2022 Article 1882
2022 Article 1882
2022 Article 1882
Background: Expansion of the genetic code is a frequently employed approach for the modification of recombinant
protein properties. It involves reassignment of a codon to another, e.g., unnatural, amino acid and requires the action
of a pair of orthogonal tRNA and aminoacyl tRNA synthetase modified to recognize only the desired amino acid. This
approach was applied for the production of trastuzumab IgG carrying p-azido-l-phenylalanine (pAzF) in the industrial
yeast Pichia pastoris. Combining the knowledge of protein folding and secretion with bioreactor cultivations, the aim
of the work was to make the production of monoclonal antibodies with an expanded genetic code cost-effective on
a laboratory scale.
Results: Co-translational transport of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum through secretion signal prepeptide
change and overexpression of lumenal chaperones Kar2p and Lhs1p improved the production of trastuzumab IgG
and its Fab fragment with incorporated pAzF. In the case of Fab, a knockout of vacuolar targeting for protein degrada‑
tion further increased protein yield. Fed-batch bioreactor cultivations of engineered P. pastoris strains increased IgG
and IgGpAzF productivity by around 50- and 20-fold compared to screenings, yielding up to 238 mg L−1 and 15 mg L−1
of fully assembled tetrameric protein, respectively. Successful site-specific incorporation of pAzF was confirmed by
mass spectrometry.
Conclusions: Pichia pastoris was successfully employed for cost-effective laboratory-scale production of a monoclo‑
nal antibody with an unnatural amino acid. Applying the results of this work in glycoengineered strains, and taking
further steps in process development opens great possibilities for utilizing P. pastoris in the development of antibodies
for subsequent conjugations with, e.g., bioactive payloads.
Keywords: Pichia pastoris, Monoclonal antibody, Unnatural amino acid, Strain engineering, Bioreactor cultivation
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Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 2 of 16
Several conditions need to be fulfilled to successfully of this yeast. Protein folding and secretion pathways in
incorporate an uAA at the desired position in a target P. pastoris were discussed in detail by Damasceno et al.
protein. The uAA to be site-specifically incorporated [16] and Delic et al. [17]. Furthermore, successful incor-
must not be recognized by endogenous tRNAs and tRNA porations of uAAs into recombinant proteins produced
synthetases (RSs). In other words, the technology used by P. pastoris were previously reported [18, 19]. In the
and the uAA must be orthogonal in the host cell. The present study, we combined our knowledge of P. pastoris
most common approach to achieving orthogonality is with the ongoing requirements for improving monoclo-
using a tRNA and its cognate RS from an organism phylo- nal antibody production with an expanded genetic code
genetically distant from the expression host. Altogether, to relieve some of the major bottlenecks in the secretion
the codon reassignment by which an uAA is site-specif- of trastuzumab antigen-binding fragment (Fab) and full-
ically incorporated instead of a canonical amino acid is length IgG with site-specifically incorporated p-l-azido-
called the expansion of the genetic code. It is frequently phenylalanine (pAzF).
employed for the incorporation of uAAs into monoclo-
nal antibodies and antibody formats, predominantly of Results
the IgG1 subclass, to enable site-specific click reactions Influence of tRNACUA/RS expression on pAzF incorporation
with small molecule payloads. The resulting products are yield
known as antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and extend Genes for the orthogonal pair of amber suppressor tRNA
the usage of immunotherapeutics. An overview of Food (tRNACUA) and pAzF-specific RS (RSpAzF) were derived
and Drug Administration-approved ADCs currently on from E. coli tyrosyl-tRNACUA and tyrosyl-RS, as reported
the market is given by Tong et al. [4]. previously [18, 20, 21]. Methanol-inducible promoters of
The growing need for fast and cost-effective antibody varying strength were chosen for each gene based on the
development and production requires finding suitable knowledge of the methanol utilization pathway in P. pas-
expression hosts. Unlike the production of antibody frag- toris [15, 22]. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)
ments, for which bacterial systems can be used, tetra- was used as a reporter protein for pAzF incorporation in
meric IgGs with suitable glycosylation patterns require small-scale screenings and detection was done by flow
eukaryotic hosts. The simplest and inexpensive eukary- cytometry. The codon for tyrosine-40 in the sequence
otic hosts are yeasts that have already shown the poten- was replaced with the amber stop codon (eGFPY40X). For
tial for full-length IgG production [5, 6]. By combining eGFP expression, the strong methanol-inducible pro-
glycoengineering [7], optimization of protein folding and moter for alcohol oxidase 1 was used. All cloning was
secretion [8, 9], and process development [10, 11], yeast performed using GoldenPiCS [23] and the corresponding
research is gaining more attention for the fast and cheap schemes are shown in Additional file 1: Fig. S1.
