Vitales 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 1217 012006
Vitales 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 1217 012006
Vitales 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 1217 012006
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Abstract. In the Pan Borneo Highway (PBH) project, the occurrence of clay soils is likely to
increase construction costs, due to its low shear strength and high compressibility characteristics.
In recent years, the use of non-traditional stabilizers e.g., Biomass Silica (SH-85) compound is
becoming more prevalent. This study aims to determine the soil plasticity behaviour and to
ascertain the Standard Proctor Compaction characteristics of clay soil by mixing it with varying
dosages of SH-85. After soil classification was carried out, the Initial Lime Consumption Test
was performed to estimate the suitable SH-85 dosage. The compound was mixed with the soil at
concentrations of 3, 6, 9 and 15% (by soil sample weight). Moreover, Atterberg Limits test was
also carried out to determine the change in soil plasticity. Subsequently, the compaction tests
were performed to obtain the Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and Optimum Moisture Content
(OMC) on the natural and stabilized soil. The trend of test results show that the OMC increases
with increasing SH-85 dosages, while reducing the overall MDD values. The optimal quantity
of SH-85 to achieve good compactibility was discovered to be 9%, producing a stabilized mix
with a strength gain of +366% compared to the natural soil.
1. Introduction
The Pan Borneo Highway project is a 2,083 km long road network that connects the two states
comprising of East Malaysia, namely Sabah and Sarawak. In this project, the occurrence of difficult
soils e.g., clay and peat soils have been documented, and therefore this necessitates the in-depth study
of this soil by the local research groups, to find novel solutions to ensure its suitability for road
construction [1,2]. Weak soil occurrences in road construction are likely to increase construction costs
since weak clay soil possesses poor engineering characteristics such as excessive settlements, high
compressibility, and low shear strength. If not strengthened, the weak soil will eventually cause
unacceptable levels of settlement and leads to increasing maintenance costs, and interruption of traffic
To remediate the weak soil on site, soil stabilization has been in practice in recent years, where
chemical stabilization using traditional stabilizer e.g., lime and Ordinary Portland Cement is a feasible
solution. Soil stabilization involves the modification of engineering and mechanical properties of soil,
in order to improve weak soils to obtain predetermined values of performance [3] before the stabilized
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Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
soil is used for construction applications. Stabilized soils possess enhanced soil properties, such as
reduction of soil settlement, reducing soil compressibility, increasing soil shear strength, and improving
the soil workability by modifying its compaction properties. The type of soil stabilization covered for
this paper is chemical stabilization. Chemical stabilization allows the soil particle bonding to be
improved via chemical means, after the stabilizer material is mixed with the weak soil and subsequently
compacted [4]. Through chemical stabilization, this method is deemed more economical to solve the
weak soil problem on site, compared to the replacement of weak soils with good quality fill soils. [5]
states that chemical soil stabilizers are mainly classified as traditional or non-traditional stabilizers.
While traditional stabilizers (e.g., lime and cement) [6, 7] have been in use for a long time, non-
traditional stabilizers (e.g., polymers and silicates) [8, 9] have recently gained attention in the field of
weak soil remediation. In particular, bio-derived stabilizers, which is a type of non-traditional soil
stabilizer obtained from agricultural waste or biomass material, is a better choice since it produces lower
greenhouse emissions compared to conventional stabilizers such as cement [10]. For this study, a bio-
stabilizer called biomass silica (or known commercially as SH-85) was used as the main soil stabilizing
compound. Produced by Probase Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd., the biomass silica is usually sold in 25
kilogram bags and are typically used as a soil hardening material for unpaved roads [11]. The soil
stabilization effect for different types of weak soils may vary and requires further laboratory tests to
establish its effectiveness.
Some existing studies pertaining to the use of SH-85 to improve soil properties have been carried out
by several researchers on laterite soil [12–14], on soft clay [15,16], on marine clay [17,18] and on
organic soils [19]. In the research carried out by Latifi et al. [12] to improve soil strength, it showed that
that 9% of Biomass Silica was the optimum amount of stabilizer for laterite soil, while another study
conducted by Marto et al. [17] that 12% of Biomass Silica was the optimum amount of stabilizer for
marine clay soils. Most of these studies focused on the improvement of soil strength properties, but only
two studies focused into the improvement of soil compaction properties, namely Latifi et al. [12] and
Marto et al. [17]. Hence, this study was conducted to focus on the improvement of soil by examining
the soil compaction characteristics of Biomass Silica stabilized soil in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and to
compare the results of this study with the findings of the stabilized soils conducted in Peninsular
Malaysia. Even though the current research framework only includes the basic physical and engineering
soil testing programme, the authors plan to carry out the macro-structural and micro-structural
assessments of the KK Clay soil stabilized with SH-85, if the preliminary results have a promising
outcome. Therefore, the limitation of this study is the exclusion of the macro-structural and micro-
structural studies, which would be able to show the morphology of the stabilized soil, and this will be
addressed in our future works.
