Basketball - Basic Rules

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• The game of basketball is played by 2 teams of
5 players on a court.
• The object of each team is to score by putting
a ball into the opponent's basket and to
prevent the other team from scoring in yours.
• The ball can be advanced only by passing with
the hands or by dribbling the ball on the floor.
• The Game: To start the game, an official tosses
the ball up (Jump Ball) between two
opponents who stand in the smaller circle.
• All other players may take any position they wish, outside the larger center circle.
• The two opposition players jump to tap the ball to a teammate, then each team tries to
advance the ball toward the opponent’s goal to score by shooting it through their goal.
• A high school game consists of four 8-minute quarters.
• Scoring: A successful goal from the field is worth 2 points. 1 point is awarded for a successful
free throw. 3 points are awarded from the 3-point line. After a score, the ball is put back into
play at the end of the court by the non scoring team.
• Violations: A violation is a minor infraction of the rules, and the penalty is that the ball is given
to the opponents outside the sideline, opposite the spot where the infraction occurred.
• Violations occur for:
• Traveling – taking more than one step while in possession of the ball.
• Doubling Dribbling – dribbling the ball, stopping, then dribbling again; or dribbling with two
hands instead of one.
• Out-of-Bounds – causing the ball to go out-of-
bounds by stepping on or over the boundary line
while in possession or passing or knocking the ball
• 3 Seconds in the Key – offensive player staying in
the offensive key for 3 seconds or more while that
team has possession of the ball.
• A personal foul occurs when a player holds, trips, blocks, pushes, kicks, or charges an opponent;
or engages in rough or unsportsmanlike play.
• If a foul occurs while a player is shooting or in his steps toward the basket for a lay-up, the
shooter is awarded a free throw situation.
• If the shot was successful, the shooter is awarded one foul shot. If the field goal was missed, two
foul shots are awarded.
• If the second free throw is successful, the defending team throws the ball into play from outside
the end line.

• If the free throw touches the rim but

does not go in, play continues.
• If the ball fails to touch the rim, the ball is
given to the defending team on the
• 5 personal fouls on any one player
results in disqualification from the game.
• 7 team fouls and the opponents shoot 1
plus a bonus
• 10 team fouls and opponents shoot
double bonus

• The playing time is divided into 8-minute

quarters for grades 8,9 & 10- and 10-
minute quarters for seniors.
• There is a five-minute break at half-time
and a one-minute break between each
• Offensive players may not remain in their
“key” area for more than 3 seconds
without someone taking a shot.
• The offensive team is allowed only five
seconds to throw the ball in from the
sideline and any one offensive player is
allowed only five seconds to hold on to the
FIVE, TEN, & ball at a time.
30 SECOND • The offensive team is allowed only 10
seconds to advance the ball over the center
• The offensive team must attempt a shot
within thirty seconds of gaining possession
of the ball.
• A foul that is committed by either a coach
of any team member on the court or off
the court. An example of a technical foul is
the harassing of one of the officials or any
other unsportsmanlike conduct.
• A technical foul results in one FREE THROW
taken from the foul line by any member of
the team not committing the foul
• Once a player accumulates 5 personal foul
they are eliminated from the game.
• When a player is fouled in the act of
shooting, they are awarded free
throw shots. If they sink the basket
FREE THROWS and are fouled, they receive 1 extra
shot. If they miss the basket during
their shot, then they receive 2 extra
shots. If they are fouled during a 3-
point shot, then they receive 3 extra
• Players have 10 seconds to release
the ball once they receive it from
the official.
• Players can not enter the box until
the ball has contacted the rim.

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