Applied Hydrology Assignment

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Question 1:
The following figure shows you the catchment water balance, how do explain the water
balance equation of this catchment? Explain briefly.

A catchment is also called drainage basin, river basin. water shed is also an extent of land
where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill in to a body of water ,such as river,
lake, reservoir, estuary ,wet lands, sea or ocean. In hydrology catchment is a logical unit of
focus for studding the movement of water with in hydrological cycle because the majority of
water that discharges from catchments out let originated as precipitation falling on the
catchment. The water Balance equation for a catchment

P-R-G-ET=Change in storage where, P- Precipitation R-River runoff

G-ground water runoff


Question 2

A reservoir has the following inflows and outflows (in cubic meter) for the first three months
of the year. If the storage at the beginning of January is 60 m3, determine the storage at the
end of March.

Month Jan Feb Mar

Inflow 4 6 9
Outflow 8 11 5

Change in storage = (4+6+9)-(8+11+5) =-5m3
Change in storage is 60-5=55m3
Question 3
The following Table shows rainfall records for Gauge X and other 20 gauges average rainfall

year Gauge X 20 gauge average Year Gauge X 20 gauge

2002 188 264 1984 223 360
2001 185 228 1983 173 234
2000 310 386 1982 282 333
1999 295 297 1981 218 236
1998 208 284 1980 246 251
1997 287 350 1979 284 284
1996 183 236 1978 493 361
1995 304 371 1997 320 282
1994 228 234 1976 274 252
1993 216 290 1975 322 274
1992 224 282 1974 437 302
1991 203 246 1973 389 350
1990 284 264 1972 305 228
1989 295 332 1971 320 312
1988 206 231 1970 328 284
1987 269 234 1969 308 315
1986 214 231 1968 302 280
1985 284 312 1967 414 343

a. Examine the consistency of gauge X data,
b. Find when a change in regime occurred,
c. Discuss possible causes,
d. Adjust the data and determine what differences this makes to the 36 year annual
average rainfall at gauge X

Cumulative Annual Rainfall (cm)

year Gauge X 20 Gauge
2002 188 264
2001 373 492
2000 683 878
1999 978 1175
1998 1186 1459
1997 1473 1809
1996 1656 2045
1995 1960 2416
1994 2188 2650
1993 2404 2940
1992 2628 3222
1991 2831 3486
1990 3115 3732
1989 3410 4064
1988 3616 4259
1987 3885 4529
1986 4099 4760
1985 4383 5072
1984 4606 5432
1983 4779 5666
1982 5061 5999
1981 5279 6235
1980 5525 6486
1979 5809 6770
1978 6302 7131
1997 6622 7413
1976 6896 7665
1975 7218 7939
1974 7655 8241
1973 8044 8591
1972 8349 8819
1971 8669 9131
1970 8997 9415
1969 9305 9730

1968 9607 10010
1967 10021 10353

cum x gauge






0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

a. The gauge x data are inconsistent.

b. There is a change in regime around 1981
c. Because:-
• shifting of rain gauge to a new location
• Change in the ecosystem due to calamities
• Occurrence of observational error from a certain date
d. The ratio of gauge x to other gauge (1967-1981) is
Gauge x average 15 330.7
=Other 20 gauge average = 10353−5999 =290.3=1.139

Gauge x average 5061⁄ 241

The ratio in the 2nd part (1982 - 2002) =Other 20 gauge average =5999⁄21=285.7=0.8436

Hence, the correction ratio should be =

 Each of the pre 1982(start from 1981 – 1967) annual rainfall value of gauge
x is multiplied by the correction ratio (1.35) to get the adjusted values of
gauge x.
 All the rain fall value from 1982 to 2002 are applied with the same
correction ratio (1.35).
To adjust (cumulative 1967-1982) is adjusted for change environment

(10021 – 5061)*1.35= 4960*1.35=6696
Cumulative rainfall (1982 to 2002) for the current environment
The old average of gauge x is = =278.4 mm and
The newest corrected gauge x is= =326.7 mm

Question 4
The daily flows of a river for three consecutive years are shown in table below, for
convenience the discharges are shown in class intervals and the number of days the flow
belonged to the class is shown. Calculate the 50 and 75 % dependable flows for river using
the flow duration concept.

Daily mean No. of days flow in each class interval

discharge (m3/s)
1961- 1962- 1993-64
62 63
140 - 120.1 0 1 5
120 - 100.1 2 7 10
100 - 80.1 12 18 15
80 - 60.1 15 32 15
60 - 50.1 30 29 45
50 - 40.1 70 60 64
40 - 30.1 84 75 76
30 - 25.1 61 50 61
25 - 20.1 43 45 38
20 - 15.1 28 30 25
15 - 10.1 15 18 12
10 - 5.1 5 - -


The Data are arranged in descending order of class value column 5 shows the total number
of in each class column 6 shows the cumulative total of column 5, the number of days equal
to or greater than the class interval . This gives the value of m.

The percentage probability Pp the probability of flow in the class interval being equaled or
exceeded is given.


