Shredder Machine For Plastic Recycling A Review Pa
Shredder Machine For Plastic Recycling A Review Pa
Shredder Machine For Plastic Recycling A Review Pa
Corresponding author: [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Plastic pollution has become a global concern due to poor plastic waste disposal
management. As an alternative, independent recycling efforts are necessary. A Plastic shredder
machine is a preliminary machine used to cut plastic waste into small pieces before turning it
into useful products. The concept design of the shredder machine that is currently available is
fairly similar. The shaft and blades are the critical components in the shredder machine that
determines its performance. The geometry and orientation of the blades that were fitted into the
single or double-shafts were found to directly affect the shredding performance. Therefore, this
article aims to review the various geometry and orientations of the blades that give direct effect
on the shredding performance, as well as identifying the research gaps related to the shredder
machine for plastic waste materials.
1. Introduction
Plastics have become an integral part of society since the 1950s when their mass production commenced
and their usage has continued to increase with population growth, the standard of living and
technological development [1]. The benefits of plastic are undeniable. It is cheap, lightweight and easy
to mould. Due to their versatility, plastics have replaced traditional materials such as metal, wood and
leather [2]. Today, plastic is widely used in food and beverage packaging, textile, automotive,
manufacturing, medical devices such as surgical equipment, drips and blister packs for pills [3]. The
increasing usage of plastics has caused some substantial environmental pollution burden on both land
and water habitats [4].
According to the report produced by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2018,
only 9% of the nine billion tonnes of plastic the world has ever produced has been recycled, while most
end up in landfills, dumps or in the environment [5]. The plastic recycling process is commonly carried
out through centralized networks [6]. Unfortunately, this can be seen as the reason for the low recycling
rate because of the challenges of collection, separation, sorting processes and transportation of the plastic
waste. In developing countries, including Malaysia, there is no adequate waste management
infrastructure for recycling [7]. In addition, the process requires significant capital and extensive
operating investment [8].
The importance of plastic recycling however has not gone unnoticed, independent companies,
NGO’s and local communities are forced to make their own efforts to recycle plastic where possible.
One example is the non-profit Australian NGO called Sea Communities, which has initiated a recycling
centre for the community in Les Village located on the northern coast of Bali Indonesia to help solve
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Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012007
problems with waste plastic [9]. In the plastic recycling process, the primary machine used is a shredder
machine. The machine is used to cut waste plastic into tiny pieces for easy handling, easier to melt and
turn into other products. In small to medium scale recycling, a custom-made shredder machine was
designed and fabricated [10]. A variety of designs of small to medium-scale custom-made shredder
machines has been documented. This article aims to review the (i) type of recyclable plastic waste that
is suitable for the small to medium-scale shredder machine (ii) the design of various shredder machines,
and the (iii) performances of the shredder machine.
However, in Malaysia, the rigid mono materials of HDPE, PET and PP plastic waste are mainly
collected for recycling. Unlike flimsy plastic, rigid mono-material such as drinking bottles are easier to
collect, have a higher weight per piece, less contaminated and only requires sorting by colour, crushing
and washing before processing. These 3 types of plastic waste have a strong existing market in Malaysia
with a complete local supply chain for collection, aggregation and processing [14].
It was also noticeable that most independent companies, NGOs or local communities have also
chosen similar types of plastic waste to be recycled, probably due to plastic waste availability and the
less pre-processing requirements. Thus, the designs of plastic shredder machines are usually targeted
for these plastic types. Important properties of different plastic types are listed in table 2. Plastic with
higher mechanical properties will induce higher stress to the shredder machine.
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012007
3. Shredder machine
In general, the design concept of the shredder machine is somewhat similar. Every design consists of:
(i) a shaft and sets of blades, (ii) a motor, gearing, bearing and transmission (iii) hopper and (iv) a
framework. However, design (i) which is the combination of shaft and the sets of the blade, is the most
complex component of the shredder machine because it affects the machine efficiency. Moreover, it also
requires regular maintenance due to wear and tear during the shredding process. Notably, the design of
the shredder machine may have a single or double-shaft. Apart from that, a variety of blade geometry
and configurations/orientations of the blades in the shaft have been reported. Thus, the design related to
the shaft, blades geometry and orientation of blades were reviewed in the following sections.
