Tubing Data
Tubing Data
Tubing Data
Swagelok® tube fittings have attained an The Swagelok tube fitting consists of four
unmatched reputation since their introduction precision components – nut, back ferrule,
in 1947. The consistency of quality of these front ferrule, and body. In fact, however, when
precision-matched components has allowed installed it becomes a five-piece connection
their use on some of the most difficult services with the addition of the tubing.
imaginable. Proper selection, handling, and installation
The two ferrule design of the Swagelok tube of tubing, when combined with proper
fitting allows compensation for many of the selection of the Swagelok tube fitting for the
variables found in the field…variables such as job at hand, are essential to reliable tubing
installation procedures, tubing tolerances, systems!
wall thickness and quality.
TUBING SELECTION ness allowable under ASTM A213 and A269. Although
The following variables should be considered when such tubing hardness is permissible and Swagelok tube
ordering tubing for use with Swagelok tube fittings: fittings will perform satisfactorily on such tubing, we sug-
1. Tubing material gest that, whenever possible, you specify HRb 80 maxi-
mum when ordering tubing. Such tubing lowers installed
2. Tubing wall thickness cost because it is more easily bent and installed. Tubing
3. Tubing surface finish installers should be particularly careful when installing
4. Tubing hardness harder tubing, to be sure that the full suggested 1 1/4 turns
Many ASTM specifications cover the above requirements, of pull-up are used and connections are checked with
but they are often not very detailed on surface finish. For Swagelok gap inspection gage. Because higher torques
example, ASTM A450, a general tubing specification are required on harder tubing, there may be a tendency to
reads: stop before full pull-up is reached. The HRb 80 hardness is
“11. Straightness and Finish a suggestion, not a restriction against the use of Swagelok
stainless steel tube fittings which may be used on stainless
11.1 Finished tubes shall be reasonably straight steel tubing having hardness of HRb 90.
and have smooth ends free of burrs. They shall have a
workmanlike finish. Surface imperfections (Note 1) TUBING HANDLING
may be removed by grinding, provided that a smooth As pointed out below, scratches on tube OD are a poten-
curved surface is maintained, and the wall thickness is tial source of problems in leak-tight tubing systems. Good
not decreased to less than that permitted by this or the handling practices can greatly reduce scratches and pro-
product specification. The outside diameter at the tect the good surface finish which reliable tube man-
point of grinding may be reduced by the amount so ufacturers try to supply.
removed. Tubing should never be dragged out of a tubing rack.
Note – An imperfection is any discontinuity or irreg- Particularly in sizes 3/4 in. and larger, the weight of the
ularity found in the tube.” length being pulled out is sufficient to gouge the OD if any
Our suggested ordering instructions are shown under each burrs are on the end of the tubes below it in the rack.
category of copper, aluminum, steel, stainless steel, and Tubing should never be dragged across cement, asphalt,
alloy 400. Such requirements may be specified under gravel, or any other surface which could scratch it.
Section 4.1.9 of ASTM A269 or Section 4.1.10 of ASTM Tube cutters or hacksaws should always be sharp, and you
A213 or other applicable ASTM specifications. should not try to take too deep a cut with each turn of the
Tubing Hardness cutter or with each back and forth motion of the saw blade.
The key to proper tubing hardness for use with Swagelok Tube ends should always be deburred. This allows more
tube fittings is that the tubing must be softer than the fitting easy entrance of the tube into the fitting bore and helps to
material. By using the suggested ordering instructions assure the installer that the tubing will go all the way
under Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, you will purchase tubing through the ferrules without damage to the ferrule sealing
which should work properly with Swagelok fittings. edge.
Most misunderstandings about tubing hardness are in the
area of stainless steel tubing. Swagelok stainless steel
tube fittings have been repeatedly tested successfully with
tubing with hardness up to HRb 90, the maximum hard-
On Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are shown working pressure ratings of INSTALLATION
tubing in a wide range of wall thicknesses. Allowable pressure
ratings are calculated from S values as specified by ANSI Code R
Swagelok tube fittings have been repeatedly tested to the burst of
the tubing in both the minimum and maximum wall thicknesses
shown. L R Radius of tubing bend as
required or minimum allowed
Swagelok tube fittings are not normally recommended for tube for specified wall thickness
and tube size as recommended
wall thicknesses outside the ranges shown in Tables 1 through 5 by tubing manufacturer.
for each size. If you plan to use tubing with lighter or heavier wall L Straight tube length required
from end of tube to beginning
than those shown, please have your Swagelok representative of bend.
send a sample to the factory for testing.
T Tube outside diameter.
Gasses (air, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, etc.) have very small
molecules which can escape through even the most minute
leak-path. Some surface defects on the tubing can provide such
a leak-path. As tube OD increases, so does the likelihood of a
scratch or other surface defects interfering with proper sealing.
The most successful connection for gas service will occur if all Tubing properly selected and handled, when combined with the
installation instructions are carefully followed and the heavier wall quality of Swagelok fittings, will give you leak-free systems.
thicknesses of tubing on Tables 1 through 5 are selected.
