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C441 Overload and monitoring relay

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C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Product Description

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay Contents

Description Page
C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Catalog Number Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Technical Data and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

Product Description
Eaton’s Motor Insight, the Motor Insight is available
first product in the Intelligent in either a line-powered or
Power Control Solutions 120 Vac control powered
family, is a highly configurable design, capable of monitoring
motor, load and line voltages up to 660 Vac. Each
protection device with power of these units is available in
monitoring, diagnostics and a 1–9 amp or a 5–90 amp FLA
flexible communications model. With external CTs,
allowing the customer to Motor Insight can protect
save energy, optimize their motors up to 540 amps FLA.
maintenance schedules and Available add-on accessories
configure greater system include communication
protection, thus reducing modules for Modbus RTU,
overall costs and downtime. DeviceNet, PROFIBUS,
Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP and
HTTP web services all with I/O
options. For ease-of-use and
operator safety, Motor Insight
offers a remote display that
mounts easily with two
30 mm knockouts.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Features and Benefits

Features and Benefits

Features Benefits
Size/Range Line Protection Reliability and Improved Uptime
Broad FLA range of 1–540A Over voltage Advanced diagnostics Flexibility
Selectable trip class (5–30) Under voltage allows for quick and Communications modules
Four operating voltage accurate identification of Offered in a variety of
Voltage imbalance the root source of a motor,
options configurations
Voltage phase loss pump or power quality
Line-powered from External snap-on modules
fault; reducing trouble-
240 Vac, 480 Vac, Monitoring Capabilities provide support for
shooting time and the loss
600 Vac multiple communications
Current—average and of productivity, reducing
Control-powered from protocols
phase rms repeat faults due to
120 Vac misdiagnosis, and Advanced power, voltage
Voltage—average and
increasing process output and current monitoring
phase rms
Motor Control and profitability capabilities
Power—motor kW
Two output relays Provides superior Communications modules
Power factor and remote display can be
One B300 Form C fault protection of motors and
relay and one B300 Frequency pumps before catastrophic used simultaneously
ground fault shunt relay Thermal capacity failure occurs Highly configurable fault
Other relay configurations Run hours Increases profitability with and reset characteristics
are available, including Ground fault current greater process uptime for numerous applications
one Form A and one Current imbalance % and throughput, reduced Fully programmable
Form B SPST (fault and costs per repair, reduced isolated fault and auxiliary
Voltage imbalance %
auxiliary relays) allowing energy consumption and relays
programmable isolated Motor starts extended equipment life
relay behavior and Motor run hours Adjustments to overload Ease of Use
unique voltages configuration can be made Bright LED display with
One external remote Options at any time easy-to-understand setting
reset terminal Type 1, 12 remote display and references
Trip status indicator Type 3R remote display kit Safety Powered from line voltage
Communication modules IP20 rated terminal blocks or 120 Vac control power
Motor Protection Modbus Terminal blocks are set back Remote display powered
Thermal overload Modbus with I/O from the display to reduce from base unit
Jam protection operator shock hazard Full word descriptions and
DeviceNet with I/O
Current imbalance Remote display (optional) units on user interface
Current phase loss does not require that the
Modbus TCP with I/O operator open the panel to
Ground fault EtherNet/IP with I/O configure the device
Phase reversal

Load Protection
Under current
Low power (kW)
High power (kW)

Standards and Certifications

cULus listed NKCR, CSA® certified IEC EN 60947-4-1
NKCR7, 508 (Class 3211-02) RoHS
UL® 1053 applicable CE CCC
sections for ground fault NEMA®

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Features and Benefits

Advanced Overload Education

Motor Insight
Description Definition Source Result Protection
Motor Protection
Thermal overload Overload is a condition in which current An increase in the load or torque that Increase in current draw. Current leads Thermal trip behavior is defined by UL,
draw to a motor exceeds 115% of is being driven by the motor. to heat and insulation breakdown, CSA and IEC standards.
the full load amperage rating over a which can cause system failure.
A low voltage supply to the motor would Trip class is settable from 5–30 by 1
period of time for an inductive motor. Additionally, an increase in current can
cause the current to go high to maintain
increase power consumption and Provides power factor monitoring and low
the power needed.
waste valuable energy. voltage protection features.
A poor power factor would cause
above normal current draw.
Jam Jam is similar to thermal overload in Mechanical stall, interference, jam or The motor attempts to drive the load, Provides a configurable Jam setting that
that it is a current draw on the motor seizure of the motor or motor load. which has more resistive force due to is active during “motor run state” to avoid
above normal operating conditions. the mechanical interference. In order to nuisance trips.
drive the load, the motor draws an
Trip Threshold 150–400% of FLA.
abnormal amount of current, which can
lead to insulation breakdown and Trip Delay 1–20 seconds.
system failure.
Ground fault A line to ground fault. A current leakage path An undetected ground fault can burn Motor Insight has ground fault protection
to ground. through multiple insulation windings, capability down to 0.15 amps estimated
ultimately leading to motor failure. from the existing three-phase CTs using
the residual current method. That is, the
three-phase current signals should sum to
zero unless a ground fault (GF) condition
is present. In the case of a GF, Motor
Insight can alarm, trip the starter, or trip
an alternative relay that can be used to
shunt trip a breaker or light up a warning
light. GF current can also be monitored in
real-time through the advanced
monitoring capabilities.
Note: GF settable thresholds vary with
motor FLA. 0.15 amps may not be
available in all cases.
Imbalanced phases Uneven voltage or currents between When a three-phase load is powered with Imbalanced voltage causes large Provides two protection settings that
(voltage and current) phases in a three-phase system. a poor quality line, the voltage per phase imbalanced currents and as a result this address this problem. The user can
may be imbalanced. can lead to motor stator windings being choose to set current imbalance
overloaded, causing excessive heating, thresholds or voltage imbalance
reduced motor efficiency and reduced thresholds, each of which can trip the
insulation life. starter. Additionally, both of these may
be monitored through Motor Insight’s
advanced monitoring capabilities,
allowing the customer to notice in real-
time when and where a condition is
Phase loss—current One of the three-phase current is Multiple causes, loose wire, improper Single-phasing can lead to unwanted Fixed protective setting that takes the
(single-phasing) not present. wiring, grounded phase, open fuse, motor vibrations in addition to the results starter offline if a phase drops below
and so on. of imbalanced phases as listed above. 60% of the other two phases.
Phase rotation Improper wiring, leading to phases being A miswired motor. Inadvertent phase- Phase-reversal can cause unwanted Configurable phase protection, allowing
(phase-reversal) connected to the motor improperly. reversal by the utility. directional rotation of a motor. In the the user to define the phase sequencing
event that the load attached to the motor intended for that application. If no phase
can only be driven in one direction, the sequence is required, the user has the
result could be significant mechanical ability to disable this feature.
failure and/or injury to an operator.
Frequency variance When line frequency Malfunctioning alternator speed Variations in frequency can cause Advanced monitoring capabilities
is inconsistent. regulator, or poor line quality caused by increases in losses, decreasing the allow the user to monitor frequency
an overload of a supply powered efficiency of the motor. In addition, in real-time.
by individual sources. this can result in interference with
synchronous devices.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Features and Benefits

