An Introduction To Noise Control in Buildings R1
An Introduction To Noise Control in Buildings R1
An Introduction To Noise Control in Buildings R1
in Buildings
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An Introduction
Noise Control
In Buildings
2.1 General. This section includes data and discussions on generally acceptable
indoor noise criteria for acceptable living and working environments. These criteria can
be used to evaluate the suitability of existing indoor spaces and spaces under design.
2.2 Noise Criteria In Buildings. Room Criteria (RC) and Noise Criteria (NC) are two
widely recognized criteria used in the evaluation of the suitability of intrusive mechanical
equipment noise into indoor occupied spaces. The Speech Interference Level (SIL) is
used to evaluate the adverse effects of noise on speech communication.
2.2.1 Noise Criterion (NC) Curves. Figure 1 presents the NC curves. NC curves have
been used to set or evaluate suitable indoor sound levels resulting from the operation of
building mechanical equipment. These curves give sound pressure levels (SPLs) as a
function of the octave frequency bands. The lowest NC curves define noise levels that
are quiet enough for resting and sleeping, while the upper NC curves define rather noisy
work areas where even speech communication becomes difficult and restricted. The
curves within this total range may be used to set desired noise level goals for almost all
normal indoor functional areas. In a strict interpretation, the sound levels of the
mechanical equipment or ventilation system under design should be equal to or be
lower than the selected NC target curve in all octave bands in order to meet the design
goal. In practice, however, an NC condition may be considered met if the sound levels
• Sum the sound pressure levels in the octave bands from 31.5 through 250 Hz on
an energy basis.
• Sum the sound pressure levels in the octave bands from 500 through 4,000 Hz
on an energy basis.
• Subtract the high frequency sum (step 2) from the low frequency sum (step 1).
• If the difference is +30 dB or greater, a positive subjective rating of rumble is
expected, if the difference is between +25 and +30 dB a subjective rating of
rumble is possible, if the difference is less than +20 dB a subjective rating of
rumble is unlikely.
Figure 1
Noise Criterion (NC) Curves
Table 2
Speech Interference Levels
3.1 Sound Pressure level In a Room. The sound pressure levels at a given distance
or the sound power levels for individual equipment items can often be obtained from
equipment suppliers. Once the characteristics of the sound source have been
determined, then the sound level at any location within an enclosed space can be
estimated. In an outdoor “free field” (no reflecting surfaces except the ground), the
sound pressure level (SPL) decreases at a rate of 6 dB for each doubling of distance
from the source. In an indoor situation, however, all the enclosing surfaces of a room
confine the sound energy so that they cannot spread out indefinitely and become
dissipated with distance. As sound waves bounce around within the room, there is a
build-up of sound level because the sound energy is “trapped” inside the room and
escapes slowly.
3.1.1 Effect of distance and absorption. The reduction of sound pressure level
indoors, as one moves across the room away from the sound source, is dependent on
the surface areas of the room, the amount of sound absorption material on those areas,
the distances to those areas, and the distance from the source. All of this is expressed
quantitatively by the curves of Figure 3. Figure 3 offers a means of estimating the
amount of SPL reduction for a piece of mechanical equipment (or any other type of
sound source in a room, as one moves away from some relatively close-in distance to
any other distance in the room, provided the sound absorptive properties of the room
(Room Constant) is known. Conversely Figure 3 also provides a means of estimating
the sound reduction in a room, from a given source, if the distance is constant and the
amount of absorptive treatment is increased. Table 3 represents a simplification of
Figure 3 for a special condition of distance and room constant.
1. Reduction of SPL in dB in going from normalized 3-feet distance and 800 sf Room
Constant to any other distance and Room Constant.
2. Negative value of reduction means an increase in sound level.
Table 3
Discussed here are data and procedures for estimating the changes in sound levels as
one follows the “energy flow” path from a sound source to a receiver, through building
components, such as walls, floors, doors etc. First, the sound pressure levels in the
room containing the source drop off as one moves away from the source. Then, at the
walls of the room, some sound is absorbed, some is reflected back into the room, and
some is transmitted by the walls into the adjoining rooms (this also occurs at the floor
and ceiling surfaces). The combined effects of this absorption, reflection, and
transmission are the subject of this discussion.
4.1 Sound Transmission Loss (TL), Noise Reduction (NR) And Sound
Transmission Class (STC). With the knowledge of the acoustical isolation provided by
walls and floors, it is possible to select materials and designs to limit noise intrusion
from adjacent mechanical equipment rooms to acceptable levels. The degree of sound
that is transmitted is influenced by the noise isolation properties of the demising
construction, the area of the demising wall, floor or ceiling and the acoustical properties
in the quiet room.
4.1.1 Transmission loss (TL) of walls. The TL of a wall is the ratio, expressed in
decibels, of the sound intensity transmitted through the wall to the airborne sound
intensity incident upon the wall. Thus, the TL of a wall is a performance characteristic
that is entirely a function of the wall weight, material and construction, and its numerical
value is not influenced by the acoustic environment on either side of the wall or the area
of the wall. Procedures for determining transmission loss in the laboratory are given in
ASTM E 90. This is the data usually given in most manufacturers literature and in
acoustic handbooks. Laboratory ratings are rarely achieved in field installations.
Transmission loss values in the laboratory are usually greater, by 4 to 5 dB, than that
which can be realized in the field even when good construction practices are observed.
ASTM E 336 is a corresponding standard method for determination of sound isolation in
buildings (in situ). There are many references that provide transmission loss
Table 5
Transmission Loss (in dB) of Dense Poured Concrete or Solid Core Concrete Block or Masonry