JANANI B Project Report

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Certified that this project report titled “A STUDY ON




TECHNOLOGY SALEM, who carried out the research under my supervision.

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I affirm that the project work titled “A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS


COIMBATORE” is being submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of MBA

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Signature of the Candidate

(Reg. No.:611220631017)

I certify that the declaration made by the above candidate is true.

Signature of the Guide

Assistant Professor

Digital Marketing (also Online Marketing, Internet Marketing or Web
Marketing) is a collective name for marketing activity carried out online, as
opposed to traditional marketing through print media, live promotions, tv and
radio advertisement.

The rapid growth of Digital Marketing Industry is a direct consequence of the

global phenomenon that is the Internet, and effectiveness of Digital Marketing
channels in generating revenue and awareness. Compared to traditional methods
of advertising, Digital Marketing offers rather realistic costs (particularly
important for small- and medium-size businesses and start-ups), accurate
targeting and excellent reporting.

The ability of the online medium to target a certain demographic of users is one
of the greatest advantages of digital advertising. In addition, the geographical
reach of the online medium is far greater than that of traditional media. It’s not
only cost effective to achieve a wider geographic area but the ads can also be
targeted to the desired audience. For example, if an advertiser is keen on selling
his or her products targeted to a certain demographic of people, it is quite possible
through online advertising. Digital advertising has matured to the extent that web
publishers, media agencies and advertisers themselves know the optimal ways
and websites for a certain category of products or services.

With various tools becoming available, tracking effectiveness of ad campaigns is

becoming possible today. In other words, measuring Return of Investment (ROI)
is increasingly possible today. Moreover, when properly designed online
marketing campaigns generate the desired results, advertisers are further
encouraged to continue advertising online.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to KIOT Trust for

giving me an opportunity to do my MBA Programme in Knowledge Business
School, Salem.
I would like to extend my thanks Dr.PSS.SRINIVASAN, B.E., M.Tech.
(IIT-B), Ph.D., MISTE. ISHMT., FMFPI, Principal, Knowledge Institute of
Technology, Salem for his extraordinary guidance who helped to complete the
project successfully.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.A.STEPHEN,
M.A., MBA, and M.Phil, PGDHRM., Ph.D., Director, management studies,
Knowledge Institute Of Technology, Salem who is always inspiring and
motivating students’ community.
I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to my guide,
P R OF E S S OR , K N OW L E D G E B U S IN E S S SC H O O L , S a le m
for providing her full support behind this preparation of report.
I like to exhibit my gratitude to my external guide Mr. SARAVANAN
Coimbatore for his guidance and help to go through my project work in his
esteemed organization.
I like to express my honour and gratitude to All my Teaching staffs and
Non-Teaching Staffs of Knowledge Business School, Salem who have been
consistently guiding us throughout the course Also, I like to thank My Parents
and Friends for their support constantly without conflicts throughout my life.


1.1 About the Study 1
1.2 Industry Profile 8
1.3 About the Company 10
1.4 Statement of the Problem 12
1.5. Objectives of the Study 12
1.6. Limitations of the Study 13
1.7. Scope of the Study 13
3.1. Research Design 15
3.2. Sampling Design 15

