Credit Card Fraud Analysis Ashutosh

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Credit Card Fraud Detection

Problem Statement:
Fraudulent activities have increased severalfold, with around 52,304 cases of credit/debit card fraud
reported in FY'19 alone. Due to this steep increase in banking frauds, it is the need of the hour to
detect these fraudulent transactions in time in order to help consumers as well as banks, who are
losing their credit worth each day.

Every fraudulent credit card transaction that occur is a direct financial loss to the bank as the bank is
responsible for the fraud transactions as well it also affects the overall customer satisfaction

The aim of this project is to identify and predict fraudulent credit card transactions using machine
learning models.

The approach to the problem can be divided into below parts:

1. Data Understanding, Data Preparation and EDA

First look at the data used here from the Kaggle dataset suggests that it is highly imbalanced
in nature. The positive class (frauds) account for only 0.172% of all transactions:
Class 0 1
Count 284315 492

Class is the target variable which we have to predict where 0 is normal transaction and 1 is
fraudulent transaction.

Features V1, V2, … V28 are the principal components obtained with PCA, the only features
which have not been transformed with PCA are 'Time' and 'Amount'. Feature 'Time' contains
the seconds elapsed between each transaction and the first transaction in the dataset. The
feature 'Amount' is the transaction Amount, this feature can be used for example-
dependant cost-senstive learning.

Since the PCA transformed variable are already Gausian, there is no need for normalisation.

We can start with the basic EDA like correlation, boxplots etc for outliers.

Next, we can use transformation to mitigate and check the skewness in the data. (Boxcox,
Log transformation, Yeo-Johnson etc)

Class Imbalances:
The normal Oversampling method won’t be used here as it does not add any new information to
the dataset and Undersampling will also not be used as it leads to the loss of information.

Next, we will try the below two class imbalance handling techniques:

• SMOTE is a process where you can generate new data points, which lie vectorially between
two data points that belong to the minority class.

• ADASYN is similar to SMOTE, with a minor change i.e. the number of synthetic samples that
it will add will have a density distribution. The aim here is to create synthetic data for
minority examples that are harder to learn, rather than the easier ones.

2. Model Selection and Model Building:

We will start building the model with the train-test split. (At least 100 class 1 rows should be
there in the test split), use the stratified split here. (80-20 ratio can be used)
We need to find which ML model works good with the imbalance data and have better
results on the test data.

• Logistic regression works best when the data is linearly separable and needs to be

• KNN is also highly interpretable, but not preferred when we have a huge amount of data
as it will consume a lot of computation.

• The decision tree model is the first choice when we want the output to be intuitive, but
they tend to overfit if left unchecked.

• KNN is a simple, supervised machine learning algorithm used for both classification and
regression tasks. The k value in KNN should be an odd number because you have to take the
majority vote from the nearest neighbours by breaking the ties.

• In Gradient Boosted machines/trees. newly added trees are trained to reduce the errors
(loss function) of earlier models.

• XGBoost is an extended version of gradient boosting, with additional features like

regularization and parallel tree learning algorithm for finding the best split.

We will start with the Logistic regression model with the different value of regularisation and
hyper param tuning, then go to the decision tree and so on etc. We will also try ensemble
models and use votingclassifier, Bagging, Boosting etc on the best performing individual
models to find the best model.

Hyperparameter Tuning:

• When the data is imbalanced or less, it is better to use K-Fold Cross Validation for evaluating
the performance when the data set is randomly split into ‘k’ groups.

• Stratified K-Fold Cross Validation is an extension of K-Fold cross-validation, in which we

rearrange the data to ensure that each fold is a good representative of all the strata of the
• When you have a small data set, the computation time will be manageable to test out
different hyperparameter combinations. In this scenario, it is advised to use a grid search.

• But, with large data sets, it is advised to use a randomized search because the sampling will
be random and not uniform.

In our case, we will use the Stratified K-Fold Cross Validation as the dataset is not really

3. Model Evaluation:

We will use sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score for this as AOC and ROC metric in sklearn is used
as the metric for highly imbalanced data-set, rest all fails.
ROC have better false negative than the false positives.
ROC-Curve = Plot between TPR and FPR
The threshold with highest value for TPR-FPR on the train set is usually the best cut-off.
We should not use the confusion matrix as the performance metrics as well as they have
internally defined hard threshold of 0.5.
We also can’t completely rely on the precision, recall and F1-score for now as they also
have their strings attached of some threshold value.
ROC curve takes into cognizance of all the possible threshold values.
The ROC curve is used to understand the strength of the model by evaluating the
performance of the model at all the classification thresholds.
Because the ROC curve is measured at all thresholds, the best threshold would be one at
which the TPR is high and FPR is low, i.e., misclassifications are low.

4. Cost-Benefit Analysis:

Depending on the use case, we have to account for what we need: high precision or high

For banks with smaller average transaction value, we would want high precision because we
only want to label relevant transactions as fraudulent. For every transaction that is flagged
as fraudulent, you can add the human element to verify whether the transaction was done
by calling the customer. However, when precision is low, such tasks are a burden because
the human element has to be increased.

For banks having a larger transaction value, if the recall is low, i.e., it is unable to detect
transactions that are labelled as non-fraudulent. So consider the losses if the missed
transaction was a high-value fraudulent one, for e.g., a transaction of $10,000?

So here, to save banks from high-value fraudulent transactions, we have to focus on a high
recall in order to detect actual fraudulent transactions.

We need to determine how much profit or dollar/rupee value we are saving with our best
selected model.

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