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Beef is the meat of cattle it is categorized as red meat, a term used

for the meat of mammals, which contains higher amounts of iron than chicken

or fish.Beef cattle have a useful and necessary role in agricultural

production and its provides some minerals and vitamins which are necessary

to human health and which balance other nutrients that are obtained from

plant foods. Animal protein (meat) contains amino acids which are essential

to the growth and development of humans.

Beef Aging is the process of enhancing the quality of the meat.It’s

practiced for a very long time. Dry aging, whether it took place in a

chamber, cellar, or cave, was one of the only ways to preserve meat before

the development of refrigeration, along with smoking, brining, and

pickling. It is a tried-and-true method for improving the flavor and

softness of meat. Essentially, dry aging is the process of placing meat in

a regulated outside environment to undergo a flavor alteration. The

moisture is drawn out of the meat by exposing it to air, and the natural

enzymes in the beef gradually break down the muscles over time to make the

flesh more soft. A crust forms on the beef's surface when it dries.
Generally, the study aims to evaluate the sensory characteristics of

Carabeef at different aging periods. Specifically it aims to:

1. Determine the pH of aged beef at different aging periods.

2. Determine the color, aroma, texture, flavor and juiciness.

3. Determine the general acceptability of aged beef

4. Determine the aging loss and cooking recovery.

The outcome of this study may provide information to the consumer to

have other ideas to enhance their meat. For the consumers who are health

conscious it is suitable for them because it is higher in protein, lower

fat, and lower calories content. Innovators, it could serve as a starting

point for further product growth and innovation. Because innovators are

responsible for satisfying market demand, this study will serve as the

foundation for the future of meat aging. Researchers, it will provide

applicable research and knowledge for future and ongoing research projects.

This research may be used as a starting point for potential research on

different aging periods.

The study will be conducted at the Meat Laboratory of Animal Science

Department, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture at San Jose Pili,

Camarines Sur in December 2022.


For purposes of understanding the study, the following terms are


Aging is the process during which microbes and enzymes act upon the meat to

help break down the connective tissue to tenderize the meat.

Ingredients are materials that are added to a mixture to improve flavor,

aroma, and taste of the product.

Cheese cloth is a loosely woven, gauze-like cotton fabric used in the

kitchen for a variety of straining tasks. It comes in a number of

densities, determined by a thread count of 10 to 100.

Meat is the carcass part coming from an animal sufficiently matured and


Beef(Bos taurus) is a type of meat from cattle

Freezer is a large container like a fridge in which the temperature is kept

below freezing so that you can store food inside it for long periods.

Chiller is a machine or device for making or keeping a place, a substance,

etc. cold

Viorica et al,(2022) Found that aging is one of the oldest methods

used to enhance the tenderness and taste of meat. Meat tenderness is caused

by the enzyme activity that causes proteolysis of myofibrils and connective

tissue proteins. The proteolytic effect of the calpain system and cathepsin

is a determining factor for the tenderization of meat. In the maturation

process, it is known that the mechanism that increases taste and aroma is

caused by increasing the density of flavor components (stearic acid,

linoleic, palmitic, oleic acid, glutamate, carnosine, inosine

monophosphate) of tissues by water loss, and the mechanism that causes meat

to be tender is caused by the distortion of connective tissue by natural

enzymes in muscle tissue .

Biscof et al,(2022) Found that the aging method and the microbiome

have an influence on the tenderness, aroma, flavor and taste of beef. The

tenderness of beef is an important quality factor that also depends on

intrinsic and extrinsic factors (e.g. production process) (Kim et al. 2018;

Picard et al. 2014). The main factors affecting the tenderness of beef

include myofibrils and collagen. The degree of the collagen cross-linking

in the muscle tissue is more or less advanced depending on the breed and

the age of the cattle, resulting in differences in the toughness of the

beef (Lepetit 2008; Liu et al. 2021). Some authors proposed that one of the

mechanisms of pH-induced tenderness of beef may be the breakdown of

covalent collagen cross-links and other specific peptide bonds (Lepetit

2008). Dry-aging is described as the aging of beef in an aging chamber with

a constant temperature of −1 to +3 °C, constant relative humidity of 75%

and constant air flow (Savell 2008). The beef has no protective packaging

during its dry-aging and is aged under aerobic conditions. The latter
result in the development of microflora and drying effects on the surface

of beef, called “crust” (Lee, Choe, et al. 2019). The trimming of dry-aged

beef is one of the high-cost impacts (Witte et al. 2020). The taste of

dry-aged beef is described as “meaty” and “brown-roasted” (Warren and

Kastner 1992). In addition to intrinsic factors, the microflora developing

on the surface of dry-aged beef may influence the flavor (Oh, Lee, Lee, et

al. 2019).In general, aging can be progressed through either dry-aging

(where beef carcasses or primal/sub-primal cuts are stored in a

refrigerated temperature without protective packaging materials), or

wet-aging (mostly wholesale primal/sub-primal cuts under vacuum packaging).