3.3. Data Collection Method 15

3.4. Statistical Tools Applied 16

5.1 Findings 57
5.2 Suggestions 58
5.3 Conclusion 58



4.1.1 (A) Age group of the respondents 17

4.1.2 (A) Designation of the respondent 18

4.1.3 (A) Awareness of the respondents 19

4.1.4 (A) Maximum ads seen in which platform 21

4.1.5 (A) Frustrated level on watching non-skip ad 23

4.1.6 (A) Interested level in subscribing YouTube premium 24

4.1.7 (A) Why do people clicks first search result 25

4.1.8 (A) Success level of business 26

4.1.9 (A) Percentage on watching similar set of ads in 27

various social media platform
4.1.10 (A) Watched ads based on interest 28

4.1.11 (A) Interest level on learning digital marketing 29

4.1.12 (A) Role of digital marketing 30

4.1.13 (A) Respondents level on believing maximum reach 31

4.1.14 (A) Effective platform to run ads 32

4.1.15 (A) Digital marketing adds value to the business 33


4.1.16 (A) Tools and apps used by the marketers 34

4.1.17 (A) Most challenging in digital marketing 35

4.1.18 (A) Type of social media 36

4.1.19 (A) Future of digital marketing 38

4.1.20 (A) Role of digital marketing 40

4.1.21 (A) Essential things to become marketer 41

4.1.22 (A) Respondents think on global reach 42

4.1.23 (A) Respondents think engagement and impressions 43

4.1.24 (A) Respondents believe maximum reach 44

4.1.25 (A) Success percentage on business 45

4.1.26 (A) Impact level of digital marketing 46

4.1.27 (A) Which type of digital marketing is best 47

4.1.28 (A) Tools and apps used 48

4.1.29 (A) Percentage level on retargeting 49

4.1.30 (A) Most challenging in digital marketing 50

4.1.31 (A) Future of digital marketing 51




4.1.1 (B) Age group of the respondents 17

4.1.2 (B) Designation of the respondent 18

4.1.3 (B) Awareness of the respondents 19

4.1.4 (B) Maximum ads seen in which platform 21

4.1.5 (B) Frustrated level on watching non-skip ad 23

4.1.6 (B) Interested level in subscribing YouTube premium 24

4.1.7 (B) Why do people clicks first search result 25

4.1.8 (B) Success level of business 26

4.1.9 (B) Percentage on watching similar set of ads in 27

various social media platform
4.1.10 (B) Watched ads based on interest 28

4.1.11 (B) Interest level on learning digital marketing 29

4.1.12 (B) Role of digital marketing 30

4.1.13 (B) Respondents level on believing maximum reach 31

4.1.14 (B) Effective platform to run ads 32

4.1.15 (B) Digital marketing adds value to the business 33

4.1.16 (B) Tools and apps used by the marketers 34


4.1.17 (B) Most challenging in digital marketing 35

4.1.18 (B) Type of social media 36

4.1.19 (B) Future of digital marketing 38

4.1.20 (B) Role of digital marketing 40

4.1.21 (B) Essential things to become marketer 41

4.1.22 (B) Respondents think on global reach 42

4.1.23 (B) Respondents think engagement and impressions 43

4.1.24 (B) Respondents believe maximum reach 44

4.1.25 (B) Success percentage on business 45

4.1.26 (B) Impact level of digital marketing 46

4.1.27 (B) Which type of digital marketing is best 47

4.1.28 (B) Tools and apps used 48

4.1.29 (B) Percentage level on retargeting 49

4.1.30 (B) Most challenging in digital marketing 50

4.1.31 (B) Future of digital marketing 51




Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital
technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones,
display advertising, and any other digital medium. Digital marketing's
development since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands and
businesses use technology for marketing. As digital platforms are
increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life, and as
people use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital
marketing campaigns are becoming more prevalent and efficient. Digital
marketing is one type of marketing being widely used to promote
products or services and also to reach consumers using digital channels.
Digital marketing extends beyond internet marketing including channels
that do not require the use of Internet. It includes mobile phones (both
SMS and MMS), social media marketing, display advertising, search
engine marketing and many other forms of digital media.

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an

electronic device or internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as
search engines, social media, email and their websites to connect with
current and prospective customers. This can also be referred as ‘online
marketing’, ‘internet marketing’ or ‘web marketing’. Digital marketing is
defined by use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect with
customers where they spend much of their time: online. From website to
business's online branding assets - digital advertising, email marketing,
online brochures, and beyond -- there’s spectrum of tactics falling under
the umbrella of "digital marketing." “Digital marketing is the marketing
of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet,
but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other
digital medium.” Digital marketing methods such as Search Engine
Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Content
Marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign
marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media
marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display
advertising, e– books, and optical disks and games are becoming more
common in advancing technology. Digital marketing now extends to

non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as mobile phones

(SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile ring tones.

A shift of Marketing from Traditional to Digital:

