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RetroMagazine 10 Eng
RetroMagazine 10 Eng
Today we return to explore the 1977 triad, that is, those vision of the future of consumer electronics: Peddle
3 computers that came out in that year that ideally marked explained to Tramiel that the time of calculators had
the birth of home computing. After having seen, in the passed and that the new market in which to jump was
last article, the TRS-80 of Radio Shack, we will get to that of personal computers. Peddle also showed the KIM-
know more closely a better known machine, both because 1, told him how it was purchased by hobbyists and
it has had a good sales success also in Europe and because explained to Tramiel that that microcomputer could
it has allowed its producer to strengthen its name in a become the basis for a much more advanced system.
disruptive way in the field of home computers: we are
talking about the Commodore PET 2001. Tramiel was convinced of the feasibility of the project and
gave his permission to carry it out but forced Peddle to
The origins develop this system in a short time because he wanted
Year 1975, the year of presentation of the MOS 6502, the to present it at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in
8-bit CPU developed by Chuck Peddle together with other Chicago, which would be held in early 1977, leaving
former Motorola engineers at MOS Technology. The CPU Peddle only a few months of time. Despite this, Peddle
sold well but its success drew the ire of Motorola, which did not lose heart and started designing the computer,
sued MOS Technology because, in his opinion, its former adding what was missing from the KIM-1 to become a
employees had built the processor using technologies complete computer but also easy to use by anyone.
and knowledge acquired in Motorola. Allen-Bradley, the
then owner of MOS Technology, put the company up for The timing was respected and Commodore was able to
sale before the lawsuit, which was taken over by his own present a prototype of the new machine at the fair. The
employees; later he agreed with Motorola, paying the chassis was made of wood, characterized by rounded
licenses due in order to continue selling the 6502. In lines and designed by Ira Velinsky who in the future would
1976 released a microcomputer intended for developers
interested in adopting the 6502, the KIM-1 (fig. 1).
Surprisingly, the KIM-1 was not only purchased by
professionals, but also by many computer enthusiasts
who built their own systems around that small card.
Fig. 4 - The "car hood" opening of the PET (photo: Marcin Wichary - source: Wikimedia Commons)
the MOS 6502 CPU with the latter, which was subsequently common tape recorder modified to be housed inside a
chosen for many other home computers. RAM is, as already slot specially made in pet. The integrated white phosphor
mentioned, optional between 4-8-16-32 KB and always monitor is 9": it seems to rest on the computer but is
resides in the lower part of the CPU addressing space. At actually fixed with the bottom forming a single machine
the top is the ROM with the operating system, consisting block. The video management is not done by any dedicated
of: the KERNAL, that is the routines of access to the chip but by a circuit based on TTL logic that can only
hardware of the machine; the character set; a version of display a text screen of 40x25 characters. The character
Microsoft BASIC adapted to this machine and called set is called PETSCII (from the combination of PET with
Commodore BASIC. Also with a view to saving money, ASCII, the character encoding used). Leonard, Tramiel's
the cassette unit is not designed by Commodore but is a eldest son, also contributed to the design of the set. The
Fig. 5 - The small keyboard with rubber keys of the early PETs
(photo: Soupmeister - source: Wikimedia Commons)
PET is not able to manage any type of raster graphics nor times, going so far as to ship the computers more than
is it possible to modify the characters, since these are 6 weeks from the order. It also implements other policies
addressed directly by the ROM. To overcome this limitation, to increase the demand for models with more RAM, such
the PETSCII was designed by including two complete sets as not advertising the base model with 4 KB or drilling
of 256 interchangeable characters: the first 128 characters the RAM expansion plots on the motherboard on 8 KB
of the two sets are a combination of uppercase letters models to prevent users from purchasing this version of
and semi-graphical characters (such as lines, arcs, dots, the machine and then expanding it by purchasing the
segments, etc.) and lowercase/uppercase letters, chips later. Those who want more memory must therefore
respectively, while in both sets the second portion of 128 buy the already expanded model or change the machine.
characters is composed of the inverted versions of the first.
Major complaints focus on the keyboard. The problem is
Thanks to the semi-graphic characters, the programmers the size of the keys, which are really small and "rubbery",
were still able to make games of a certain detail such as not only because of the material used but also because
Space Invaders and Defender clones, as well as card and of the sensation they give to the operator while typing,
chess games. Subsequently, the PET has some connection often forcing to check on the screen whether the press
ports: a parallel port, a "user port" connected to one of of the key has been detected by the system or not (fig.
the VIA chips, an IEEE-488 port and a second connector 5). Even the tape player does not shine for quality, since
for cassette recorders. It does not have any audio it is a common music recorder, and for speed: although
management (it is a "silent" computer), even if over time it can reach a theoretical speed of about 1,500 baud per
devices with small "buzzers" have been made, to be second, Commodore adopts an anti-error technique for
connected to the user port and to be driven directly from saving based on 2 consecutive data writes, thus halving
the VIA. The small keyboard has a main section with the the actual read/write speed. To remedy these defects,
keys arranged according to the QWERTY scheme and a the computer was updated in 1979: the rubber keyboard
small numeric keypad on the right side. To the left of the was replaced by a traditional one with mechanical plastic
keyboard is the tape drive for saving/loading programs. keys while the integrated recorder was eliminated to make
Subsequent Models room for it and replaced with an external unit (the
Despite its shortcomings, PET becomes an immediate "Datassette"). A new 12” screen is also offered as an
commercial success. In fact, it is one of the first all-in- option. In addition to these more visible changes, internally
one computers to appear on the market, a few months the new machine comes with a new version of the
before the other two computers of the so-called "1977 Commodore BASIC, which solves the many bugs of the
triad", namely the TRS-80 and the Apple II. It is certainly original interpreter.
not the first ever because there are already other ready- In the same year the computer was presented in Europe
to-use monobloc systems on the market, such as the under the name of CBM (from "Commodore Business
Sphere 1 in 1975, but it is certainly the one that is enjoying Machine") because the acronym PET has already been
the most success in that period. In fact, the orders flake registered by the Dutch Philips for its own computer called
and Tramiel, to increase the hype, increases delivery "Programm-Entwicklungs-Terminal".
The following year the computer line was updated again purchased by amateurs not accustomed to the use of the
and resubmitted as PET 4000/CBM 8000. Basically it is welder: the PET was ready to use, it was not necessary
the same machine but with a new BASIC that integrates to weld hundreds of electronic components as in the case
the dos commands for disk management. The CBM 8000 of computers in kits nor to barge to connect keyboards
line is identical to the PET 4000 but, together with the and recycled monitors from who knows where.
standard 12”monitor, adopts the MOS 6545 video chip
thanks to which it can offer 80 text columns, in high Just plug in the power. Precisely because of its ease of
demand in the professional field. use and its ability to create small networks (up to 15 PET
could be connected through the rear doors) it was
A particular model is the SuperPET SP9000. Developed purchased in large numbers by schools to supply computer
by the University of Waterloo in Canada, it is based on classes. The subsequent availability of models with 80
the CBM 8000 series but features a second processor columns of text made PET attractive also for professional
that flanks the classic 6502, the Motorola 6809, thanks uses, facilitated in this by the rich availability of software
to which it can run all professional programs written for for every type of use.
this CPU, including compilers for C, PASCAL, BASIC,
Fortran, COBOL and other languages. In fact, it was Unfortunately, the success of the VIC-20 first and
created as a machine for university students and scientists Commodore 64 later increasingly turned Commodore's
and many languages and development tools are not yet interest towards the domestic market, leaving out the
available for the 6502. business, which was first relegated to the background
The PET/CBM computer series remained on the market and then slowly abandoned. Even the exit from the scene
until 1982, when it was replaced by the MOS 6509-based of the volcanic Jack Tramiel, which took place in that same
CBM-II machine line, a 6502 derivative capable of year, certainly did not help the company, which began
addressing up to 1 MB of RAM. In fact, with the release from there to make increasingly questionable choices.
of the VIC-20 many home users have already begun to But this is another story.
switch to the new computer because of the possibility of
having at a very advantageous price what the PET can Curiosity about pet
not offer, i.e. color graphics and sound. The name PET was officially the acronym of "Personal
Electronic Transactor" but rumor has it that it was actually
Conclusions chosen because of the "PET rock", that is, the "domestic"
Despite the technical characteristics that would make us rocks collected on the beach of Rosarito in Mexico and
smile today (especially the RAM of only 4 KB) the PET marketed in 1976 as "living stones", sold in a perforated
2001 was immediately a huge success, demonstrating box with a straw bottom, as is done with live animals. The
that Peddle's vision was correct. The computer was creator of this stunt managed to sell more than a million
pieces within a few months, making it a real mass
phenomenon. Peddle, in an interview released in the
2000s, confirmed this theory, saying that the name "pet"
had been chosen precisely to capitalize on the success
of "PET rock" and sell people a "pet computer" (a "home
The Evercade retro gaming system is growing with the existing library with multiplayer functionality will be
announcement of Evercade VS, a new home gaming supported immediately.
console from Blaze Entertainment.
The VS will also support numerous third-party USB and
After the successful launch of the Evercade portable wireless controllers, including the Xbox Adaptive controller
gaming system in 2020 (reviewed in issue 29 ita and 07 and 8bitdo wireless controllers.
uk), which has become the officially licensed option for
many retro gaming players, Evercade VS builds on this The system offers packages of licensed games, curated
by bringing the portable experience to multiple players and collectible through a cartridge with a stylish box and
and at home… just like the good old days! a manual. The cartridges are currently reproducible using
the Evercade handheld console, launched in 2020.
With Evercade VS, Blaze continues to offer its customers
an unparalleled gaming experience with a catalogue of
classic titles and several independent titles of fine
Using the same cartridge system as the laptop, the VS
was born with an existing library of over 260 games on
over 20 cartridges and with continuous support for new
outgoing titles.