Advanced Overload Education, continued

Motor Insight
Description Definition Source Result Protection
Load Protection
Under current or Average rms current provided to the Under current is usually associated If under current goes undetected, a Motor Insight has two protection settings
low power motor falls below normal operating with a portion of the user’s load mechanical failure can and has to detect this: under current and low
conditions. disappearing. Examples of this would occurred. In the case of a pump, power. Low power is a more consistent
be a broken belt, a dry-pump (low running a pump dry or running a pump way of ensuring detection as power is
suction head) or a dead-headed in a dead-headed condition can cause linear with motor load, where as current
centrifugal pump. excessive heating, damaging is not. An unloaded motor may draw 50%
expensive seals and breaking down of its rated current, but the power draw
desired fluid properties. will be less than 10% of rated power due
to a low power factor.
High power The motor load is drawing more power This is typical of batch processing If a high-power fault goes undetected, Monitors the three-phase real power. If
than it should at normal operating applications where several ingredients the result may be a batch of material the real power value is estimated above
conditions. flow into a mixer. When a substance’s that does not meet specification. the set threshold for the set length of
consistency changes and viscosity time, a fault is detected and the overload
increases from what is expected, the will trip the starter. Additionally, power
motor may use more power to blend can be monitored in real-time.
the mixture. Out-of-tolerance
conditions can be detected using the
High Power and Low Power settings.
Line Protection
Over voltage When the line voltage to the motor Poor line quality. An over voltage condition leads to a Monitors the maximum rms value of
exceeds the specified rating. lower than rated current draw and a the three-phase voltages. If the rms
poor power factor. A trip limit of 110% value rises above the set threshold for the
of rated voltage is recommended. Over set length of time, a fault is detected and
voltage can also lead to exceeding the overload can trip the starter or send
insulation ratings. and display an alarm of the condition. All
line-related faults have an “alarm-no-
trip” mode.
Under voltage When the line voltage to the motor is Poor line quality. An under voltage condition leads to Monitors the minimum rms value of the
below the specified rating. excessive current draw. This increases three-phase voltages. If the rms value
the heating of the motor windings and drops below the set threshold for the
can shorten insulation life. A trip limit set length of time, a fault is detected
set to 90% of rated voltage is and the overload can trip the starter or
recommended. send and display an alarm of the
condition. All line-related faults have
an “alarm-no-trip” mode.
Power-up delay Allows for starting motors and loads When there is a power failure, or Multiple loads starting simultaneously Configurable to delay closing the fault
in a deliberate fashion. power cycle, multiple loads come can cause sags affecting the operation relay on power-up. For each Motor Insight
online simultaneously. of devices that may prevent successful controlling a motor, a different setting can
startup. be programmed, helping to maintain the
integrity of your line power.
If power is lost to a motor driving a
pump, it may be necessary to delay a
restart to allow the pump to come to a
complete stop to prevent starting a
motor during backspin.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Catalog Number Selection

Catalog Number Selection

Motor Insight Overload Relays

Device Type Internal User Interface
C441 = Motor Insight overload relay Overload Relay Overload Relay Current Rating Blank = With user interface
Power Source Voltage A = 1–9A (1–540A refer to (line powered models)
B = 240 Vac (170–264 Vac) Page 7) NOUI = Without user interface
C = 480 Vac (323–528 Vac) B = 5–90A (5–90A refer to (120 Vac control models)
D = 600 Vac (487–660 Vac) Page 7)
Blank = 120 Vac control power 0109 = 120 Vac control power
(170–660 Vac) (0–660 Vac, 1–9A)
0590 = 120 Vac control power
(0–660 Vac, 5–90A)

Motor Insight Overload Relays—Communications Modules and Accessory Types

C441 K
Device Type
C441 = Motor Insight overload relay Communication Module
K =
DeviceNet module 4IN/2OUT 120 Vac
L =
DeviceNet module 4IN/2OUT 24 Vdc
M =
Modbus RTU module
N =
Modbus RTU module 4IN/2OUT 120 Vac
P =
Modbus RTU module 4IN/2OUT 24 Vdc
Q =
PROFIBUS module 4IN/2OUT 120 Vac
R =
Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP module
4IN/2OUT 120 Vac
S = PROFIBUS module 4IN/2OUT 24 Vdc
T = Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP module
4IN/2OUT 24 Vdc
Accessory Type
1 = Type 1 and 12 remote mounted display
3 = Type 3R kit for remote display
CMP1 = Conversion plate

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Product Selection

Product Selection

Motor Insight Motor Insight

Monitoring Current Catalog
Power Source Range Range Number
240 Vac (170–264) 170–264 Vac 1–9A C441BA
5–90A C441BB
480 Vac (323–528) 323–528 Vac 1–9A C441CA
5–90A C441CB
600 Vac (489–660) 489–660 Vac 1–9A C441DA
5–90A C441DB
120 Vac (93.5–132) 170–660 Vac 1–9A C4410109NOUI
5–90A C4410590NOUI