production of recombinant therapeutics. The industrial Promoter strengths in the presence of methanol were
yeast Pichia pastoris (syn. Komagataella spp.) is one of previously determined by microarray analysis and
the well-established microbial hosts for recombinant decreases in the following order [22]: dihydroxyacetone
protein production. Like other yeast species, it requires synthase 2 (PDAS2)
> alcohol oxidase 1 (PAOX1) > dihy-
inexpensive media for growth, can produce proteins with droxyacetone synthase 1 (PDAS1) > peroxisomal mem-
post-translational modifications including human-type brane-associated protein 20 (PPMP20), where the relative
glycosylation [12], and has a higher secretion capacity PPMP20 strength has not been published yet. Although
than prokaryotes. Moreover, P. pastoris, unlike Saccha- less than 5% of the overall difference in stop codon sup-
romyces cerevisiae, has a Crabtree-negative phenotype pression was observed between the cultures expressing
[13, 14], facilitating its cultivation at high cell densities to both tRNACUA and RSpAzF under the strongest methanol-
obtain higher product titers. Due to its methylotrophic inducible promoters in P. pastoris, it was evident that a
metabolism and genes tightly regulated by methanol, strong expression was required for tRNACUA (Fig. 1). It
it is commonly used for the inducible production of has already been established that increasing the t RNACUA
large amounts of heterologous proteins [15]. In addi- gene copy number above 3 does not improve the stop
tion, P. pastoris secretes very few endogenous proteins codon suppression and that the addition of a polymer-
in the supernatant, which reduces the effort to purify the ase II promoter in front of the polymerase III promoter
secreted product. further increases expression levels [21]. In this work, the
Research on (heterologous) protein folding and secre- construct with 3 tandem copies of tRNACUA, each lack-
tion in P. pastoris has advanced significantly in the last ing the CCA trinucleotide at its 3′ terminus, flanked by
decade. A growing need for cost-effective production the SUP4 region from S. cerevisiae was used. In addition,
of recombinant therapeutics and industrial enzymes the choice of different methanol-inducible promoters for
pushes the need for strain and metabolic engineering each gene placed in the same vector further increases
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 3 of 16
Fig. 1 Amber suppression in eGFPY40pAzF depends on the promoter combination in the tRNACUA/RSpAzF pair. Mean values above the boxes are
percentages calculated from the relative amounts of eGFPY40pAzF to eGFP produced per cell from three to eight biological replicates and are shown
as horizontal lines in the boxes. Whiskers represent minimal and maximal values. The table below the graph shows the identity of the promoter
genome stability when prolonged cultivation times are and yield, supporting the previous observation by Gas-
needed. Therefore, the combination of the PDAS2 for ser et al. [8]. However, overall strong expression of both
tRNACUA (PDAS2_3xSUP4-tRNACUA) and PAOX1 for RS chains was required for the best product titer and yield.
(PAOX1_RSpAzF) was used in all other experiments. The Therefore, the combination used in all further experi-
optimum pAzF concentration in the culture medium was ments with Fab and IgG was PAOX1 for the light chain
determined as 2 mM, leading to the maximum suppres- (PAOX1_LC) and P DAS2 for the heavy chain (PDAS2_HC).
sion with the least possible impact on biomass growth
(Additional file 2: Table S1). Changing the secretion signal prepeptide to improve
protein secretion
Tuning light and heavy chain expression Aside from promoter selection, the effects of the pre-
Monoclonal antibody production in microbial hosts is Ost1-pro-MFα secretion signal and the standard
challenging and product-dependent. In shake-flask culti- pre-pro-secretion signal for the mating factor α (pre-pro-
vations, most of the secreted product is reduced antibody MFα) on the secretion of both trastuzumab Fab and IgG
formats rather than fully-assembled tetrameric antibod- were compared. The mean titer and yield of Fab fused to
ies [6]. In order to monitor product quality and quantity, the pre-pro-MFα were almost twofold higher than that
P. pastoris secreting trastuzumab Fab fragment fused to of Fab fused to the pre-Ost1-pro-MFα secretion signal
the prepeptide for oligosaccharide transferase 1 and the (Fig. 3). In the case of IgG, titer and yield of pre-Ost1-
propeptide for mating factor alpha of S. cerevisiae (pre- pro-MFα fused protein were about 1.3-fold and 1.1-fold
Ost1-pro-MFα) was used [24, 25]. In the screenings for higher than those of pre-pro-MFα fused one, respec-
Fab expression, different methanol-inducible promot- tively. However, when examining supernatants from the
ers for each chain were tested (Fig. 2). When the same screenings by SDS-PAGE and western blot (Additional
choice of promoters was used in the opposite order, the file 1: Fig. S2), significantly more endogenous proteins
combination with a stronger promoter for the light chain were observed in the cultures producing Fab and IgG
resulted in more than a twofold higher product titer fused to the pre-pro-MFα secretion signal. Since protein
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 4 of 16
Fig. 2 Titers and yields of the wild-type trastuzumab Fab depend on the promoter combination. Mean values above the boxes were calculated
from seven to ten biological replicates and are shown as horizontal lines. Dots and triangles show each data point and whiskers show minimal and
maximal values. The yields were calculated as the amount of protein per wet cell weight (WCW). The table below the graph shows the identity of
the promoter combinations
Fig. 3 Influence of secretion signals on Fab and IgG titers (left) and yields (right). Mean values above the boxes were calculated from seven to nine
biological replicates and are shown as horizontal lines. Dots and triangles show each data point and whiskers show minimal and maximal values.
