Grade 7 Food Trades Tve q1 WK 3 4
Grade 7 Food Trades Tve q1 WK 3 4
Grade 7 Food Trades Tve q1 WK 3 4
Development Team
This module is especially crafted with focus on the different activities that will
assess your level in terms of skills and knowledge with the expectation to demonstrate
through the learning materials the skills, knowledge and attitudes on cleaning and
maintain and maintaining kitchen, food preparation, and storage areas in commercial
cookery or catering operations. After going through the discussions and different
tasks/activities, you are expected to attain the following:
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the use and maintenance of equipment
in cookery.
Performance Standard:
The learners independently use and maintain tools, equipment, and materials
in cookery according to standard operating procedures.
Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
What’s In
In our past lesson, you have learned about Maintaining Kitchen Tools,
Equipment, and Paraphernalia. Let us have a review.
Definition of Terms
Contamination- refers to the presence of minor and unwanted constituents
(contaminants) in material, physical body, natural environment, workplace, etc.
Defective- having faults or incomplete
Stack- a case compose of several rows of shelves
Exterminate- to destroy totally
Infestation- the state of being infested as with parasites or vermin
Filth- anything that is dirty
Inventory- an itemized list
Microorganism- a living thing that is too small and can be seen only through a
Disinfectant- a substance used to destroy germs and diseases
Kitchen- a room especially set apart and containing the necessary utensils for cooking
Sanitizer- a chemical agent used for cleansing and sanitizing surfaces of tools and
Utensil- an instrument or tool used in a household especially in the kitchen
Storage- a space for keeping something
Linen- a household article made from linen or other cloth.
Sanitation- reduction of contamination with foreign matters including
microorganisms to level harmless to health.
CLEANLINESS plays a vital role especially in the kitchen where foods are
prepared and cooked. In order to avoid contamination, you must practice sanitation
especially on the equipment and utensils to be used.
1. Have a clean kitchen. Plan and implement a program of regular cleaning of the
refrigerator and range, the light fixture, windows, cupboards, doors, counters, work
spaces, the walls and floors. Clean the drains, sink, range, cooking surfaces, and the
floor on daily basis. Remove all the foods, grease and dirt from the range each time it is
used. Clean refrigerator at regular interval as recommended by the manufacturer.
2. Eliminate the possible breeding places of flies. Screen the house and use effective
insecticides and fly swatters whenever necessary.
3. Exterminate rodents. Do not leave food and dirty dishes on the table and sink to prevent
rodents from multiplying. Keep all foods likely to be eaten by rats in rodent-proof
4. Prevent and control insect infestation. They will create filth and infestation. Always keep
sink and areas around including floor clean. Dry after the evening meals.
5. Store garbage in a can with a tight fitting lid until it is collected. Keep a gallon can or
plastic container lined with plastic bag for daily kitchen waste. Dispose after evening meal
to a regular garbage can outside the kitchen.
a. Remove strainer pans, wash and stock outside machine until next use.
b. Scrub inside frequently with stiff brush.
c. Remove and clean the washer and rinse arms and remove foreign particles.
d. Wash tables and top of machine.
e. Clean nozzles.
f. Do a special periodic cleaning in hard water area.
a. Clean immediately after using, especially after slicing vegetables and nuts.
b. Remove all parts to clean.
c. Dry and cover knives after cleaning with oil-damped cloth.
d. Wash carriage slides thoroughly.
e. Wipe outside with cloth.
f. Clean table and pedestal under slicers.
g. Replace guard after cleaning.
1. Scrape and pre-rinse – The purpose is to keep the wash water cleaner.
2. Wash – Use warm water at 110oF – 120oF and a good detergent. Scrub well with a
brush to remove all traces of left over and grease.
3. Rinse – Use clean warm water to rinse off detergent. Change the water frequently
or use running water.
4. Sanitize - Place utensils in a rack and immerse in hot water at 170oF for 30 scrubs.
(A gas or electric heating element is needed to hold water at this temperature.)
5. Drain and air-dry – Do not towel, dry the dishes. This may contaminate utensils.
Mechanical Dishwashing
How to Clean, Remove Stains, Sanitize, and Store Your Cutting Board?