Calculate the flow duration Curve

Daily mean No.of days Total Cumulative Pp=

Discharge flow in class columns Total
m3/s in interval 2,3,4

1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1961-64

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
140- 0 1 5 6 6 0.55
120- 2 7 10 19 25 2.28
100-80.1 12 18 15 45 70 6.38
80-60.1 15 32 15 62 132 12.03
60-50.1 30 29 45 104 236 21.51
50-40.1 70 60 64 194 430 39.19
40-30.1 84 75 76 235 665 60.62
30-25.1 61 50 61 172 837 76.36
25-15.1 43 45 38 126 963 87.76
15-10.1 28 30 25 83 1046 95.43
10-5 15 18 12 45 1091 99.43
5 5 - - 5 1096 99.91
Total 365 366 N=1096

In the present case N=1096 the smallest value of the discharge in each class interval is
plotted against Pp on a log log paper .from this Q50=50% Dependable flow =35m3/s and
Q75=75% dependable flow =26m3/s

Question 5
Monthly inflow at a proposed reservoir site for a drought period of 15 months and targeted
demands are given in the following table. Compute the storage required using the sequent
peak analysis method.

Month Jan Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju n Jul Au Se Oc No De Ja n Feb Mar

b r r y g p t v c
River in 250 35 40 20 150 15 10 50 15 30 40 45 15 200 450
flow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Target 150 15 20 25 350 40 25 20 15 15 10 25 35 300 100

ed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
deman d


Month Inflow I Demand D (I-D)

(Mm3) (Mm3) (Mm3) ∑(𝐼 − 𝐷)

1 2 3 4 5
Jan 250 150 100 100
Feb 350 150 200 300
Mar 400 200 200 500
Apr 200 250 -50 450
May 150 350 -200 250
Jun 150 400 -250 0
July 100 250 -150 -150
Aug 50 200 -150 -300
Sep 150 150 0 -300
Oct 300 150 150 -150
Nov 400 100 300 150
Dec 450 250 100 250
Jun 150 350 -100 150

Feb 200 300 -100 -50
Mar 450 100 350 -200
400 1000
The graph of monthly vs. targeted demand

month vs Targated demand

month vs comm
-200 0 5 10 15 20

Question 6
Compute outflow hydrograph for the inflow hydrograph provided in the following table:

Time Inflow (I) (m3/s)

0 500
2 1170
4 2400
6 4210
8 4780
10 4310
12 3350
14 2230
16 1580
18 1130
20 890
22 720

24 590
26 520

Route the inflow hydrograph through river reach characterized by the following linear
relationship between storage (S), in m3/s, and outflow (O) in m3/s. Use the

Muskingum method


Where: K= 32400 S (9 hours)

Solution: - k=9hr, S=KO that means flow characterized linear relationship b/n storage (S),
in m3/s, and outflow (O) in m3/s and the value of x= b/n 0 and 0.5 (0-

0.5) for this question I am take x value x=0 then to find the Muskingum constant.

Thus, C1+ C2+ C3 =1

Graph of Inflow and Outflow Vs. Time




3000 Inflow (I) (m3/s)

Outflow hydrograph


0 10 20 30

Question 7

Explain briefly the characteristics of flood intensity for both catchment types as shown in
the following figure, considering time of concentration, length of tributaries, and shape of
catchment for your explanation.


Flood Intensity is inverse relation with time of concentration and length of

tributaries Also length of tributaries are direct relation with time of
concentration and also depends on shapes of catchment, fan shaped are near to
circle therefore length of tributaries and time of concentration is short. But

10 | P a g e
fern(leaf) shaped are long and length of tributaries and time of concentration are
long at this time precipitation have a time to infiltrate into the soil .
(a) Fan shaped (b) fern(leaf) shaped
Produces greater flood intensity produces less flood intensity

Less time of concentration more time of concentration

Less length of tributaries more length of tributaries

Question 8
The following information for watershed A and its two-hour unit hydrograph has been
determined: area=100mi2, Lc=10 mi, L=24 mi, tR= 2 hr, tPR=6 hr, Qp=9750 cfs/in, W50= 4.1hr,
and W75= 2hr. Watershed B, which is assumed to be hydrologically similar to watershed A,
has the following characteristics; area = 70 mi2, L= 15.6 mi, and Lc=9.4 mi. Determine the
one-hour synthetic unit hydrograph for watershed B.

watershed A Watershed B
A=100mi2 A=70 mi2
Lc=10 mi L= 15.6 mi
L=24 mi Lc=9.4 mi
tR= 2 hr
tPR=6 hr
Qp=9750 cfs/in
W50= 4.1hr
W75= 2hr

For watershed A
𝑡𝑃𝑅 = 2𝑅 + t’P=2/2+ t’P=6


21 𝑡𝑅
t’P=22 𝑡𝑃 + 4

𝑡𝑃 =4.714hr

11 | P a g e
𝑡𝑃 = Ct(L𝐿𝑐𝑎 )0.3

4.714= Ct(10 ∗ 24)0.3

Ct = 0.91

Qp = 2.78Cp A / t’p or,

9750 = 2.78Cp100 / 5

Cp = 9750*5/2.78*100
Cp = 175 this out the Cp range therefore we use Cp =0.93

For watershed B
Both watershed are hydrologic ally similar therefore Ct and Cp are the same