The yields were calculated as the amount of protein per wet cell weight (WCW)
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 5 of 16
purification from bioreactor cultivations was the final on IgG secretion. However, no change in IgG titer and
goal, the pre-Ost1-pro-MFα secretion signal was chosen yield was observed in this work.
for all other experiments. A positive impact of overexpression of the peptidyl-
Additionally, no band corresponding to the tetrameric prolyl isomerase CPR5 in S. cerevisiae producing a
protein (HC2-LC2) was observed in both cases. On the full-length human IgG was reported [9]. Therefore,
screening scale, this is not unusual and depends on the it appeared as a promising target for improving IgG
exact identity of IgG. Nevertheless, it was still possible to production in P. pastoris. Nevertheless, a reduction
detect protein by ELISA because the antibody combina- of 30% in both IgG titer and yield was observed upon
tion used binds the heavy chain and detects any species CPR5 overexpression. As with PDI1 overexpression, the
with assembled Fab domain, namely HC-LC, HC2-LC, observed effect could be a consequence of the protein
and, if present, H
C2-LC2. burden in the ER or protein misfolding due to the con-
stitutive CPR5 expression.
Strain improvement by helper factor overexpression Kar2p is the ER chaperone of the Hsp70 family
The choice of targets for overexpression and knockout whose overexpression generally increases recombi-
in this work was based on the previous experience with nant protein secretion. Similar to the observation in
Fab and, to a certain extent, IgG production in yeast. The S. cerevisiae [9], KAR2 overexpression under the glyc-
list with the target description and references is given in eraldehyde-3-phosphatase promoter (PGAP) did not
Table 1. improve IgG titer and yield. Lhs1p functions as a nucle-
Overexpression of the transcription factors HAC1i otide exchange factor (NEF) that interacts with Kar2p
(intronless HAC1) and YAP1 did not improve IgG titer [30]. Reduced IgG titer and yield by 60% were observed
and yield (Fig. 4). Overexpression of PDI1 reduced IgG upon LHS1 overexpression under the porine 1 pro-
titer and yield by 30%, in contrast to some of the reports moter (PPOR1), which has 50% strength compared to
for recombinant protein production in P. pastoris [8, 27]. PGAP [23]. This is likely due to the chaperone disbalance
Together with the lack of improvement of IgG secretion in the ER, although positive effects were observed upon
upon HAC1i and YAP1 overexpression, this observation LHS1 overexpression in S. cerevisiae producing recom-
points towards other bottlenecks of P. pastoris as a mon- binant human albumin [29]. In this work, the balance
oclonal antibody production host. between Kar2p and Lhs1p activity was crucial for the
Sbh1p is a subunit of the Sec61p ER translocation com- production of both Fab (not shown) and IgG. Co-over-
plex (in addition to Sec62p, Sec63p, Sec71p, and Sec72p) expression of the two ER chaperones increased IgG
that interacts with the exocyst and the ribosome dur- titer and yield around 1.6-fold, confirming the previous
ing co-translational translocation into the ER. It was observation that the bottleneck in P. pastoris producing
expected that SBH1 overexpression has a positive effect Fab is the ER import [31]. The finding was then applied
to the strains producing the IgG variant carrying pAzF
Table 1 Overview of overexpression and knockout targets tested in this work for IgG producing P. pastoris
Gene Name description Product description Cellular localization References
YAP1 Yeast activator protein 1 Transcription factor involved in the regulation of tran‑ Nucleus and cytoplasm [26]