Evoking nostalgia for the games of yesteryear with its It will also support two cartridges at the same time. This
only physical distribution of the game, Evercade VS takes will allow players to have up to 40 selectable games at
a step forward in allowing people to play together. any time depending on the number of titles on the cartridge.
The new console supports up to four players simultaneously All of this will be displayed on the screen with a new and
via the proprietary Evercade VS USB controller provided improved user interface with full visual capabilities
in the package (or purchased separately for additional including screen filters, sorting options, and resolution
controllers). features that enable Pixel Perfect rendering.
The joypad follows the same comfort levels as many of
us have praised Evercade portable, with ergonomically Evercade VS will be played at 1080p, making it the compact
designed controllers that fit all retro games. gaming system with the highest resolution on the market
Evercade games already have multiplayer support, so the and will be equipped with built-in WiFi for easy upgrades
and future online features. • New resolution options, including the Pixel Perfect option
• Built-in Wi-Fi to enable only the seamless user interface
The games themselves are all linked to the cartridges and game updates
with a top-of-the-range emulation powered by Evercade • New controller with increased button selection (full set
VS 1.5GHz quad-core CPU and 512MB DRAM. All cartridges of bumper buttons) for games
contain save and load states. This means that any progress • Supports non-Evercade controllers, including wireless
on an Evercade laptop can be easily resumed on Evercade adapters, adaptive controllers and other USB controllers
VS or vice versa. The save states will also have a new full • The existing laptop can be used as an additional controller
visual area within the new user interface to show users with a connection cable (sold separately)
exactly where they saved their games.
Technical specifications
The price is also remarkable, starting at £89.99/ $ 99.99/ • 1.5 Ghz quad-core processor, 512 MB DRAM and 4 GB
€ 99.99, Evercade VS offers a great entry point for those internal memory.
who want to have an impressive library of official game • 4 USB controller ports (up to four supported readers)
collections. with support for third-party controllers.
The release of the console is scheduled for November • HDMI output with 1080p resolution (cable not supplied)
2021 with pre-order already activated from the official • Updated user interface with resolution options (4:3,
website. Pixel Perfect, Full Screen), Scan Line Filters, visual game
library and visual save states.
Evercade VS Details • Built-in Wi-Fi for easy updates and future network-
• HDMI output for TV with 1080p resolution and 5v power enabled features.
to use any USB power supply device • Dual cartridge slots for expanded library
• Dual cartridge slots to allow multiple games to be selected • 5V micro USB power supply (cable supplied, power
at the same time adapter not included)
• Fully supports all existing Evercade cartridges. The
cartridges (subject to license) are compatible with both For more information you can consult Blaze's website:
the laptop and the console VS. Over 280 titles by the end
of 2021
• Saves states on cartridges so that progress can be saved
on both laptop and recorded on VS or vice versa
• New user interface
Finally what has long been rumored is reality, Amiga 500 available, but considering the (not) weight of the games,
Mini has been officially announced. it will not take much to load all the titles we prefer.
Joy, joy and triumph!
The people responsible for this (mini) bomb are the guys The keyboard, as was the case for the first version of the
from Retro Games, the same ones who brought out the C64, is not working but there will be the possibility to
C64 in 2018, initially also in the mini version, later in the connect one via USB port.
"big" version, that is the biscuit in its glorious dimensions And again: ability to save the game at any time, HDMI
and original functionality. port, graphics filters to reproduce the cathode-ray tube
Subsequently, the Vic 20 also came out, directly in full effect. In short, all those features that mini consoles have
size version. now gotten us used to.
The C16, the first home computer of the undersigned, do In addition to the mini Amiga we will have a mouse, that
we skip it that far? yes, reproduced in its real size, and a joypad.
A500 Mini is scheduled to be released on March 31, 2022, Since there was never an official joypad/joystick for the
too bad I can't have her for Christmas. Amiga 500, it was chosen to include the CD32.
It will have 25 games pre-installed, of which at the moment All this for the price of 129 euros.
only 12 have been announced and are: Alien Breed 3D,
Another World, The Chaos Engine, Worms: The Director's Since the official announcement and for several days,
Cut, Cadaver, Kick Off 2, Battle Chess, Atr, Pinball Dreams, nothing else has been said in the various groups of
Simon the Sorcerer, Speedball 2 and Zool. retrogames, of faithful devoted to Mother Commodore,
There will still be the possibility to charge other games in the forums and probably also in bars and supermarkets,
(OCS, ECS and AGA) via USB port. queued at the checkout.
It is not yet known how much hard disk space we will have You can read any type of comment, from the hyper-
enthusiastic to the ultra-critical. For those lucky enough to have a room specially dedicated
Could I, as a total worshiper of all that is Amiga, not to their toys, there is no problem and indeed, in that case
express my fundamental opinion? Of course you don't. having the exact reproduction of an A500 in all its majesty,
makes its beautiful effect.
According to the large population of retrogamers, there For everyone else, however (here it is), finding a space
are a number of positive and negative aspects in this suitable for that keyboard poo is not at all trivial, in short
operation, for the avoidance of doubt I come out immediately: it is not exactly like making space for a Snes, to say one.
personally I think that the negative ones are not many Not to be overlooked then the price aspect, if the mini
and not even that huge. version will be sold at 129 Euro, the full size version risks
being really too expensive and dangerously unattractive.
The first is the price, 129 Euros is a lot, it is true, especially
if we consider the cost of the other mini consoles released Another much criticized aspect is the choice of pre-loaded
sofar. titles.
Except for the Neo Geo which is a bit of a case apart, I say this very frankly, it's an objection I really don't
being a real mini cabin. We also know that Neo Geo, by understand.
definition, has to cost more than anyone else. As mentioned, there will be 25 games, of which only 12
To give some examples: the mini Nes cost 60 Euro, the are official, so 13 are missing and jumping to conclusions
Snes 80 Euro, the mini C64 "only" 50 Euro. is therefore at least premature.
For A500 Mini it was hoped for something similar, perhaps But I add two considerations: the first, 25 games compared
tending to the 80 Euros of the SNES or so. And not wrongly, to all the titles released for Amiga are inevitably few and,
I add. equally inevitably, anyone will have to deny the selection.
To overcome this problem you can arm yourself with Ask 100 people for the list of the best 25 Amiga games
patience (I don't know about you, but in my vocabulary and you will have 100 different lists, and it is right that
I haven't found this word) and wait for any offers online it is so. Fully satisfying everyone is impossible.
or elsewhere.
The second, A500 Mini will have a brilliant USB port
Another element that was not received very well, the size through which to charge whatever you want. Possibility
speech and keyboard. that also exists for other mini consoles, but in those cases
Many ask loudly for the working keyboard and the real size. you have to handcuff yourself a little, read guides, watch
This choice has already been explained by Retro Games tutorials. In some cases it is necessary to arm yourself
in a post published a few days after the announcement, with a screwdriver and operate.
and is due to purely economic reasons. Here instead are the producers who are telling us "Go
This project did not start from Kickstarter or another and load what you want!".
crowdfunding platform, thanks to which once the necessary In my opinion, gaming is not a problem.
figure is reached, production begins, thus having capital
and future customers insured, therefore at practically I have also read other objections, in my opinion a bit harsh
zero risk. and pure.
For example, I happened to read that, since it is a
In addition, two numbers regarding the sales of the C64 reproduction of an Amiga 500, it should not support AGA
are enough to give a further explanation, always provided games. Yes, you can, but I see this A500 Mini as a
by Retro Games: the "life size" version came out after the celebration of the whole Amiga world, at least up to 16
more than satisfactory sales of the mini version, but the bits, so the AGA games are welcome.
total units sold, of both versions therefore, say 20% full
size units and 80% mini units. I have also read some doubts about the choice of the
Let's add the fact that Retro Games is not a giant like joypad, not of a "pure" Amiga 500 but of the CD32, but
Nintendo, Sega or SNK, which means more limited resources in this case the choice seems quite obligatory, wanting
and much higher risk. to only propose Commodore products again.
So the ultimate answer is, let's see how it goes. Another objection, which concerns mini consoles in
In addition to all this, there is an aspect that I think is not general, is that games should only be played on real
insignificant, namely the original size of the Amiga hardware, otherwise nothing.
keyboard, which is quite important. All right, having a real Amiga 500 is great, just like any
other original hardware. But with the current prices for It takes up very little space, with that size you can take
a working and dignified Amiga, you buy a PS5 and get it anywhere you want.
something for a future PS6. Maybe not at the restaurant, but on vacation why not?
So I think it is also an excellent invitation for the new And then, attack two cables and games, ideal for those
generations, who can deepen retrogaming by spending who want to retrace the good old days, without having
relatively small amounts. to handcuff too much.
And again, you charge everything you want (or at least
Finally, a criticism read several times, which also concerns a good part), save the games at all times, which on Amiga,
a little here all the mini consoles, that is, the one according in many cases, is a far from trivial aspect.
to which similar operations are only commercial and for For those like me who lack space, how much joy can the
old nostalgic. vision of a Amiga 500 puppy, always there next to the
Nostalgic old men, let us join together and say it loudly: television, give me? So much.
it is exactly so! At every glance there will be a nostalgic sigh and a vaguely
And I add, give me more! When's a mini Dreamcast? What stupid smile.
about a mini Gamecube? A reissue of the Gameboy?
We are fully aware of how much this relies on our memories In conclusion, buy it on day one? Buy it later? - Never?
of youth, indeed we are almost flattered by so much Obviously the choice is yours, I think mine is clear.
attention. To be honest, we've been waiting for a mini Seeing the price, I thought, almost instinctively, that I
Amiga 500 ever since the first mini console came out, would buy it when it would fall a little, maybe after a few
the delicious mini NES. months.
But I managed to stay serious for five or six seconds at most.
Be clear, they are all free and very respectable opinions The truth is, as soon as it's available in pre-order, I'll be
and we would miss them, we are still talking about there in the front row.
something far from fundamental, it is always good to We will meet here again for a long and in-depth review,
remember(if)it. little but sure.