Cp =0.93 and Ct = 0.91 we use this one

tp = Ct t(L𝐿𝑐𝑎 )0.3= 0.91 (15.6* 9.4)0.3 = 4.06 hr
tr = tp / 5.5 = 4.06 / 5.5 = 0.74 hr
Using tR = 1.0 h i.e. for a 1-h unit hydrograph,
21 21
t’p = 22 tp + tR/4= 22 *4.06 + 1/4 = 0.307 hr

Qp = 2.78Cp A / t’p= 2.78*0.93*70 / 0.307 = 589.5

Qp = 589.5 m3/s

W50 = 5.87 / q1.08 = 5.87 / (Qp / A) 1.08= 5.87 / (589.5 / 70)1.08 = 0.59h

W75 = W50 / 1.75 = 0.59h/ 1.75 = 0.34 h

Time Base:

𝑡𝑏 =72+3t’p=72+4.125*

𝑡𝑏 =84.375hr

𝑡𝑏 =5(t’p+ 2𝑅 )=23.125hr

12 | P a g e
Question 9
Compute the runoff from 5 inches of rainfall on 1000 acre watershed the hydrologic soil
group is 50% group B, and 50% group C, interspersed throughout watershed AMC II is
assumed. The land use pattern is 40 % residential area that is 30% impervious, 12%
residential area that is 65% impervious, that is 18% paved road with crabs and storm sewer,
16% open land with 50% fair grass cover and 50% good grass cover. And 14% parking lots,
plazas, schools, and etc.

Note: use curve number table to get respective land use and soil group.

First let’s compute weighted curve number
Land use Hydrologic soil group
% CN % CN product t

Residential/30% 20 72 1440 20 81 1620

Residence 65% 6 85 510 6 90 540

roads 9 98 882 9 98 882

Open land ,good 4 61 244 4 74 296
Open land fair cover 4 69 276 4 79 316

Parking lots 7 98 686 7 98 686

total 50 4038 50 4340

Thus weighted CN=B+C/ 100=4038+4340 / 100=83.8

S =100 /CN - 10=1000/83.8 -10=1.93inch
Pe= {p-0.25} 2

13 | P a g e
=21.29 /6.544 =3.25inch
Question 10
Find the half-hour Unit hydrograph using the excess rainfall hyetograph and the direct run
off hydrograph given in the following table.

Time (1/2 hour) Excess rainfall (inches) Direct runoff (cubic feet per
1 1.06 428
2 1.93 1923
3 1.81 5297
4 9131
5 10625
6 7834
7 3921
8 1846
9 1402
10 830
11 313
GIVEN M=3, P1=1.06, P2=1.93, P3=1.81, N=11, Q1=428, Q2=1923, Q3=5297, Q4=9131,
Q6=7834, Q7=3921, Q8=1846, Q9=1402, Q10=830, Q11=313
Number of pal sees in UH=N-M+1=11-3+1=9
Q2=P1U2+P2U1=1923=1.06×U2+1.93×404, U2=1079
Q3=P3U1+P2U2+P1U3=5297=1.81×404+1.93×1079+1.06U3, U3=2343
Q4=P3U2+P2U3+P1U4, 9131=1.81×1079+1.93×2343+1.06×U4, U4=2506
Q5=P3U3+P2U4+P1U5, 10625=1.81×2343+1.93×2506+1.06×U5, U5=1459
Q6=P3U4+P2U5+P1U6, 7834=1.81×2506+1.93×1459+1.06×U6, U6=453
Q7=P3U5+P2U6+P1U7, 3921=1.81×1459+1.93×453+1.06×U7, U7=381
Q8=P3U6+P2U7+P1U8, 1846=1.81×453+1.93×381+1.06U8, U8=274
Q9=P3U7+P2U8+P1U9, 1402=1.81×381+1.93×274+1.06×U9, U9=178

14 | P a g e
Question 11
The annual rainfall at station X and the average annual rainfall at 18 surrounding stations
are given below. Check the consistency of the record at station X and determine the year in
which a change in regime has occurred. State how you are going to adjust the records for
the change in regime.

Year Annual rainfall (cm)

Station 18 stations
X average
1990 30.5 22.8
1991 38.9 35.0
1992 43.7 30.2
1993 32.2 27.4
1994 27.4 25.2
1995 32.0 28.2
1996 49.3 36.1
1997 28.4 18.4
1998 24.6 25.1
1999 21.8 23.6
2000 28.2 33.3
2001 17.3 23.4
2002 22.3 36.0
2003 28.4 31.2
2004 24.1 23.1
2005 26.9 23.4
2006 20.6 23.1
2007 29.5 33.2
2008 28.4 26.4

First we calculate cumulative off rainfall

15 | P a g e
Year Cumulative Annual rainfall (cm)
Station X 18 stations average
1990 30.5 22.8
1991 69.4 57.8
1992 113.1 88
1993 145.3 115.4
1994 172.7 140.6
1995 204.7 168.8
1996 254 204.9
1997 282.4 223.3
1998 307 248.4
1999 328.8 272
2000 357 305.4
2001 374.3 328.7
2002 396.6 364.7
2003 425 395.9
2004 449.1 419
2005 474 442.4
2006 496.6 465.5
2007 526.1 498.7
2008 554.5 525.1

