remington
obtain Repair Services. Authorized Repair Center. See page 30, to
WARNING! Completely unload the firearm find instructions on how to obtain Repair
before Function Testing. Look into the Services. Using the firearm in this condition
ejection port and visually check the may lead to firearm malfunctions which
chamber and magazine to make sure there could result in serious personal injury and/
are no cartridges in the firearm. Always or death.
wear eye protection when handling the 9. To check if the hammer released in
firearm. Function testing with a loaded step 7 or 8, disengage the safety
firearm or without eye protection may mechanism by moving the safety but-
lead to property damage, personal injury ton to the “OFF” or “Fire” position.
and/or death. The red band will be visible. Pull the
1. Always keep the firearm pointed in a trigger fully rearward. The hammer
safe direction throughout the Function should release.
Testing process. 10. After the trigger is pulled and re-
2. Engage the safety mechanism in the leased, verify the trigger returns to the
“ON” or “Safe” position by moving the fully forward position.
safety button fully to the shooter’s
WARNING! If the trigger does not fully
right. The red band will NOT be visible.
return to the forward position each time
3. Make sure that the magazine tube is it is released, your firearm is NOT in a safe
empty. See Page 14. operating condition and it must NOT be used
4. Pull the operating handle fully rearward until you have it inspected and the problem
to lock the bolt in the open position. corrected by a Remington Authorized Repair
5. With the bolt locked open, visually Center. See page 30, to find instructions on
check the chamber, loading port, how to obtain Repair Services. Using the
and magazine making sure the firearm firearm in this condition may lead to firearm
is completely unloaded. If the cham- malfunctions which could result in serious
ber is not unloaded, see page 14, “To personal injury and/or death.
Unload the Firearm.” 11. Open the action by pulling the operat-
6. Make sure the barrel and chamber ing handle fully rearward, locking the
are free of obstructions, see page 10, bolt in the open position.
“To Check the Barrel for Obstructions.” 12. Close the action by pressing the bolt
7. Close the action by pressing the bolt
release. The bolt should slide forward 13. Check the trigger operation by pulling
and lock into the firing position. The the trigger fully rearward. Hold the
hammer should NOT release. trigger rearward. Do not release the
WARNING! If the hammer does NOT
14. While holding the trigger rearward,
remain cocked when the action is smartly
pull the operating handle fully rear-
closed, the firearm is NOT safe to use.
ward to lock the bolt open.
Using the firearm in this condition may
lead to firearm malfunctions which could 15. While continuing to hold the trigger
result in serious personal injury or death. rearward, push the bolt release but-
ton. The hammer should not release.
16. To check if the hammer released in
steps 14 or 15, remove your finger
from the trigger. With the trigger fully
foward, pull the trigger fully rearward.
The hammer should release and fall
WARNING! If the hammer does NOT re-
main cocked during cycling of the action
and while the trigger is continuously
pulled, the firearm is NOT safe to use. Us-
ing the firearm in this condition may lead
to firearm malfunctions which could result
in serious personal injury and/or death.
See page 30, to find instructions on how to
obtain Repair Services.
17. Repeat steps 7 thru 15 multiple times.
18. Engage the safety mechanism in the
“ON” or “Safe” position. The red band
will NOT be visible.
19. With the Safety in the “ON” or “Safe”
position, bolt locked open, and the
chamber and magazine completely
unloaded, verify the choke tube is
present, tight, and secure.
NOTE: Never discharge your shotgun
without a choke tube properly installed,
as property damage may occur.

WARNING! Incorrectly assembling the fire-

arm or assembling with modified parts can
result in damage to your firearm, personal
injury or death to you or others. Reming-
ton recommends all service and replace-
ment of components be performed by a
Remington Authorized Repair Center. If a
repair or component replacement was not
completed by a Remington Authorized Re-
pair Center we recommend that you have
your firearm checked by an Authorized Re-
pair Center. See page 30, for instructions
for repair services
The firearm owner and user must accept
full responsibility for the correct reas-
sembly and functioning of the firearm af-
ter disassembly or replacement of parts.

Firearm Maintenance Record
DATE Service Performed By

Firearm Maintenance Record
DATE Service Performed By

Autoloading Shotgun
Exploded View

Autoloading Shotgun
Parts List
Note: Parts are subject to change without notice.