Speaking of the merits instead.
What about you? Will you buy it now or immediately?
Let's face it, judging by the images that circulate, it's Greetings to you all and AMIGA FOREVER!
He could easily rival all the pictures of kittens on the
Internet he knows, and a cat lover says so.
ABM Milano, the most famous Space Invaders. To name arcade world, from the mid 80s to the next 10 years?
a few Friends and Nibblers from ’82, Pacman from’80, I lived that period to the full, being able to see and know
Scrambler from ‘81, Phoenix from‘80, Gallagan and Donkey 90% of the games that came out in that decade. I remember
Kong from ’81, and many others from thatage. being impressed by the first laser game, Dragon's Lair,
With the advent of Dragon's Lair and Space Ace in 1983. which was at Jesol Matic. An epochal change from classic
arcade to laser games, although the latter did not have
What about your favorite arcade video game? a great continuity due to the repetitiveness of the game
Space Ace, Cinematronix, designed by Don Bluth in 1984. and the problems related to technology too sensitive to
mass use. Laser technology was applied not only in this
Give us a personal ranking of the most played cabins, field but in many others marking a real era.
the ones that when you opened the door you had the
box full of tokens. I saw that you also have a "multi arcade" station to be
In the 1980s there were several including Space Invaders, able to play the old titles. What system is it based on?
Phoenix, Nibbler, Donkey Kong, Super Sprint, Pacman Many customers asked me for titles from the 80/90s so
and various laser games. In the 90s the most significant: in those two booths I inserted pandora cards, containing
Daytona USA, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat. 1000/1500 games of the time.
The arcades attracted people of all kinds. Have you ever A question I've always asked myself. On the right the
had a problem? Dragon games room, on the left the Jesol Matic, bowling-
By maintaining a correct dose of patience, kindness and mini-games room with billiard tables in Piazza Marconi.
listening, many situations of discomfort have been resolved How was the coexistence with these two giants of
positively. entertainment?
Stimulating. Quite a lot. We were in the middle of two
Can you tell us how you lived the "golden age" of the giants in the arcades, the Jesol Matic and the Dragon. We
arrived with great humility, trying to carry out our work of the first playstation in the living rooms of the house.
Do you agree or was the game room world already in
at its best, day after day, always looking to the future but
with the experience of the past. decline?
When it comes to technology, it's always evolving. The
Today our greatest achievement is to see the joy in the world of the arcade has also followed changes and
eyes of children in having fun together with their parents innovations over the years, becoming what it is today. In
or grandparents. Right there we understand that what the 80s, those who frequented them were teenagers,
we are doing we are trying to do in the best possible way. today it is open to all generations, from grandchildren to
For us the games room is a healthy place of fun open to grandparents, reaching the completion of the ultimate
several generations. social purpose: fun for everyone.
These two massive arcades haven't been around in You're on a deserted island. What musical CD would you
years. Maxim's still here. How many sacrifices did you definitely have with you? Only one.
have to make to survive the change? Carboni by Luca Carboni, 1992 (italian rock singer, ndN).
Keeping up with the times, following market needs. Surely
family management was our winning weapon. And the coin op you'd hope to find on this deserted
island? Just one.
Nowadays the arcades look more like mini-casinos, with Space Ace.
almost all games based on "Ticket redemption". I buy
tokens, when I play I get tickets that will entitle me to We have reached the end of this beautiful interview: a
a prize. On several fronts this system is accused of heartfelt thanks to Massimo for giving us some of his
directing children to gambling. The next step, growing time. If you pass through Jesolo Lido, go to Maxim, in Via
up, is likely to be the slot room. What do you think about Bafile 48.
This connection is one of the biggest mistakes you can It contains valuable machinery that is history. Precisely
think of. There is no place where the whole family, from for this reason, in the next issue we will continue our
the smallest to the largest, can have fun together with a journey in the Maxim games room to discover the wonders
minimum expense. that lies within!
You are the only game room of the old guard left in Jesolo
that has survived to this day. Is there still someone who,
apart from myself, comes in and compliments you?
Fortunately many, and this fills our hearts every day. Who
lives in memory reviewing games of the years 60-70-80-
90-2000 and the latest news, and also the compliments
for the vintage objects that can be admired by those who
do not play. Over the years we have seen many families
whose children, who then frequented the arcade, have
become parents and in turn take their children to play.
Your first kickstarter just brought you back… 138 €. scale is unbalanced compared to a beginner player.
How you approached this first “failure”. You, indeed, Fortunately, we managed to balance many things during
had to put money into it out of your own pocket. How the testing phases. The game remains challenging, but
do you feel, when today, when the project is over, we also fulfilling, once fully mastered, it is easy to complete
find that the feedback from the players is mostly very the adventure in less than two hours.
Simon: A project like "Demons of Asteborg" is a personal Nith: How important was the release of this game for
investment of several years, we wanted to finish it at all you? Are you going to stay in the same universe for the
costs, the problems encountered sometimes are also an future? Same kind of game? The same platform?
opportunity to improve our creation process, we find the Simon: The release of the cartridge was essential for us!
strength to continue and the support of the players. It is also our vision of retrogaming, to think that "Demons
It is very gratifying to see that the feedback is mostly of Asteborg" will have its place on the shelves of some
positive. It's great when you work so hard on a project, Megadrive fans, it is priceless. As for the cartridge, it's
when you see everything you've been through so far and really perfect! We wanted to create a great adventure,
finally get the reaction from the audience! Afterwards, with landscapes and varied situations and I think we have
there will always be people who will not like this or that reached our goal!
thing, or people who will definitely hate it. But it's all part For the rest, nothing is yet definitive, we would like to
of the game. expand the universe of Asteborg and we already have
some ideas for new protagonists, there may also be clues
Nith: “Demons of Asteborg” could be included in the in "Demons of Asteborg", but so far no one seems to have
ranking among the rather difficult games. An anomaly found yet.
compared to modern times.
Why this choice? How did you manage to balance this Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.
difficulty in the creation phase? I'm going back to play ;)
Simon: The dosage of the difficulty is something very
complicated, the whole team has been playing for more
than two years now, and obviously we know the bosses'
patterns, we are used to the gameplay and the combat
system, so when we add a new enemy or boss, we try to
reach a difficulty quite equivalent to that already present
in the rest of the game, but it is easy to forget that we
know the game by heart and that therefore our difficulty
Let's assume that the two computers (TI99 & MSX1) were
created about 6-7 years apart, so in theory the computer
created later should have the basic instruction set improved
and simplified. This should be an absolute truth, but it is
Below in the figure instead we have the Philips VG-8020
not always real, in fact a careful retro-programmer sees
which represents the top technical characteristics of the
that in the basic language on MSX1 computers some
MSX1 models having the possibility of the double cartridge
functions/instructions related to graphics have been
and the 64 Kbyte ram.
omitted and enhanced in other fields.
text mode) equivalent tables have been reported, the one on the left
was created to have a better display and the 0 placed to
Leaving aside the management of sprites for now, it is the right of the hexadecimal encoding of the rows should
better to understand exactly what these tables are. not be taken into account, example 40=4, D0=D). Now
The MODEL TABLE, which is the actual character set, is that it is clear how to identify a character, the problem of
the table that needs to be modified to redraw or redefine placing it on the screen remains and here comes the name
the characters that are displayed on the screen. table. We have said that this table divides the screen into
The NAMING TABLE can be confusing because of its an invisible grid and a number of cells that differs between
nomenclature, but it is actually the matrix on which to the "MA1" and "MA2".
place the characters on the screen, such as an invisible
naval battle-like grid composed of cells where you can The following image gives an idea of what is exposed
place the various characters individually. about it and how the screen is divided during SCREEN 0,
or "MA1": 40 columns on 24 rows.
Below in figure one we show the set of characters present
in the system ROM that when the computer is turned on In this video configuration, if we wanted to place any
is stored in the model table of the Video-RAM. They are character on the screen, we would use the basic LOCATE
the famous 256 characters of the ASCII code (acronym [column],[line] command followed by the PRINT command.
for American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
which are all redefinable unlike the TI99 whose basic only
allowed the redefinition from the number 32 to 159 for
a total of 127 characters
The characters shown in Fig.1 are present in the model
table in both SCREEN 0 and SCREEN 1 mode, while in the
graphic mode "MG1", i.e. SCREEN 2, the VDP completely
resets the model table, so everything must be redefined.
Fig. 1 - The complete set of 256 MSX characters Fig. 3 - NAMES TABLE in the "MA1" mode
Character identification takes place through a 16x16
position reference table with hexadecimal encoding, such In practice, if we wanted to display the "A" character
as the following: corresponding to the position calculated by the intersection
Fig. 2 is fundamental for the programmer when he needs of column 20 with row 10, we would simply write these
to identify which character to place on the screen or two LOCATE 19.9 commands directly: PRINT "A", or for
redefine, so for example, wanting to identify the "L", just a better display the following list.
go to line "4" and column "C", obtaining the hexadecimal
code "4C". MSX TI99/4A
20 LOCATE 19.9 20 CALL HCHAR(10.20.65)
30 PRINT “A” 30 GOTO 30
40 GOTO 40
important things... the values start from the number zero recreate the coordinate logic by referring to the names
not one and the columns set when the computer is turned table in Fig. 3 and in this way:
on are 37, so the last visible column is number 36 (alias
37 real column) and if we want to use the invisible columns VPOKE [column]+[row]*40,&H [character table
37, 38 or 39, the "A" will still be positioned at the last hex code]
available column. To bring the screen to display all 40
columns, Microsoft Basic, and therefore also MSX Basic, Since the names table in "MA1" (SCREEN0) starts from
use the WIDTH [x] command (which also does not exist the address "0" of the Video-RAM, it is natural to immediately
on TI99), with a value ranging from 1 to 40. enter the values of the column and pointing line for the
character we want to display, entering values 0 – 39 and
0 – 23 respectively. The [row] must also be multiplied by
the value 40 because in reality the counting of the cells
takes place sequentially and once reached the last column
this count automatically continues to the next row taking
into account the number of times that 40 locations are
counted, how many are the columns in "MA1".