Dry-aging is typically the aging of premium meat under critically

controlled ambient conditions of temperature, relative humidity and

airflow. These parameters need to be carefully balanced and monitored to

inhibit microbial growth and minimize weight loss, while producing

excellent eating quality resulting from tenderisation and enhanced flavor

(Savell, 2008).

In the study conducted by Brad-Kimac et al,(2016) They gathered data

from the current study that found that dry-aging enhanced meat quality

attributes, particularly flavor and overall “likeness” as determined by the

consumer panel. A significant improvement in shear force values through

dry-aging was also observed. Dry-aging did not adversely impact surface

meat color and water-holding capacity after retail processing (trimming)

was completed. That means a retail display of dry-aged beef steaks would be

possible, once the initial trimming was completed.

Dashdorj D et al(2016) found that during the dry aging process, the

natural enzymes in the beef work to produce a more tender piece of meat

than any you’ve experienced before . Relative to this, Warren and Kastner
found that both wet and dry aging for 11 days resulted in tenderness scores

that were significantly higher than the unaged controls. Consumer ratings

for tenderness increased for dry aged subprimals. The Juiciness during dry

aging. Steaks were significantly juicier after 21 d aging than after 14 d,

which in turn gave steaks which were juicier than those for non-aged or

aged 7 days. Sensory results showed that many panelists preferred dry aged

meat; dry-aged steaks were scored higher than wet aged steaks for

juiciness. Dry aged meat was still juicy after cooking, but the juices were

even more delicious than usual.Dry aging is a process to produce unique

flavored, value added beef. However, dry aging is a costly endeavor due to

aging conditions needed for proper dry aging to occur to achieve proper

palatability. This process also requires the highest grades of beef with

necessary marbling. However, there is a niche market of discerning

consumers who are willing to pay for this premium product. On the other

hand, there is not much accessible information on interaction between aging

parameters and microbiology on the quality of dry aged beef and

consequently beef palatability.

The study conducted by Setyabrata D et al(2016) and they performed

before and after the aging treatment using a portable meat pH meter

(HI99163, Hanna Instruments, Inc., Smithfield, RI) by directly inserting

the probe into 2 different locations of the meat. The pH meter was

calibrated to both pH 4 and 7 standards (Thermo Scientific Orion,

ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) following the manufacturer’s

guidelines.After the study they found out that there are no differences

when they observed in initial pH values across all treatments (P > 0.05,

data not shown). A significant treatment effect was observed on the final

product pH following the different aging treatments (P < 0.05, Table 2).
Specifically, DWA loins had lower pH values compared with all other

treatments (P < 0.05). It is possible that the moisture-permeable bag in

DWA provided a flourishing environment that could allow microbial growth,

as indicated with the high microbial count in DWA loins in the current

study. It has been suggested that LAB have a symbiotic relationship with

aerobic bacteria and yeast to promote fermentation (Horiuchi and Sasaki,

2012; AdesuluDahunsi et al., 2020) and thus potentially decrease the

product pH due to acid production. Different aging treatment processes did

not affect the WBSF values of the samples (P > 0.05). All the samples were

observed to have a shear force value of less than 30 N, indicating that the

products could be considered as moderately tender (Smith et al., 2008).

Similar results were also reported previously wherein similar shear force

values were observed regardless of the aging treatments (Dikeman et al.,

2013; Kim et al., 2016; Berger et al., 2018). This observation indicated

that the different aging processes within a given extended aging period may

not alter the extent of proteolysis, and thus, the instrumental tenderness

improvement would be more affected by the total duration period of aging.


This chapter deals with the materials and procedures that will be

used in the study to determine the characteristics of beef at different

aging periods.

Meat Materials

The meat will be bought at Naga City Public market. A total of 12

kilograms from the one Cattle will be used to accommodate the experimental

treatment; 1 kg meat will be allocated for each treatment.

Experimental Design and Treatments

This study will be laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design

(RCBD) with four treatments and three blocks. The treatments are as


T1- Beef aged 0 day of storage

T2- Beef aged 7 days of storage

T3- Beef aged 14 days of storage

T4- Beef aged 21 days of storage

Figure 1. shows the lay-out of the experiment.


T1 T4 T1

T2 T3 T2

T3 T2 T3

T4 T1 T4

Figure 1. Lay out of the Study.

