Consumer Behavior Glossary
Consumer Behavior Glossary
Consumer Behavior Glossary
ability The extent to which consumers have the resources knowledge, intelligence, and money
necessary to make an outcome happen.
accommodation theory The more effort one puts forth in trying to communicate with an ethnic
group, the more positive the reaction.
actual identity schemas The set of multiple, salient identities that reflect our self-concept.
aesthetic or hedonic innovation An innovation tat appeals to our aesthetic pleasure seeking,
and /or sensory needs.
affect Low-level feelings.
affect referral A simple type of affective tactic where we simply remember our feelings for the
product or service.
anchoring and adjustment process Starting with an initial evaluation and adjusting it with
additional information.
approach-approach conflict A conflict that occurs when a consumer must choose between two
or more equally desirable options that fulfill different needs.
approach-avoidance conflict A conflict that occurs when a given behavior or outcome is seen
as both desirable and undesirable because it satisfies some needs but fails to satisfy others.
attention The process by which an individual allocates part of his or her mental activity to a
attitude A relatively global and enduring evaluation of an object, issue, person, or action.
avoidance-avoidance conflict A conflict that occurs when the consumer must choose between
two equally undesirable options.
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bait-and-switch technique A technique whereby consumers are attracted by a low price and
then enticed to trade up to a more expensive item.
basic level A level of categorization below the superordinate category that contains objects in
more refined categories.
black market An illegal market in which consumers pay often exorbitant amounts for items not
readily available.
boycott An organized activity in which consumers avoid purchasing products or services from a
company whose policies or practices are seen as unfair or unjust.
brand alliance A marketing strategy in which two companies' brand names are presented
together on a single product.
brand extension A marketing strategy in which a firm that markets a product with a well-
developed image uses the same brand name but in a different product category.
brand image A subset of salient and feeling-related associations stored in a brand schema.
brand personality The set of associations that reflect the personification of the brand.
brand processing Evaluating one brand at a time.
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central-route processing The attitude formation and change process when effort is high.
closure According to this principle, individuals have a need to organize perceptions so that they
form a meaningful whole.
co-branding An arrangement by which two brands form a partnership to benefit from the power
of two.
coercive power The extent to which the group has the capacity to deliver rewards and
communal goals Goals that stress affiliation and fostering harmonious relations with others,
submissiveness, emotionality, and home oriented.
comparative messages Messages that make direct comparisons to competitors.
Computerized Status Index (CSI) A modern index used to determine social class through
education, occupation, residence, and income.
confirmation bias Tendency to recall information that reinforces or confirms our overall beliefs
rather than contradicting them, thereby making our judgment or decision more positive than it
should be.
confirmation bias The greater likelihood of being able to recall things consistent with our
conjoint analysis A research technique to determine the relative importance and appeal of
different levels of an offering's attributes.
conjunctive model A noncompensatory model that sets minimum cutoffs to reject "bad"
conjunctive probability assessment Estimating the extent two events will occur together.
conspicuous consumption The acquisition and display of goods and services to show off one's
conspicuous waste Visibly buying products and services that one never uses.
consumer memory A personal storehouse of knowledge about products and services, shopping,
and consumption experiences.
corrective advertising The formal statement a company must make to correct false beliefs.
cultural principles Ideas or values that specify how aspects of our culture are organized and/or
how they should be perceived or evaluated.
culture The typical or expected behaviors, norms, and ideas that characterize a group of people.
cutoff levels For each attribute, the point at which a brand is rejected with a noncompensatory
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data mining Searching for patterns in the company database that offer clues to customer
needs, preferences, and behaviors.
diffusion The percentage of the population that has adopted an innovation at a specific point in
discontinuous innovation An offering that is so new that we have never known anything like it
disjunctive model A noncompensatory model that sets acceptable cutoffs to find options that
are "good."
disposition The process by which a consumer parts with or gets rid of a possession / offering.
divestment rituals Rituals enacted at the disposition stage that are designed to wipe away all
traces of our personal meaning in a product.
dual coding The representation of a stimulus in two modalities e.g., pictures and words in
embedded markets Markets in which the social relationships among buyers and sellers change
the way the market operates.
equity theory A theory that focuses on the fairness of exchanges between individuals, which
helps in understanding consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
expectancy-value model A widely used model that explains how attitudes form and change.
explicit memory Memory for some prior episode achieved by active attempts to remember.
exposure The process by which the consumer comes in physical contact with a stimulus.
exposure to evidence Actually experiencing the product or service.
extended family The nuclear family plus relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and
external search The process of collecting information from outside sources e.g., magazines,
dealers, ads.
extremeness aversion Options that are extreme on some attributes are less attractive than
those with a moderate level of those attributes.