scription in response to oxidative stress
HAC1 Homologous to Atf/Creb1 Transcription factor involved in the regulation of the Nucleus [27]
unfolded protein response
PDI1 Protein disulfide isomerase 1 Multifunctional protein disulfide isomerase and protein ER lumen [8]
disulfide oxidoreductase
SBH1 Sec61 beta homolog 1 Beta subunit of Sec61 ER translocation complex ER membrane [28]
CPR5 Cyclosporin-sensitive proline rotamase 5 Rearranges peptidyl-prolyl bonds; transcriptionally ER lumen [9]
induced in response to the UPR
KAR2 Karyogamy gene 2 ATPase involved in protein import into the ER, mediates ER lumen [6]
protein folding, and regulates UPR
LHS1 Luminal Hsp70 protein 1 UPR regulated chaperone of the ER lumen involved in ER lumen [29]
polypeptide translocation and folding
YPT7a Yeast protein transport 7 Rab family GTPase involved in membrane trafficking Vacuolar, endosomal, Golgi [28]
and mitochondrial mem‑
Knockout target
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 6 of 16
Fig. 4 Influence of helper factor overexpression on IgG production. Titers are shown in light grey boxes and yields in dark grey boxes. Mean values
above the boxes were calculated from seven to ten biological replicates (dots and triangles) relative to the parent strain without overexpression and
are shown as the horizontal line in each box. Whiskers show minimal and maximal values
in the light chain at position Y173 and compared with IgGpAzF production in bioreactors. In all cases, improv-
Fab-producing analogs. ing co-translational translocation into the ER made
major improvements in product secretion.
Disruption of vacuolar targeting further increased
recombinant protein secretion Importance of process control for IgG production in P.
An additional bottleneck in IgG secretion was tackled pastoris
by deleting the gene for Ypt7p, a Rab-family GTPase The strains co-overexpressing KAR2 and LHS1 were used
involved in membrane trafficking and mediates endo- for fed-batch bioreactor cultivations to produce full-
some-to-vacuole transport for protein degradation length trastuzumab IgG and I gGpAzF. Due to the low pro-
[32]. YPT7 deletion strains producing Fab and IgG ductivity, three bioreactors were employed for IgGpAzF
Fig. 5 Influence of YPT7 disruption and KAR2 and LHS1 co-overexpression on Fab and IgG production. Titer fold changes are shown in light grey
boxes and yield fold changes in dark grey boxes. Mean values above the boxes were calculated from three to ten biological replicates (dots and
triangles) relative to the wild-type strain expressing either Fab or IgG and are shown as the horizontal line in each box. Whiskers show minimal and
maximal values
yeast proteins. Fully assembled IgGs were isolated by development of the yeast as a cost-effective production
size-exclusion chromatography in the next step (Fig. 7). platform of monoclonal antibodies with an expanded
From the SEC profiles, it was possible to recalculate genetic code for the subsequent generation of antibody-
actual tetrameric protein amounts, resulting in around drug conjugates.
15 mg L−1 for IgGpAzF and 238 mg L−1 for IgG. Collected Since P. pastoris has genes for methanol utilization
fractions were further analyzed by SDS-PAGE with sil- expressed under tightly controllable methanol-inducible
ver staining and western blotting (Additional file 1: Fig. promoters, the choice of promoters for expression of all
S6) and those containing pure tetrameric IgGs were used heterologous genes in this work was based on methanol
for mass spectrometry analysis to confirm site-specific metabolism [15]. The gene for the t RNACUA was derived
pAzF incorporation (Fig. 8). However, from intact mass from E. coli tyrosyl-tRNA, as described previously [21].