Motor Insight CT Multiplier and Wire Wrap Schedule

Number of CT
Catalog Motor Number Conductors Through Multiplier External CT Kit
Number ① FLA of Loops CT Primary Setting Catalog Number ②
Current Range: 5–90A
C441_B and 5–22.5A 3 4 4 —
6.67–30A 2 3 3 —
10–45A 1 2 2 —
20–90A 0 1 1 —
Current Range: 1–9A
C441_A and 1–5A 1 2 2 —
2–9A 0 1 1 —
60–135A 0 1 150–(150:5) C441CTKIT150
120–270A 0 1 300–(300:5) C441CTKIT300
240–540A 0 1 600–(600:5) C441CTKIT600

① Underscore indicates Operating Voltage Code required.
Operating Voltage Codes:
Code Voltage
B 240 Vac
C 480 Vac
D 600 Vac
<empty> 120 Vac Control Power

② Any manufacturer’s CTs may be used.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

Modbus Communication Module
The Motor Insight Modbus Features and Benefits
Communication Module The Modbus Terminals Each I/O module is
is a side-mounted device communication module is Unique locking optically isolated
providing Modbus capable of baud rates mechanism provides for between the field I/O
communication capability up to 115K easy removal of the and the network adapter
to the Motor Insight The Modbus address and terminal block with the to protect the I/O and
overload relay. baud rate configuration can field wiring installed communication circuits
The Modbus Communication be easily changed using Each terminal is marked from possible damage
Module with I/O provides the Motor Insight user for ease of wiring and due to transients and
communication, monitoring interface (C441M only) troubleshooting ground loops
and control for the Motor Modbus address and baud Selectable I/O assemblies Input Module features a
Insight overload relay. rate are set via convenient user-definable input
4IN/2OUT debounce, which limits
DIP switches (C441N and
C441P); LEDs are provided Signal types include the effects of transients
to display Modbus traffic 24 Vdc I/O and and electrical noise
120 Vac I/O Output Module supports
Configuration with
common Modbus a user-definable safe
configuration tools state for loss of
communication; hold
last state, ON or OFF

Modbus Communication Module

Description I/O Number
Modbus Module Modbus Communication Module None C441M

Modbus with Modbus Communication Module 4IN/2OUT 120 Vac C441N

I/O Module
Modbus Communication Module 4IN/2OUT 24 Vdc C441P

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

DeviceNet Communication Modules

The DeviceNet Features and Benefits
Communication Module Communication to Selectable I/O assemblies Input Module features a
provides monitoring and DeviceNet uses only one 4IN/2OUT user-definable input
control for the Motor Insight DeviceNet MAC ID debounce, which limits
overload relay from a single Signal types include
Configuration 24 Vdc I/O and the effects of transients
DeviceNet node. These and electrical noise
modules also offer convenient DeviceNet MAC ID and 120 Vac I/O
Baud rate are set via Each I/O module is Output Module supports
I/O in two voltage options, a user-definable safe
24 Vdc and 120 Vac. convenient DIP switches optically isolated
with an option to set between the field I/O state for loss of
from the network and the network adapter communication; hold
Advanced configuration to protect the I/O and last state, ON or OFF
available using common communication circuits Combined status LED
DeviceNet tools from possible damage
due to transients and
Terminals ground loops
Unique locking
mechanism provides for
easy removal of the
terminal block with the
field wiring installed
Each terminal is marked
for ease of wiring and

DeviceNet Module DeviceNet Modules

Description I/O Number
DeviceNet Communication Module 120 Vac C441K
DeviceNet Communication Module 24 Vdc C441L

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

PROFIBUS Communication Module

The Motor Insight PROFIBUS Features and Benefits
Communication Module The PROFIBUS Terminals Each I/O module is
is a side-mounted device communication module is Unique locking optically isolated
providing PROFIBUS capable of baud rates mechanism provides for between the field I/O
communication capability up to 12 Mb easy removal of the and the network adapter
to the Motor Insight PROFIBUS address is terminal block with the to protect the I/O and
overload relay. set via convenient DIP field wiring installed communication circuits
The PROFIBUS switches (C441Q and Each terminal is marked from possible damage
Communication Module C441S); LEDs are for ease of wiring and due to transients and
with I/O provides provided to display troubleshooting ground loops
communication, monitoring PROFIBUS status Selectable I/O assemblies Input Module features a
and control for the Motor Intuitive configuration 4IN/2OUT user-definable input
Insight overload relay. with common PROFIBUS debounce, which limits
configuration tools Signal types include the effects of transients
24 Vdc I/O and and electrical noise
120 Vac I/O
Output Module supports
a user-definable safe
state for loss of
communication; hold
last state, ON or OFF

PROFIBUS with PROFIBUS Communication Module

I/O Module Catalog
Description I/O Number
PROFIBUS Communication Module 4IN/2OUT 120 Vac C441S
PROFIBUS Communication Module 4IN/2OUT 24 Vdc C441Q

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

Ethernet Communication Module

The Motor Insight Ethernet Features and Benefits
Communication Module Supports Modbus TCP or Terminals Each I/O module is
is a side-mounted device EtherNet/IP in a single Unique locking optically isolated
providing both Modbus device mechanism provides for between the field I/O
TCP and EtherNet/IP Contains internal easy removal of the and the network adapter
communication capabilities embedded switch which terminal block with the to protect the I/O and
with built-in HTTP web provides two Ethernet field wiring installed communication circuits
services to the Motor Insight ports allowing linear or ring from possible damage
overload relay. Each terminal is marked
network configurations for ease of wiring and due to transients and
The Ethernet Communication Embedded web services troubleshooting ground loops
Module with I/O provides allow for simple Selectable I/O assemblies Input Module features a
communication, monitoring configuration and user-definable input
4IN/2OUT debounce, which limits
and control for the Motor monitoring through
Insight overload relay. Internet Explorer Signal types include the effects of transients
24 Vdc I/O and and electrical noise
IP Address is set via 120 Vac I/O
convenient DIP Switches Output Module supports
located on the device a user-definable safe
state for loss of
communication; hold
last state, ON or OFF