The above cumulative rainfalls are plotted as shown in above Fig. It can be seen from
the figure that there is a distinct change in slope in the year 1996, which indicates that
a change in regime (exposure) has occurred in the year 1996. To make the records
prior to 1996 comparable with those after change in regime has occurred, the earlier
records have to be adjusted by multiplying by the ratio of slopes m2/m1 i.e., 0.9/1.25.
Calculated from the graph

Cumulative rainfall 1996-2008

= 554.5 – 204.7 = 349.8 cm

Cumulative rainfall 1990-1995 adjusted for changed environment=

204.7*(0.9/1.25) =147.6cm

Cumulative rainfall 1990-2008(for the current environment) =497.4

a.a.r. adjusted for the current regime = 497.4/19= 26.2

16 | P a g e
Cumulative of X



Cumulative of X



0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Question 12

A small watershed consists of 2 km2 of forest area (c = 0.1), 1.2 km2 of cultivated area (c =
0.2) and 1 km2 under grass cover (c = 0.35). A water course falls by 20 m in a length of 2
km. The IDF relation for the area may be taken as

80𝑇 0.2
i=(𝑡+12)0.5 i in cm/hr. t in min and T yr.

Estimate the peak rate of runoff for a 25 yr. frequency


Time of concentration (in hr.)

𝑡𝑐 =0.06628𝐿0.77 𝑆 −0.385 where, L in km and 𝑡𝑐 in min

=0.06628*20.77 (2000)−0.385 =0.669hr*60=40min

i=𝑖𝑐 when t=𝑡𝑐 in the given IDF relation

17 | P a g e
𝑖𝑐 =(40+12)0.5=21.1cm/hr

𝑄𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 =2.78C𝑖𝑐 A, rational Formula, CA=∑ 𝐶𝑖 𝐴𝑖

=2.78*21.1*(0.1*2+0.2*1.2+1*0.35) =46.4Cumec

Question 13
The following are the rain gauge observations during a storm. Construct: (a) mass curve of
precipitation and (b) hyetograph.

Time since commencement of storm (min) Accumulated rainfall (cm)

5 0.1
10 0.2
15 0.8
20 1.5
25 1.8
30 2.0
35 2.5
40 2.7
45 2.9
50 3.1

(a) mass curve of precipitation, the plot of accumulated fain fall cm vs time
(Min) gives the mass curve of rainfall

18 | P a g e
mass curve graph

accumulated rainfall depth(cm)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
time t(min)

A, The graph of Mass curve of precipitation

(b) Hyetograph the intensity of rain fall at successive 5minuts interval is calculated va
bar graph of I cm/hr. vs. time (min) is constructed. This depicts the variations of the
intensity of rain fall with respect to time and is called the hyetograph.
Time Intensity
Accumulated rainfall(cm)
t(min) Delta P in time t=5min(cm) i=dp/dt*60(cm/hr)
5 0.1 0.1 1.2
10 0.2 0.1 1.2
15 0.8 0.6 7.2

20 1.5 0.7 8.4

25 1.8 0.3 3.6
30 2.0 0.2 2.4
35 2.5 0.5 6.0
40 2.7 0.2 2.4
45 2.9 0.2 2.4
50 3.1 0.2 2.4

19 | P a g e
9 8.4
8 7.2
4 3.6

3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4

2 1.2 1.2
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (minit)


Compute the daily evaporation from a Class a pan if the amounts of water added to bring
the level to the fixed point are as follows:

Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rainfall 14 6 12 8 0 5 6
Water -5 3 0 0 7 4 3
added (mm) (removed)

What is the evaporation loss of water in this week from a lake (surface area = 640 ha) in the
vicinity, assuming a pan coefficient of 0.75?

Pan evaporation, EP mm=Rain fall

20 | P a g e
Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
EP: (mm) 14-5 6+3 12 8 7 5+4 6+3
9 9 9 9
∑ 𝐸𝑝=63mm

Pan coefficient= 0.75=EL/EP

When EL=Evaporation from lake EP=pan evaporation

Lake evaporation during the week EL


Water lost from lake =A*EL=640*47.25/1000=30.24ha.m =0.3Mm3

A sub basin with area of 1038 sq. km has 7 stations. The normal annual rainfall depths for all
the seven stations are given below in table. Determine the optimum number of rain gauge
stations to be established in the basin if it is desired to limit the error in the mean value of
rainfall to be 10%. Indicate how you are going to distribute the additional ®rain gauges
stations (if required).

Table. Normal annual rainfall depths for stations in sun-basin

Station A B C D E F G
Normal annual rainfall 87 89 76 43 35 23 88
depth (mm)
Station Normal annual Difference Difference Statistical parameters
rainfall depth (x – 𝑥̅ ) (x – 𝑥̅ )2
(mm) x
A 87 24 576
B 89 26 676
C 76 13 169 𝑥̅ = 7
D 43 -20 400 ∑(𝑥−𝑥̅ )2 4830
𝜎=√ 𝑛−1
=√ 6
E 35 -28 784
F 23 -40 1600
G 88 25 625
N=7 ∑x=441 ∑(x – 𝑥̅ )2
= 4830

21 | P a g e
𝜎 28.4
𝐶𝑣 = *100= *100=45.04
𝑥̅ 63
𝐶 45.04 2
N=(𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑣 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟)2 =( ) =20
Additional rain gauge station determined by
Therefore the number of additional rain gauge needed for area of watershed is 13
distributed as proportional to watershed
First the ratio of area of watershed to gauge station is 1038/7=148.3 this is indicate that 1
gauge is 148.3 sq. area represent
But now change to reduce the error is represent by 1 gauge therefore the error
is can minimized

