Issue Log
Issue Log
Issue Log
Project Management, project planning, templates and advice
Project Ref:
Estimated Date Resoluti
Issue on Logge Final Resolution
ID Status Priority Owner Resolution Impact Actions Identifi on/Com
Description Needed d By & Follow-on actions
Date ed pletion
001 Open Critical Issues raised by board members about the business case are Yes Potential project cancellation or significant delay. Meet with board members to review the business case and John Doe The project sponsor reviewed the investment appraisal and presented the
preventing the project moving out of the initiation stage. revise the investment appraisal if needed. busienssd case with revisions. The board approved on 12/07.
002 Work In Progress High The project is missing a system architect. No Delay to start of project design phase. Recruit a System Architect Jane Doe Recruited on fixed term contract 01/08. Review in 2 months, see task ID 202
on the project schedule.
003 Closed Medium Availability of human resources doesn't match the project Yes May be forced to level the plan to fit resource availability which Meet with department heads to review resource plans and re- Fred Doe
resource plan. will delay target go live date. prioritise work.