Ethernet with Ethernet Communication Module

I/O Module Catalog
Description I/O Number
Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP Communication Module 4IN/2OUT 120 Vac C441R
Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP Communication Module 4IN/2OUT 24 Vdc C441T

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

Type 3R Kit with Remote Display Mounted Inside

Motor Insight offers several Features and Benefits
accessories for the Remote display unit: Type 3R kit mounts with
customer’s ease of use Same user interface as standard 30 mm holes
and safety: the overload relay Mounting plate for retrofit
Types 1 and 12 remote Enhanced operator in existing installations
display safety—operator can
Type 3R remote display kit configure the overload
Mounting plate adapter without opening the
enclosure door

Type 3R Kit with Remote Display Mounted Inside

Description Number
C4411 Remote display Types 1 and 12 (UL 508) C4411

C4413 Type 3R kit for remote display (UL 508) C4413

Conversion plate (not shown) C441CMP1

Communication Cables
The Remote Display requires Communication Cable
a communication cable to Lengths
connect to the Motor Insight Length in Catalog
overload relay: Inches (meters) Number
9.8 (0.25) D77E-QPIP25
39.4 (1.0) D77E-QPIP100
78.7 (2.0) D77E-QPIP200
118.1 (3.0) D77E-QPIP300

Current Transformer Kits

Description Number
Three 150:5 CTs to be used with Motor Insight C441CTKIT150
Three 300:5 CTs to be used with Motor Insight C441CTKIT300
Three 600:5 CTs to be used with Motor Insight C441CTKIT600

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Technical Data and Specifications

Motor Insight
Description C441B_ C441C_ C441D_ C441_ _ _ _NOUI
Electrical Ratings
Feature Range
Operating voltage (three- 170–264 Vac 50/60 Hz 323–528 Vac 50/60 Hz 489–660 Vac 50/60 Hz 170–660 Vac 50/60 Hz
phase) and frequency
Trip Class
5–30 Selectable Selectable Selectable Selectable
FLA Range
C441_A and 1–9A Up to 540A with external CTs Up to 540A with external CTs Up to 540A with external CTs
C4410109NOUI Refer to Page 7 for CT Refer to Page 7 for CT Refer to Page 7 for CT
multiplier and wire wrap multiplier and wire wrap multiplier and wire wrap
C441_B and 5–90A schedule. schedule. schedule.
Monitoring Capabilities
Feature Value
Current Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C), Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C), Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C), Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C),
2% accuracy 2% accuracy 2% accuracy 2% accuracy
Average rms, 2% accuracy Average rms, 2% accuracy Average rms, 2% accuracy Average rms, 2% accuracy
Imbalance percent (0–100%) Imbalance percent (0–100%) Imbalance percent (0–100%) Imbalance percent (0–100%)
Ground fault current, Ground fault current, Ground fault current, Ground fault current,
10% accuracy 10% accuracy 10% accuracy 10% accuracy
Voltage Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C), Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C), Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C), Per phase rms (1A, 1B, 1C),
2% accuracy 2% accuracy 2% accuracy 2% accuracy
Average rms, 2% accuracy Average rms, 2% accuracy Average rms, 2% accuracy Average rms, 2% accuracy
Imbalance percent (0–100%) Imbalance percent (0–100%) Imbalance percent (0–100%) Imbalance percent (0–100%)
Power Motor kW, 5% accuracy Motor kW, 5% accuracy Motor kW, 5% accuracy Motor kW, 5% accuracy
Motor power factor, Motor power factor, Motor power factor, Motor power factor,
inductive 0–1.0, 1% accuracy inductive 0–1.0, 1% accuracy inductive 0–1.0, 1% accuracy inductive 0–1.0, 1% accuracy
Thermal capacity 0% cold, 100% trip 0% cold, 100% trip 0% cold, 100% trip 0% cold, 100% trip
Motor run hours 0–65,535 hours 0–65,535 hours 0–65,535 hours 0–65,535 hours
Frequency 47–63 Hz, 1% accuracy 47–63 Hz, 1% accuracy 47–63 Hz, 1% accuracy 47–63 Hz, 1% accuracy
Motor Protection
Thermal overload setting 1.05 x FLA: Does not trip 1.05 x FLA: Does not trip 1.05 x FLA: Does not trip 1.05 x FLA: Does not trip
1.15 x FLA: Overload trip 1.15 x FLA: Overload trip 1.15 x FLA: Overload trip 1.15 x FLA: Overload trip
Feature Range Fault Delay Setting
Jam 150–400% of motor FLA, OFF 150–400% of motor FLA, OFF 150–400% of motor FLA, OFF 50–400% of motor FLA, OFF 1–20 seconds
Current imbalance 1–30%, OFF 1–30%, OFF 1–30%, OFF 1–30%, OFF 1–20 seconds
Current phase loss Fixed threshold 60% Fixed threshold 60% Fixed threshold 60% Fixed threshold 60% 1–20 seconds
Ground fault current
C441_A and 0.3–2.0A with one pass 0.3–2.0A with one pass 0.3–2.0A with one pass 0.3–2.0A with one pass <150%, 1–60 seconds
C4410109NOUI through the CTs ① through the CTs ① through the CTs ① through the CTs ① >150%, 2 seconds
1–9A >250%, 1 second
C441_B and 3.0–20A with one pass 3.0–20A with one pass 3.0–20A with one pass 3.0–20A with one pass <150%, 1–60 seconds
C4410590NOUI through the CTs ① through the CTs ① through the CTs ① through the CTs ① >150%, 2 seconds
5–90A >250%, 1 second
Phase reversal OFF = Ignore, 1 = ACB, 2 = ABC OFF = Ignore, 1 = ACB, 2 = ABC OFF = Ignore, 1 = ACB, 2 = ABC OFF = Ignore, 1 = ACB, 2 = ABC
Fault reset delay 2–500 minutes, auto ② 2–500 minutes, auto ② 2–500 minutes, auto ② 2–500 minutes, auto ②
Fault reset attempts 0–4 restarts allowed or 0–4 restarts allowed or 0–4 restarts allowed or 0–4 restarts allowed or
automatic reset ② automatic reset ② automatic reset ② automatic reset ②