Annual rainfall in cm for station A from 1964 to 1993 are as follows:

130.0, 136.1, 132.3, 127.9, 140.1, 129.3, 128.5, 136.6, 125.6, 139.3, 118.5,

116.3, 137.7, 132.1, 133.6, 135.5, 130.3, 122.7, 120.2, 128.8, 138.3, 131.7, 121.1, 117.7,
112.3, 139.6, 141.1, 133.3, 129.2, 126.6

Plot the annual rainfall data. Apply a simple 3 years moving average over it. Also, plot the
mean of the series and comment on the nature of the data.

Year Annual rain fall Three consecutive year total moving mean Three year moving
(mm) (Pi-1+Pi+Pi+1) mean

1964 130 130+136.1+132.3=398.4 132.8

1965 136.1 136.1+132.3+127.9=396.3 132.1
1966 132.3 132.3+127.9+140.1=400.3 133.4
1967 127.9 127.9+140.1+129.3=397.3 132.4
1968 140.1 140.1+129.3+128.5=397.9 132.6
1969 129.3 129.3+128.5+136.6=394.4 131.47
1970 128.5 128.5+136.6+125.6=390.7 130.23
1971 136.6 136.6+125.6+139.3=4001.5 133.8
1972 125.6 125.6+139.3+118.5=383.4 127.8
1973 139.3 139.3+118.5+116.3=374.1 124.7
1974 118.5 118.5+116.3+137.7=372.5 124.17
1975 116.3 116.3+137.7+132.1=386.1 128.7

22 | P a g e
1976 137.7 137.7+132.1+133.6=403.4 134.47
1977 132.1 132.1+133.6+135.5=401.2 133.73
1978 133.6 133.6+135.5+130.3=399.4 133.13
1979 135.5 135.5+130.3+122.7=388.5 129.5
1980 130.3 130.3+122.7+120.2=373.2 124.4
1981 122.7 122.7+120.2+128.8=371.7 123.9
1982 120.2 120.2+128.8+138.3=387.3 129.1
1983 128.8 128.8+138.3+131.7=398.8 132.93
1984 138.3 138.3+131.7+121.1=391.1 130.37
1985 131.7 131.7+121.1+117.7=370.5 123.5
1986 121.1 121.1+117.7+112.3=351.1 117.03
1987 117.7 117.7+112.3+139.6=369.6 123.2
1988 112.3 112.3+139.6+141.1=393 131
1989 139.6 139.6+141.1+133.3=414 138
1990 141.1 141.1+133.3+129.2=403.6 134.53
1991 133.3 133.3+129.2+126.6=389.1 129.7
1992 129.2
1993 126.6
Graph of three year moving mean
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990

The moving mean is recorded at the 3 years mid=129.74cm

Determine the direct runoff hydrograph (DRH), the Φ-index, and the excess rainfall
hyetograph (ERH) from the observed rainfall and the stream flow data given in the table.
The watershed area is 7.03 square miles.

23 | P a g e
Table. Rainfall and stream flow data

Date Time Observed rainfall Observed flow stream

(Inches) (cubic per feet
24 May 8:30 Pm 203

9:00 0.15 246

9:30 0.26 283
10:00 1.33 828
10:30 2.20 2323
11:00 2.08 5697
11:30 0.20 9531
25 may 12:00 Am 0.09 11025
1:00 8234
1:30 4321
2:00 2246
2:30 1802
3:00 1230
3:30 713
4:00 394
4:00 354
4:30 303
Date Time Observed Observed Time 1/2h Excess Rain Direct Rain Fall
rainfall stream flow fall Hydrograph(in) Hydrograph(cfs)
(Inches) 𝑓𝑡𝑠 3⁄
( 𝑠𝑒𝑐)
1 2 3 4 5 6
24 May 8:30 Pm 203
9:00 0.15 246
9:30 0.26 283
10:00 1.33 828 1 1.06 428
10:30 2.20 2323 2 1.23 1923
11:00 2.08 5697 3 1.81 5297

24 | P a g e
11:30 0.20 9531 4 9131
25 may 12:00 Am 0.09 11025 5 10625
1:00 8234 6 7834
1:30 4321 7 3921
2:00 2246 8 1846
2:30 1802 9 1402
3:00 1230 10 830
3:30 713 11 313
4:00 394 43550
4:00 354 Total=4.80 43550
4:30 303
Excess rainfall = observed rainfall —abstractions (0.27 in per half-hour)
Direct runoff = observed stream flow —base flow (400 cfs)
N=0.8(A)0.2 =0.8(7.03)0.2 =1.2 day =28.8hr

So the base flow start from 0.5hr and end in (may 4+28.8)hr

That means 4+28.8=32.8hr

Base flow =203cft/s

A straight line base flow separation gives a

constant value of 203cft/s for the base flow.

Area of DRH=∑ DRH×∆t

= (0.5×60×60) × 46282=83307600cft = total direct runoff due to storm

When we change area of catchment that given mile into feet =195985152 sft

Basin Area, A=7.03 mi2

𝝋 (Phi-index) method =?