analysis of reduced samples (Additional file 1: Fig. S7), an It was also established that adding an RNA polymerase II
additional signal for the light chain insensitive to PNGase (Pol II) promoter in front of the tRNACUA gene inserted
treatment was observed with an extra 1027 Da corre- within the yeast suppressor tRNA (SUP4) flanking region
sponding to a propeptide fragment (EEGVSLEKR). with a binding site for RNA polymerase III increased
its expression levels. Furthermore, triple tandem copies
of the flanked tRNACUA yielded the highest amber sup-
Discussion pression [21]. Therefore, Pol II promoters were tested
Monoclonal antibody production in microbial hosts is for the tRNACUA construct in this work. The modified
rising in popularity with a growing demand for affordable RSpAzF was derived from E. coli tyrosyl-RS [33]. Metha-
therapeutics, particularly for treatments of various can- nol-inducible promoters for each gene of the orthogonal
cers. P. pastoris has already proven to be a promising host tRNACUA/RSpAzF pair were used in different combina-
cell for recombinant protein production due to its high tions to screen for the highest pAzF incorporation into
secretion capacity with low amounts of secreted endoge- eGFPY40X as a reporter protein. It was observed that a
nous proteins, strong inducible promoters, and inexpen- stronger promoter is needed for tRNACUA expression
sive cultivation media. In this work, a P. pastoris strain to improve pAzF incorporation yield when reverse pro-
was engineered to improve the production of trastu- moter combinations were compared. Further improve-
zumab IgG carrying site-specifically incorporated pAzF ments may be achieved by optimizing the tRNACUA
as a model uAA. The aim was to further contribute to the
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 8 of 16
Fig. 6 FabpAzF and IgGpAzF productivity in strains co-overexpressing KAR2 and LHS1 with YPT7 disruption. Titers (left) and yields (right) of a FabpAzF
and b IgGpAzF. Mean values above the boxes were calculated from three to ten biological replicates and are shown as horizontal lines. Dots and
triangles show each data point and whiskers show minimal and maximal values. The yields were calculated as the amount of protein per wet cell
weight (WCW)
flanking region and using synthetic promoters for both combinations with strong promoters for both chains
genes. resulted in the highest Fab expression. The expression
Expression levels of both chains constituting tetrameric could be further optimized by varying light-to-heavy
IgG were tuned using its Fab fragment, which expres- chain gene copies or screening for synthetic promot-
sion and detection are well established in P. pastoris. A ers. However, it should be taken into consideration that
stronger methanol-inducible promoter for the light chain gene loss can occur due to homologous recombination
was more favorable for Fab expression when reverse pro- during long cultivation times if the gene copy number is
moter combinations for each chain were compared. The increased. For this reason, two different promoters and
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 9 of 16
UV280 [mAU]
0.24 0.24
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
UV280 [mAU]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
-100 Elution volume [mL]
Fig. 7 Size-exclusion chromatography elution profiles after protein A affinity purification. a IgGpAzF and b IgG sample. Integrated peaks were
analyzed by SDS-PAGE with silver staining and western blot and pooled. Numbers above the peaks are areas below the curve relative to the area of
the peak corresponding to full-length IgG
terminators were chosen for the expression of Fab and pastoris, it seemed promising to use a different secre-
IgG chains. tion signal for Fab and IgG. Interestingly, the effect of
The long practice of using the S. cerevisiae MFα secre- the pre-Ost1-pro-MFα compared to the pre-pro-MFα
tion signal for recombinant protein secretion in P. pas- secretion signal on Fab and IgG secretion was signifi-
toris was challenged. From work by Barrero et al. [24], cantly different. The hybrid signal reduced Fab secretion
where a hybrid secretion signal of the oligosaccharide almost twofold and increased IgG secretion 1.3-fold. In
transferase 1 prepeptide and the MFα propeptide was order to conclude if this is the general case, more IgGs
used to improve recombinant protein secretion in P. and their respective Fab fragments should be compared.
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 10 of 16
Fig. 8 Tandem mass spectrum of the light chain tryptic peptide carrying the site-specific mutation. a IgG light chain tryptic peptide with tyrosine
at position 173 and b IgGpAzF light chain tryptic peptide with pAzF at position 173 (mass increment of 25 Da). All +1y and +1b ions are listed above
the corresponding sequence in the upper right corner
Nevertheless, in both cases, a significant amount of formation. Surprisingly, overexpression of foldase Cpr5p,
endogenous proteins was found in culture supernatants which showed an improvement of IgG production in S.
when proteins were fused to the pre-pro-MFα secretion cerevisiae [9], and protein disulfide isomerase Pdi1p had
signal compared to the pre-Ost1-pro-MFα. Additionally, adverse effects on IgG secretion, reducing protein titer
it would be of great interest to see if the pre-Ost1-pro- and yield by 40%. Pdi1p is one of the most abundant pro-
MFα can improve the secretion of other glycoproteins teins in the ER that catalyzes disulfide bond formation
compared to the pre-pro-MFα and if it can serve as a and isomerization of incorrectly formed disulfide bonds
starting point for secretion signal sequence engineering. [34, 35]. A similar effect was observed for IgG produc-
As a next step in improving recombinant protein tion in S. cerevisiae [9] and scFv production in P. pastoris,
secretion, strain engineering was performed by over- where an increase of Kar2p levels upon Pdi1p overpro-
expressing genes involved in protein folding and oxida- duction was reported [36]. Moreover, it was shown that
tive stress regulation that have shown positive effects most unsecreted Fab was degraded in the cytosol before
in S. cerevisiae and P. pastoris. Since the effect of over- reaching the ER, making ER-associated degradation
expression of these factors on Fab production has been (ERAD) an explanation of the reduced IgG titers in PDI1
studied previously and tetrameric IgG cannot be eas- overexpressing strain less likely [31]. However, no pro-
ily assembled on the screening scale, IgG was used as teasome activity was assayed in this work to test if the
a model protein. In addition to improving the titer and reduced titers were due to ERAD.