Properly installed on such tubing, Swagelok fittings will give
A heavy wall tube resists ferrule action more than a thin wall tube, reliable service under a wide variety of fluid applications.
allowing the ferrules to coin out minor surface imperfections. A
When installing fittings near tube bends, there must be a sufficient
thin wall tube will collapse, thus offering little resistance to ferrule
straight length of tubing to allow the tube to be bottomed in the
action during pull-up. This reduces the chance of coining out sur-
Swagelok fitting:
face defects, such as scratches.
For the greatest safety factor against surface defects in any gas T Tube OD, in. ¹⁄₁₆ ¹⁄₈ ³⁄₁₆ ¹⁄₄ ⁵⁄₁₆ ³⁄₈ ¹⁄₂ ⁵⁄₈ ³⁄₄ ⁷⁄₈ 1 1¹⁄₄ 1¹⁄₂ 2
system, use a wall thickness no less than the following: L
Length of
Straight ¹⁄₂ ²³⁄₃₂ ³⁄₄ ¹³⁄₁₆ ⁷⁄₈ ¹⁵⁄₁₆ 1³⁄₁₆ 1¹⁄₄ 1¹⁄₄ 1⁵⁄₁₆ 1¹⁄₂ 2 2¹³⁄₃₂ 3¹⁄₄
Nominal Nominal R Radius of tube bend as recommended by bender manufacturer.
Tube Minimum Wall Tube Minimum Wall Note: Dimension L represents recommended straight tube length.
OD, in. Thickness, in. OD, in. Thickness, in. For maximum assurance of reliable performance use
1/8 0.028 3/4 0.065 Swagelok tube fittings assembled in accordance with catalog
instructions, and use properly selected and handled high quality
3/16 0.028 7/8 0.083 tubing.
1/4 0.028 1 0.083 When installing steel or stainless steel Swagelok tube fittings over
5/16 0.035 1 1/4 0.109 1 in., we suggest the use of a Swagelok Hydraulic Swaging Unit.
3/8 0.035 1 1/2 0.134 This unit increases reliability and ensures proper and sufficient
1/2 0.049 2 0.180 pre-swaging of the ferrules onto the tubing for 1 1/4, 1 1/2 and
5/8 0.065 2 in. Swagelok tube fittings. Ask your Swagelok representative for
a demonstration.
⁵⁄₁₆ 3700 5500 7500 NOTE: For tubing for gas 500
service use only tube wall
³⁄₈ 3100 4500 6200 thickness on outside of 600
¹⁄₂ 2300 3200 4500 5900 screened area. (See “Tubing 810
for Gas Service” above.)
⁵⁄₈ 1800 2600 3500 4600 5300 1010
³⁄₄ 2100 2900 3700 4300 5100 1210
⁷⁄₈ 1800 2400 3200 3700 4300 1410
1 1500 2100 2700 3200 3700 4100 1610
1¹⁄₄ 1600 2100 2500 2900 3200 3600 4000 4600 5000 2000
1¹⁄₂ 1800 2000 2400 2600 2900 3300 3700 4100 5100 2400
2 1500 1700 1900 2100 2400 2700 3000 3700 3200
High quality soft annealed seamless carbon steel hydraulic tubing ASTM A179 or equivalent. Hardness Rb72 [HV(VPN)130] or less.
Tubing to be free of scratches. Suitable for bending and flaring.
Annealed 304 or 316 stainless steel tubing ASTM A269 or equivalent. Based on ultimate tensile strength 75 000 psi (516 700 kPa). For metal temperature from –20° to 100°F
(–29° to 37°C). Allowable working pressure loads calculated from S values (20 000 psi 137 800 kPa) as specified by ANSI B31.3 code.
Note: For welded and drawn tubing, a derating factor must be applied for weld integrity: for double welded tubing multiply pressure rating by 0.85 –
for single welded tubing multiply pressure rating by 0.80.
Note: Factors shown above are based on minimum wall thick- Applicable codes and practices in industry should be considered.
nesses of ASTM A269. Various tubing specifications within the Swagelok Company is not responsible for the accuracy of
code have varying wall thickness tolerances. information presented in these tables.
All charts and tables are for reference only and are based on ANSI Codes are the successor to and replacement of ASA Piping
information contained in the 1990 edition of the code. No Codes.
implication is made that these figures can be used for design work.
S.I. UNITS To convert psi to bar, divide by 14.51. Thus 2775 psi equals
Under the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), 191.2 bar.
the kilopascal (kPa) has been adopted as the standard pressure
To convert kPa to bar, multiply by 0.01.
1 bar = 14.51 psi = 100 kPa
To convert psi as shown in tables 1 thru 5 to kPa, multiply psi
1 psi = 0.069 bar = 6.89 kPa
6.89. For example, 2775 psi equals 19 119 kPa (2775 6.89).
1 kPa = 0.01 bar = 0.1451 psi