Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
As the sun shines on the earth different parts of the land and sea heat at different
speeds. This result in high and low pressure areas and leads to the lift and fall of air
passes across the entire globe. Due to the angle of the earth while rotating the majority
of the heat falls upon the middle of the world(equator) and much less towards the ice
caps of the northern and southern hemisphere this means that as the warm air rises on
the equator the cold air is pulled in from the ice caps. This spreads the warmth across the
globe and results in moving air patterns.
What is wind load?
• Wind is air in motion. structure deflects or stops the wind, converting the wind’s kinetic
energy into potential energy of pressure, thus create wind loads.
Shape of structure, Angle of the induced wind, Velocity of air, Density of air and
Stiffness of structure
• Even though the wind loads are dynamic and highly variable, the design approach is
based on an equivalent maximum static load.
• Winds are measured regularly at a large number of locations. The standard
measurement is at 10m above the surrounding terrain, which provides a fixed reference
with regard to the drag effects of the ground surface.
• In EBCS, the reference wind velocity Vref is defined as the 10 minute mean wind velocity
at 10m above ground of terrain category II .
Methods of analysis
• A simple procedure of EBCS is (quasi-static method)
applied to those structures whose structural properties
do not make them susceptible to dynamic excitation.
– Net pressure: the net pressure (wind) across a wall or element is the
difference of the pressures on each surface taking into account of their
signs.( pressure, directed towards the surface is taken as positive and
suction ,directed away from the surface as negative).
We=qref ce(ze) cpe Wi=qref ce(zi) cpi
area of openings at the leeward and parallel sides
area of openings at the windward , leeward , and wid parallel sides