The value to be attributed after the location of the Video-
RAM is the character identified according to the table on
the left of Fig. 2 so considering the hexadecimal line
"40" (they are the 4 most significant bits) plus the
hexadecimal column "01" (they are the 4 least significant
Fig. 4 – The 37 columns set at computer startup in
bits), we find the position of the capital "A" character. The
right table of figure 2 instead reads the hexadecimal
letters to be written first are the columns and then the
rows so you have both ways of reading the coordinates.
As we can see we can write the vpoke command directly
to the computer obtaining the result shown below:
All this procedure is the same also in Alphanumeric Mode through Windows, MSX graphics of excellent artistic and
2, "MA2" (SCREEN1) with the difference that the available functional level, in an easy way for both the creation and
columns are 32 and in addition to the models table and the programming, but it is essential to understand how
names table, the color table is also integrated, which we the model table works. A real space in the Video-RAM,
will deal with later. where the drawings that are used as characters in the
The substantial difference for the reduced number of name table are stored and redefined.
columns in the "MA2" mode is that the characters in this In “MA1” and “MA2” modes, the Video-RAM offers the
mode are composed of cells of 8x8 pixels, against the 6x8 ability to redefine all 256 characters, but first you need
pixels present in the "MA1" mode. to understand how modifying the video memory affects
Therefore, in addition to resizing the area available for the MODEL TABLE.
printing strings on the screen using LOCATE and PRINT,
it also changes the starting address in the name table, Let's take a step back and remember how the "MA1" and
which instead of starting from the location "0", starts "MA2" act with the characters: in "MA1" each character
from the address 6144, for a total of 768 cells and therefore is defined by a cell/grid composed of 6x8 pixels, while in
bytes, organized as in the following image: "MA2" it is 8x8 pixels and its definition takes place line
by line for every 8 pixels, as shown in the following figures:
would automatically add two more significant "00" bits, content is displayed on the screen 7 more times, so as
that is to say to the left, with the result of translating the to obtain the 8 decimal values that make up the capital
character of two pixels to the right and not always displaying letter "A".
the last two columns to the right. Each value
corresponds in
So if you want, as in the example, to redefine the ASCII sequence to one of
character "A" (uppercase), you have to start from the the 8 rows that
video location ram 2568, which is the value obtained from construct the letter
the sum of the first memory location of the MODEL TABLE "A", from 2568 to
in "MA1" with that of the ASCII character that we want 2575, as in the
to use. Now the hexadecimal code of the character "A" is representation
&H41 which is converted to decimal as 65. FIG. 10 shown in FIG.12.
Since each character is composed of 1 byte by 8 rows,
we will have to multiply the decimal value of the character Finally, this is how
Fig. 12
"A" by 8, then 65x8 =520 that added to the first address the "A" character, or
of the MODEL TABLE 2048 becomes, 2048+520=2568, ASCII code 65, is presented according to the MSX
that is the first address shown in the figure to represent calculation methods.
the model of the ASCII character 65, that is the capital Each of the 8 addresses corresponding to the character
letter "A". is assigned a decimal value that, converted into a binary,
represents the lit pixels that make up the "A" drawing line
The last step to take before understanding how to redefine by line.
a character is to interpret the system used to encode the
content of each of the 8 locations for a single character. On the TI99 that uses the hexadecimal code extrapolated
Always taking as an example the character "A", having from the binary to define the characters, we will have as
ASCII code 65 that starts from the VRAM location 2568 an example that the code of the letter "A" moved to the
as we see from Fig. 10, we need to know the value contained left with respect to an array of 8x8 pixels is the following:
in each of the 8 bytes that make up the character to then "A" = "20508888F8888800" which is the equivalent of
manipulate it. written in decimal. At this
To do this, we use the VPEEK command, which reads the point it is clear that to redefine the character ‘65‘, we will
contents of a memory location, so it allows us to know have to change each of these 8 values.
the decimal content of a Video-RAM location. In the figure
below we show a small demonstrative list. Now, for example, we want to give the "A" character our
own style, redrawing it in its grid as in the next figure.
location that makes up the character. So, repeating once and its representation on the video.
again what has been said, we must change the values of
the 8 locations, from 1872 to 1879, establishing first
what we want to achieve.
Fig. 19
10 CLS
20 FOR B=0 TO 7
40 VPOKE 234*8+B,CH
60 READ 24,24,126,189,153,36,36,102
80 VPOKE 6144+15+12*32,324
90 GOTO 90
Fig. 18 20 CHAR CALLS (150,”18183EBD99242466”)
It seems like a funny thing, but it is the basis of the creation 30 HCHAR CALLS (12,16,150)
of advanced graphics on MSX and especially for the 40 GOTO 40
creation of games.
In the second part of the tutorial we will discuss the color
As already done for the character ‘65’, we now have to table whose organization requires learning some concepts
change the values of the character ‘234’ in the MODEL as it was for the two tables represented.
TABLE, from location 1872 to 1879, with those illustrated See you next time.
in the right column.
For comments, information, suggestions..:
Below we will show our definitive list which is the summary [email protected]
of what is described here, that is, character redefinition
Release date C64 C128
08.05.1985 v1.02 /
25.06.1985 v1.10 /
11.09.1985 v1.21 / Abacus Super C
16.01.1986 v2.00 v3.00 The Abacus Super C, while quite close to the standard,
16.07.1986 v2.01 v3.01 is only compatible with early versions of the K&R, so the
29.09.1986 v2.02 v3.02 function and include statement must be written in a
15.10.1987 v2.03 v3.03 slightly different way.
include statement: #include “stdio.h” end - exits the Super C environment and returns to the
There are also other small differences, but they do not Basic V2. As if a soft reset had been made.
affect the goodness of this product.
Here are some of the transient commands, which you
Development environment might find useful. For the full list, please refer to the manual.
At the start of the Abacus Super C we will be greeted by device - allows you to change the device address of the
an introductory screen and a well known prompt, at least disk drive from the software.
to those familiar with the MS-DOS world: copy <source> <dest> - allows you to copy one or more
A: files. <source> and <dest> are file names with the device
Obviously the letters a: refers to drive 8, following this logic: es: copy a:test h:*
Device letter a b c d e f g h c1 - is a command that invokes the contemporary
Device number 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 compilation and linking process
es: c1 <x:file> <link1> <link2> …
At this point we can use a whole series of commands invokes the following command: cc <x:file>.c <x:>o.o
already available to the user, called residents, because <x:>error.e <x:file> <x:>libc.l <x:link1> <x:link2> …
unlike the so-called transients, they are already present type <file> - print the contents of the file on the screen
in memory and do not have to be loaded from the disk:
The commands ce (editor), cc (compiler) and cl (linker)
dir <arg> - Displays the current drive directory. You can are also considered transient, but we will see them in the
also use wildcards paragraphs dedicated to them.
dir lib*
The Editor
As you may have guessed, the Abacus Super C is proposed
as a complete suite for C programming. Of course, the
package could not lack an editor that would allow the
creation, modification and maintenance of our C listings.
The editor must be loaded from the official disk of the
Abacus Super C, as a transient command, via the instruction:
will also have to link the libmath.l file that contains the getchar();
sqrt function (for calculating the square root). }
A sample program in C The program is relatively simple, and even those who
Now that we are familiar with the tools available in the have never seen a line of C before can easily guess the syntax.
Abacus Super C suite, we can try to write, compile and A couple of things to note: the FOR loop that has a
link our first program in C. completely different syntax from the BASIC one and the
use of a variable seed for the generation of random
After spending a bit of time thinking about what a good numbers. During my tests I realized that the random
example could be for a first simple C program, without numbers generated by the function rnd(), were not random
ending up in a banal Hello World, I finally came up with at all. To overcome this problem I had to provide a different
the idea. Why not translate the Greek Pi calculation seed to the rnd() function. So I thought to use as seed
program with the Monte Carlo method proposed in BASIC the seconds read by the sscanf function (gettime(),"%d:
by Marco Pistorio in the previous issue (31-IT or 09-EN) %d:%lf",&h,&m,&se).
of RMW?
The code will not be super efficient, but at least the value
I do not go into explaining the technique because already returned by the rnd(se) function is a little more random.
exhaustively described by Marco in his article, so I move To compile the program, simply follow the instructions
directly to the code: in the compiler and linker screens assuming that you will
call the program pigreco.c.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
double xp, yp, pi, ci, se;
int pp, np, h, m;
printf("\nCalculation of the pi-green by\n");
printf("the MonteCarlo method\n");
printf("Idea by Marco Pistorio - RMW 31\n");
printf("Abacus Super C Implementation\n");
printf("by Francesco Fiorentini - RMW 32");
printf("\n\nPress a key to start the calculation"); For those who want to try writing their own program in
getchar(); C with the Abacus Super C, I suggest to follow the
printf("\nNumber of iterations:"); instructions in the manual and create a program disc that
scanf("%d",&np); already contains the libraries to link to not going crazy
with the swapping of the disks...
for(pp=0; pp<np; pp+=1)
{ Have fun with the Abacus Super C.
xp=rnd(se); Useful links
printf("\n>pp=%u",pp); Abacus Super C - D64 image:
Abacus Super C Manual:
if (xp<=sqrt(1-yp*yp))
printf("\n--> Calculated Greek: %g\n",pi);
RPG, acronym for "Report Program Generator", allows A Taylor development in which x0 is equal to 0 is called
you to easily generate reports by pulling out data stored "MacLaurin development", a condition that comes handy
in many files. for our objective since sin(x) has a well-defined value for
x=0, it is always calculable and it has a finite value for all
Unfortunately, this old language did not feature any the derivatives of the function sin(x) for x=0.
function that allowed trigonometric calculations.