The development of digital marketing is inseparable from technology
development. In 1971, Ray Tomlinson sent first email and his
technology set the platform to allow people to send and receive files
through different machines. In the 1980s, storage capacity of computer
was already big enough to store huge volumes of customer information.
Companies started choosing online techniques, such as database
marketing, rather than limited list broker. This kind of databases allowed
companies to track customers' information more effectively, thus
transforming relationship between buyer and seller. However, the manual
process was not so efficient. In the 1990s, the term Digital Marketing
was first coined, with debut of server/client architecture and the
popularity of personal computers, the Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) applications became significant part of marketing
technology. Fierce competition forced vendors to include more service
into their software, for example, marketing, sales and service
applications. Marketers were also able to own huge online customer data
by e CRM software after the Internet was born. Companies could update
the data of customer needs and obtain the priorities of their experience.
This led to first clickable banner ad being going live in 1994, which was
the "You Will" campaign by AT&T and over first four months of it
going live, 44% of all people who saw it clicked on the ad. In the 2000s,
with more and more Internet users and the birth of iPhone, customers
started searching products and making decisions about their needs online
first, instead of consulting salesperson, which created a new problem for
the marketing department of a company. In addition, survey in 2000 in
the United Kingdom found that most retailers had not registered their
own domain address. These problems made marketers find the digital
ways for market development. Digital marketing's development since
1990s and 2000s has changed way brands and businesses use technology
for marketing. As digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into
marketing plans and everyday life, and as people use digital devices
instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns are
becoming more prevalent and efficient. In 2007, the concept of
marketing automation was raised to solve the problem above. Marketing
automation helped companies’ segment customers, launch multichannel

marketing campaigns and provide personalized information for

customers. However, the speed of its adaptability to consumer devices
was not fast enough. Digital marketing became more sophisticated in the
2000s and the 2010s, when the proliferation of devices' capable of
accessing digital media led to sudden growth. Statistics produced in 2012
and 2013 showed that digital marketing was still growing. With
development of social media in the 2000s, such as LinkedIn, Face book,
YouTube and Twitter, consumers became highly dependent on digital
electronics in daily lives. They expected seamless user experience across
different channels for searching product's information. The change of
customer behavior improved the diversification of marketing technology.
Worldwide digital marketing has become the most common term,
especially after the year 2013. Digital media growth was estimated at 4.5
trillion online ads served annually with digital media spend at 48%
growth in 2010. An increasing portion of advertising stems from
businesses employing Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA) to tailor
advertising for internet users, but OBA raises concern of consumer
privacy and data protection.

Digital Marketing Tactics:

Digital marketers are in charge of driving brand awareness and lead
generation through all the digital channels both free and paid at
company's disposal. These channels include social media, the company's
own website, search engine rankings, email, display advertising, and the
company's blog. The digital marketer focuses on different key
performance indicator (KPI) for each channel so they can properly
measure the company's performance across each one. Digital marketing
is carried out across many marketing roles today. In small companies,
one generalist might own many of the digital marketing tactics described
above at the same time. In larger companies, these tactics have multiple
specialists that each focus on just one or two of the brand's digital
channels. Here are some examples of these specialists:
The best digital marketers have clear picture of how each digital
marketing campaign supports their overarching goals. And depending on
goals of their marketing strategy, marketers can support larger campaign
through free and paid channels at their disposal. A content marketer, for
example, can create series of blog posts that serve to generate leads from
a new eBook the business recently created. The company's social media
marketer might then help promote these blog posts through paid and

organic posts on the business's social media accounts. Perhaps the email
marketer creates an email campaign to send those who download the
eBook more information on company. Following are some of most
common digital marketing tactics and the channels involved-
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
This is process of optimizing website to "rank" higher in search engine
results pages, thereby increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic
your website receives. The channels that benefit from SEO include
Websites, Blogs, and Info graphics.
 Social Media Marketing:
This practice promotes your brand and your content on social media
channels to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads
for your business. The channels you can use in social media marketing
include Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snap chat, Pinterest,
and Google+.
 Content Marketing:
It denotes the creation and promotion of content assets for the purpose of
generating brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, and
customers. The channels that can play a part in your content marketing
strategy include Blog posts, EBooks and whitepapers, Info graphics,
online brochures and look books.
 Affiliate Marketing:
This is a type of performance based advertising where you receive
commission for promoting someone else's products, services on your
website. Affiliate marketing channels include Hosting video ads through
the YouTube Partner Program and Posting affiliate links from your
social media accounts.
 Native Advertising :
Native advertising refers to advertisements that are primarily content-led
and featured on a platform alongside other, non-paid content. Buzz Feed-
sponsored posts are a good example, but many people also consider
social media advertising to be "native" – Face book advertising and
Instagram advertising.
 Marketing Automation:
Marketing automation refers to the software that serves to automate your
basic marketing operations. Many marketing departments can automate
repetitive tasks they would otherwise do manually, such as Email
newsletters, Social media post scheduling, Contact list updating, Lead-
nurturing workflows, Campaign tracking and reporting.