In the current study, an effort was made to improve the Kota Kinabalu clay soil compaction
characteristics, by determining the optimum dosage (percentage by weight) of SH-85 to obtain the
desired maximum dry density. To do this, the Initial Consumption of Lime (ICL) test was carried out
first, in order to set the range of SH-85 dosage used in this study. Next, the Atterberg Limit values were
obtained for the stabilized soil to describe the changes in the soil plasticity of the stabilized soil, which
ultimately affects the compaction behaviour of the soil mix. Lastly, the Maximum Dry Density values
of the stabilized soil are correlated its soil plasticity characteristics. With the improvement in the soil
plasticity and compaction characteristics, it is hoped that the weak soil in this study can be remediated
and repurposed as materials used for wearing course (unpaved roads) or for subgrade layers in pavement
construction and is hoped to contribute towards the use of sustainable construction materials.
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
Samples used for the Atterberg Limits test were sealed to preserve the natural moisture contents prior
to testing. Meanwhile for the other soil classification and compaction tests, the soil samples were air-
dried under the sun, then broken into smaller pieces with a rubber mallet, before it was sieved with a 2
mm sieve. The samples passing the 2 mm sieve were collected and subsequently used for the soil
classification and compaction tests. The flowchart of experimental works planned in this study is shown
in figure 1.
Table 1 shows the physical and engineering properties of Kota Kinabalu (KK) clay soil, and these
obtained values were used to classify the soil according to the Unified Soil Classification System
(USCS) [20]. In addition, the characteristics of KK clay soil were also compared to the findings of other
Malaysian Clay soils. Based on USCS, KK Clay was classified as High Plasticity Clay, which means
that the soil undergoes considerable volumetric changes with the change in moisture content and is
similar to that of Rompin Clay [21]. Furthermore, according to Liu and Evett [4], this soil has medium
consistency and therefore has better strength compared to the Batu Pahat and Karambunai Clay. The
general aim of soil stabilization is to reduce the soil plasticity index [12, 17], to improve the soil strength
[16, 17, 22] and to improve the soil compaction characteristics [3, 23]. Therefore, the Kota Kinabalu
clay soil is suitable to be used for soil stabilization purposes due to its medium consistency and high
Table 1. Engineering and Physical Properties of Untreated Kota Kinabalu Clay in comparison with
other Malaysian Clay Soils.
Current Laterite Rompin Batu Pahat Karambunai
Engineering and Physical
Study Clay Clay Soft Clay Clay*
[12] [21] [16] [24]
Liquid Limit, LL (%) 51 75 72 73 40
Plastic Limit, PL (%) 22 41 25 29 22
Plasticity Index, PI (%) 29 34 47 44 18
pH Value 3.7 5.35 5.5 - -
Specific Gravity, Gs 2.58 2.69 2.52 - 2.61
Maximum Dry Density (kg-m-3) 1587 1310 1560 1343 -
Optimum Moisture Content (%) 18 34 18 30 19.6
Undrained Shear Strength, Su (kPa) 33.08 135.00 - 16.8 15.78
Soil Classification (USCS) [20] CH MH CH MH CL
High Plasticity Inorganic Inorganic Medium
Type of Soil Plasticity
Clay Silt Silt Plasticity Clay
*NOTE: From Borehole 1 [24]
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
Figure 2 Laboratory tests for Kota Kinabalu clay stabilized with varying Biomass Silica content.
