Ans. No, a simple jab of knife does not have the ability to kill the tree. It has to go through various
processes. If its root is not removed from the earth, it will sprout again.
Ans. ‘Bleeding bark’ means the twigs which are cut mercilessly. They leave a liquid substance. If any part
of the human body is cut, it starts bleeding. In the same way the liquid substance comes out from the
branch of a tree. The human beings’ axe makes it bleed.
Ans. It means that the earth protects it like a mother. ‘Earth Cave’ implies a hole inside it. The tree
allows its roots to spread underneath. The earth protects it and fosters it. It provides all the essential
ingredients to the tree.
Ans. The poet has compared the Leprous hide with the bark of the tree which has been discoloured with
the passage of time. The poet says that the bark of the tree looks like a person who has leprosy and the
skin of the body has been discoloured because of old age.
Ans. The sun and the air burn a tree when it is exposed of its strength. The roots are exhausted and they
choke it. Thus, the tree is finally killed.
Ans. The poet conveys that a tree grows stronger in the earth. It feeds on the earth rising out of it. It
gets its strength from it. It is not easy to kill the tree by a simple jab of the knife. It is securly attached in
the soil.
Ans. Roots are the strength of the tree. So long as the roots are safe, the tree is safe. It cannot be killed.
Once the roots are pulled out and exposed to the sun and the air, they wither and the tree is finally
8. What message does the poet want to convey through this poem?
Ans. The poet conveys the idea through the poem the process of killing or cutting a tree. The poem
seems to be contrary to our common belief that more and more trees should be planted. But here the
poet lays stress on the implementation of the effective cutting of the trees. The message that the poet
wants to convey through this poem is that we should always do a complete work at the time of starting
it. Some people are in habit of leaving the work half done, while they think that they have done the
work perfectly. But in the end they find that it was nothing but an illusion. So the poet wants us to finish
the work completely whether the work is of killing of the tree apart it the poet wants us that we should
do our optimum efforts and we should put ourselves whole heartily leaving no stone unturned.
1. What is the theme of the poem from which the above stanza is taken ?
1. The theme of the poem is to persuade the readers to think that it takes sustained effort to kill a tree.
It is not easy to uproot a tree.
W. The strength of the tree is exposed when the roots are entirely pulled out of the earth’s cave.
4. delicate
Browning, hardening,
Twisting, withering,
And then it is done.
Question 1: What remains to be done to kill a tree after its root has been pulled out?
(a) The hot sun and the dry air dry up the tree.
(a) The hot sun and the dry air dry up the tree.
Question 3: What happens to the tree in the sun and the air?