① Lower levels are achievable with multiple passes.
② Motor fault reset characteristics can be programmed as a group or for motor overloads only. Reference the user manual for more detailed information.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Motor Insight, continued

Description C441B_ C441C_ C441D_ C441_ _ _ _NOUI
Load Protection
Feature Range Fault Delay Setting
Under current 50–90% of motor FLA 50–90% of motor FLA 50–90% of motor FLA 50–90% of motor FLA 1–60 seconds
Low power (kW) 20–80% of rated kW 20–80% of rated kW 20–80% of rated kW 20–80% of rated kW 1–60 seconds
High power (kW) 50–110% of rated kW 50–110% of rated kW 50–110% of rated kW 50–110% of rated kW 1–60 seconds
Load reset delay 2–500 minutes, auto 2–500 minutes, auto 2–500 minutes, auto 2–500 minutes, auto
Load reset attempts 0–4, auto 0–4, auto 0–4, auto 0–4, auto
Supply Protection
Feature Range Fault Delay Setting
Over voltage 170–264 Vac 323–528 Vac 489–660 Vac 0–660 Vac 1–20 seconds
Under voltage 170–264 Vac 323–528 Vac 489–660 Vac 0–660 Vac 1–20 seconds
Voltage imbalance 1–20% imbalance 1–20% imbalance 1–20% imbalance 1–20% imbalance 1–20% imbalance
Restart delay setting 1–500 seconds 1–500 seconds 1–500 seconds 1–500 seconds 1–500 seconds
Radiated emissions 30–1000 mHz 30–1000 mHz 30–1000 mHz 30–1000 mHz 30–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 15,
EN 55011 (CISPIR 11)
Group 1, Class A
Conducted emissions 0.15–30 mHz 0.15–30 mHz 0.15–30 mHz 0.15–30 mHz 0.15–30 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 14,
EN 55011 (CISPIR 11)
Group 1, Class A
ESD immunity ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13)
Radiated immunity 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1 80% amplitude modulated 80% amplitude modulated 80% amplitude modulated 80% amplitude modulated 80% amplitude modulated
1 kHz sine wave 1 kHz sine wave 1 kHz sine wave 1 kHz sine wave 1 kHz sine wave
Conducted immunity 140 dBuV (10V rms) 140 dBuV (10V rms) 140 dBuV (10V rms) 140 dBuV (10V rms) 140 dBuV (10V rms)
IEC 60947-4-1 150 kHz–80 mHz 150 kHz–80 mHz 150 kHz–80 mHz 150 kHz–80 mHz 150 kHz–80 mHz
Fast transient immunity ±2 kV using direct method ±2 kV using direct method ±2 kV using direct method ±2 kV using direct method ±2 kV using direct method
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13)
IEC 61000-4-4
Surge immunity Three-phase power inputs: Three-phase power inputs: Three-phase power inputs: Three-phase power inputs: Three-phase power inputs:
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) ±2 kV line-to-line (DM) ±2 kV line-to-line (DM) ±2 kV line-to-line (DM) ±2 kV line-to-line (DM) ±2 kV line-to-line (DM)
IEC 61000-4-4 ±4 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±4 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±4 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±4 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±4 kV line-to-ground (CM)
IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 User IO IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 User IO IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 User IO IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 User IO IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 User IO
and communication lines: and communication lines: and communication lines: and communication lines: and communication lines:
±1 kV line-to-line (DM) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM)
±2 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM) ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM)
Voltage variations 30% dip, at 100 ms 30% dip, at 100 ms 30% dip, at 100 ms 30% dip, at 100 ms 30% dip, at 100 ms
immunity 60% dip at 10 ms 60% dip at 10 ms 60% dip at 10 ms 60% dip at 10 ms 60% dip at 10 ms
IEC 60947-4-1 >95% interrupt at 5 ms >95% interrupt at 5 ms >95% interrupt at 5 ms >95% interrupt at 5 ms >95% interrupt at 5 ms
Electromagnetic field 10 V/m 10 V/m 10 V/m 10 V/m 10 V/m
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13)
IEC 61000-4-3
Ground fault UL 508, UL 1053 UL 508, UL 1053 UL 508, UL 1053 UL 508, UL 1053 UL 508, UL 1053
Sections 21 and 27 Sections 21 and 27 Sections 21 and 27 Sections 21 and 27 Sections 21 and 27

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Motor Insight, continued

Description C441B_ C441C_ C441D_ C441_ _ _ _NOUI
Environmental Ratings
Feature Range
Ambient temperature (operating) –4° to 122°F (–20° to 50°C) –4° to 122°F (–20° to 50°C) –4° to 122°F (–20° to 50°C) –4° to 122°F (–20° to 50°C)
Ambient temperature (storage) –40° to 85°C –40° to 85°C –40° to 85°C –40° to 85°C
Operating humidity 5% to 95% noncondensing 5% to 95% noncondensing 5% to 95% noncondensing 5% to 95% noncondensing
Altitude (no derating) 2000m 2000m 2000m 2000m
Shock (IEC 60068-2-27) 15G any direction 15G any direction 15G any direction 15G any direction
Vibration (IEC 60068-2-6) 3G any direction 3G any direction 3G any direction 3G any direction
Pollution degree per IEC 60947-1 3 3 3 3
Ingress protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Input, auxiliary contact and external reset terminals
Terminal capacity 18–12 AWG 18–12 AWG 18–12 AWG 18–12 AWG
Tightening torque 5.3 lb-in (0.6 Nm) 5.3 lb-in (0.6 Nm) 5.3 lb-in (0.6 Nm) 5.3 lb-in (0.6 Nm)
Monitoring voltage 170–264 Vac 50/60Hz 323–528 Vac 50/60Hz 489–660 Vac 60Hz 0–660 Vac 50/60Hz
Insulation voltage Ui (three-phase voltage) 600 Vac 600 Vac 600 Vac 600 Vac
Insulation voltage Ui (control) 240 Vac 240 Vac 240 Vac 240 Vac
Impulse withstand Uimp 6 kV 6 kV 6 kV 6 kV
Expected Life
Mechanical/electrical 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years
Output Contact Ratings
Two output relays B300 pilot duty B300 pilot duty B300 pilot duty B300 pilot duty
One Form C SPDT (fault relay) 5A thermal continuous current 5A thermal continuous current 5A thermal continuous current 5A thermal continuous current
One Form A SPST (ground fault relay) 30A make 3.00A break 30A make 3.00A break 30A make 3.00A break 30A make 3.00A break
C441_ _ _ _NOUI models: at 120 Vac and at 120 Vac and at 120 Vac and at 120 Vac and
One Form A SPST 15A make 1.50A break 15A make 1.50A break 15A make 1.50A break 30A make 1.50A break
One Form B SPST at 240 Vac at 240 Vac at 240 Vac at 240 Vac ①