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
On the other hand, the rolling hand test to determine the Plastic Limit (PL) was conducted based on
BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 5.3 [26]. The rolling hand test method was conducted as follows: a soil sample
was taken from the mixed soil used for the LL test. For the rolling process, a clean glass plate was
prepared. The soil sample was then rolled on the glass plate, kneading the soil using by hand as the heat
from the hand reduced its moisture content. The process was repeated until the soil crumbles at about 3
mm in diameter, which is about the size of a laboratory glass rod. Then, a portion of the rolled soil was
placed into the moisture content can then it was weighed and placed into the oven for oven drying for
24 hours to determine its moisture content. The procedure was repeated for 2 more times to determine
the average of moisture content value for the PL. The Plastic Limit value is obtained for the moisture
value taken when the rolled soil sample crumbles at 3 mm diameter.
Next, a series of Standard Proctor Compaction (SPC) tests were conducted based on British Standard
1377: Part 2: 1990: 3.3 [27]. To begin, a soil sample of 2500g was weighed. The compaction mould was
tightened with nuts to the collar and base plate provided. The mould was weighed, and the results were
recorded. Water was added to the soil sample in the amount of 5-10% and spread on the soil before it
was completely mixed with a hand roller. The soil sample was then divided into three equal portions on
the tray, with the first portion placed into the mould. A 2.5 kg rammer was used to compact the soil
layer for 27 blows. The next layer of soil was added in the same manner as the previous one, with the
exception that the finished compacted layer should be higher than the top of the mould. The results of
the SPC tests were used to obtain the optimum moisture content (OMC) and maximum dry density
(MDD) of the soil sample.
Table 2. pH value of Clay Stabilized with Various Percentage of Biomass Silica (pH value = 12.5).
High Plasticity Clay
Mix Proportion Inorganic Laterite Silt [12] Low Plasticity Silt [28]
Current Study
Untreated Soil 3.7 4.7 5.0
Soil + 3% Stabilizer 10.7 10.6 11.3
Soil + 6% Stabilizer 11.1 - 11.5
Soil + 9% Stabilizer 11.2 11.6 11.6
Soil + 15% Stabilizer 11.4 - 11.7
In addition, the ICL test results of this study are also compared to the findings of [12] and [28]. The
KK Clay soil sample has a pH value of 3.7 and is more acidic compared to the Laterite and Silt soils.
However, all three types of soils exhibited the same trend after the SH-85 additive was mixed, highly
acidic soils turned into an alkaline material, since the SH-85 material itself is highly alkaline. The ICL
test is typically halted after there is no increase in the pH value is observed, which indicates that the soil
particles have fully reacted with the stabilizer material. The authors found that the chemical reaction
between the soil and stabilizer takes place immediately after mixing, and the pH value remained constant
even after several hours of curing, which was also reported by [12]. At higher dosages where the
stabilizer dosage exceeded the requirement for the chemical reaction to occur, this would result in the
reduction of strength in the stabilized soil mix [29]. Therefore, it is important to limit the stabilizer
dosage, specifically at the point where the pH value stops increasing. For this study, after the soil and
stabilizer material was mixed, the pH value stopped increasing at 15% SH-85 content, with the final pH
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
value of 11.4. As a result of the ICL test, the selected SH-85 dosages used in this study were 3%, 6%,
9% and 15%, in order to study the changes to the soil plasticity and compression characteristics of the
stabilized soils.
55 51
40 36
35 31
29 29 PI
30 28
25 22 29 22
27 28
0 3 6 9 12 15
Biomass Silica Content(%)
Figure 3 Atterberg Limits of Kota Kinabalu clay stabilized with varying Biomass Silica content.
Table 3. Atterberg Limits Values of Clay and Silt Stabilized with Various Percentage of Biomass
Silica (compared to [12] and [17]).