Storage of Beef Meat for Aging

The meat will be wrapped by Cheesecloth and will be labeled

accordingly before setting into the chiller. The experimental beef will be

stored in the freezer and chiller following the experimental treatment. At

Treatment 1, zero (0) day in chiller, twenty one 21 days in freezer;

Treatment 2, seven (7) days in chiller, fourteen (14) days in the freezer;

Treatment 3, fourteen (14) days in chiller, seven (7) days in freezer;

Treatment 4,twenty one (21) days in chiller , zero (0) day freezer.

Determination of pH

The pH will be recorded using a pH meter following the

experimental treatment.

Preparation and cooking of the Aged beef

The aged beef meat will be weighed to get the weight loss during

aging time. The aged beef meat will be wrapped in aluminum foil and it will

be roasted for 45 minutes with the temperature of 135°F.

Sensory evaluation

The respondents will compose of 15 students at the Central Bicol State

University of Agriculture.The 9-Point Hedonic scale was used in rating the

attributes where in 9 corresponds to “like extremely” and 1 to “dislike


The same panel evaluated the product.The cooked Aged Beef meat was sliced

into small cuts and was placed in small plastic cups for evaluation and a

glass of water together with score sheet.The sensory attributes evaluated

are aroma, color, flavor, tenderness, juiciness and general acceptability.

Data to be Gathered

Color is the property that depends on the light reflected by the

cooked siomai and it is perceived by the eyes.

Aroma is the characteristics of food brought by volatile organic

components of the Flank Steak. This will be perceived when the product is

still hot or warm.

Flavor is the perceptual impression of food or other substances. The

merged senses of smell and taste were able to perceive this.

Tenderness is the relative degree of the Steak softness and hardness.

During the first few chews of the Flank steak, this was perceived.

Juiciness refers to the amount of moisture released while chewing that

induces and triggers appetite in the salivary glands.

General Acceptability refers to the totality of the sensory attributes

of the Steak.

pH level determines the availability of nutrients, biological

functions, and microbial activity and impacts the behavior of chemicals.

Furthermore, it helps to identify the intensity of solution and categorize

them into Acidic, Basic and Neutral.

Cooking recovery is computed by dividing the weight of cooked aged

beef by its fresh weight multiplied by 100. The formula is:

% Cooking Recovery = Weight after cooking X 100

Weight before cooking

% Aging Loss =Initial weight - aged Weight X 100

weight after cooking

Statistical Analysis

Data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in

Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Further tests on means with

significant differences were done using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test




9 Likely Likely Extremely Extremel Extremely Extremely

extremely extremely rich y juicy tender desirable

8 Like very Like very Very rich Very Very Very

much full juicy tender desirable
much meaty

7 Like Like Full Juicy Tender Desirable

moderately moderatel meaty
y flavor

6 Like slightly Like Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

slightly full juicy tender desirable

5 Neither like Neither Neither Neither Neither Neither

or dislike like or full nor juicy juicy nor desirable
dislike weak in nor dry tough nor
meaty undesirab
flavor le

4 Dislike Dislike Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

slightly slightly meaty dry tender undesirab
flavor le

3 Dislike Dislike Moderatel Moderate Moderately Moderatel

moderately moderatel y weak ly tough tough y
y meaty undesirab
flavor le

2 Dislike very Very Very weak Very Very tough Very

much dislike meaty tough undesirab
flavor le

1 Dislike Dislike Extremely Extremel Extremely Extremely

extremely extremely weak y tough tough undesirab
meaty le

The 9-point Hedonic Scale Use in Scoring the Sample


Panel No. _________

Panelist Name: ______________________________

Date: __________

Quality Attribute Sample






Instruction: Please evaluate the following samples from attributes

listed. Indicate how much you like or dislike the sample by writing the

score on the table provided below.




Viorica B.,Popescu L., Netreba N., Mosanu-Aliona G.,Sturza


Assessment of Quality Indices and Their Influence on the

Texture Profile in the Dry-Aging Process of Beef

Biscof G.,Witte F.,Terjung N.,Heinz V.,Juadjur A.,Gibis M.(2022)

Metabolic, proteomic and microbial changes postmortem and

during beef aging

Yuan H. Brad Kimac,. Robert Kempa,. Linda M.Samuelsson (2016)

Effects of dry-aging on meat quality attributes and metabolite

profiles of beef loins

Dashdorj D, Tripathi1 V ,Cho S , Kim1 Y, Hwang I(2016)

Dry aging of beef;Review

Setyabrata D,Xue1 S,Vierck K,Legako J,Ebner P,Zuelly S, Brad Kim


Impact of Various Dry-Aging Methods on Meat Quality and

Palatability Attributes of Beef Loins

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