External remote reset terminal Isolated 120 Vac digital input Isolated 120 Vac digital input Isolated 120 Vac digital input Isolated 120 Vac digital input
IEC 61131-2 Section 5 Type 1 IEC 61131-2 Section 5 Type 1 IEC 61131-2 Section 5 Type 1 IEC 61131-2 Section 5 Type 1
Trip Fault Fault Fault Fault
Reset Ready Ready Ready Ready
Autoreset Trip faulted/Ready flashing Trip faulted/Ready flashing Trip faulted/Ready flashing Trip faulted/Ready flashing
Power Consumption
Maximum 5W 5W 5W 5W
Remote display Type 1, 12 and Type 3R kit Type 1, 12 and Type 3R kit Type 1, 12 and Type 3R kit Type 1, 12 and Type 3R kit
Communications modules Modbus, DeviceNet and Modbus, DeviceNet and Modbus, DeviceNet and Modbus, DeviceNet and

① In this model, there are two isolated relays: one Form A and one Form B SPST. One is the fault relay, and one is a programmable auxiliary relay.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Motor Insight Short Circuit Ratings (North America CSA and UL)
Standard-Fault Short Circuit Data
Maximum Maximum Maximum Eaton
Overload Operating Withstand Maximum Thermal-Magnetic Withstand Maximum Thermal-Magnetic Catalog
FLA Range Voltage Rating Fuse (RK5) Circuit Breaker Rating Fuse (RK5) Circuit Breaker Number
1–9A 264 Vac 5000A at 240 Vac 35A 35A 100 kA at 240 Vac 35A — C441BA
100 kA at 240 Vac — FDC3035L
1–9A 528 Vac 5000A at 480 Vac 35A 35A 100 kA at 480 Vac 35A — C441CA
100 kA at 480 Vac — FDC3035L
1–9A 660 Vac 5000A at 600 Vac 35A 35A 100 kA at 600 Vac 35A — C441DA
35 kA at 600 Vac — FDC3035L
1–9A 660 Vac 5000A at 600 Vac 35A 35A 100 kA at 240 Vac 35A — C4410109NOUI
100 kA at 240 Vac — FDC3035L
100 kA at 480 Vac 35A —
100 kA at 480 Vac — FDC3035L
100 kA at 600 Vac 35A —
35 kA at 600 Vac — FDC3035L
5–90A 264 Vac 10,000A at 240 Vac 350A 350A 100 kA at 240 Vac 350A — C441BB
100 kA at 240 Vac — KDC3350
5–90A 528 Vac 10,000A at 480 Vac 350A 350A 100 kA at 480 Vac 350A — C441CB
100 kA at 480 Vac — KDC3350
5–90A 660 Vac 10,000A at 600 Vac 350A 350A 100 kA at 600 Vac 350A — C441DB
65 kA at 600 Vac — KDC3350
5–90A 660 Vac 10,000A at 600 Vac 350A 350A 100 kA at 240 Vac 350A — C4410590NOUI
100 kA at 240 Vac — KDC3350
100 kA at 480 Vac 350A —
100 kA at 480 Vac — KDC3350
100 kA at 600 Vac 350A —
35 kA at 600 Vac — KDC3350

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Line Powered Models

Terminal Connection Diagram

18–12 AWG; Torque 5.3 lb-in/0.6 Nm
Use 75C CU wire only B300 Pilot Duty Only
120 Vac
NC NO GF Shunt Reset
L1 ① L2 ① L3 ① 95 96 97 98 15 16 R1 R2

For C441BA, BB, CA, CB, DA and DB

Terminal Connection Specifications

Name Designation Input Description
Line voltage L1, L2, L3 Line voltage Three-phase line voltage input
L1, L2, L3 connections must correspond to the respective CT1, CT2, CT3 current leads
Fault relay 95/96 B300 UL 508 Form C contact:
96/97 (common) 95/96 Contact opens when the unit is faulted or unpowered
97/98 97/98 Contact closes when the unit is faulted or unpowered
GF shunt 15 B300 UL 508 Form A contact:
16 Contact closes when a ground fault is active
Reset input R1, R2 120 Vac Fault reset input IEC 61131-2 Type 1