Mix Proportion (Current Study) PL LL PI USCS Classification
Untreated Soil (KK Clay) 22 51 29 CH (High Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 3% Biomass Silica 27 55 28 CH (High Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 6% Biomass Silica 29 57 28 CH (High Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 9% Biomass Silica 29 60 31 CH (High Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 15% Biomass Silica 36 58 22 MH (Inorganic Silt)
Mix Proportion [12] PL LL PI USCS Classification
Untreated Soil (Laterite Silt) 40 74 34 MH (Inorganic Silt)
Soil + 3% Biomass Silica 57 89 32 MH (Inorganic Silt)
Soil + 9% Biomass Silica 62 81 19 MH (Inorganic Silt)
Mix Proportion [17] PL LL PI USCS Classification
Untreated Soil (Marine Clay) 23 59 36 CH (High Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 3% Biomass Silica 26 51 25 CH (High Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 6% Biomass Silica 27 49 21 CL (Medium Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 9% Biomass Silica 27 48 21 CL (Medium Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 12% Biomass Silica 27 48 21 CL (Medium Plasticity Clay)
Soil + 15% Biomass Silica 27 48 21 CL (Medium Plasticity Clay)
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
In this study, after an addition of 3% of the stabilizer, a slight increase of the LL was observed, where
it increased from 51% to 55%. The LL value increased to 60% at 9% SH-85, before it decreases to 58%
at 15% stabilizer content. Conversely, the PL values showed a constant increase in tandem with the
increase of SH-85, where the PL value increased to 27% with 3% SH-85 content, and to 36% with 15%
stabilizer content. Given these changes in PL and LL values, the Plasticity Index showed an increase up
until 9% SH-85 content (PL=31), but the PI value dropped significantly at 15% SH-85, where the PI
was reduced to 22%, a reduction of 7% from its natural state. Ultimately, this changed the USCS
classification of the soil from High Plasticity Clay to Inorganic Silt, with improved soil plasticity
characteristics due to the reduced PI value [31]. A similar trend was seen in past studies, with the Laterite
Silt PI reduced from 34% to 19% due to the addition of 9% SH-85 [12], while the Marine Clay PI
reduced from 36% to 21% with 6% SH-85 content [17]. In all three studies, the reduction of Plasticity
Index indicates that the soil will be less susceptible to moisture-induced volume changes, while also
increasing its friability [12] because the SH-85 powder modifies the soil mix into a silt-like material
(crumblier like silt, and less cohesive compared to normal clay). The Biomass Silica is a calcium-based
stabilizer, and the presence of calcium ions induces the coagulation and aggregation process of the clay
mineral particles within the stabilized soil mix [13]. This process increases the void volume, which in
turn, increases the optimum moisture content [17, 32] and this will be discussed further in Section 3.3.
Similarly, as seen in the increase of the LL values as more SH-85 content was added to the KK Clay
and Laterite Silt, this was caused by the increase of water holding capacity due to the coagulation process
[12,17], but this LL value will only increase to a certain point called the “stabilizer fixation point” [33].
At this fixation point, the addition of more stabilizer material will not contribute to the coagulation
process because the clay mineral particles are saturated by calcium cations [17].
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
Dry Density (kg/m3)
1500 0% SH-85
3% SH-85
6% SH-85
9% SH-85
15% SH-85
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Moisture Content (%)
Figure 4. Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content of KK clay stabilized with varying
Biomass Silica content.
Table 4. Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content of clay stabilized with various types
of powder-type chemical stabilizers (MDD and OMC changes compared to natural soil are in
Study USCS Soil Stabilizer Type and Optimum Maximum Optimum
Classification Soil Strength Gain Stabilizer Dry Density Moisture
Dosage (kg m-3) Content (%)
Current Study Kota Kinabalu Biomass Silica 9 1375 27.0
East Malaysia Clay (SH-85) (MDD -212) (OMC +9)
(High Plasticity) Lime: 68.2%
CH Silica: 9.25%
Strength Gain: +366%
Marto et al. Johor Laterite Silt Biomass Silica 9 1250 37.5
(2014) [13] (Inorganic Silt) (SH-85) (MDD -60) (OMC +2.5)
West Malaysia MH Lime: 68.2%
Silica: 9.25%
Strength Gain: +302%
Zukri and Ghani Rompin Clay Hydrated Lime 9 1342 23
(2014) [21] (High Plasticity) Strength Gain: +5% (MDD -218) (OMC +5)
West Malaysia CH
Taib et al. Serian Silt RBI 81 8 1900 26.5
(2016) [23] (Inorganic Silt) Lime: 52% (MDD (OMC +3)
East Malaysia MH Silica: 19% +160)
Strength Gain: +279%
Zainuddin et Marine Clay Demolished Tiles 10 1300 32
al. (2019) [3] (High Plasticity) Material (MDD (OMC -2)
West Malaysia CH Calcium: 1.99% +100)
Silicon: 20.44%
Strength Gain:-12%
In table 4, several Malaysian clayey and silty soils are listed together with the corresponding optimal
soil stabilizer dosage, and the reported soil strength gain compared to the natural soil values. Biomass
Silica, used by Marto et al. [13] and in this study had reported an optimum stabilizer dosage of 9%,