yield of any IgG format detectable by ELISA, the aim of Overexpression of Hac1p and Yap1p did not improve
strain engineering was to improve tetrameric IgG assem- IgG secretion. Hac1p is a transcription factor regu-
bly. As only reduced IgG fragments were observed in lating the UPR genes and its overexpression showed
supernatants from the screenings, the first bottleneck to improvements in the production of secreted recombi-
tackle was the folding of each chain and disulfide bridge nant proteins [8, 37, 38]. YAP1 is another transcription
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 11 of 16
factor involved in oxidative stress relief [39] for which an opal and ochre stop codons did not improve pAzF incor-
improved recombinant protein production by P. pastoris poration (not shown).
was reported [26]. However, these effects significantly Upon mass spectrometry analysis of purified IgG and
vary between target products. Furthermore, overexpres- IgGpAzF fractions, intact mass measurements showed an
sion of a component of the ER translocon Sbh1p and the additional light chain signal with an extra 1027 Da. Since
ER chaperone Kar2p had no effect on IgG secretion. Posi- the signal was present in samples treated and untreated
tive effects of Sbh1 overexpression on Fab production by with PNGase, we concluded that it belonged to the pro-
P. pastoris [28] and α-amylase by S. cerevisiae [40] were peptide fragment (EEGVSLEKR), which was cleaved off
reported. Since co-overexpression of all translocon subu- upon tryptic digest and was not detected by peptide mass
nits on full-length IgG production has not been investi- fingerprinting. This leaves some room for further inves-
gated yet, more detailed experiments are needed to get tigation if the observed leftover is due to cell lysis, caus-
a clear picture of IgG import into the ER and the role of ing some IgG to have the partially processed light chain
the translocon components [41]. While overexpression in the supernatant, or a mixture of IgG with fully and
of Lhs1p, a nucleotide exchange factor of Kar2p, which partially processed light chain being secreted through-
enables ADP to ATP exchange and binding of Kar2p to out the cultivation. Additionally, process optimization
the next substrate, reduced IgG production by around by employing methanol feed dependent on the levels of
60%, co-overexpression of Kar2p and Lhs1p improved dissolved oxygen [43] could further reduce cellular stress
IgG production by around 60%. The observed effect is in which frequently causes incomplete secretion signal
agreement with previous findings that a major bottleneck processing.
in Fab, and therefore, IgG, secretion is the ER import
[31]. Conclusions
In addition to overexpression of the common helper In this work, a new contribution to strain engineering
factors, strains with disrupted vacuole sorting were of P. pastoris for the production of monoclonal antibod-
prepared by knocking out YPT7 [28]. In these strains, ies with the expanded genetic code was made. By using
Fab and IgG production was increased by around two- a promising fusion secretion signal, pre-Ost1-pro-MFα
fold. Combining the knockout and co-overexpression [24, 25], co-overexpressing KAR2 and LHS1, and employ-
of KAR2 and LHS1 further increased Fab production by ing controlled cultivation conditions, full-length trastu-
around 3.7-fold, while it resulted in only an additional zumab IgG with pAzF in the light chain was produced
10% increase in IgG production compared to the knock- in titers up to 15 mg L−1. Production of trastuzumab
out alone. In the case of pAzF-carrying variants, FabpAzF Fab with pAzF in the light chain was further improved
production showed the same trend as Fab. On the other by deleting YPT7, causing the disruption of vacuolar
hand, the best IgGpAzF production was achieved in the targeting and increasing product titer and yield almost
strain co-overexpression KAR2 and LHS1, with up to fourfold. Additional improvements could potentially be
threefold higher productivity than in the parent strain. achieved by disrupting nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
Productivity of IgG and IgGpAzF formats detectable by and, in the case of IgG, glycoengineering of P. pastoris to
ELISA in bioreactor cultivations was around 50- and obtain a more human-like glycosylation pattern. Further-
20-fold higher than in shake-flask cultivations, respec- more, to reduce the observed propeptide leftover in part
tively. Using a KAR2 and LHS1 co-overexpressing strain of the secreted product, an alternative methanol-feed
for IgG and IgGpAzF production in fed-batch bioreactor strategy should be employed, such as pulse-feed con-
cultivations yielded significant amounts of tetrameric trolled by the levels of dissolved oxygen. Lastly, in this
proteins, up to 238 mg L−1 and 15 mg L−1, respectively, work, the major bottleneck of IgG production was found
as calculated from the SEC profiles in the second puri- to be the ER import, which is in agreement with previous
fication step. Unlike in the screenings, the most abun- research on Fab production in P. pastoris [31].