Control Powered Models

Terminal Connection Diagram

120 Vac 120 Vac
NC NO Cntrl. Pwr. Reset
L1 L2 L3 95 96 97 98 X1 X2 R1 R2

For C4410109NOUI and C441059NOUI

Terminal Connection Specifications

Name Designation Input Description
Line voltage L1, L2, L3 Line voltage Three-phase line voltage input
L1, L2, L3 connections must correspond to the respective CT1, CT2, CT3 current leads
Terminal provided for wiring control power transformer (9A maximum capacity)
Control power X1, X2 110–120 Vac Control power option for C441_ _ _ _NOUI
50–60Hz (+10/–15%)
Fault relay 95/96 B300 UL 508 Form C contact:
For C441_ _ _ _NOUI, the fault relay and auxiliary relay are 96/97 (isolated) 95/96 Contact opens when the unit is faulted or unpowered
isolated and do not share a common. By default they will 97/98 97/98 Contact closes when the unit is faulted or unpowered
behave like a Form C, but they can be programmed to act Can be programmed to act independently of the 95/96 only in the C441_ _ _ _NOUI models
independently from one another.
GF shunt 97/98 B300 UL 508 Form A contact:
This relay does not exist on the C441_ _ _ _NOUI models. Contact closes when a ground fault is active
Instead, this functionality is available in the fully Separate GF control can still be achieved by programming auxiliary relay 97/98 to act
programmable 97/98 auxiliary relay. independently of the 95/96 relay
Reset input R1, R2 120 Vac Fault reset input IEC 61131-2 Type 1

① No motor loads, 9A maximum.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Modbus Communication Modules

Description Specification
Radiated emissions 30–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 15, EN 55011 (CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
Conducted emissions 0.15–30 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 14, EN 55011 (CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
ESD immunity ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-2
Radiated immunity 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1 80% amplitude modulated 1 kHz sine wave
Conducted immunity 140 dBuV (10V rms)
IEC 60947-4-1 150 kHz–80 mHz
Fast transient immunity ±2 kV using direct method
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-4
Surge immunity User IO and communication lines ① :
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM)
IEC 61000-4-5 Class 3 ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM)
Electromagnetic field 1 10 V/m
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-3
Environmental Ratings
Ambient temperature (operating) –20° to 50°C
Ambient temperature (storage) –40° to 85°C
Operating humidity 5 to 95% noncondensing
Altitude (no derating) 2000m
Shock (IEC 60068-2-27) 15G any direction
Vibration (IEC 60068-2-6) 3G any direction
Pollution degree per IEC 60947-1 3
Degree of protection IP20
Over voltage category per UL 508 III
C441P 24 Vdc Input
Nominal input voltage 24 Vdc
Operating voltage 18–30 Vdc
Number of inputs 4
Signal delay 5 ms (programmable to 65 sec)
OFF-state voltage <6 Vdc
ON-state voltage >18 Vdc
Nominal input current 5 mA
Isolation 1500V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb
24 Vdc source current 50 mA
Operating Voltage Range—DC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–6 Vdc 6–18 Vdc 18–30 Vdc
C441N 120 Vac Input
Nominal input voltage 120 Vac
Operating voltage 80–140 Vac
Number of inputs 4
OFF-state voltage <30 Vac
ON-state voltage >80 Vac
Nominal input current 1 5 mA
Signal delay 1/2 cycle
Isolation 1500V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb

① Relates to C441M only.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Modbus Communication Modules, continued

Description Specification
Operating Voltage Range—AC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–30 Vac 30–80 Vac 80–140 Vac
Output Modules
Nominal voltage 120 Vac
24 Vdc
Number of outputs (2) 1NO Form A
1NO/NC Form C
Relay OFF time 3 ms
Relay ON time 7 ms
Max. current per point ① 5A (B300 rated)
Electrical life 100,000 cycles
Mechanical life 1,000,000 cycles

DeviceNet Communication Modules

Description Specification
Radiated emissions 30–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 15, EN 55011
(CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
Conducted emissions 0.15–30 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 14, EN 55011
(CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
ESD immunity ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-2
Radiated immunity 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1 80% amplitude modulated 1 kHz sine wave
Conducted immunity 140 dBuV (10V rms)
IEC 60947-4-1 150 kHz–80 mHz
Fast transient immunity ±2 kV using direct method
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-4
Surge immunity User IO and communication lines:
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM)
IEC 61000-4-5 Class 2 ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM)
Electromagnetic field 10 V/m
IEC 60947-4-1 Table 13, IEC 61000-4-3
Environmental Ratings
Ambient temperature (operating) –20° to 50°C
Ambient temperature (storage) –40° to 85°C
Operating humidity 5–95% noncondensing
Altitude (no derating) 2000m
Shock (IEC 60068-2-27) 15G any direction
Vibration (IEC 60068-2-6) 3G any direction
Pollution degree per IEC 60947-1 3
Degree of protection IP20
DeviceNet connections Group 2, polling, bit strobe, explicit, no UCMM
DeviceNet baud rate 125K, 250K, 500K

① Resistive current at 55°C ambient.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

DeviceNet Communication Modules, continued

Description Specification
C441L 24 Vdc Input
Nominal input voltage 24 Vdc
Operating voltage 18–30 Vdc
Number of inputs 4
Signal delay 5 ms (programmable to 65 sec)
OFF-state voltage <6 Vdc
ON-state voltage >18 Vdc
Nominal input current 5 mA
Isolation 250V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb
24V source current 5 0 mA
Operating Voltage Range—DC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–6 Vdc 6–18 Vdc 18–30 Vdc
C441K 120 Vac Input
Nominal input voltage 120 Vac
Operating voltage 80–140 Vac
Number of inputs 4
OFF-state voltage <30 Vac
ON-state voltage >80 Vac
Nominal input current 1 5 mA
Signal delay 1/2 cycle
Isolation 250V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb
Operating Voltage Range—AC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–30 Vac 30–80 Vac 80–140 Vac
Output Modules
Nominal voltage 120 Vac
24 Vdc
Number of outputs (2) 1NO Form A
1NO/NC Form C
Relay OFF time 3 ms
Relay ON time 7 ms
Max. current per point ① 5A (B300 rated)
Electrical life 100,000 cycles
Mechanical life 1,000,000 cycles

① Resistive current at 55°C ambient.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