So, what? How do you determine, for example, the values The following are further references that those who wanted
of sin(x)? to get deep into the issue from a mathematical point of view:
states that:
Have fun!
STA $70
SBC #$05
STA $71
LDA $71
EOR $70
BEQ $8075
Then, in order, there are the instructions used to call the INC $71
internal subroutines that display the characters on the INX
screen, and the ones which incrementthe loop counters BNE $8028
until all the contents of the Easter Egg is shown on the screen. RTS
PEAK SDK85 Output version (for example 0.157) that does not impose validity
on the ROM checksum, or a recent version (2019..2021)
$FC $F3 '0' which includes it among the options. For the first case,
$60 $60 '1' in the "roms'' folder remove any "", create a
$DA $B5 '2' subfolder called "sdk85" and copy it into "sdk85.a14",
$F2 $F4 '3' which in this case instead of the Intel ROM contains
$66 $66 '4' MASTERMIND assembled and ready to use, otherwise
$B6 $D6 '5' you will have to use the filename assigned by the MAME
$BE $D7 '6' team (mastermind.A15).
$E0 $70 '7' - Own SDK-85 hardware (original or rebuilt) and use the
$FE $F7 '8' specially modified ROM.
$F6 $76 '9'
(etc...) The game instructions derived from the original article
of CQ Elettronica (an Italian magazine), are summarized
PICO sees the display controller at $3001, while SDK-85 in the MAME source:
must point to $1900.
This applies to both writing on the display and reading Start, and press 0 to start.
the keys, the keyboard map varies in this way (I only The game will show ‘----‘, you will have to try to guess a
report the positioning of the keys from '0' to '9'): number between 0000 and 9999.
Enter your attempt, the computer will respond by showing
PEAK SDK85 on the left the number of exact digits, on the right a clue,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 slightly different from that of the original game (which
1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0 8,9,0,0,0,0,0,0 makes the game slightly more difficult but rather intriguing).
4,5,6,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 When the exact number is discovered, then the computer
7,8,9,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 will flash it. Pressing 2 will show the score, that is the
number of attempts that were made before guessing.
The PEAK RAM is in the range of $3800 to $38FF; in the Needless to say, the lower it is, the better you will have
adaptation I had to move in the range of $2800 to $2FFF, played !
but otherwise the program does not require changes that Press 0 to start over.
make it distinguishable from the original.
Basically I can confirm that Paolo had really designed The PICO machine could be made in two configurations;
everything from scratch. This was much less frequent for the game I described, 9 keys and 4 digits with 7
than you might imagine, both for hardware and software segments were enough!
aspects. The monitor required a slightly larger keyboard.
Being able to exchange those four emails with one of the
pioneers of microinformatics was exciting. :) The listings
Mastermind.asm is my reconstruction of the game in PICO
To play with "MASTERMIND" on the PICO in 2021 you version (never tested), it is slightly improved to recover
have 4 options: some bytes. It is still valid as a comparison term to
- Build the PICO machine and program the ROM with the understand how close the two platforms were. For my
binary image I produced (I could not test it but I checked convenience I used the Z80 mnemonic notation, which I
the operation of the variant for SDK-85). think is more readable. The original listing is obviously
- Use a ZX81 or a ZX81 emulator with my game port. Of written with Intel notation.
course the gaming experience will be different, but equally
"vintage"... Thanks to the genius of Paolo Forlani there Forlani created his card in 1976, a year before the launch
is no need for RAM expansions, just the basic configuration of SDK-85, with the aim of allowing many hobbyists in
"European" with 1 Kbyte. :) Yet Another 1K mastermind the world of electronics to approach the world of computer
game - Sinclair ZX80 / ZX81 / Z88 Forums science at a low cost.
( The effort to make the circuit sufficiently essential to be
-> built even by beginners without having to resort to printed
- Use MESS/MAME to emulate SDK-85. You need an old boards is evident.
In the photos, the extended version of the keyboard (also the random number to guess.
valid for the "monitor"):
I don't know if there has ever been any software other (Note by Stefano: Mastermind for SDK-85, I think it
than these two EPROMs. It should be borne in mind that should be renamed to mastermind.a15 if you want to use
it with MAME from version 2019 onwards)
not all current literature existed at the time, just as the
current spread of IT culture was lacking: few in the late
70s had a precise idea of what a computer was, when it
differed little from microcomputers, and what it could do.
Needless to say that in 5 years the world would change...
Even the initial loop, when the player has to press‘ 0 ’to
start the game, has its own function, which is to construct
Once I entered that editorial office, I had the pleasure of At first, especially in the first issue, the articles were
meeting personally all those who were behind it. translated from English by the mother magazine, but
already from the second issue things changed.
Unique characters to whom I owe a lot and with whom I
spent fantastic years between work and crazy laughter. The permanent body included other subjects, the best
known obviously Maurizio Feletto for me a brother.
The two partners: the already announced Maverick and
Gianluigi Zanfrognini the managing director, a great Nicknamed “SuperFellets” because of his ability to
publisher between dentistry and journalism. concentrate, he could start a riot in the street, or hear
an explosion but he focused on his Amiga 500 with his
There was also Sofia the very good “graphic queen of elbow resting on a 20MB hard drive (Sigh!) did not even
Xpress” and woman with easy Sardinian monosyllables move an eyebrow.
(no/yes) (in Sardinia they are a few words). The brilliant
Paolo Sciortino nicknamed by me "Shorty" but being tall SuperFellets coordinated the entire editorial staff and
we could also call him "Long" (things that only we managed the collaborators. I started doing little things
programmers of disused languages can understand) he and under his careful guidance I took my first steps into
was the only real "journalist" with a lot of desire to write the world of journalism.
and a certain frustration to be in that editorial office and
not in via solferino. In addition to Zanfrognini called Giangi, and Greissing
He was famous for opening articles with Scribble! and called Maverick, there was also a character of the most
directly set the CUT function and cut everything away to incredible... Gegio! Giangi's Brother is a real office matador,
make it more usable to the varied public. unpredictable, always in a good mood, something crazy
but you couldn't resist his Gags. Then we had a delivery
guy, and I helped him out.
everywhere. His theory is flawless: although new games In that moment, Alberto has a wrinkled forehead and a
have superior graphics and sound, it takes half an hour doubtful expression, and, wiping the sweat from his neck,
to set them up. Space Invaders need no explanation: he says that he is always suspicious when he hears "the
Joystick, fire button and go. Did you hear that too? This market asks us". How much is true or self-referential? I
is the sound of the bomb, the decisively winning ace: the mean, people are practically forced to buy or want certain
argument is the right one! I immediately engage by saying things! All I can do is nod, in agreement with these
that I have my own theory: people get to a point where speeches, as I start to fill the empty glasses again, after
realize that the super realism of modern games is stressful. having gone to get a new bottle. Nith stares at the horizon,
as if searching for answers. He holds the glass softly in
The old games reveal the desire to get out, for a while, his hand and, while the eyes become smaller due to the
from reality and launch into a clearly "fake" dimension, strong light, he asserts disconsolate that the market is
where you can unplug, detach from the routines of real made of few kinds. Fps, Jrpg, Metroidvania, adventures
life and sink into a world where anything is possible. Nith in Last of Us style: this is the current market, whether on
sips his glass and nods decisively, agreeing with my theory. PS5 or on Xbox S or PC. People are forced, but they don't
Alberto makes it easier: for him the old games are simply know the difference: it was like that even in the old days,
easier to use. In that moment we hear screaming from the market wanted beat’em up and Doom style games
inside the bar of the bowls club. The voice said that a and people were trimmed with this rubbish. I take cigarette
table pong with two potentiometers and two friends will long puff, as I think of these words and, with a fixed look
never be able to exceed the online of a Red Dead Redemption on the floor, say that it's not okay, that it's all too limited.
2 or a Grand Theft Auto V.
Let's ask ourselves why there is a return to the old games
Alberto winces for a while, and then he answered that in and new ones for old machines are programmed, made
his opinion the simplicity and technological genius of in a divine way. In the end there are also those who want
some games must be highlighted, things that allows us to play a good Shoot em Up! Nith smiles slyly as he tells
to appreciate the progress made towards a more engaging me that this return to bombing is for the old players who,
realism. I drain yet another glass before saying my own, fortunately, have educated the new generations, or it is
that is today's super realism is fantastic, incredible, almost thanks to decent game designers who develop games
suggestive, but when I put Out Run I systematically send like Mario Rabbids, games that are based on gameplay.
to hell everything. Today's adventures, so immersive, are The three of us look each other in the eye as we hear the
authentic masterpieces; but then I put on The Last Ninja buzz coming from the bar inside the bush: are the other
and I immediately forget them! The photo-realism of guys who are either playing something or fixing some old
modern football games and the perfect animations are Amiga recovered from some dump. Someone shouts,
demolished by the dynamics of Kick Off or Sensible Soccer. "What are you doing out there? You've been talking for
I raise my voice, so that everyone can hear me, to say half an hour! At least give us a story.”
that I do not like to play online: I hate not having the
second player by my side to spit on him eventually. Alberto In that while Nith pats me on the shoulder, telling me that
takes the tone back to a higher level, asserting that these this return takes place with small numbers and luckily it
reflections of mine should also be made by software happens. But video game market is made by players who
houses. It is the question that becomes important: to play Fifa, Fortnite and so on. These are not his theories,
what extent does a player like this hyper-realism? Is it they are the words of Ubisoft Italia guys, who find
not more convenient to divert efforts towards a better confirmation with those of Takahiro, one who works for
graphic fluidity and colors, on a compelling plot, on the a Japanese major. We get up from the chair while the sun
characterization of the protagonist towards whom to burns our skin. On our faces the smile of those who know
identify for half an hour? The theme is warm, if possible that they have built something beautiful, that they have
more than the torrid weather of this August afternoon. given space to their dreams and that they continue to do
Nith agrees, adding that software houses push for hyper- so, obviously out of pure passion. The new meets the old
realism because the market demands it. Not only the one, I put my hand in a pocket and I take out a virtual
graphics or the game system have changed: the player coin: there is the Out Run cabin that is waiting for me at
has changed and the way of approaching the product... the bar.
