Indikator-Sinta 3-18466-57623-2-PB
Indikator-Sinta 3-18466-57623-2-PB
Indikator-Sinta 3-18466-57623-2-PB
e-ISSN: 2598-4888
Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2023
[email protected], Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, UPN “Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected], Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, UPN “Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: This study is aimed at analyzing the effect of Brand Image , Review
Brand Image; Vlogger, and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions for Wardah
Review Beauty Vlogger; Cosmetics at Female Management Study Program Students of UPN
Product Quality;
Purchase Decision;
"Veteran" Yogyakarta. the the research method used in this research
Article History:
is the quantitative method. The population in this study were
Received : December 27, 2022 management students at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta . Method of
Revised : January 17, 2023 collecting data by using online questioner. The sampling method used
Accepted : February 5, 2023
was purposive sampling. The analytical tools used are descriptive and
Cite This Article: quantitative methods using multiple linear regression analysis with the
Saputri, N., & Hikmah, K. (2023). The
Effects of Brand Image, Review Beauty
help of the SPSS program version 26. This research finds that (1) there
Vlogger, and Product Quality on Purchase is an influence of brand image, beauty vlogger reviews and product
Decisions for Wardah quality on purchase decisions (2) there is no effect of brand image on
Cosmetics. Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah purchase decisions (3) there is an effect of beauty vlogger reviews on
Manajemen dan Bisnis, 7(2), 28 - 35.
purchase decision (4) there is an effect of product quality on purchase
2.18466 decision.
The development of the current economic sector is increasingly leading to intense
competition, thus requiring every company to always focus and innovate in the business
competition. One of the industries that is currently growing is the cosmetic industry. Cosmetics
have become a primary need for women today to support their appearance. In making cosmetic
buying decisions, women need to consider several things such as the brand image of the
product, product reviews from beauty vloggers and product quality in order to get maximum
There was an increase in consumption of halal cosmetics in Indonesia from 2019-2020
by 0.71%. In 2020, Indonesian consumers have been named the largest consumer of halal
cosmetic products in the world after India. The use of halal cosmetics in Indonesia is recorded
at USD 4.19 billion out of a total global usage of USD 66 billion (State of the Global Islamic
Report 2020/2021). Currently, young people who are very concerned about their appearance
are female students. Female students try to look beautiful to be confident .
One of the cosmetic brands in Indonesia is Wardah. Wardah is a local brand that
produces cosmetics with a halal brand image . Wardah highly upholds the value of halal in its
products. This is done so that consumers feel safe when using Wardah products. Consumers
who perceive products with a good brand image will feel safer (Iswara and Jatra, 2017). Wardah
is a local brand that produces cosmetics with a halal brand image . This brand is able to attract
the attention of Indonesian female consumers. Wardah highly upholds the value of halal in its
products. This is done so that consumers feel safe when using Wardah products
This is supported by research by Dheras Rizky Purnama & Khuzaini (2020) and Dania
Fitri Nilamsari (2021) who argue that brand image has a positive effect on purchasing decisions.
However, there are differences in the results of research conducted by Valentine Teja Wijaya
& Bruno Hami Pahar (2022) that brand image has no effect on purchasing decisions.
According to Hootsuite and We Are Social , the total population of Indonesia has
reached 274.9 million in January 2021 . If 202.6 million Indonesians already use the internet,
it means that 73.7% of Indonesians have surfed the internet . This progress digital can be used
as an opportunity and used by beauty vloggers to share reviews, knowledge and information
about cosmetic and beauty care products through social media.
According to Duyen (2016), beauty vloggers are individuals who make an impact on
beauty by sharing reviews in a video with provide information regarding make-up products,
cosmetics. Such information includes tips and tricks for using make-up, cosmetic reviews,
video tutorials, and provide product recommendations accordingly consumer skin type.
Supported by the research results of Lidya Novita Sari (2020) and Rizka Agustiara, Mari
Okatini & Aam Amaningsih Jumhur (2019) which state that there is an influence of beauty
vlogger reviews on purchasing decisions. In contrast to the research results of Ria Wigati (2021)
and Suci Ananda Violeta (2021), which states that beauty vloggers have no effect on purchasing
Wardah sells various types of cosmetics. Wardah creates products for all people, starting
from young age to old age. If the product has good quality, it can convince consumers to make
a purchase decision. Product quality can be used power by the company to obtain attention from
consumers. This is in accordance with the results of research found by Miftach Rizqillah &
Putu Hari Kurniawan (2020), Dheraz Rizky Purnama & Khuzaini (2020) and Dania Fitri
Nilamsari (2021) which state that product quality has an influence on purchasing decisions. But
there are differences in the results of research conducted by Lisa Amelisa, Seprs Yonaldi &
Hesti Mayasari (2016) which states that product quality has no effect on purchasing decisions.