 Pay-Per-Click (PPC):
PPC is a method of driving traffic to your website by paying a publisher
every time your ad is clicked. One of the most common types of PPC is
Google Ad Words, which allows you to pay for top slots on Google's
search engine results pages at a price "per click" of the links you place.
Other channels where you can use PPC mainly include Paid ads on Face
book, Promoted Tweets on Twitter, Sponsored Messages on LinkedIn.
 Email Marketing:
Companies use email marketing as a way of communicating with their
audiences. Email is often used to promote content, discounts and events,
as well as to direct people toward the business's website. The types of
emails you might send in an email marketing campaign include Blog
subscription newsletters, Follow-up emails to website visitors who
downloaded something, Customer welcome emails, Holiday promotions
to loyalty program members, Tips or similar series emails for customer
 Inbound Marketing:
Inbound marketing refers to the "full-funnel" approach to attracting,
engaging, and delighting customers using online content. You can use
every digital marketing tactic listed above throughout an inbound
marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing – a boost to today’s businesses:

Regardless of what your company sells, digital marketing still involves
building out buyer’s personas to identify your audience’s needs and
creating valuable online content.
 B2B Digital Marketing:
If company is business-to-business (B2B), digital marketing efforts are
likely to be centered on online lead generation, with end goal being for
someone to speak to salesperson. The role of your marketing strategy is
to attract and convert highest quality leads for salespeople via your
website and supporting digital channels. Beyond website, you'll probably
choose to focus efforts on business-focused channels like LinkedIn
where you’re demographic is spending their time online.
 B2C Digital Marketing:
If your company is business-to-consumer (B2C), depending on price
point of products, the goal of digital marketing efforts is to attract people
to website and have they become customers without ever needing to
speak to salesperson. For that reason, you're probably less likely to focus

on ‘leads' in their traditional sense, and more likely to focus on building

an accelerated buyer's journey, from the moment someone lands on your
website, to moment that they make a purchase. This will often mean your
product features in your content higher up in the marketing funnel than it
might for a B2B business, and you might need to use stronger calls-to-
action (CTAs).For B2C companies, channels like Instagram and
Pinterest are more valuable than business-focused platforms LinkedIn.
 Website Traffic:
Here we can see the exact number of people who have viewed your
website's homepage in real time by using digital analytics software,
available in marketing platforms like Hub Spot. Also how many pages
they visited, what device they were using, and where they came from,
amongst other digital analytics data. This intelligence helps you to
prioritize which marketing channels to spend more or less time; based on
the number of people those channels are driving to your website. For
example, if only 10% of your traffic is coming from organic search, you
know that you probably need to spend some time on SEO to increase that
 Content Performance and Lead Generation:
Imagine you've created product brochure and posted it through people's
letterboxes, that brochure is a form of content, albeit offline. The
problem is no idea how many people opened your brochure or how many
people threw it straight into trash.
 Attribution Modeling:
An effective digital marketing strategy combined with right tools and
technologies allows tracing all sales back to customer's first digital touch
point with your business is called attribution modeling. It allows
identifying trends in the way people research and buying your product,
helping you to make more informed decisions about what parts of your
marketing strategy deserve more attention, and what parts of your sales
cycle need refining. Connecting the dots between marketing and sales is
hugely important -- according to Aberdeen Group, companies with
strong sales and marketing alignment achieve a 20% annual growth rate,
compared to a 4% decline in revenue for companies with poor alignment.
If you can improve your customer's' journey through the buying cycle by
using digital technologies, then it's likely to reflect positively on your
business's bottom line.
 Online behavioral advertising:
It is the practice of collecting information about a user's online activity

over time, "on a particular device and across different, unrelated

websites, in order to deliver advertisements tailored to that user's
interests and preferences.
 Collaborative Environment:
A collaborative environment can be set up between the organization,
technology service provider, and digital agencies to optimize effort,
resource sharing, reusability and communications. Organizations are
inviting their customers to help them better understand how to service
them. Much of this is acquired via company websites where the
organization invites people to share ideas that are then evaluated by other
users of the site. Using this method of acquiring data and developing new
products can foster the organizations relationship with their customer as
well as spawn ideas that would otherwise be overlooked.
 Data-driven advertising:
Users generate lot of data in every step they take on the path of customer
journey and Brands can now use that data to activate their known
audience with data-driven programmatic media buying. Without
exposing customers' privacy, users' Data can be collected from digital
channels (e.g.: when customer visits a website, reads an e-mail, or
launches and interact with brand's mobile app), brands can also collect
data from real world customer interactions, such as brick and mortar
stores visits and from CRM and Sales engines datasets. Data-driven
advertising is empowering brands to find their loyal customers in their
audience and deliver in real time much more personal communication,
highly relevant to each customer’s moment and actions.
 Remarketing:
Remarketing plays a major role in digital marketing. This tactic allows
marketers to publish targeted ads in front of an interest category or
defined audiences, generally called searchers in web speak, they have
either searched for particular products or services or visited a website for
some purpose.
 Game advertising:
Game ads are advertisements that exist within computer or video games.
One of the most common examples of in-game advertising is billboards
appearing in sports games. In-game ads also might appear as brand-name
products like guns, cars, or clothing that exist as gaming status symbols.
 Ease of access:
A key objective is engaging digital marketing customers and allowing
them to interact with brand through servicing and delivery of digital