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012007
(a) (b)
Rotating blades
fixed blades
(i) (ii)
Figure 1. (a) Double shafts [17], (b) Single shaft [18], and (c) Single-shaft with
horizontal blade (i) side view and (ii) front view [19].
3.2.1 Number of cutting edge. The number of cutting edges or teeth varies the point of contact at the
time of cutting and the distribution of the forces along with the piece, thus directly affecting the
performance of the machine [20]. According to Ekman (2018), the increased number of teeth increased
the cutting, however may also increase the risk of material skipping on top of the blade [18]. This was
also confirmed in the fabrication and test run by Rathnam and Babu (2017). Sets of six-edged blades
(figure 2a) have been used in dual-shaft shredder machines. The finding concluded that the greater
number of edges do not provide a better shredding performance but have raised the chance for objects
skipping and winding up on top of the cutting blade [21].
Ravi (2018) found that usage of multi-edged blades has a drawback, where the blades neither cuts
nor ignores the material without cutting [22]. Moreover, when shredding hard material, the blades tend
to reverse against the shaft rotation before rotating and striking again on the same surface. Thus, the
researcher had changed from using multi-edge blades to two-edged blades (figure 2b). The two-edged
blades are found to work efficiently, with decreased working time. Other inventors and researchers have
used different numbers of blade edges. For example, VijayAnanth et al. (2018) used a triple-edged blade
(figure 2c) in a double-shafted shredding machine. The triple-edged blades reportedly also work well
and can shred plastics [23].
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012007
Figure 2. (a) Six-edges blade [21], (b) Two-edges blade [22], (c) Three-edges blade
[23], and (d) Saw-teeth-blades [24].
An interesting blade design was used by Raji et al. (2020). Instead of having blades with a specific
number of edges, each blade has PV-form teeth (figure 2d). The blades were fitted to a double shaft that
rotates in either direction. Trial runs to shred plastic materials have shown satisfactory cutting
performance for HDPE, PVC and PET types of material, but lower cutting efficiency for LDPE types
of materials due to the poor flexural strength and flexural modulus of the LDPE. The increase in shaft
rotation speed has further reduced the efficiency [24].
3.2.2 Cutting angle and grabbing surface of blades. Another important feature of the blade is the cutting
angle, which is defined as the angle between the hook/teeth and the blade main structure as shown in
figure 3. A larger cutting angle provides a larger grabbing area, thus giving a better cutting performance
at greater shredding force. The reported work did not emphasize the cutting angle. Nevertheless, the
cutting angle ranging from 50° to 80° were widely used for the shredder blades [16, 25-27]. There are
no extensive studies carried out to determine the effects of the cutting angle to the performance of plastic
shredding. Very often, the angle was chosen based on the blade size and the number of cutting edges.
The grabbing surface is important in providing sufficient grabbing area on the material to be shredded
to avoid uncut material. There are two types of grabbing surface: a curvature and flat grabbing surface
as shown in figure 4 (a) and (b) respectively.
Figure 4. Shredder blades with (a) curvature and (b) flat grabbing
surface, and the stresses experienced by the double-edges blade
with (c) curvature [22] and (d) flat [20] grabbing surface.
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012007
So far there are no reported findings that associate the grabbing surface to the shredding performance of
plastic materials. Nevertheless, it is evident that high stress and strain were experienced on the tip edge
of the blade with curvature grabbing surface [22] as shown in figure 4 (c), while the stress tends to be
maximum on the flat surface of the grabbing area [20] as shown in figure 4 (d). Consequently, these
areas are expected to experience wear after a period and require replacing.
3.2.3 Thickness of blades. In designing a suitable blade to be used in a shredder machine, the thickness
of the blades should be taken into consideration. The thickness of blades affects the shredding force, the
stress concentration on the cutting edges and the safety factor of the blades. Besides that, it also affects
the specific cutting energy and shredding efficiency of the shredder [28]. Dave Dakken, the pioneer of
precious plastic committee claimed that thicker blades are stronger and produce bigger flake output [10].
Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS was implemented for calculating the induced stresses and strains
throughout the structure of the blades [22, 25-27]. The detailed design feature of blades and the structural
analysis including deformation, shear stress (equivalent to Von Mises stress) and shear strain for various
thicknesses and design of blades in several researchers are tabulated in the following table 3.
A comparison on the maximum shear stress and strain, that were experienced by all four blades could
not be done fairly, because of the varies variety of factors or parameters being used, for example, the
building materials, diameter, cutting edge, shaft number, and the number of blades used varies.
However, the data obtained theoretically can be used as a reference or comparison for future research.
The thickness and size of the blade would depend on the size of the shredder machine and the type of
material to be shredded. Systematic research needs to be carried out to determine the effect of blade
thickness on the shredder machines' performance and the shelf-life of the blade.
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012007
Figure 5. Rotating shaft with (a) Two-edges spiral, (b) Four-edges zig-zag, (c) Three-edges series, and
(d) Two-edge V-shape orientation. Redrawn images of [22], [30], [26], [18].
Figure 6. Shredder machine with blade arrangement in (a) Spiral, and (b) Non-spiral [31].
In the forum discussed in the Precious Plastic Committee, problems were encountered in a single-
shaft shredder machine [10, 31]. Blades with spiral orientation tend to experience skipping of material
at the top of the blades. Apart from that, it was also reported that the plastic waste experienced melting
due to the heat built up from compression when the material shifted to one side due to the spiral blade
orientation. However, changing the blade orientation was claimed to solve the problem [31]. Figure 6
shows two-blade orientations in a single-shaft shredder machine. In situation (a) the blades touch the
plastic and prevented the next blade from catching it, however in (b), the next blades were able to catch
the material.
The shredded particle size is dependent on the cutter-to-cutter clearance or the gap between
overlapping blades. Thus, for double-shafted shredder machines, the cutter clearance is the gap between
the cutter of the two rotating shafts, while in a single-shaft shredder machine, the cutter clearance is the
gap between the rotating shaft and the fixed cutter. The gap between overlapping blades is set to optimal
to obtain the most effective shearing. If the gap is too big, the plastic material tends to get stuck between
blades and spacers, thus building friction. Thus, to obtain the specific size of the plastic pellet after shred,
the spacing between the blades and the spacers are the main parameters to be adjusted [16, 32].
Material and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Advancement (MEESA 2021) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1217 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1217/1/012007
𝑀𝑅 = 𝐼 – 𝑄 (4)
𝑀𝑅 (5)
𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (%) = × 100%
The performance of the shredder machine may also be determined by the retained mass (MR), or also
known as plastic that was left uncut in the shredder machine [34]. The formula is given as equation 4,
where the MR is the difference between the Input mass of waste plastic (I) and the Output mass of
recycled waste plastic (Q). Of course, the lower the MR value, the better the shredding process. The
percentage of the retention is determined using equation 5, where MI is the input mass [33, 34].
5. Conclusion
In Malaysia, the highest number of plastic wastes is of LDPE type, followed by HDPE, PET, PS, PP
and PVC. The rigid mono-material of HDPE, PET and PP waste is preferable to be recycled due to
easier collection and less contamination. Shredder machines can be used for turning waste plastic
materials into flakes or smaller pieces. The performance of the shredder machine relies on the shaft and
blades. Sets of blades are fitted to the shaft, thus producing a rotating blade during the shredding process.
In small to medium shredder machines, single and double shafts may be sufficient. However, the blade
geometry and the orientation of the blade on the shaft could be directly affected by the ability of the
blade to grab and cut the material that needs to be shredded. Up to now, there are no systematic studies
have been carried out to compare and analyse the effects of the blade’s geometry and the orientation of
the blade on the shaft. Studies on these areas need to be carried out to increase the shelf-life of the
shredder machine’s blades.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia
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