1 Receiver Assembly 43 Stock Shim
2 Feed Latch Assembly 44 Stock Attachment Lock Washer
3 Magazine Follower 45 Stock Bolt Washer
4 Magazine Spring 46 Stock Attachment Bolt
5 Magazine Plug 47 Guide Rod (2)
6 Magazine Spring Retainer 48 Action Spring (2)
7 Latch Spring 49 *TPA Lock
8 Piston Stop Plate
9 Piston Stop Plate Screw (2)
10 Receiver Plug Screw (4)
11 Latch Pivot Pin Retaining Pin
12 Feed Latch Pivot Pin
13 Bolt Assembly
30 Vent Rib Barrel Assembly
31 Choke Tube
32 Middle Sight
33 Bead Front Sight
34 Gas Compensation Plug
Assembly (2)
35 Gas Piston (2)
36 Trigger Plate Assembly
37 Magazine Cap Swivel Assembly
38 Trigger Plate Pin (2)
39 Fore End
40 Stock Assembly
41 Recoil Pad Screw (2)
42 Recoil Pad

Schematic is provided for part identification only and should

not be used as a guide to assemble the firearm.
* Not Shown
Parts subject to change without notice
Autoloading Shotgun
Bolt and Trigger Plate Assembly Exploded View

13 - Bolt Assembly



36 - Trigger Plate Assembly

Autoloading Shotgun
Bolt and Trigger Plate Assembly Parts List
Note: Parts are subject to change without notice.
13 - Bolt Assembly
14 Bolt Body 22 Bolt Carrier Blocker
15 Bolt Carrier Assembly 23 Bolt Handle Buffer Retaining Pin
16 Bolt Head 24 Ejector Rod
17 Extractor 25 Ejector Spring
18 Extractor Spring 26 Ejector Retaining Pin (2)
19 Extractor Pivot Pin 27 Firing Pin
20 Firing Pin Spring 28 Shell Support
21 Bolt Handle 29 Trigger Plate Buffer

36 - Trigger Plate Assembly

50 Trigger Plate 76 Carrier Dog Plunger
51 Trigger Assembly 77 Carrier Dog Spring
52 *Trigger 78 Latch Release Lever
53 *Trigger Pin 79 Hammer Pivot Pin
54 *Trigger Spring 73 Magazine Cutoff
55 *Trigger Stop 74 Magazine Cutoff Detent
56 *Connector 75 Magazine Cutoff Retaining Pin
57 *Connector Bushing 76 Carrier Dog Plunger
58 Sear Assembly 77 Carrier Dog Spring
59 *Sear 78 Latch Release Lever
60 *Sear Side Plate (2) 79 Hammer Pivot Pin
61 *Sear Roller 80 Safety Button
62 *Sear Pin (2) 81 Safety Button Retaining pin
63 Carrier Assembly 82 Sear Pivot Pin
64 Carrier 83 Trigger Pivot Tube
65 Carrier Dog 84 Safety Detent Spring
66 Carrier Dog Pivot Spring 85 Latch Release Spring
67 Hammer 86 Carrier Lever
68 Sear Spring 87 Carrier Lever Spring
69 Hammer Plunger 88 Latch Release
70 Hammer Spring 89 Latch Release Pivot Pin
71 Safety Detent Plunger 90 Latch release Pivot Pin Retaining
72 Trigger Return Spring Ring
73 Magazine Cutoff 91 Carrier Pivot Tube (2)
74 Magazine Cutoff Detent 92 Trigger Plate Detent Spring (2)
75 Magazine Cutoff Retaining Pin 93 Trigger Plate Buffer
Schematic is provided for part identification only and should not be used as a guide to
assemble the firearm. Parts subject to change without notice * Not Shown
How to Obtain Parts and Service Note: Owner’s manuals/instruction books
From Remington Arms Company, LLC. may be requested via our web site at:
www.remington.com or by calling 1-800-
To Order Parts: 243-9700.
To order parts please visit Remington’s Repair Services:
web site at: www.remingtonpartsstore.
com or call 1-800-243-9700. For additional If there is a defect with your Remington
information on service enhancements, up- firearm that (i) you believe is, or should be,
grades, repair, additional barrels, and spe- covered by the Warranty, (ii) you would like
cialty parts visit www.remington.com. Remington to address at your cost and ex-
To place an order or for additional informa- pense, or (iii) you would otherwise like to
tion on service enhancements, up grades, discuss with Remington, please contact
and additional barrels, please call us toll Remington Consumer Services at 1-800-
free consumer service number, 1-800-243- 243-9700, Mon.- Fri. 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
9700, Mon.-Fri., 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern Please do not send your firearm or other
time. item to Remington without first (a) calling
this number, (b) receiving instructions from
1. Fax completed order form (from the the Remington representative, and (c) ob-
web site) to 1-336-548-7801. taining a Service Request document con-
2. To order by phone without the order taining your Service Repair Number. With
form call 1-800-243-9700. regards to the Service Request document,
Remington will either e-mail this document
Please have the following information to you or, if you do not have an e-mail ad-
ready before you call. dress, Remington will mail it to you. Please
be sure to store your Service Request doc-
• Firearm model and serial number. ument in your records so that it is both safe
• Part description and quantity. Part de- and accessible. Finally, to the extent you
scriptions can be found on the parts listing seek Warranty coverage, please review the
pages 26 through 29 in this manual. Warranty for your Remington firearm and
note that you may void your Warranty by
• Your complete mailing address (P.O. Box
taking action without first contacting Rem-
and Street Address) including zip code,
telephone number and e-mail address.
• Method of payment: MasterCard, Visa,
Amex or Discover card number and expi-
ration date. A quote may be made to you
over the phone. (Sorry, no C.O.D.s.)
WARNING! Use only Remington parts in
Remington’s firearms. Failure to follow
these instructions may lead to property
damage, personal injury and/or death.