Fortunately there are indie houses that still develop games
focusing on gameplay.
A bit of rarity
(rummaging here and there)
Thunderflash by Seep
by Mic the Biker Novarina
It's always a pleasure to play and review a Seep video right into those years. Everything has been programmed
game. I already know the boys very well: I was lucky with that purpose: the pixel effect of the crt monitor is
enough to play that masterpiece by the name of Katana amazing. The background have that retro taste in the
Soul, a game that made them known to me. This independent redundancy of some blocks. That's right, it has to be! The
Italian team is very clear about what retro gaming is and sprites have the needed frame rate. Not one more, not
knows how to make it really well: Sergio and Enrico one less.
Giansoldati know what they are doing!
Purpose of the game
I'll say it right away, for the avoidance of doubt: Thunderflash The purpose of the game is to shoot, destroy and raze to
is fantastic. An assumption is however mandatory: I am the ground five stages that are divided in five sub levels.
always been a fan of games such as Commando or Ikari Everything is logically full of pathos and love as only
Warriors, and this last title is part of my gaming adolescence. shooting like a fool can give. You have to hunt down the
Thunderflash is a tribute to it, with a little bit of Commando fearsome terrorist organization called Bloody Wolves:
inside. The result is a "run and gun" game of older times, those who are afraid to die may return to play modern
the kind of games that are no longer done today: the very games, all composed of graphics and movies. To get rid
ignorant shoot em up who had in Metal Slug their supreme of these villains we will have to face, in addition to enemies
example. with an easy trigger, also traps of various kinds.
The graphic is an absolute tribute to the 80s and 90s. It The beginning of the game brought me back to the
was a golden age where software houses and programmers, legendary Ikari Warriors but faced with the typical
in synergy, managed to create real masterpieces, which Commando’s speed. The mix is initially unsettling because
came to our times with their appeal intact. The timeless my subconscious led me to an approach in Ikari style,
charm of what today we call pixel art. Well, Thunderflash more reasoned even in the middle of a bullet rain. No,
has a great taste in it, a graphic that makes you jump here you quickly understand that you have to act in a pure
Commando style, faster than the brain can think! Scrolling
environments change from time to time: vertical scrolling
sessions alternate with horizontal scrolling sessions.
That's a good idea. This gives a great dynamism to the whole.
You can play alone but the top is the two player mode,
side by side, not the cold and boring online collaboration:
here you spit and sweat together! The men on screen are
called Stan and Rock. Initially they used a single-shot the mega bosses at the end of the level in succession,
rifle and were equipped with three bombs: here too Ikari the right mode for those who want to make a trip to the
warriors made school. Along the way we can find bonus neurologist. The game includes two different finals. I know
bins: by shooting them we can have access to upgrades. because I read it and not because of it, I admit it.
But beware, some may explode and can even be lethal.
If we don't blow up, we can have access to extra health, Last but not least, the audio compartment of the game.
but over all to other weapons. When you play these games You know I'm a chip tune fan, so I always try to go further.
the firepower is never too much. The sequence and type The songs are well made, nothing to object to. For my
of weapon enhancement reminded me the first Metal ears, there's no trend to emulate the output sound of any
Slug: we have flamethrowers, triple shot and more powerful chipset. It is not a criticism at all, but it would have been
rifles. the best trying to simulate a set of sounds typical of those
years, perhaps a FM synthesis. However, here we fall into
Be careful, they're not infinite. They don't last until we're personal taste.
killed, these powerful weapons are long-lasting and so
put the dolls down, you’ll play with them later. As long as Biker Considerations
you have these power up, you just have to destroy with What can I say, my friends. If you arrived so far to read
more ferocity than before. Stuff to make Rambo looks like it, is because you like this kind of games, and if you like
a more muscular Mary Poppins. In the game we will have them do not hesitate to buy Thunderflash. It can be the
to deal with some obstacles. Personally I found the mines 4.90 better-spent Euro for a long time now. Five levels
particularly annoying: in the action chaos sometimes I and five under stages represent a challenge that is not
did not notice I was going over it. The Other players near impossible. We always remember that the old coin ops
me did, hearing my blasphemies. The difficulty is high were not as a whole long to finish. They were difficult,
but nothing similar to the old Run and Gun. Here we remain almost impossible. This made us perceive them as infinite.
in reasonable average chaos. Those who went on with However, I repeat, if you are here to read it is also because
Ikari Warriors immediately understand what I mean: they you have the “boxes” full of the infinite never-ending open
could not even manage the delirium of on-screen shots. world games. It’s a pity that's missing the words "insert
coin". On Thunderflash it wouldn't have disfigured!
Wisely in Thunderflash you can add lives with a system
similar to the Coin Op credits. A great advantage of
Thunderflash is the possibility of starting a new game
from the last level reached, avoiding those hysterical
crises with burrs at the mouth typical of having to start
again. There are two different modes in the game. One is
call Survival: specifically, we must resist the waves of
enemies. The more we resist, the greater our score will
be. The second mode is Boss Rush: in this one, you face
How adorable were the Micro Machines? I really liked
them, but having all of them was practically impossible,
even just having a good number greatly increased the
possibility of a financial crack in your family.
Dynablaster is a fixed pattern arcade, PacMan style to be To satisfy the desire to own all those tiny vehicles, here
sure. came the video game, on virtually any platform then
Actually not so fixed, in the sense that the levels will existing, Amiga included.
become more and more extensive as we continue in our It is a racing game with a view from above, where we will
adventure, thus no longer occupying a single screen. compete in different environments and with different
The levels are a kind of maze full of enemies of various vehicles. We'll take part in fastest Formula One races on
kinds, where we can only move vertically or horizontally. a pool table, drive racing cars darting on the desk, fly
The purpose of the game is to place bombs here and there helicopters flying in the garden and much more.
to eliminate the aforementioned villains, as cute as they The game modes are two: the most classic, in which we
are lethal. All seasoned with power ups of various kinds will have to deal with three other participants to try to
that will make the protagonist (along with his bombs) get first.
increasingly efficient and destructive. Or the one that brings out a bit of healthy meanness in
Be careful, however, we will have to clean up every level us. It is a one-on-one challenge, the goal is to sow the
but always be careful of the bombs that ourselves have opponent by making him "exit" from the screen.
arranged with such care; their explosion in fact can It starts with 4 points per head, the goal is to get to 8,
pulverize us too. ending up out leads to the loss of a point in favor of the
Simple, fun and not easy at all. opponent.
But we are here to talk about double play, and that is To achieve this, in addition to exploiting the obstacles of
where this title becomes something magnificent. Talking all kinds along the track, we will soon end up giving
about "double" in fact is reductive, in Dynablaster can powerful reports to those who dared to challenge us.
play up to five players at the same time. Of course, you In double, this was the only mode available.
need to have the adapter to use four joysticks, but if you Bumping into our friend's vehicle on purpose, making it
have one, the fun is not quantifiable. The fifth player will fly down from the pool table, and then squirting it out
have to settle for the keyboard, for a game like this not loud, is really a joke. As well as pushing him against that
at all uncomfortable. orange on the breakfast table, making him fall off his desk
The mode that allows us to do all this is called "battle",
that is, all against all, probably the first battle royale that
is remembered.
We will then be able to throw ourselves into the fray
together and unleash hell, spreading bombs everywhere
as if there were no tomorrow, with the aim of blowing up
our dear friends in shreds.
Always being careful not to let us get caught up in the
destructive heat, however, which could make us explode
thanks to one of our bombs, a possibility that is far from rare.
While you are slaughtering each other, try to peek at your
playmates, you will see satisfied grins mixed with cursing.
And a lot of fat laughter, ridiculing those who have just
or entangled in a bubble of glue. moves, you could not take our trusted smartphone and
It is worth mentioning the possibility of competing with search, finding in a few seconds the list of what we needed.
tanks, very slow but equipped with powerful cannons, The only ways to find out were buying trade magazines,
with which to destroy each other without mercy. which with a little luck would report all the moves, or word
Each race can last from a few seconds to several very of mouth.
tense minutes, depending on the skill difference between Knowing a fatality and jealously guarding all knowledge,
us and our playmate. despite the friend just eliminated begging you to reveal
Never as in this case it is essential to know the different the arcane, added further satisfaction mixed with an
tracks, especially for the fastest races, in which knowing authentic sense of omnipotence.
in advance which obstacles to exploit, makes a great As mentioned, Mortal Kombat 2 on Amiga is a true
difference. masterpiece, a conversion that is almost miraculous. In
Technically quite essential, easy to play but not at all easy fact, remove the almost.
to master, some tracks in particular are really difficult. Technically exceptional, but it is the fact to make this title
Laughter is assured but be careful: physical revenge by perfectly playable having only one button available, which
your (ex?)friend, in the grip of a nervous breakdown due makes this game something epic.
to yet another flight off the table, is not to be excluded. If you want to be fierce about your friends, Mortal Kombat
2 is definitely for you.
MORTAL KOMBAT 2 You're probably going to find out that you're a bad person,
The beat’em up on Amiga haven't had much luck for a more than you can possibly imagine, which you won't mind.
long time.
Until three authentic masterpieces came out, practically CHAOS ENGINE
at bursts: Shadow Fighter, Fightin' Spirit and Mortal Another Bitmap Brothers title, and what title.
Kombat 2.
Talking about double games without putting a beat'em
up is almost a heresy, among the three I chose to suggest
Mortal Kombat 2 (but to be clear, even the other two are
very good) for a very simple reason: violence.
