21BCT0188 VL2023240101055 Ast01
21BCT0188 VL2023240101055 Ast01
21BCT0188 VL2023240101055 Ast01
10. Modify the field name DepartmentPhoneNum of the departments table to PhNo.
description after altering:
Execute the following Query on the Db to display and discuss the integrity constraints violated
by any of the following operations.
1. Insert ('Robert', 'F', 'Scott', '235', '21-JUN-1990', 'Bangalore', M, 58000, '100', 1 ) into
Here we can see that the employee sex is given to be M which does not match the data
type of char. Hence we get the error.
Since all the inputs align with the required data types, we get no error in this case.
1. Add Foreign Keys using Alter Table [if not done earlier].
2. Make name of Project as Unique and sex of employee as not null.
Since the column is not empty, it can’t be modified, nevertheless we can use the above
command to do the same.
Exercise 4:
c. Retrieve the list of names, city and the state of all the clients.
d. List the various products available from the Product_Master table.
a. Delete all products from Product_Master where the quantity on hand is equal to
b. Delete from Client_Master where the column state holds the value “Tamilnadu”.
2. Find the employee names whose salary lies in the range between 35000 and 75000.
3. Find the employees who have no supervisor.
6. Display the project numbers along project name that ends with ‘i’ in project location.
7. Display the names of all the employees having supervisor with any of the following SSN
123, 533.
8. Display all the employee details based on the salary in descending order.
11. Display all the MgrSSN and MgrStartDate as ManagerSSN and Manager_DOJ.
12. Display all the male employees with SSN and salary.