dant species secreted by the strain producing IgG was
the tetrameric protein. The strain producing IgGpAzF Materials and methods
secreted predominantly free heavy chain since the light Preparation of P. pastoris strains
chain translation was reduced due to the internal amber All plasmids were prepared in a series of GoldenGate
codon. The ratio of produced tetrameric IgGpAzF to the assemblies as described previously [23] and cloning of
free heavy chain could be increased by downregulation tRNACUA/RSpAzF and Fab/IgG expression plasmids is
or disruption of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay [42]. shown in Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Primers used for clon-
Trials to downregulate or replace the eukaryotic peptide ing heterologous genes, amplification of overexpression
release factor 1 with variants that preferentially recognize targets and gene deletions are listed in Additional file 2:
Table S2. All the P. pastoris strains used in this study were
Tir et al. Microbial Cell Factories (2022) 21:157 Page 12 of 16
derived from the wild-type CBS2612 strain [44] and are 28 h, the precultures were washed and 2 mL of the main
listed with their respective antibiotic resistances in Addi- cultures were inoculated to a starting OD600 of 8. All the
tional file 2: Table S3. The strain used as a positive con- cultures expressing heterologous proteins with pAzF
trol in eGFP screenings expressed the protein under the were supplemented with 2 mM pAzF dissolved in 2 mM
PAOX1 (PAOX1_eGFP), the same as the strain expressing NaOH and the negative controls with 2 mM NaOH.
eGFP with the internal amber stop codon at the position Methanol shots were given to the cells for induction:
Y40 (PAOX1_eGFPY40X). The P AOX1_eGFPY40X strain also 0.5% was given 3 h post-inoculation and three shots of
expressed the orthogonal pair of the suppressor tRNACUA 1% 19, 27, and 43 h post-inoculation. The cultures were
and engineered RSpAzF [3], for which combinations of harvested 48 h post-inoculation by taking 1 mL cultures
methanol-inducible promoters were tested in this work and centrifuging them at 13 000 rpm for 5 min. Wet cell
(PX_RSpAzF_PY_3xSUP4-tRNACUA). The tRNACUA expres- weight was measured from cell pellets and the superna-
sion cassette contained three tandem copies of the tRNA tant was analyzed by ELISA (Fab and IgG cultures). For
lacking the 3′-CCA terminus and each copy was flanked eGFP expression measurements, cultures from the end of
by the SUP4 region from S. cerevisiae [21]. The strain the screenings were diluted in pre-cooled PBS (0.24 g L−1
used for Fab screenings expressed both chains under KH2PO4, 1.8 g L−1 Na2HPO4∙2H2O, 0.2 g L−1 KCl, 8 g L−1
different methanol-inducible promoters (PX′_LC_PY′_HC- NaCl, pH 7.4) to an O D600 of 0.4 in 96 microtiter plates.
Fab). Each chain was fused to the pre-Ost1-pro-MFα
secretion signal [24, 25] lacking the C-terminal EAEA Flow cytometry analysis
sequence. The final producer strain expressed IgG Flow cytometry analysis was performed in a CytoFLEX S
fused to the same secretion signal. The light chain was benchtop flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter). The excita-
expressed from the PAOX1 and the heavy chain from the tion wavelength for eGFP was 488 nm and for detection,
PDAS2 (PAOX1_LC_PDAS2_HC-IgG). The strain expressing a 525/40 nm bandpass filter was used. The sample flow
Fab and IgG variant with the amber codon in the light rate was set to 30 µL min−1, and the number of recorded
chain at position Y173 (PAOX1_LCY173X_PDAS2_HC-Fab; events was 10,000. For statistical analysis, geometric
PAOX1_LCY173X_PDAS2_HC-IgG) also expressed tRNACUA means of the fluorescence and the forward scatter signal
under the PDAS2 and the synthetase under the PAOX1 heights were taken from which a mean relative cell-asso-
(PAOX1_RSpAzF_PDAS2_3xSUP4-tRNACUA). Helper factors ciated product (PRel) was calculated as reported previ-
PDI1 (PP7435_Chr4-0107), HAC1i (PP7435_Chr1-0700), ously [45, 46]. The percentage of stop codon suppression
YAP1 (PP7435_Chr4-0370), and KAR2 (PP7435_Chr2- in eGFPY40X was calculated from the ratio of the PRel of
1167) were constitutively overexpressed under the glyc- each clone and PRel of two to three biological replicates of
eraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter (PGAP). the positive control.