All rights to this instruction manual are reserved. The information in this
document is subject to change without notice. Remington reserve the right
to change the content herein without the obligation to notify any person or
organization of such changes.
Remington, V3, Rem, BriteBore, and the color green are trademarks of RA
Brands, L.L.C. and may not be used in any way without the express written
consent of Remington. All other trademarks used herein remain the exclusive
property of their respective owners. Nothing contained in this manual should
be construed as granting, by implication or trademarks displayed herein.
Misuse of any trademarks or any content of this manual is strictly prohibited.
Remington shall aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the
fullest extent of the law.

Firearm Owner’s Record

Serial #

Date Purchased:

Purchased From:

Price Paid:

Remember to complete and return the Firearm Warranty Registration Card

in order to obtain full benefit of your Limited Two Year Firearm Warranty.

Don’t Alter or Modify Your Firearm and Have it Serviced Regularly.

Your firearm has been designed to also have your firearm professionally
operate according to certain factory serviced after prolonged storage, or if
specifications. You’ll jeopardize your there is ever any question pertaining to
safety and that of others around you by the proper functioning characteristics
attempting to alter its trigger, mechani- of your firearm.
cal safety or other mechanisms. Never Proper cleaning and lubrication are
alter or modify your firearm in any way. also important to firearm maintenance
Like any mechanical device, a firearm and are necessary to assure accuracy,
is subject to wear. It must be main- safety, and reliability. Before cleaning,
tained and periodically serviced to as- always make sure that your firearm
sure optimum safety and performance. is completely unloaded. And always
Only a qualified service facility should clean the barrel from the chamber end
service, repair or modify your Reming- to the muzzle when possible.
ton firearm. Remington recommends
that you have your firearm profes-
sionally serviced annually. You should

Firearm Sale or Transfer:

If your firearm has been adjusted or changed in any way and you intend to sell or oth-
erwise transfer possession of your firearm, you must: 1) provide a complete service
record, (2) warn the purchaser or recipient of your firearm that it has been adjusted or
modified, and (3) give the purchaser or recipient this owner’s manual for review and
reference. If you do not wish to sell or transfer your firearm in an adjusted condition
(recommended), return it to a Remington Authorized Repair Center for restoration of
your firearm to the original factory conditions. Do Not attempt to restore the firearm to
factory conditions yourself.
WARNING! NEVER alter or modify any part of the firearm. Improper alterations can
make the firearm unsafe and result in personal injury or death to you or others.
This firearm should not be sold where prohibited by federal, state or local laws.

Autoloading Shotguns

Remington is a trademark registered in the United States Patent

and Trademark Office by R.A. Brands, LLC.

Printed in U.S.A. 410252 07.15 ORIG

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