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fad A successful innovation that has a very short product life cycle.
fairness of exchange The perception that people's inputs are equal to their outputs in an
family life cycle Different stages of family life depending on the age of the parents and how
many children are living at home.
fashion A successful innovation that has a moderately long and potentially cyclical product life
figure and ground According to this principle, people interpret stimuli in the context of a
focus group A form of in-depth interview involving 8 to 12 people; a moderator leads the group
and asks participants to discuss a product, concept, or other marketing stimulus.
fraudulent symbols Symbols that become so widely adopted that they lose their status.
frequency heuristic Beliefs based simply on the number of supporting arguments or amount of
functional innovation A new product, service, attribute, or idea that proved utilitarian benefits
different from or better than existing alternatives.
functional needs Needs that motivate the search for products to solve consumption related
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gestation stage The first stage of gift giving, when we consider what to give someone.
global values A person's most enduring, strongly held, and abstract values that hold in many
goal-derived category Things that are viewed as belonging in the same category because they
serve the same goals.
graded structure The fact that category members vary in how well they represent a category.
grooming rituals Rituals we engage in to bring out or maintain the best in special products.
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habituation The process in which a stimulus loses its attention-getting abilities by virtue of its
hedonic dimension An ad that creates positive or negative feelings.
hierarchy of effects Sequential steps used in decision making involving thinking, then feeling,
then behavior.
household A single person living alone or a group of individuals who live together in a common
dwelling, regardless of whether they are related.
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ideal identity schema A set of ideas about how the identity would be indicated in its ideal form.
illusory correlation When consumers think two things occur together when they actually do
implicit memory Memory for things without any conscious attempt at remembering them.
Innovation An offering that is perceived as new by consumers within a market segment and
that has an effect on existing consumption patterns.
instrumental values The values needed to achieve the desired end states such as ambition and
intensity of ethnic affiliation How strongly people identify with their ethnic group.
interference That which causes us not to remember which features go with which brand or
concept due to semantic networks being too closely aligned.
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law of small numbers The expectation that information obtained from a small number of
people represents the larger population.
legitimacy The extent to which the innovation follows established guidelines for what seems
appropriate in the category.
licensing A marketing strategy in which a firm sells the rights to the brand name to another
company who will use the name on its product.
List of Values (LOV) A survey that measures nine principal values in consumer behavior.
locus of control How people interpret why things happen (internal versus external)
long-term memory (LTM) The part of memory where information is placed for later use;
permanently stored knowledge.
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market maven A consumer who has and communicates considerable marketplace information
to others.
market test A study in which the effectiveness of one or more elements of the marketing mix is
examined by evaluating sales of the product in an actual market e.g., a specific city.
marketing A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they
need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.
means-ends chain analysis A technique that helps us understand how values link to attributes
in products and services.
modernity The extent to which consumers in the social system have positive attitudes toward
mystery ad An ad in which the brand is not identified until the end of the message.
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need for cognition (NFC) A trait that describes how much people like to think.
need for uniqueness (NFU) The desire for novelty through the purchase, use, and disposition
of products and services.
normative choice tactics Low elaboration decision making that is based on others' opinions.
normative influences How other people influence our behavior through social pressure.
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ongoing search A search that occurs regularly, regardless of whether the consumer is making a
opinion leader An individual who acts as an information broker between the mass media and
the opinions and behaviors of an individual or group.
optimal stimulation level (OSL) The level of arousal that is most comfortable for an
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parody display Status symbols that start in the lower classes and move upward.
passive incidental learning Low-level learning that occurs through repetition.
perceived risk The extent to which the consumer is uncertain about the consequences of an
action e.g., buying, using, or disposing of an offering.
perception The process by which incoming stimuli activate our sensory receptors eyes, ears,
taste buds, skin, and so on.
perceptual organization The process by which stimuli are organized into meaningful units.
peripheral route to persuasion Aspects other than key message arguments that are used to
influence attitudes.
peripheral-route processing The attitude formation and change process when effort is low.
personal relevance Something that has a direct bearing on the self and has potentially
significant consequences or implications for our lives.
physical or safety risk The potential harm that an offering might pose to one's safety.