Delivering kicks and punches to our friends is fun (receiving
them much less), but if we add a massive dose of violence,
accompanied by rivers of blood and with that bit of sadism
that does not hurt (ONLY in video games, I recommend
it), everything becomes even more satisfying.
Let's also add one of the features that still makes the
Mortal Kombat brand famous, that is, the possibility of I have always loved everything about this game, starting
being even harder on the opponent, once the match is from the clamorous soundtrack, to move on to the graphic
won, by performing a Fatality. aspect with an excellent steampunk setting, ending up
You will understand that you come to something very with a gameplay to find defects is a very difficult task.
close to pure poetry. For those who do not know (but I do not think it is possible),
On this point we have to consider an aspect of no small it is a shoot'em up with a view from above, we will have
importance: to know the Fatality, as well as all the other to choose our mercenary among the six available (including
a priest, but in versions for Megadrive and Snes became
a scientist, bah) and shoot everything that moves and
wants to hurt us.
The peculiarity of Chaos Engine is that we will always play
in pairs, even in single player, selecting a second character
that will help us and that will be used by the computer. If
we are in company, the choice will be our adventure
companion, of course.
We are interested in this last option today.
It is therefore a game in which our friend will be an ally
and not an opponent.
It's all gonna be "you on the right, me on the left," or Another game with which I have always had a lot of fun
"watch your back," or "leave me the coins." and for a long time, very different from those mentioned
This last sentence may be a reason for clashes, verbal or so far, is Sierra Soccer, although it is not at all flawless.
physical, with our playmate. The levels are in fact scattered Manchester United Double is also a gem in my opinion.
with coins and power ups of various kinds. The coins will I decided to suggest SWOS 96/97 especially for the
be particularly valuable, at the end of each level they will customization possibilities it offers in the creation of
be spendable to enhance the skills of our alter ego. different competitions.
You can therefore have a more collaborative attitude We can create Cups, Tournaments and Championships,
("Take these you who have less") or be selfish and ruthless each with different options that make the possibilities of
("So you learn not to move!"), in the latter case the customization if not infinite, really numerous.
probability of beatings mixed with insults is quite high. In addition to all this, the database of selectable teams
A healthy competition in short, but remember that the is something resounding and unparalleled, allowing us
real bad guys remain others, do massacres of monsters, to create incredible "themed" competitions.
shoulder to shoulder with our trusted companion, is a Do you want to organize a cup with only Asian club teams?
source of great fun and just as much joy. You can do that.
With that music there, even the level of exaltation flies Or a championship with Central American teams? Do you
very high. prefer English Third Division lineups?
Once the level is over, a very powerful high five starts, You can do all this, the only limit is your imagination.
saying how against us there is none. Another interesting option, the possibility of playing the
But at least a few more coins, though, you could have left game or just being a coach. Deciding in the latter case,
me... who to deploy, the module to be used, intervenes in a
match in progress for possible replacements, however,
SENSITIVE WORLD OF SOCCER 96/97 making the computer play.
Again, the same applies to Speedball 2, we are talking In short, with SWOS you can really create incredible
about a game that can easily appear in different lists that competitions and open to a number of participants that
include the word "best" in the title. will be very tiring to contain in one room.
Sensible World of Soccer is simply an essential game, Needless to say, the level of competition is so high that,
unless you deeply hate soccer. in comparison, the World Cup (the real ones) is a piece
The 96/97 version was the latest official on Amiga as well of cake. :-)
as the best ever. Old issues that have remained unresolved for too long
Can a soccer game be missing from a list of games with will be settled on the playing field, unexpected alliances
which to have fun in company? will arise (other than biscuit Sweden - Denmark) in order
Let's face it, we are still in Italy and, let's add, even fresh to move on to the next round, outrageous rankings,
European champions, it is not really possible to do otherwise. humiliated mattress teams without any remorse.
I could have indicated another title, there are some The truth is that you would want to get on the street and
excellent ones on Amiga, starting with the great Kick Off ask anyone to take part in your championship.
2, but also Goal! with which I spent several happy hours. Never as in this case can we say that the more we are the
When it comes to video game soccer, Dino Dini is a sure thing. better it is!
by Christian Miglio
Greetings to all the friends of Retromagazine World, today El Zorro, from the great software house Datasoft
your Elder will wear with you the moustache, hat and Datasoft was a video game developer and publisher
mask and will become Zorro! Follow us on this adventure! founded in 1980 by Pat Ketchum. Datasoft was based in
Chatsworth, a district of Los Angeles, and ported arcade
video games to personal computers.
Year: 2016
» Gameplay 90%
The gameplay is always unique
and in this version even
improved. One of the best
platformers for Amiga.
» Longevity 90%
Almost perfect! Almost
because the difficulty level is
the historical one of the
original. It does not forgive
mistakes. But it is not
frustrating and you want to
play it again and again and
Of course, purists will comment that Mario World for SNES. It is also
the new graphics might look a little too implemented the use of the second key
similar to DS, but I also love this new in case you have a joypad.
style. It's a nice touch for this improved Giana Sisters SE shows that Amiga as
version of Jana! The enemies you kill a platform for platform games is second
stay on the screen after you kill them. to none.
You can kill enemies in Jana like Mario
by jumping on them or shooting them. The love that Pixelglass has put into
His Majesty Chris Hulsbech has not this improved version is a lot and you
been set aside. The genius soundtrack can see it. It shows their dedication to
is still here. Powerful and majestic as the platform and it warms every heart
always and strong point of the original. that loves Jana. The game is released
The fact that they managed to keep free of charge on the Pixelglass website.
the original sounds of the game, Run and unload it. What are you waiting
personally gives me a huge respect for for?
Reimagine Games. The sounds and
music of this game never seem to age. by Carlo N. Del Mar Pirazzini
You notice that it is Giana Sisters when
you hear the sounds of the game's
music and sound effects, and that is
how the iconic games should be
Year: 2021
Editor: Yeti Bomar
Genre: Platform game
Platform: Sega Master System
» Gameplay 80%
Classic control system: jump,
punch. The levels are well
» Longevity 70%
Alex Kidd punishes you. It's a
game that's not too long, but
at times it can make you curse
at any known deity due to a
punishing difficulty level.
and environments. All right and with Forget the pity! Alex Kidd is a tough
that MASTER SYSTEM style that game, but one that keeps you glued to
distinguishes different titles on this the screen. The previous titles were
system (Sega blue is prevailing as a and so is this 3 "unofficial" title.
If, like me, you love the saga, all you I love the Sega Master System scene
can do is test the game and swear. Just in recent times, more alive than ever.
as in the first chapter, here too every Try it!
mistake of jumping, every wrong collision
will be punished with the death of the by Carlo N. Del Mar Pirazzini
little one.
» Gameplay 90%
Compelling design and an
intuitive control system mixed
with a game full of secrets and
» Longevity 90%
This is a good game. Not too
difficult but will keep you
to the protocol of platform games, you games for Snes and stands up to the
will have to make perfect pixel jumps, classics like Super Mario World. There
but it certainly does not compromise is nothing to criticize in the game, I
the final gameplay. There are some would say nothing.
notable touches of game design also Unique is the Japanese language (which
to curb some unreachable points. does not hinder much) and its exit late
Our main weapon in the game is a and only on Japanese soil.
bubble blower that will allow us to trap
enemies and launch them out of the Highly recommended if you can retrieve
screen in a very "Bubble Bobble" way. the original cartridge or through
You can also stun them by bouncing emulation.
on their heads. The game is also full of
secret areas to find. by Carlo N. Del Mar Pirazzini
In conclusion, DoReMi is undoubtedly
one of the best examples of platform
The planet of Valstyx is threatened To the classic shot was also added
by strange beasts and strange space the bomb to hit the targets on the
machines, controlled by the vile Lord seabed.
Khenmir. It is a little-known game, released in
This lunatic is looking for the five the late 90s when the Amiga world
crystals possessed by Princess Akiko, was in full chaos.
crystals that will give him even greater There are two game modes: the Honey,
power... The only one standing in Lord that is, the training and the story
Khenmir's way is Kiara McGuire and mode, which after a good intro will
his last instrument of destruction: make us start with the actual game.
the Gunbee F-99.
Well... short story, simple and linear. Although the gameplay is the one
Nothing more or less. seen in the Twinbee series, the intro
Gunbee is basically a direct clone of is very reminiscent of the one seen
the mythical Twinbee of Konami in Turrican 3: Payment Day (or Mega
(released on different platforms and Turrican). In fact, Kiara McGuire is a
with different titles) also imitating it tribute to Bren McGuire of the Turrican
up to the layouts of the levels. series.
Year: 2021
Developer: Code / GFX: José A
Music: Nacisound
» Gameplay 80%
A well-developed product in
controls and move set.
» Longevity 40%
Everything lasts very little.
Poor A.I. of the opponents. You
will finish it in just under an
On a technical level we are faced with This could be flown over if the game
a product that does not reach who didn't cost $44.90. Certainly there is
knows what peaks of graphics and the packaging, the cartridge, the
animations, but that still lets itself be instruction booklet. Everything is very
watched with pleasure. nice, but too expensive.
You see a certain stylistic influence
(and not only) of Capcom's Darkstalker In 1992 it would have received a higher
and overall it's a game technically above reception.
Beautiful music and sound effects. Now it is a product to test or for
passionate lovers of Super Nintendo
Let's get to what we're interested in. and beat'em up.
Does the game hold? The Super Nintendo Bard's word!
has been (and still is) the console with
the highest number of titles of the same by Roberto "Il Bardo" Pirazzini
genre in history. Does this Unholy Night
compare to historical titles?
No, definitely not, but not because it's
not playable. The product is undoubtedly
well made and enjoyable, the game
system is well structured but it's damn
Year: 2021
Editor: Neofid Studios/Nindo
Genre: Action/Platform
Platform: Sega Megadrive (this
article) – Also available on
Nintendo Switch and Windows.