media. Users with access to Internet can use many digital mediums, such
as Face book, YouTube, Forums, and Email etc. Through Digital
communications it creates a multi-communication channel where
information can be quickly shared around world by anyone without any
regard to who they are.


The global digital marketing market reached a value of nearly USD 305
billion in 2020. The market is further expected to grow at a CAGR of
17.6% between 2021 and 2026 to reach a value of around USD 807
billion by 2026. The future growth prospects of the digital marketing
market are projected to be high due to the rising population of people
consuming and creating content through digital channels.

North America is a leading regional market and will continue dominating

the industry in the coming years. The region is expected to contribute
about 38% to 42% to the total digital marketing expenditure in the
forecast period. The key players and brands in the North American
region are being driven by the large target audience in the region to
market and promote their content, products and services online, which in
turn is driving the growth of the digital marketing industry. The rising
number of end-users in North America for online shopping is also
projected to open wider opportunities for advertisers to promote their
products online, thereby, increasing the regional market growth.

The industry is being driven by the rising online advertising segment.

The expenditure on mobile advertisements, which once accounted for
nearly 13 to 18% of total digital spending in 2016, currently accounts for
about 39–42% of the digital spending in the major Western European

markets, such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain, and is

expected to cross 60% by 2021. The Asia Pacific is expected to emerge
as a significant growing market for the industry in the forecast period.
The digital advertising investment in the Asia Pacific has surpassed
Europe, and this increase is driven mainly by regions like China and
other emerging Asian markets, due to a growing investment in
technology and digital platforms in these regions. The Asia Pacific
region is expected to witness a significant growth over the coming years
due the region’s high population density, the growing penetration of
internet, and the rising popularity of smart phones among the population.
The Asia Pacific has the largest population of smart phone users in
comparison to other regions. Also, a large proportion of mobile phone
users in the region have access to social media through their devices. The
region, thus providing significant growth prospects for the online
advertising segment.

Many entities in the Asia Pacific have been investing substantially in

digital advertising, especially in emerging economies like China and
India. In India, there have been significant investments in technology
advancement as well as on digital platforms. There has been rising
demand is due to the growing consumer base, especially youngsters
being glued to digital platforms, which is aiding the market growth.
The rise of sales of smart phone across India is catalyzing the market
growth for digital marketing. India has one of the largest markets for
smart phones globally. It has a vast consumer base, ranging from
teenagers to the aged population. India has high growth potential, being a
medium maturity market. The country is the second-largest online
market globally, with a large population of internet users who spend a

good number of hours on digital platforms and social media. Due to

increasing reliance on the internet, there has been a boost in the demand
for laptops, mobile phones, and other electronic devices. The demand for
digital advertising is being pushed due to increased demand for such
electronic mediums, which in turn is increasing the need for digital


DigiMonk Agency

 DigiMonk Agency is a One Stop Solution for All Your Design &
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 We specialize in creating Visual identities for Products and brands
 We are specialized in Creating Revenue Driven Digital Marketing

 Our Digital Experts Strategy Will Drives More Sales For Your
 Your Campaigns Are Analyzed and Handled by World's Best
Internationally Recognized Digital Experts.

