P R1 B. Inggris Kelas I Day, Date: Wed, 13-2-2019 Name/ No.: - / - Sm. / Unit: 2 / 6 - 7 Score
P R1 B. Inggris Kelas I Day, Date: Wed, 13-2-2019 Name/ No.: - / - Sm. / Unit: 2 / 6 - 7 Score
P R1 B. Inggris Kelas I Day, Date: Wed, 13-2-2019 Name/ No.: - / - Sm. / Unit: 2 / 6 - 7 Score
2. The colors of the Indonesian flag are 12. Something that you read.
red and ____. A. A bird C. A box
A. blue C. black B. A book D. A bridge
B. golden D. white
13. Which one is RIGHT
3. This color traffic light means go. based on
A. pink C. yellow the picture?
B. red D. green
A. The boy is reading a comic book.
4. Use this to talk and eat with. B. The boy is playing on the swing.
A. ears C. chin C. The boy is having breakfast.
B. chest D. mouth D. The boy is driving a new car.
5. Put this on your foot. 14. Jack has ten socks in his basket. Eight
A. shoe C. earrings of them are white, and the rest are black.
B. pants D. necklace How many are black?
A. ten C. two
6. The number after nineteen. B. eighteen D. eight
A. two C. twenty
B. twelve D. twenty two Look at the chart to answer 15 – 16.
Children’s Favorite Toys
7. Family member, except...
A. sister C. father 6
B. brother D. neighbor
8. You smell with this. 2
A. tongue C. nose 1
B. eyes and ears D. throat 0
PR1/WR /U6-7/genap/b.ing/kls.i/sdrh/18-19
B. Circle the right answers!
p i l o t d o c t o r 1. Can fly a plane
f a r m e r n u r s e 2. Grows fruits and vegetables
d o c t o r k n e e s 3. Helps you feel better when you are sick
c h e f w a i t e r s 4. Cooks meals at a restaurant
f r i d a y s u n n y 5. Day before Saturday
w r i s t e a r e y e 6. Between your arm and your hand
c h a i r b u c k e t 7. A student sits at this
m e c h a n i c t e a 8. Can fix your car if it breaks
a n t p l a n e b e e 9. An insect that makes honey
h e a d e a r k n e e 10. You use your ____ to bend your leg.
C. Look at the picture, complete the text with the words in the box
on are not
table two It
PR1/WR /U6-7/genap/b.ing/kls.i/sdrh/18-19