possession rituals Rituals we engage in when we first acquire a product that help to make it
postcard scheme A deceptive practice in which a consumer receives a postcard that claims he
or she has won a valuable prize but that is really a front for intensive selling pressure.
post-decision dissonance A feeling of anxiety over whether the correct decision was made.
post-decision regret A feeling that one has made the wrong purchase decision.
presentation stage The second stage of gift giving, when we actually give the gift.
primary data Data originating from a researcher and collected to provide information relevant
to a specific research project.
product life cycle A concept that suggests that products go through an initial introductory
period followed by periods of sales growth, maturity, and decline.
profane things Things that are ordinary and hence have no special power.
prominence The intensity of stimuli that causes them to stand out relative to the environment.
psychological risk Risk associated with the extent to which the offering fits with the way
consumers perceive themselves.
puffery The exaggerated claims made by companies that are not generally believed by
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recency effect The tendency to show greater memory for information that comes last in a
recognition The process of determining whether a stimulus has or has not been encountered
reflexive evaluation Feedback from others that tells us whether we are fulfilling the role
reformulation stage The final stage of gift giving, when we reevaluate the relationship based
on the gift-giving -experience.
reposition To give a brand or company a new and/or different image from the image it had
research foundation A nonprofit organization that sponsors research on topics relevant to the
foundation's goals.
Resistance A desire not to buy the innovation, even in the face of pressure to do so.
Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) A survey that measures instrumental and terminal values.
role acquisition function The use of products as symbols to help us feel more comfortable in a
new role.
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sacred entities People, things, and places that are set apart, revered, worshiped, and treated
with great respect.
satisfaction The feeling that results when consumers make a positive evaluation or feel happy
with their decision.
satisfice Finding a brand that satisfies a need even though the brand may not be the best
secondary data Data collected for some other purpose that is subsequently used in a research
semantic or associative network A set of associations in memory that are linked to a concept.
sleeper effect Consumers forget the source of a message more quickly than they forget the
social class hierarchy The grouping of members of society according to status high to low.
social comparison theory A theory that proposes that individuals have a drive to compare
themselves to other people.
social influences Information by and pressures from individuals, groups, and the mass media
that affect how a person behaves.
social relevance The extent to which an innovation can be observed or the extent to which
having others observe it has social cachet.
social risk Potential harm to one's social standing that may arise from buying, using, or
disposing of an offering.
source derogations SDs Thoughts that discount or attack the source of the message.
S-shaped diffusion curve A diffusion curve characterized by slow initial growth followed by a
rapid increase in diffusion.
status crystallization When consumers are consistent across indicators of social class income,
education, occupation, etc..
status float Trends that start in the lower and middle classes and move upward.
status panic The inability of children to reach their parents' level of social status.
status symbols Products or services that tell others about someone's social class standing.
storytelling A research method by which consumers are asked to tell stories about product
acquisition, usage, or disposition experiences. These stories help marketers gain insights into
consumer needs and identify the product attributes that meet these needs.
strong argument A presentation that features the best or central merits of an offering in a
convincing manner.
subordinate level A level of categorization below the basic level that contains objects in very
finely differentiated categories.
survey A written instrument that asks consumers to respond to a predetermined set of research
symbolic innovations A product, service, attribute, or idea that has new social meaning.
symbolic needs Needs that relate to how we perceive ourselves, how we are perceived by
others, how we relate to others, and the esteem in which we are held by others.
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taxonomic category An orderly classification of objects, with similar objects in the same
category. 5
terminal values A highly desired end states such as social recognition and pleasure.
theory of reasoned action TORA A model that provides an explanation of how, when, and why
attitudes predict behavior.
time risk Uncertainties over the length of time consumers must invest in buying, using, or
disposing of the offering.
transformational advertising Ads that try to increase emotional involvement with the product
or service.
trickle-down effect Trends that start in the upper classes and then are copied by lower classes.
truth effect When consumers believe a statement simply because it has been repeated a
number of times.
two-sided message A marketing message that presents both positive and negative
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upper class The aristocracy, new social elite, and the upper-middle class.
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valence Whether information about something is good positive valence or bad negative valence.
Values and Life Style Survey (VALS) A psychographic tool that measures demographic,
value, attitude, and lifestyle variables.
variable The entity that is studied or that varies in a research project. In a study on how humor
in ads influences attitudes toward a brand, one variable might be the level of humor in the ads.
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Weber's law The stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the additional intensity needed for
the second stimulus to be perceived as different.
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