The kitchen cutting board gets used a lot and this means that it gets exposed
to bacteria often. Hence, proper cleaning of the cutting board is essential to your
health. Whether you use a wood or a plastic cutting board, you should clean and
sanitize it after every use.
To remove stains from the cutting board, you can use the following procedure:
wet the stained area with water and sprinkle it with salt and allow the salt to sit
undisturbed for twenty-four hours. Rinse the salt from the cutting board with clean
water. Using the salt and clean water, create a paste. Use a clean nylon scrubbing
sponge or a clean toothbrush to scour or scrub the paste on the stained area of the
cutting board. Rinse the area clean with fresh water. Repeat the procedure to
guarantee that you have removed all of the stain. Rinse the board clean. Scrub the
cutting board with hot, soapy water and rinse with clean water. Allow it to air dry.
What’s New
Directions: Matching Type. Match the column A and column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer in a sheet of paper.
1. It’s having faults or incomplete. A. stack
2. A case composed of several rows of shelves B. exterminate
3. Anything that is dirty. C. sanitizer
4. To destroy totally. D. utensil
5. A chemical agent used for cleansing and sanitizing E. inventory
6. It is the state of being infested as with F. storage
parasites or vermin. G. filth
7. A substance used to destroy germs and diseases. H. defective
8. A living thing that is too small and I. disinfectant
can be seen only through a microscope. J. infestation
9. It is an itemized list. K. microorganism
10. A space for keeping something.
The proper care and storage of tools and equipment are not only the concern
of the management but of the workers/ learners who use the tools and equipment.
What is It
1. Pretend it has a glass door and that everyone is going to see what’s inside.
2. Remove all the equipment and scrub shelves with soapy water.
3. Think about what you reach most often and make sure it gets a position that’s easy
to reach.
4. Take a cabinet full of glasses and line them up by color. Make sure all of the front
are facing out and straight. (Jeff Lewis-Style)
5. Take a step back after one shelf is done and make someone else look at what
you’ve done.
6. They should be stored in a clean dry place adequately protected against vermin and
other sources of contamination.
7. Cups, bowls, and glasses must be inverted for storage.
8. When not stored in closed cupboards or lockers, utensils and containers must be
covered or inverted whenever possible. Utensils must be stored on the bottom
shelves of open cabinets below the working top level.
9. Racks, trays and shelves must be made of materials that are imperious, corrosive-
resistant, non-toxic, smooth, durable, and resistant to chipping.
What’s In
1. Foam – is used to increase the contact time of the chemical solutions to improve
cleaning with less mechanical force.
2. High Pressure – used to increase mechanical force, aiding in soil removal. In high
pressure cleaning, chemical detergents are often used along with an increased
temperature to make soil removal more effective.
4. Clean Out of Place (COP) – is utilized to clean the parts of filters and parts of
other equipment. This requires disassembly for proper cleaning. Parts removed
for cleaning are placed in a circulation tank and cleaned using a heated
chemical solution and agitation.
5. Mechanical – normally involves the use of brush either by hand or a machine such as
a floor scrubber. Mechanical cleaning uses friction for food soil removal.
What’s More
Directions: True or False. Read the statements and write T if the statement is correct and F
if it is not on your answer sheet.
What I can do
Activity 1.
You are asked by your mother to properly store tools, utensils and equipment
in your own kitchen. Write down the steps to follow on your answer sheet.
Activity 2.
Write the steps to follow in stacking herbs and spices on your answer sheet.
Direction: Read the items below and choose the correct answer. Write the letter of
your choice on your answer sheet.
4. It is a room especially set apart and contains necessary utensils for cooking.
A. bedroom B. dining room
C. kitchen D. living room
7. Maria wants that all her tools in the kitchen must be germ-free. What must Maria
do? She needs to __________________ her tools properly.
A. cleaning B. repairing
C. sanitizing D. storing
C. monthly D. weekly
9. Dennis is busy wiping away the dirt on his table and sweeping the floor, while Edgar
is concentrating on the washing the dishes. Dennis & Edgar are doing kitchen______.
A. cleaning B. repairing
C. sanitizing D. storing
10. It is a living thing that is too small that can only be seen through a microscope.
A. chemical B. heat
C. microorganism D. natural
Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
https://commercialcooking:learning module