 Calculate the direct run off hydro graph

By using strait line method for base separation base starts from 400 ft3/s

DR = Volume of DR/A =7.839*107ft3/A =4.80 mil depth of direct run off

Neglect all precipitation intervals that occur before the onset of direct runoff (before 9:30)

25 | P a g e
Select Rn the precipitation values in the 1.5 hour period from 10:00 –11:30

DR=∑𝑛𝑛=1(𝑅𝑛 − 𝜑∆𝑡)

4.8= (1.33+2.2+2.08 - 3𝜑0.5)

𝜑= 0.54 in/hr.

Construct a 10 minute SCS unit hydrograph for a basin of area 3 km2 and time of
concentration 1.25 hour.


Given Tc=1.25h, tr=10min=0.166hr,

A=3km2 C=2.08
Then tp=0.6Tc=0.6×1.25=0.75hr
𝑡𝑟 0.166
Tp= + tp= +
2 2


𝐶𝐴 2.08∗3
𝑞𝑝 = 𝑇 = 0.833 =

=7.49𝑚 ⁄𝑠𝑐𝑚

26 | P a g e
To construct 10min UH multiply y-axis (q) by qp and x axis (t) by Tb

ordinate of
time (hr) UH(cfs/in
0 0 0
1 45 45
2 60 45 105
3 22 60 45 127
4 8 22 60 45 135
5 1 8 22 60

10 min SCS UH








0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 10 min SCS Unit Hydrograph

An 8 square mile watershed has a time of concentration of 1 hour. Calculate a 10minute unit
hydrograph for this watershed by SCS triangular unit hydrograph method. Determine the

runoff hydrograph for a 20-minute storm having 0.6 inch of excess rainfall in the first 10
minutes and 0.4 inch in the second 10 minutes.


Given Tc=1h, tr=10min=0.166h, A=8mil2 C=2.08

27 | P a g e

Tp 3h

qp m3/s cm the same is true for quest 18

To construct 10min UH multiply y-axis (q) by qp and x

axis (t) by Tb tr = 10minutes tp =0.6 tc = 0.6*1hr = 0.6hr =
Tp = 41minutes = 0.683hr


Tb = 2.67 Tp = 2.67*41minutes = 109.47minutes

To determine the direct run off

Flow rate (Q) =

Then, put in chart

Table .1
Time Flow Rainfall
rate(ft3/sec/inch) (inches)
0 0
10 5.94 0.6
20 11.88 0.4
30 17.82
40 23.76
41 24.35
50 20.79
60 17.24
70 13.68
80 10.12
90 6.57
100 3.01
109.35 0

28 | P a g e
Then it seems to be

Here on the following table

Table .2
Time Rainfall Flow Direct run off
(inches) rate(ft3/sec/inch
0 0 0 − 0
10 0.6 5.96 3.576 4.2
20 0.4 11.88 9.504 9.5
30 17.82 15.4
41 24.35 21.7
50 20.79 22.2
60 17.24 18.7
70 13.68 15.1
80 10.12 8.0
90 6.57 4.4
100 3.01 1.2
110 0 0




15 DRO
flow rate

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

The ordinates of a one-hour unit hydrograph specified at one hour intervals are (in cfs/inch):

45, 60, 22, 8, and 1. Calculate the watershed area, the S-hydrograph and the twohour unit
hydrograph for this watershed.


29 | P a g e
Table S-hydrograph and the 2-hr unit hydrographs converted from 1-hr unit hydrographs
calculated as follow
Ordinate S-H (unit storm 1 Lagged S-curve 2hr UH= S-curve d/ce x
of 1hr after every hr.) S- S-curve differences 1/3
Time UH ordinate
0 0 0 0 0

1 45 0 45 0 45 22.5

2 60 45 0 105 45 60 30

3 22 60 45 0 127 105 22 11

4 8 22 60 45 135 127 8 4

5 1 8 22 60 91 135 -44 -22


 Slight adjustment is required to the tail of the 2hr unit hydrograph

 the lagged S-curve is the same as S-ordinates but lagged by tr' =2hr
2hr UH=S-curve difference*(tr/tr')

Number of unit storm in a succession = T/tr = 5/1 =5 to produce a constant outflow,

Qe= 91 from calculated value to find A, Qe= (2.78A)/tr

A= (Qe*tr)/2.78 = (91*1)/2.78 =32.73miles2

A storm with 10 cm precipitation produced a direct surface runoff of 5.8cm in the equivalent
depth unit. The time distribution of the storm is given in Table 1.
a) Estimate the φ- index of the storm and
b) Estimate the excess rainfall hyetograph.
Table 1.
Time from start(hr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Incremental rainfall in each 0.4 0.9 1.5 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.0 0.5
Show the detail steps, plot the discharge hydrograph, also direct runoff hydrograph from
your analysis.