PROFIBUS Communication Modules

Description Specification
Radiated emissions 30–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 15, EN 55011
(CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
Conducted emissions 0.15–30 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1—Table 14, EN 55011
(CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
ESD immunity ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-2
Radiated immunity 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1 Table 13, IEC 61000-4-3 80% amplitude modulated 1 kHz sine wave
Conducted immunity 140 dBuV (10V rms)
IEC 60947-4-1 150 kHz–80 mHz
Fast transient immunity ±2 kV using direct method
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-4
Surge immunity User IO and communication lines:
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM)
IEC 61000-4-5 Class 2 ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM)
Environmental Ratings
Ambient temperature (operating) –20° to 50°C
Ambient temperature (storage) –40° to 85°C
Operating humidity 5–95% noncondensing
Altitude (no derating) 2000m
Shock (IEC 60068-2-27) 15G any direction
Vibration (IEC 60068-2-6) 3G any direction
Pollution degree per IEC 60947-1 3
Degree of protection IP20
PROFIBUS connections Group 2, polling, bit strobe, explicit, no UCMM
PROFIBUS baud rate 9.6K, 19.2K, 45.45K, 93.75K, 187.5K, 500K, 1.5M, 3M, 6M, 12M
C441Q 24 Vdc Input
Nominal input voltage 24 Vdc
Operating voltage 18–30 Vdc
Number of inputs 4
Signal delay 5 ms (programmable to 65 sec)
OFF-state voltage <6 Vdc
ON-state voltage >10 Vdc
Nominal input current 5 mA
Isolation 1500V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb
24V source current 50 mA

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

PROFIBUS Communication Modules, continued

Description Specification
Operating Voltage Range—DC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–6 Vdc 6–18 Vdc 18–30 Vdc
C441S 120 Vac Input
Nominal input voltage 120 Vac
Operating voltage 80–140 Vac
Number of inputs 4
OFF-state voltage <20 Vac
ON-state voltage >70 Vac
Nominal input current 1 5 mA
Signal delay 1/2 cycle
Isolation 1500V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb
Operating Voltage Range—AC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–30 Vac 30–80 Vac 80–140 Vac
Output Modules
Nominal voltage 120 Vac
24 Vdc
Number of outputs (2) 1NO Form A
1NO/NC Form C
Relay OFF time 3 ms
Relay ON time 7 ms
Max. current per point ① 5A (B300 rated)
Electrical life 100,000 cycles
Mechanical life 1,000,000 cycles

① Resistive current at 55°C ambient.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Ethernet (Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP) Communication Modules

Description Specification
Radiated emissions 30–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1, Table 15, EN 55011
(CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
Conducted emissions 0.15–30 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1, Table 15, EN 55011
(CISPIR 11) Group 1, Class A
ESD immunity ±8 kV air, ±4 kV contact
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-2
Radiated immunity 10 V/m 80–1000 mHz
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-3 80% amplitude modulated 1 kHz sine wave
Conducted immunity 140 dBuV (10V rms)
IEC 60947-4-1 150 kHz to 80 mHz
Fast transient immunity ±2 kV using direct method
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) IEC 61000-4-4
Surge immunity User IO and communication lines:
IEC 60947-4-1 (Table 13) ±1 kV line-to-line (DM)
IEC 61000-4-5 Class 2 ±2 kV line-to-ground (CM)
Environmental Ratings
Ambient temperature (operating) –20° to 50°C
Ambient temperature (storage) –40° to 85°C
Operating humidity 5–95% noncondensing
Altitude (no derating) 2000m
Shock (IEC 60068-2-27) 15G any direction
Vibration (IEC 60068-2-6) 3G any direction
Pollution degree per IEC 60947-1 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ethernet connections Integrated two-port switch with dual
RJ45 Ethernet connections
Ethernet type Ethernet 10/100 Mbs, AutoMDX,
Auto Negotiation
C441T 24 Vdc Input
Nominal input voltage 24 Vdc
Operating voltage 18–30 Vdc
Number of inputs 4
Signal delay 5 ms (programmable to 65 sec)
OFF-state voltage <6 Vdc
ON-state voltage >18 Vdc
Nominal input current 5 mA
Isolation 1500V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb
24V source current 50 mA

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay
Technical Data and Specifications

Ethernet (Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP) Communication Modules, continued

Description Specification
Operating Voltage Range—DC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–6 Vdc 6–18 Vdc 18–30 Vdc
C441R 120 Vac Input
Nominal input voltage 120 Vac
Operating voltage 80–140 Vac
Number of inputs 4
OFF-state voltage <30 Vac
ON-state voltage >80 Vac
Nominal input current 1 5 mA
Signal delay 1/2 cycle
Isolation 1500V
Terminal screw torque 7–9 in-lb
Operating Voltage Range—AC Input Modules
OFF State Transition Region ON State
0–30 Vac 30–80 Vac 80–140 Vac
Nominal voltage 120 Vac
24 Vdc
Number of outputs (2) 1NO Form A
1NO/NC Form C
Relay OFF time 3 ms
Relay ON time 7 ms
Maximum current per point ① 5A (B300 rated)
Electrical life 100,000 cycles
Mechanical life 1,000,000 cycles

① Resistive current at 55°C ambient.

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

Approximate Dimensions in mm
Motor Insight Overload Relay

84.1 Terminal Ref.

5.1 97.0
4 Places

88.9 100.1


Mounting Dimension
(4) 10-32

Dia. 101.1
3 Places

Motor Insight with Mounted DeviceNet, PROFIBUS or Modbus with I/O Communication Module

84.1 Terminal Ref.

5.1 97.0

100.1 88.9

Mounting Dimensions
(4) 10-32


Dia. 101.1
3 Places

C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

Approximate Dimensions in mm
Motor Insight with Mounted Modbus Communication Module

5.1 Terminal Ref.

84.1 97.0
4 Places

100.1 88.9 100.1


Mounting Dimensions
(4) 10-32 125.0

125.0 15.0
3 Places

Motor Insight Remote Display

2X ø 31.0
Hole in Panel



27.9 44.5 12 GA Max. 99.1

Panel Thickness



C441 Overload and Monitoring Relay

Approximate Dimensions in mm
Motor Insight Cover Assembly

44.5 33.0 35.6 111.8

Motor Insight





Motor Insight Conversion Plate


58.4 68.6



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