Lesson Plan JHS

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NAME OF JHS Applicant: Arcena, Ma. Jhysavil E. GRADE: Grade 7

DATE/TIME: June 6, 2022 / 8:00 am QUARTER: Third Quarter

Lesson Plan in Grade 7 Science (Force, Motion, and Energy)

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding that waves are carriers of energy.
B. Performance Standard Develop cooperation on a given task.
C. Learning Competency/Code Infer that waves carry energy. (S7LT-IIIc-4)
A. Reference
1. TG pages pp. 27
2. LM pages pp. 160-165
3. Textbook
4. LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources Materials:
*visual aid, pictures, rope ( at least meters long), colored ribbon, toy slinky, basin filled with water,
paper boat etc.
E 1. What is motion?
L A. Review previous lesson 2. When can we say that an object is in motion?
I or presenting new
C lesson
B. Establishing a purpose Let’s Make Waves!
for the lesson
E Activity 1
C. Presenting Procedure A: What are transverse waves?
examples/instances of Straighten the rope and place it above a long table. Hold one end of the rope and vibrate it up and
the new lesson down. You would be able to observe a pulse. Draw three sketches of the rope showing the motion
N of the pulse at three subsequent instances (snapshots at three different times). Draw an arrow to
represent the direction of the pulse’s motion.

G 1. What is the source of the wave pulse?
2. Describe the motion of your hand as you create the pulse.
3. Describe the motion of the pulse with respect to the source.
A Tie one end of the rope on a rigid and fixed object (e.g heavy table, door knob, etc.)

Attached a colored ribbon on one part of the rope. You may use adhesive tape to fix the ribbon.
Make a wave by continuously vibrating the end of the rope with quick up-and-down movements of
your hand. Draw the waveform or the shape of the wave that you have created. Ask one of your
relative to vibrate the rope while you observe the motion of the colored ribbon. Remember that the
colored ribbon serves as a marker of a chosen segment of the rope.
1. Does the wave transport the colored ribbon from its original positon to the end of the
2. Describe the vibration of the colored ribbon. How does it move as waves pass by?
Does it move in the same direction as the wave?

D. Discussing new concepts Activity 2

E #1 Procedure B: What are longitudinal waves?
Connect one end of a long table to a wall. Place slinky toy on top of table. Attach one end of the
X slinky to the wall while you hold the other end. Do not lift the slinky. Ask one of your relative to
vibrate the end of the toy slinky by doing a back-and-forth motion parallel to the length of the
P spring. Observe the waves along the slinky. Draw how the slinky spring looks like as you move it
Attached a colored ribbon on one part of the slinky spring. You may use an adhesive tape to fix the
ribbon. Ask one of your relatives to vibrate the slinky spring back-and-forth while you observe the
motion of the colored ribbon. Remember that the colored ribbon serves as a marker of a chosen
segment of the slinky spring.
1. Does the wave transport the colored ribbon from its original position to the end of the
2. Describe the vibration of the colored ribbon. How does it move as waves pass by?
E. Discussing new concepts Activity 3
#2 Procedure C: What are surface waves?
Place a basin filled with water on top of a level table. Wait until the water becomes still or
motionless. Create a wave pulse by tapping the surface of the water with your index finger and
observe the direction of travel of the wave pulse. Tap the surface of the water at regular intervals to
create periodic waves. View the waves from above ad draw the pattern that you see. In your
drawing, mark the source of the disturbance.

Wait for the water to become still before you place your paper boat on the surface. Create periodic
waves and observe what happens to your paper boat.

1. Do the waves set the paper boat into motion? What is required to set an object into
2. If you exert more energy in creating periodic waves by tapping the surface with greater
strength, how does this affect the movement of the paper boat?
X F. Developing Mastery
P (Leads to formative 1. Each group will be asked a question about their activities.
L Asssessment) 2. Based on your activities, what is a wave?
A 3. What are the parts and types of a wave?
E G. Finding Practical 1. What are some examples of waves in everyday life?
L Application of concepts 2. How the effects of waves can be experienced every day?
A and skills in daily living
B H. Making generalizations
O 1. Based on the activity, differentiate the crest and the trough of a wave?
and abstractions about
the lesson 2. What are the different types of a wave?
A 3. How will you describe waves as a carrier of energy from one place to another?
E MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer in a one-fourth sheet of paper.
A 1. Waves that require medium to travel.
L I. Evaluating Learning a. Mechanical waves c. Longitudinal waves
b. Electromagnetic waves d. Transverse waves
E 2. Waves that travel through the vacuum of empty space.
a. Mechanical waves c. Longitudinal waves
b. Electromagnetic waves d. Transverse waves

3. What does the wave carry?

a. matter c. space
b. energy d. water

4. Which of the following is NOT a mechanical wave?

a. seismic c. sound
b. ocean d. light

5. You can’t hear sounds in outer space because there is no.

a. medium c. light
b. energy d. heat
X J. Additional Activities for
T application or
1. In a 1/8 illustration board draw a waves and label the parts of the wave.


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