Demons of Asteborg is one of the most the sword or with other objects, jump,
anticipated games by the Megadrive crouch, roll and interact with some
audience. parts of the game.
Very long gestation but it was worth The monsters present range from the
most classic giant rats to horror-
it, because we are faced with a product
of 10 and praise. inspired monsters also famous in the
The game is a platformer of action, classic Castelvania of Konami.
with metroidvania elements that pays I must admit that the wait for this
homage to all the great sagas of the game has been well paid. Cartridge
past, one of them being Konami's arrived in its packaging with a well-
Castelvania. paged and well-groomed play manual.
In the game we will play the role of The cartridge and region free and you
Gareth, a knight of the royal guard can use it on any Megadrive possible.
who must stem the forces of evil from In the cartridge there are maps and
invading Asteborg. some very nice gadgets for real "fans".
Inserted the cartridge and gripped
The gameplay is that of the classics the joypad we find ourselves in front
of this genre, after a very short on- of a small graphic jewel. Animated
screen tutorial that will appear very well and with really evocative
whenever it is necessary to use a backgrounds that show once again
particular maneuver with the joypad, the qualities of the 16 bit Sega when
you start for the adventure. used to the best and wisely.
Our character can make attacks with The use of colors is also incredible
» Gameplay 95%
An initial tutorial and you start
slaughtering all the monsters
that infest Asteborg with
» Longevity 95%
Not to be underestimated and
to be approached with all the
passion for this genre of
games. It is worth it.
and I must admit that at present it ranks to better set up battles with bosses
as one of the best palettes for the Sega (some really complicated).
machine. We are looking at a new masterpiece
Atmospheric audio is also perfect for for Sega Megadrive that deserves to
this product. be purchased.
The game does not invent anything The game is also available in PC and
new in the genre, but what it does it SWITCH version and if you have these
does well. Not too much inattention is two platforms the advice is the same.
allowed. An occasional player looking Have a good exploration.
for 5 minutes of relaxation is not suitable Bard's word!
for this game. Asteborg requires
dedication to be tasted and completed. by Roberto "Il Bardo" Pirazzini and
To understand every little secret and Carlo Nithaiah Del Mar Pirazzini
Genre: Action/Slasher
Patform: Sega Dreamcast
» Gameplay 90%
Perfect control system and
level design worthy of the
greatest classics of the genre.
» Longevity 90%
The infinite lives are not an
exaggeration because the
game will punish you! It will do
so in a devastating way, but it
will also make you scream
eventually develop the reflexes you (except for the spectra), a great help "One more time".
need to tackle the game's next in the department of musculoskeletal
challenges. memory. The only thing that I personally
Second: The weapons of this game are consider "difficult" for new players is
a sword and a spear and you can use the fact that they don't have a checkpoint
both during the game. The spear is before boss fights.
particularly impressive thanks to the
numerous functions and the throwing Overall I must admit that as a fan of
power, so much so that it is at the same this type of games I can say with deep
level of strength as the sword. It is an honesty that the Crazy Viking Studio
absolutely first-rate weapon and not have succeeded.
the usual weapon of support or panic. It is also graphically beautiful with
Third: This game maintains the “hard” several references to the classics of
double jump seen in Super Ghouls'n the past and I have also seen tips from
Ghost on Super Nintendo. The design Shadow of the Beast and Lionheart on
of the levels is adapted to this standard Amiga.
of jumping and, despite what you might
think, it actually makes things easier The audio is beautiful and creates the
as you get used to it as it "guides" you. right atmosphere.
This ultimately helps us to better A product to try and that can even be
evaluate distances during the match. defined better than most of the classics
Fourth: the level of challenge. Although that were in the game room or on Super
many critics and users have labeled it Nintendo.
as a "retro-hardcore game", it should
be noted that it is actually easier than by Carlo N. Del Mar Pirazzini
some standard platforms of the 16-bit
era of the 90s.
Year: 1987
Publisher: Electronic Arts (USA),
Genre: Shoot'em up
Platform: Commodore 64
A short time ago, I had decided to we had to wait a few more years.
play Armalyte since at the time I had The graphic level, on the other hand,
not played it, so before uploading it struck me positively: the second level
to the emulator, I checked the net probably set near a rocky planet and
from different sources, to know the the robot snake that crawls on the
plot, the story and many other things screen was very beautiful.
about the game itself; personally If at the time you were looking for a
before starting a game I want to know game that could have kept you busy
it accurately as a general who studies for a long time or which was worth
the enemy army. A piece of information the 15 pounds collected for an original
that had completely gone unnoticed game, this one had and has 32 levels
is that Armalyte was the second in a to offer. This game has the classic
series of video games! And so I asked difficulty of shoot'em up of the 80s,
myself: "but which was the first? Why that we all know well, and in addition
didn't they ever talk about it?” Maybe there are also many places to explore
it wasn't as successful... as well as enemies to blast.
The first game was called Delta and Once you have finished the 32 levels
just as I had hypothesized, it was a (and if you know someone who has
game that did not go under the done, send me an email, at any time!)
spotlight much compared to the there will be the colossal second
second; Delta is presented as the chapter waiting for you! We have
classic shoot'em up with horizontal already discussed it separately, for
scrolling, from left to right, in which now it is better not to reveal the ending
we drive the now famous spaceship and think about Delta.
of the 80s, shooting continuously at But I can give you a revelation, or
everything that moves on the screen. rather a tip that will be better known
During the levels we will have some right away, since the third level will
upgrades to collect, marked by some not be difficult to reach. Beware of
blue square blocks and that will appear upgrades you take! Let me explain
on the screen only if we destroy all a better: if you take the upgrade to
wave of enemies. make the spaceship faster, it will serve
Attention! In addition to the blue to avoid the columns at the third level,
blocks that will give us upgrades such but if by any chance you take it back
as additional shots, higher speed etc. at the end of the second, when you
there will also be gray blocks with the already have it, you will not make the
upgrades not unlocked and that if spaceship even faster, but you will
collected, will destroy the spaceship make it return to normal speed
thus losing one of the three lives (...speed is a big word) so you can’t FINAL SCORE
available! avoid those hateful and unpredictable
Destroying all the enemy waves is an columns.
extra stimulus to increase the score With this I wish you a happy autumn » Gameplay 70%
and win extra lives in the shortest and a good return to school and work, Just get used of it and... adjust
time and often. hoping that you have had a great accuracy.
The sound is composed only of the holiday browsing our magazine from
shots and the noise of the upgrades the beach (...or mountain). » Longevity 80%
taken, on the other hand from a 32 Levels and... we know the
shooter could not be expected much by Daniele Brahimi
and for a deserving background music,
Anyone who owns (or has owned) a the Microprocessor Kit 14 for
Sinclair computer, living through electronics enthusiasts who could do
the legendary eighties of the experiments with little expense.
twentieth century and the epic of
Later, Science of Cambridge became
8-bit home computers, was
Sinclair Computer and finally Sinclair
shocked to get to know that (after
a long illness) Sir Clive Sinclair Research. The ZX series home
passed away on Thursday, computers (ZX80, ZX81 and ZX
September 16, 2021. The sad news Spectrum in 1982) were very successful
was communicated to the press by in the UK and European market and
his daughter Belinda. Clive Sinclair was given the title of Sir
We like to remember him as a brilliant and the affectionate nickname of
and visionary computer manufacturer "Uncle Clive".
(just think of the lucky ZX series and The failures of the QL model and the
the least lucky QL). He also tried to C5 tricycle forced Clive Sinclair to sell
put on the market the Sinclair C5, a the company to Amstrad in 1986.
slow and low electric tricycle that was In 1988, he tried his luck again with
unsuccessful due to many design and Cambridge Computer and the Z88 Clive Sinclair in the '80s
technical problems. laptop but times had changed due to
Clive Sinclair (born in Richmond, PC-IBM compatibility and the demand
Surrey on July 30, 1940) started at for higher quality hardware and
a very young age by founding in 1961 software.
Sinclair Radionics Ltd which produced Curiously, he never made personal
radios, TVs, miniature HI-FI systems use of his inventions. Brilliant and
(and also a horrifying LED watch, the curious about anything, he always
1975 Black Watch, whose poor quality brought with him a rule calculator and
was the fault of a subcontractor). did not make use of computers and
During the 70s of the 20th century, emails. Passionate about poetry, he Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1982)
his cmpany started the production ran marathons and was a good poker grandchildren and 2 great-
and sale (even in assembly kits!) of player. Sometimes he liked to discuss grandchildren.
low-cost calculators with LED displays, engineering with her daughter and
trying to imitate those produced by her husband (both engineers).
Texas Instruments and Hewlett-Packard Sir Clive left his daughter Belinda (57
during the same period (in Sinclair years old), his sons Crispin (55) and
calculators, original construction ideas Bartholomew (52) together with 5
were designed to save battery
consumption). References
Among the most curious models there [Gua21] "Home computing pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged
was undoubtedly a wrist calculator, 81" (The Guardian, Sept. 16, 2021)
whose commercial failure (combined [RM06] A.Apostolo, "Science of Cambridge MK14, l'antenato dei
with the advent of liquid crystal Sinclair ZX", RetroMagazine #6 (ITA), Apr. 2018.
calculators) put Sinclair Radionics in [RM09] A.Apostolo, "Le stravaganti calcolatrici di Clive Sinclair",
RetroMagazine #9 (ITA), Sept. 2018.
crisis, forcing Clive Sinclair to make
[RM11] A.Apostolo, "I purosangue Sinclair della serie ZX",
use of State financial aid. RetroMagazine #11 (ITA), Dec. 2018.
With a new company (Science of [RM13] A.Apostolo, "Sinclair QL: errori sfortuna e molti rimpianti",
Cambridge) in 1977 he put on sale RetroMagazine #13 (ITA), Feb. 2019.
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Marco Pistorio
Web Management
Flavio Soldani/Giorgio Balestrieri