PLC m2
PLC m2
PLC m2
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The operation of an electrical system is achieved by a number of combination and sequential operations. The pre-
determined sequence of operations may be called the logic combinational and the system operation. When the
operational sequence is carried out with the help of relays, it is called relay-based logic whereas if it is carried out with a
PLC, it is called PLC logic
Power always flows from left bus rail to the right bus rail. Suppose in a DC Circuit the left bus rail represents the positive
terminal and the right bus rail represents the negative terminal.
A program statement consists of a condition or condition along with some form of action. Inputs are the conditions and
the actions or the output is the result of these conditions.
Each rung of the PLC Ladder can be looked at as a problem the processor have to solve
The program symbol for a PLC input will look like a normal open or normal closed contact used in typical electrical
diagrams. These symbols are shown in Table below
The input and output terminals are grouped together and placed in modules. Each of the manufacturers produces a
variety of input and output modules. Since the programmable controller may have hundreds of input or output modules,
it is important to have some kind of numbering system to identify each module and all its input and output terminals.
The generalized identification numbering system of input and output terminals of a PLC consists of the following
Input/Output – Module number – Rack number – Slot number – Word number – Terminal number
Following this generalized numbering system, manufacturers prepare their own system. The Allen Bradley numbering
system is Y : e. s / b. The meaning of each character has been shown in table
Program Format
The basic program format for a PLC is very similar to an electrical ladder diagram. This format is used because the
ladder diagram has been the working language of electricians for many years. It is also used because the computer
scans the program in a sequential manner. Devices in a schematic electrical diagram are described as being open or
closed. PLC ladder instructions are typically referred to as either true or false .When a PLC solves the user program, it is
said to be solving ladder logic.
· The power will flow from left hand side bus rail to the right hand side bus rail
· Each rung must start with a contact from the left and end with an output on the right
· Inputs with the same terminal number can be used many times
Introduction to Logic
Assume the inputs are connected to I:0/1 and I:0/2 and the output terminals are O:0/1 and O:0/2
1ST Theorem: Complement of a logical sum is equal to the logical product of the complements
Ladder Diagram-
2nd Theorem: The complement of a logical product is equal to the logical sum of the complement
Ladder Diagram-
Problems –
Design a 4:1 multiplexer using ladder logic. Assume the inputs are connected to I:0/1 and I:0/2, I:0/3 and I:0/4; control
signals are connected to I:0/5 and I:0/6 and the output terminal is O: 0/1
A multiplexer is a circuit with many input nut only one output. By applying a suitable control signal, any input can be
steered to the output
Truth Table:
Circuit Diagram:
Ladder Diagram:
Problem 2: Design a 1:4 demultiplexer using ladder logic. Assume the inputs are connected to I:0/1, control signals are
connected to I:0/2 and I:0/3 and the output terminals are O:0/1, O:0/2, O:0/3 and O:0/4
A demultiplexer is a circuit with one input and many outputs. By applying proper control signal, the input signal can be
steered to one of the output lines
Truth Table
Ladder Diagram
Problem 3: A selection committee comprises four members including the chairman. In order for a candidate to be
selected, he or she has to have the support of at least two members. The chairman, however, can push any candidate
through. If each member is provide with a switch, design a logic that will ring a bell when a candidate is selected.
Assume the switch of the chairman is represented by CH, that of the the first member is by A, the second member by B
and the third member by C, The inputs and the output are co0nnected to the PLC as follows:
Truth Table:
Ladder Diagram:
Problem 4: A railway station has 3 platforms A, B and C. A train is coming into the station. It has to be given entrey to
platform A if A is empty. If both A and B are occupied then it has to be given entry to platform C. If all the platform are
full then the train has to wait. Design the necessary logic diagram.
The input signals for the conditions described in the problem are as follows:
Ta – Train present at A
Tb – Train present at B
Tc – Train present at C
Pa – Go to platform A
Pb – Go to platform B
Pc – Go to platform C
W – Wait
I:0/1 – Train at A
I:0/2 – Train at B
I:0/3 – Train at C
O:0/1 – Platform A
O:0/2 – Platform B
O:0/3 – Platform C
O:0/4 – Wait
Truth Table:
Ladder Diagram:
Anish Jain
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