LHS1 (PP7435_Chr1-0059) was overexpressed under the
promoter for mitochondrial porin 1 (PPOR1_LHS1) and Enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay
CPR5 (PP7435_Chr1-0581) and SBH1 (PP7435_Chr2- ELISA was performed as described previously [31],
0220) under the promoter for the translational elonga- except for the coating antibodies used. For Fab samples,
tion factor EF-1α (PTEF_CPR5; PTEF_SBH1). The YPT7 mouse anti-human IgG Fab (Invitrogen) was used and for
(PP7435_Chr4-0052) deletion strains were prepared IgG samples, anti-human IgG (γ-chain specific, Sigma)
(4×, NuPAGE) with or without 2 µL reducing agent medium. The batch volume of 300 mL was inoculated to
(10×, NuPAGE) or 5 mM N-ethylmaleimide (NEM, Ther- an OD600 of 1 and 2 mM pAzF were added. The batch
mofisher), respectively, at 100 °C for 1 min. Samples were phase of the bioreactor cultivations took approximately
run in 1×MOPS (NuPAGE) at 180 V for 1 h. After SDS- 24 h. The second phase of linear feed with 50% glucose
PAGE run, gels were fixed in a fixing solution (10% v/v (rate of feed calculated as y = 0.225x + 1.95, x: time [h])
acetic acid, 50% v/v ethanol) with gentle agitation over- was initiated when the total glycerol was consumed. After
night at 4 °C. The next day, the fixing solution was dis- 8 h, the third phase was initiated by the linear increase
carded, and gels were incubated in an incubation solution in 100% methanol (y = 0.028x + 0.6) and the simultane-
(68.2 g L−1 sodium acetate, 3.2 g L−1 Na2S2O3·5H2O, ous linear decrease in 50% glucose (y = 3.75 − 0.111x).
30% v/v ethanol, 0.25% v/v glutaraldehyde) with gentle After 18 h of the co-feed phase, the fourth phase was
agitation for 30 min at room temperature. Gels were then initiated by the linear feed with 100% methanol alone
washed three times with distilled water for 10 min. Silver (y = 0.028x + 1.1) [11]. During the bioreactor cultivations,
nitrate solution (0.1% w/v A gNO3, 0.02% v/v formalde- samples were taken at six time points. Two milliliters
hyde) was added and gels were incubated for 20 min at were taken in three technical replicates for each bioreac-
room temperature. After the binding, gels were briefly tor and centrifuged at 4 °C with a speed of 13,000 rpm
washed with distilled water and a developing solution for 5 min. Pellets were washed with 1 mL 0.1 M HCl and
(5.0 g L−1 Na2CO3, 0.01% v/v formaldehyde) was added. dried in preweighted tubes at 105 °C for determination
Gels were incubated at room temperature until protein of yeast dry mass (YDM). Supernatants were used for
bands were of desired intensity. Further development the determination of protein concentration. The cultiva-
was quenched with 50 mM EDTA and gels were scanned. tions were terminated 90 h post-induction by harvesting
Gels that were not used for silver staining were blotted on supernatants of each bioreactor at 4 °C with a speed of
Trans-Blot turbo mini 0.2 µm nitrocellulose membranes 10000×g for 30 min. The harvested supernatants were
(Bio-Rad) in the Trans-Blot Turbo transfer system (Bio- used for protein purification.
Rad). Membranes were immediately incubated in block-
ing buffer (PBS pH 7.4, 0.05% Tween, 2% BSA) at 4 °C
Protein purification
with gentle agitation overnight. The next day, membranes
Bioreactor supernatants were concentrated by tangen-
were washed three times for 5 min with washing buffer
tial flow filtration and the buffer was changed to PBS (pH
(PBS pH 7.4, 0.05% Tween). Primary antibodies diluted in
7.4). Affinity purification was performed using the HiTrap
the blocking buffer were incubated for 1 h at room tem-
Protein A HP column. The column was equilibrated with
perature with a washing step in between. Secondary fluo-
12 column volumes (CVs) binding buffer (PBS, pH 7.4) at
rescent antibodies were incubated in the same way, and
the rate of 1 mL min−1. The sample was loaded at the rate
after the final washing step, fluorescence was detected by
of 0.5 mL min−1 and washed with the binding buffer at
the Chemidoc MP imaging system (Bio-Rad).
1 mL min−1 for 15 CVs. Elution steps were done at the
rate of 1 mL min−1 using 0.1 M glycin-HCl (pH 3.5) as
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