Malibu Bulleting
Malibu Bulleting
Malibu Bulleting
Subject: Intermittent Operation of Key Fobs, Door Unlock Inoperative “No Remote Detected”
Message with Possible TPM MIL
If you encounter a vehicle with the above concern,
replace the remote control door lock receiver. Refer to
Remote Control Door Lock Receiver Replacement
in SI.
Parts Information
The required P/N will depend upon year, model and
RCDLR frequency. Refer to the following table:
OE Built With: Qty
13509518 13595511 1
13509517 13595510 1
13510984 13597910 1
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Version 3
Modified January 19, 2017 – Added Malibu (VIN Z) to Models.
October 18, 2017 – Added models, date breakpoints and Parts Information.
GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform these
technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY
service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a
job properly and safely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your TECHNICIAN
vehicle will have that condition. See your GM dealer for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the CERTIFICATION