30 | P a g e
Here, duration of rainfall 𝑡𝑟 =8hr
Time interval ∆𝑡=1hr and number of rainfall recorded data N=8
Direct runoff DRO=5.8cm and total storm Pt=10cm
a) Step 1
Assume N=8, ∆𝑡=1hr and hence 𝑡𝑟 =N*∆𝑡=8hr
DRO=∑81(𝑖 − 𝜑)t
5.8=(0.4- 𝜑)+(0.9- 𝜑)+(1.5- 𝜑)+(2.3- 𝜑)+(1.8- 𝜑)+(1.6- 𝜑)+(1.0- 𝜑)+(0.5- 𝜑)
5.8=10-8 𝜑 𝜑=0.525cm/hr
Hence in the two record data i< 𝜑 So, N=6 in the next step
Step 2
Assume N=6, ∆𝑡=1hr and hence 𝑡𝑟 =N*∆𝑡=6hr
5.8=(0.9- 𝜑)+(1.5- 𝜑)+(2.3- 𝜑)+(1.8- 𝜑)+(1.6- 𝜑)+(1.0- 𝜑)
5.8=9.1 - 6 𝜑 𝜑=0.55cm/hr
b) Excess rainfall=total direct runoff=Total intensity - 6 𝜑
Time from Time interval Inc. rainfall 𝜑∆𝑡 ER(DRO), Intensity of
start(hr) (∆𝑡) in hr in ∆𝑡 (cm) Inc.rain-𝜑∆𝑡 ER(cm/hr)
1 1 0.4 0.55 0 0
2 1 0.9 0.55 0.35 0.35
3 1 1.5 0.55 0.95 0.95
4 1 2.3 0.55 1.75 1.75
5 1 1.8 0.55 1.25 1.25
6 1 1.6 0.55 1.05 1.05
7 1 1.0 0.55 0.45 0.45
8 1 0.5 0.55 0 0

Explain the concept of S-hydrograph. When do we use the S-hydrograph? How to derive the
unit hydrograph of a given duration from the S-hydrograph?

31 | P a g e
 S-hydrograph is known as S-curve or the summation curve is the hydrograph of direct
surface discharge that would result from a continuous succession of unit storms
producing 1 cm in tr–hr.
 S-hydrograph method is used, whereas an infinite number of effective durations are
occur for a watershed, S-hydrograph is possible.
a) What does models describe in hydrology?
 Storage of water: in the soil, vegetation, aquifers, water bodies
 Loss of water from storage: by evaporation, percolation, lateral flow
 Routing of water: over the surface, through the soil, aquifers, channels, reservoirs
and wetlands
b) Why water resource engineers need hydrological model?
Engineers/hydrologist, have needed estimates of various aspects of stream flow for design
and operation of water related structures, like:

 Annual flows and their inter-variability

 Monthly or daily flows,
 Sequences of flow above certain thresholds,
 The availability of water in the reservoirs,
 Peak discharges, etc.
c) Explain the difference between lumped and distributed hydrological model.
Lumped models

 Represent processes/parameters in a spatially averaged,

 Consider catchment/sub catchments as a whole (as a single unit)
 It ignores spatial variations of hydrological processes
Distributed models

 Variable and heterogeneous characteristics of the catchment is conserved

 Each units in the catchment assigned variables and parameters
 More flexible than lumped
 Spatial and temporal variation in climate, land use and vegetation change conserved.

32 | P a g e
A culvert has an expected life of 10 years. If the acceptable risk of at least one event
exceeding the culvert capacity during the design life is 10 percent, what design return
period should be used? What is the chance that a culvert designed for an event of this
return period will not have its capacity exceeded for 50 years?
Expected life of culvert=10yrs
Acceptable risk is=10% for the culvert capacity
To find the design return period (T)
P=1 - (1 − 𝑇)𝑛

When, P is chance of failure (in %), T is peak flow recurrence interval (yrs), n is design life
0.10=1 - (1 − 𝑇)10

T= 95 years
The risk associated with failure of culvert when the flow exceed 95 yrs flood in the next 95
years is;
1 50
P=1 - (1 − )

The chance that the capacity will not be exceeded for 50 years is
P=1 – 0.41=0.59
Differentiate between the following in one or two sentences:
i. Extraterrestrial radiation and solar radiation

The radiation striking a surface perpendicular to the sun's rays at the top of the earth's
atmosphere, called the solar radiation and the solar radiation received at the top of the
earth's atmosphere on a horizontal surface is called the extraterrestrial radiation, Ra.

ii. Potential ET and actual ET


33 | P a g e
Actual evapotranspiration is occur in specific situation and vegetation related factor but
potential evapotranspiration always occur in sufficient moisture with fully vegetation cover
area or depends essentially on the climatic factors.

iii. Differentiate between lumped system routing and distributed system routing? Bring
out the advantage of distributed flow routing over lumped flow routing.

Lumped flow (hydrologic) routing is based on the solution of the conservation of mass
equation and a relation of storage and discharge in a stream reach or reservoir.

Distributed flow (hydraulic) routing is based on solution of the conservation of mass and
the conservation of momentum equation.

Advantage of distributed flow routing over lumped flow routing compared is including their
ability to predict runoff at the ungauged location in watershed simulation of water quality
parameter and predicting impact due to change in land use.