This research is motivated by the growth of the cosmetic industry in Indonesia which
has led to more and more competition between cosmetic companies. This study aims to
reconfirm the effect of brand image, review beauty vlogger and product quality on purchase
decisions based on previous research with a different research object, namely Wardah cosmetics
on UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta female students.
Purchase Decision
Purchase decision is a consumer action to form a choice among many products, and buy
the most preferred product. According to Wibowo & Karimah (2012) purchasing decisions are
processes where consumers make decisions to buy various products and brands starting from
needs analysis, information search, evaluating information, making purchases and then
evaluating decisions after purchase. Consumer purchasing decisions are very important for
companies in predicting consumer behavior. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2014), there
are several indicators that influence purchasing decisions, namely the stability of a product and
service, habits in buying products and services, providing recommendations to others, and
making repeat purchases.
Brand Image
Brand image can be interpreted as a consumer's perception or opinion of a brand that is
reflected from brand associations that are in consumers' memories (Mao et al., 2020). Vanessa
and Arifin (2017) state that brand image is a belief that appears in the minds of consumers or
customers as a comparison with other brands. Brands greatly influence consumer choices in 29
p-ISSN: 2598-6783
e-ISSN: 2598-4888
Vol. 7 No 2, April 2023
choosing products to buy or use. According to Aaker and Biel (2009), there are 3 indicators
about brand image, namely company image, product image and user image.
Brand image is one of the factors that underlies consumer decisions in buying a product.
Therefore we suggest the following hypothesis:
H1: Brand image, review beauty vlogger and product quality have a positive and significant
effect on purchase decisions for Wardah Cosmetics at Female Management Study Program
Students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
H2: Brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions for Wardah
Cosmetics at Female Management Study Program Students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
Review Beauty Vlogger
Beauty vloggers places itself specifically to provide information and knowledge about
the world of cosmetics and beauty and uploading this information on their social media
platforms (Hutapea, 2016). According to Ananda and Wandebori (2016), beauty vloggers
influence interest purchase to product, because beauty vloggers is persuade and educate in a
manner real regarding beauty products. Beauty vlogger has a lot of knowledge about cosmetic
products and the world of beauty. Beauty vlogger provides product review content, shares
experiences, tips and tricks with the public via social media in the form of videos. Beauty
vlogger's ability to review products will increase consumer confidence in the product.
According to Masruroh (2020), there are 3 indicators that measure the ability of beauty
vloggers, namely: video credibility, product information, perceived characteristics, and the
beauty vlogger's physical attractiveness.
H3: Review beauty vlogger has a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions for
Wardah Cosmetics at Female Management Study Program Students of UPN "Veteran"
Product Quality
According to Gök et al. (2019), product quality can be perceived as a consumer's
assessment of the overall superiority of the product. Kotler and Keller (2016) argue that product
quality is a feature possessed by a product to produce output that is suitable and better as
expected by consumers. Product quality is considered important because product quality can
determine the brand image of the product itself. There are 3 product quality indicators according
to Tjiptono in Baruna et al (2017), namely: performance, reliability and compliance with
H4: Product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions for Wardah
Cosmetics at Female Management Study Program Students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
This study which done use method quantitative. According to Sugiyono (2019) method
quantitative could interpreted as method study which based on philosophy positivism, used for
researching on population or sample certain, collection data use instruments study, analysis data
characteristic quantitative/statistical with purpose for test that hypothesis has set.
Method taking data from study this is questionnaire on line using Google Form which
is distributed to female students management University Development National "Veteran"
Yogyakarta. Questionnaire or questionnaire is technique collection data which done with
method give set questions or written statements to respondents to answer (Sugiyono, 2019).
Characteristic questionnaire is closed, so that make it easy respondent in answer and make it
easy researcher for analyze the answers of respondents who have collected. The measuring
scale used in this study using a Likert Scale . According to Sugiyono (2019) the Likert Scale is
p-ISSN: 2598-6783
e-ISSN: 2598-4888
Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2023
used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions somebody or bunch people about social
Table 1 Definition Operational Variable
Variable Definition Variable Indicator
Purchase Decision (Y) Purchase decision is a process in 1. The Stability of a Product and
which consumers make Service
decisions to buy various 2. Habits in Buying Products and
products and brands starting Services
from needs analysis, information 3. Giving Recommendations to
search, information evaluation Others
(Wibowo & Karimah 2012) 4. Make a Repurchase
(Kotler Dan Armstrong, 2014)
Brand Image (X 1 ) Brand image can be defined as 1. Corporate Image. The product
the perception of a brand which has good credibility with its
is reflected in the brand customers.
associations that exist in 2. Product Image. Products
consumers' memories (Mao et provide benefits and guarantees
al., 2020). to their customers.
3. User Image. Customer
perception of product use in
social status.
