Past Participle - Atividade de Fixação

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Unidade Escolar Monsenhor Cícero Portela Nunes

Aluno (a): ______________________________________________

Turma: _________ Data: 18/03/2023
Disciplina: Inglês Professora: Eulina Araújo


1. Leia as frases e complete-as com o Past Participle dos verbos entre parênteses.
a) I have __________________ to New York City for 3 days. (be)
b) I’ve _________________ the Statue of Liberty. (see)
c) I’ve _________________ a New York style hot dog! (eat)
d) I’ve _________________ the pigeons in the park. (feed)
e) I’ve _________________ the hand of the mayor. (shake)
f) I’ve _________________ some famous people. (meet)
g) I’ve _________________ the subway. (take)
h) I’ve _________________ to a lot of New Yorkers. (speak)
i) I’ve __________________ well despite the noise. (sleep)
j) I’ve __________________ the New York Post. (read)
k) I’ve __________________ a hansom cab. (hide)
l) I’ve ___________________ an “I Love NY” T-shirt. (buy)
m) I’ve ____________________ an uptown bus. (catch)
n) I’ve ____________________ beautiful musica t Lincoln Ctr. (hear)
o) I’ve ____________________ many new friends. (make)

2. Identifique e copie a forma verbal do Past Participle em cada cartoon a seguir:

_____________________ _________________ ___________________

 Os verbos identificados são regulares ou irregulares?


Bons estudos!

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