The annual maximum series for 30 years of a certain gauge and discharge site are given in
table 3, using the data given in table 3, estimate 1000-years floods assuming that the peak
discharge data follow Gamble’s EV-I distribution.
Table 3.
Order Discharge Order Discharge Order Discharge
1 2294 11 1095 21 675
2 1880 12 915 22 467
3 1850 13 889 23 467
4 1700 14 869 24 392
5 1500 15 867 25 371
6 1466 16 860 26 325
7 1395 17 792 27 288
8 1366 18 720 28 212
9 1175 19 693 29 170
10 1100 20 675 30 120

∑ 𝑄 27588
Mean of discharge, 𝑄̅ = 𝑛 = 30 =919.6

34 | P a g e
∑(𝑄−𝑄̅ )2 9123109.04
Standard deviation, 𝜎=√ =√ =560.88
𝑛−1 29

Flood for T years, 𝑄𝑇 =𝑄̅ + 𝜎(0.78log 𝑒 𝑇- 0.45)

So, flood for 1000-years; 𝑄1000=919.6 + 560.88(0.78log 𝑒 1000- 0.45)
𝑄1000=919.6 + 560.88(0.78*6.907- 0.45) = 3688.923 cumec
a) Explain briefly about flow-duration curve.
It’s a graphical representation that well known that the stream flow varies over a water
 One of the popular method of studying this stream flow variability is through flow
duration curve.
 A flow duration curve of a stream is plot of discharge against percent of time the flow
was equaled or exceeded this curve also known as discharge-frequency curve
 Stream flow data is arranged in descending order of discharge using class interval if the
number of individual values is very large.
b) Explain the use of flow duration curve.
 In evaluating various dependable flows in the planning of water resources engineering
 Evaluating the characteristics of the hydropower potential of a river.
 Designing of drainage systems.
 In flood – control studies.
 Computing the sediment load and dissolved solids load of a stream.
 Computing the adjacent catchments with a view to extend the stream flow data.
c) Explain briefly the procedure for preparing a flow-duration curve.
Case 1;

For gauged catchments, if the available data correspond to situation (a), as discussed,
the flow duration curves from daily flow data may be developed in the following steps:

(i) Choose a constant width class interval (ci) such that about 25 to 30 classes.

(ii) Assign each day’s discharge to its appropriate class interval.

35 | P a g e
(iii) Count the total number of days in each class interval.

(iv) Cumulate the number of days in each class interval to get the number of days above the
lower limit of each class interval.

(v) Compute the probabilities of exceedences dividing the quantities obtained from step
(4) by the total number of days in the record (for example, 365 if one year record is considered
for the construction of flow duration curve).

(vi) Multiply the probabilities of exceedences obtained from step (v) by 100 to get percentage

(vii) Plot the probabilities of exceedences in percentage against the corresponding

lower bound of class interval on linear paper. Sometimes the flow duration curve better
approximates to a straight line if lognormal probability paper is used in place of linear graph

Case 2;

In case the data items are not sufficient enough to define the class intervals, the flow duration
curves (from monthly flow data or any other duration larger than ‘daily’) may be developed
in the following steps:

(i) Arrange the flow data in descending order

(ii) Assign the probability of exceedences to each data item obtained from step (i) using
the Weibull plotting position formula:
P= (m)/ (N+1))*100%.
Here, m = 1 for the highest flow values, and N is the number of data items (or

Case 3;

If limited runoff data and long series of rainfall data are available for site, the steps are:

(i) Develop the rainfall-runoff relationship for the specific duration utilizing

(ii) Compute the long-term flow data of the specific duration using the

(iii) Develop the flow duration curve using the procedure stated in Case 1 or case 2

36 | P a g e
The available data for the concurrent period.

Case 4

If no data is available, then the following steps may be used for the development of the flow
duration curves.

(i) Develop the rainfall-runoff relationship for the existing site for the specific
duration, analyzing the available rainfall-runoff records of concurrent periods.
(ii) Develop the flow duration curve using the procedure described either in Case 1 or
Case 2.
(iii) Divide the flow values of flow duration curve by the catchment area of the existing
project site.
(iv) Multiply the flow values obtained from step (iii) by the catchment area of the
proposed site for which the flow duration curve is required to be developed.

For the basin shown in Fig.1, the normal annual rainfall depths recorded and the Isohyetals
are given. Determine the optimum number of rain-gauge stations to establish in the basin if
it is desired to limit the error in the mean value of rainfall to 10%. Indicate how you are
going to distribute the additional rain-gauge stations required, if any.

Basin Boundary

A Isohyetals
88 cm

120 cm

IV 138 cm
104 cm III 78 cm E
II 56 cm

Fig. Isohyetal map,


37 | P a g e
Station Normal Difference Statistical parameters
annual (𝑃𝑖 − 𝑃̅ ) (𝑃𝑖 − 𝑃̅ )2
A 88 -4.8 23.0 ∑ 𝑃 464
𝑃̅= 𝑛 𝑖 = 5 =92.8cm
B 104 11.2 125.4
∑(𝑃𝑖 −𝑃̅ )2 3764.6
σ =√ =√ =30.7
C 138 45.2 2043.0 5−1 4

𝜎 30.7
D 78 -14.8 219.0 𝐶𝑣 = ̅ *100= =33.1%
𝑃 92.8
E 56 -36.8 1354.2
n=5 ∑ 𝑃=464 ∑(𝑃𝑖 − 𝑃̅ )2 =3764.6

𝐶 33.1
N=(𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑣 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟)2=( 10 )2 =11

Therefore, Additional rain-gauge station to be established

N – n=11 – 5=6 station established.

38 | P a g e

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