(Aaker and Biel, 2009).
Review Beauty Beauty vloggers is individual 1. Video Source Credibility.
Vlogger (X2) who places itself specifically to 2. Product Information in Video
provide information and 3. Perceived Video
knowledge about the world of Characteristics
cosmetics and beauty as well 4. The Physical Appeal of a
upload the information on their Beauty Vlogger
social media platforms (Hutapea, (Masruroh, 2020)
2016 ).
Product Quality (X ) Product quality according to 1. Performance
Kotler & Keller (2016) is a 2. Reliability
characteristic of a product or 3. Compliance with Specifications
service that depends on its (Tjiptono in Baruna et al., 2017).
ability to satisfy customer needs. 31
p-ISSN: 2598-6783
e-ISSN: 2598-4888
Vol. 7 No 2, April 2023
Based on Table 2 can is known that respondent on study this Very many originate from
force 2019 which amounted to 51 people or 46.4% of the total respondents, then then from the
class of 2022 there are as many as 49 people or 44.5% of the total respondents, 8 people or
7.3% of the total respondents came from from class of 2020, and then 2 people or 1.8% of the
total respondents from the class of 2021. From the table above, it can be seen that most of the
respondents came from the class of 2019 with 51 people. This is because Wardah products are
in great demand by female students to support their appearance and facial beauty.
Analysis Regression Linear
Table 3. Results Test Regression Double
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B std. Error Betas t sig
(Constant) .310 1,725 .180 .858
Brand Images (X1) .021 .174 011 .119 .905
Review Beauty Vlogger (X2) .398 .157 .293 2,534 013
Product Quality (X3) .726 .161 .478 4,515 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision (Y)
Based on Table 3 in on so equality regression double which generated is as following:
Y = a + b 1 X 1 + b2 X 2 _ + b3 X 3+ _ e
Y = 0.310 + 0.021 X 1 + 0.398 X 2 + 0.726 X 3 + e
Testing Hypothesis
Table 4. Test F Results
Sum of Squares Means Square
Model df F Sig.
1 485,041 3 161,680 41,940 .000 b
residual 408,632 106 3,855
Total 893,673 109
Dependent Variables: Purchase Decision
Predictors: (Constant), Product Quality, Beauty Vlogger Reviews, Brand Image
Based on Table 4 in on, could is known that mark significance which got is as big 0.000.
Matter this show that mark significance is less than 0.05 or 0.000 <0.05. So it can be concluded
that the first hypothesis accepted, which means variable free which consists from brand image
(X 1 ), beauty vlogger reviews (X 2 ) and product quality (X 3 ) together affect the variable
bound purchase decision (Y ).
p-ISSN: 2598-6783
e-ISSN: 2598-4888
Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2023
Based on Table 5 above, it can be seen that the Adjusted R Square value in this study is
0.530 or 53%. This shows that the independent variables brand image (X1), beauty vlogger
reviews (X2) and product quality (X3), affect the purchase decision variable (Y) by 53%, while
the remaining 47% is influenced by other variables outside the research that were not examined
in this study. this. The Adjusted R Square value of 0.53 or 53% of the Y variable can be
explained by independent variables consisting of X1, X2 and X3 variables, while the remaining
47% is influenced by other variables not observed in this study.
Test t done for knowing is there is influence from each variable free (independent) to
variable bound (dependent) partially. The calculated t value in Table 7 is generated by variable
brand image is 0. 021 with mark sig as big 0.905. _ Because mark Sig 0.905 > 0.05 show that
variable brand image no influential to purchase decision. On the beauty vlogger review variable
t value is 0.398 with value sig of 0.013. Because the Sig value is 0.013 ≤ 0.05 indicates that
variable beauty vlogger review effect on purchase decision. In the product quality variable is
0.726 with a value of sig as big 0.000. Because mark Sig 0.000 _ ≤ 0.05 show that variable
product quality influential to purchase decision.
This research finds that:
1. There is an effects of brand image, review beauty vlogger, and product quality on purchase
decisions for Wardah cosmetics at female management study program students of UPN
"Veteran" Yogyakarta.
2. There is no effect of brand image on purchase decisions for Wardah cosmetics at female
management study program students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
3. There is an effect of review beauty vlogger on purchase decisions for Wardah cosmetics at
female management study program students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta .
4. There is an effect of product quality on purchase decisions for Wardah cosmetics at female
management study program students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
Based on results study which got, writer realize that still there is many deficiency in
study this, however with exists this research , the researcher hopes that this research can be
useful for all parties and can contribute. If the next researcher is interested developing research
with the same theme can consider by providing other variables or on purchase decisions such
as perceived price, promotion, service, location, culture, and income . so it can be perfected this
study. 33
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e-ISSN: 2598-4888
Vol. 7 No 2, April 2023
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