while despite recording a reduction in MDD and an increase in the OMC, had seen more than 300%
increase in the soil strength. Meanwhile, Zukri and Ghani [21] found that the use of 9% Hydrated Lime
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
yielded a minimal strength gain (5%), but the Rompin Clay was made to have better compactibility on
site. Taib et al. [23] had managed to improve the characteristics of Serian Silt using the Road Building
International (RBI) 81 stabilizer, where a 279% strength gain was recorded, alongside an increase in
both the MDD and OMC values. Conversely, Zainuddin et al. [3] had attempted to improve the Marine
Clay strength and compaction characteristics using Demolished Tiles Materials (DTM), but had instead
recorded a reduction in the marine clay strength by adding 10% of the stabilizer. However, the DTM
stabilizer managed to slightly improve the MDD value of the stabilized Marine Clay soil mix, and to
reduce the OMC value as well. As reported in this study, and with similar trends reported by past
researchers [17, 21, 23], the general observation made pertaining to the use of various powder-type
stabilizer is that the lime content plays a huge role in the improvement of the soil strength and
compaction properties. Lower MDD values are not a disadvantage, as the stabilized soil can be
compacted easier on site while having its strength significantly enhanced at the same time. In the
previous paragraph, the discussion about the Liquid Limit at the optimum SH-85 content was made,
where the water holding capacity is increased, and this allows the moisture to be used to dissolve the
lime contained within the SH-85 stabilizer to create more calcium ions. The presence of lime in the
stabilizer materials i.e., SH-85 allows the calcium ions to react with the silica and alumina in the clay
particles to form cementitious compounds, hence allowing the improvement of the soil strength and
compaction characteristics [12, 13, 23, 34]. This is evident especially when we highlight the strength
loss of the clay soil stabilized with DTM, since the calcium content is very low (1.99%). Therefore, it
can be said that the SH-85 material, given its substantial lime content, is suitable to be used for the
stabilization of KK Clay soil.
4. Conclusion
In this study, a series of soil classification and soil compaction tests were carried out to study the effect
of Biomass Silica (SH-85) as bio-stabilizer material to improve the characteristics of Kota Kinabalu
Clay soil. The soil sample was classified as high plasticity clay (CH) according to Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS). Based on the ICL test, the suitable range of SH-85 to be used in this
study was 3-15% (by soil weight), with the final pH value of 11.4 at 15% stabilizer content. Next, the
Atterberg Limits test on the stabilized soil mixes showed an increasing trend in the PL and LL values,
but the LL value decreased at 15% SH-85, therefore reducing the PI value, and changing the USCS
Classification of the soil to Inorganic Silt (MH). Meanwhile, the overall trend of the compaction
characteristics shows that the OMC tends to increase and MDD decreases with higher SH-85 content,
which enables the KK Clay soil to be compacted with ease in wetter site conditions. With 9% SH-85
content, the MDD value is 1375 kg/m3 while the OMC is 27%, but this produces a stabilized mix with
a soil strength gain of +366% compared to the natural soil. The reduction in MDD and increase in OMC
is caused by the flocculation and agglomeration effect of the soil particles, due to the presence of cations
in the stabilized soil mix.
As previously mentioned, when the SH-85 content is increased until its stabilizer fixation point is
reached, this produces a soil-stabilizer mix with a flatter compaction curve. At the optimum stabilizer
content (9% Biomass Silica content), a flatter compaction curve was seen in figure 4, and the increase
in the Liquid Limit was seen in figure 3, where the water holding capacity increases, hence allowing
more moisture to be absorbed without suffering a significant drop in the soil’s dry density value.
Consequently, the increase in the water holding capacity also allows the moisture to be used to dissolve
the lime contained within the Biomass Silica to create more calcium ions. The presence of moisture
promotes the reaction between these calcium ions with the silica and alumina in clay particles, and this
reaction is responsible for the formation of cementitious compounds, which contributes to the improved
soil strength characteristics. When added in small dosages, the Biomass Silica material shows
improvement to the soil plasticity and compaction characteristics of KK clayey soil and is deemed a
viable stabilizer material. The recommended dosage of Biomass Silica (SH-85) in order to achieve the
desired compaction characteristics on site is 9%. At the time of writing, the authors are currently
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012006
planning further experimental works to study the effectiveness of Biomass Silica as a stabilizer material
for other problematic soils such as organic soil.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia
Sabah (UMS) for providing the facilities required to undertake the experimental works carried out in
this project.
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