Design Services
Company size:
2-10 employees
Founder & CEO:
Mr. Saravanan Thiyagaran
 Information technology
 Web development
 App development
 Web agency
 Design agency
 East Coast Physiotherapy
 Justtap.shop
 Media Pandas
 Grassberry Mattress
 TQ fly travels
 TrendUP Tees
 Aishwaryam Traders
 Colourup uniforms
 Dr.Durai’s Diabetes
 NTC groups

Services offered:
 Website Designs & Development
 Mobile Application Development
 Social Media Marketing
 Search engine Optimizations
 Branding & User interface Designs
 Online Social Media marketing Courses

Certifications and Expertise:

 Google Ads
 Community management specialist
 Digital marketing strategist
 Direct response copywriting specialist
 Content marketing specialist
 E-mail marketing specialist
 Search marketing specialist
 Customer value optimization specialist
 Social media specialist
 Optimization and testing specialist
 Analytics and data specialist
 Customer Acquisition specialist


 To find the challenges faced by digital marketers.
 To find out how much people are aware of.
 To find out the tools and applications used by the experts.
 To understand the upcoming trends in this field.


 To promote new products and services.

 To know the effectiveness of digital marketing.
 To study the importance of retargeting marketing.
 To know about the effective social media platforms to run ad campaigns.

 To know the value of digital marketing in business sectors.

 To understand how digital marketing campaign's takes place.


 Digital marketing seems attractive but it requires a lot of time and

energy to succeed. The tasks such as optimizing online advertising
campaigns and creating marketing content can take up a lot of time
 Purchasing, upgrading, and integrating the right software and keeping
oneself up-to-date regarding the application, search engines, etc, which
audience are using is important to keep alive.
 Updating the content or removing the outdated content in time is a
critical issue.
 The tools and trends keep on changing and they should be kept
updated from time to time.


 With digital marketing, businesses can use data to target audiences based
on factors like gender, age, location, interests, and education. Companies
can also retarget potential customers who are already familiar with their
brand using different methods and messages for each audience.
 The cost per lead with digital, or inbound marketing, is 61 percent less
expensive than traditional marketing. Businesses that advertise on social
media, use paid search and employ other digital strategies spend
considerably less on their campaigns.
 Companies use pay-per-click (PPC) strategies to keep costs down and
target specific audiences. Generally speaking, digital marketing campaigns
offer both a greater and faster ROI.
 Organic search method is more efficient than PPC since marketers are
using keyword analysis and other search engine optimization (SEO)
methods to naturally push their content to the top of the list of natural
search results on Google and other search engines.
 Publishing articles, guides, tutorials, and other online content (in addition
to webinars and podcasts) that engages your target audience is the essence
of content marketing.


Durmaz and Efendioglu (2016) tried to explain SEM and SEO were considered
to be the two most important bases for digital marketing. The research suggested
that in digital marketing, building good communication with customers,
determining their needs and requests are crucial. The biggest advantage of digital
marketing mentioned in their research is reaching the target audience in the right
way by using social media and search engines.
Ištvanićet al (2017) discussed digital advertising technologies, techniques, and
media, and their advantages and disadvantages. They considered search engine
optimization, search engine marketing, display advertising, social networking
marketing, and e-mail marketing.
Bala and Verma (2018) acknowledged that businesses can benefit from digital
marketing such as SEO and SEM, content marketing, influencer marketing,
content automation, e-commerce marketing, campaign marketing, and social
media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display
advertising, e-books, optical disks, and games.
Rajaiah and Srinivasulu (2019) concluded that digital marketing is one of the
most cost-effective ways to advertise a product, when compared to other
marketing platforms. People are being influenced by digital marketing and
advertising to purchase and sell online, and e-commerce is growing. In the
following years, the future of digital marketing in India as well as the scope of
digital marketing will brighten.
Garcia, Lizcano, Ramos, and Matos (2019) the results of this study report were
assessed using the Delphi technique, and its findings suggest that voice searches
via mobile devices, as well as the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), will
have a long-term impact on the digital ecosystem. This study also displays and
clarifies the precise steps that must be taken to attract and keep the business
marketing strategy after analyzing the customer's on-line buying process inside
the large ecosystem of possibilities supplied by digital marketing on the internet.
Mishra, Marc & Vecchia (2020) claimed that technological advances and
changing customer requirements are stimulating the use of digital marketing.
Saura, Palacios-Marques, & Ribeiro-Soriano (2021) stated that the
development of the internet and the implementation of traditional marketing
strategies had given rise to the emergence of digital marketing strategies that are
exploited both by SMEs and large companies.

3.1 Research Design
A research design is indispensable for a research project. It is a series to keep on
going in the right direction. It is a logical and systematic plan prepared for
directing a research study. It specifies the objective, methodology and technique
to be adopted for achieving the objective.
Without a plan work become unfocused and aimless, the study will be difficult,
time consuming to make adequate discrimination in the complex interplay of

3.2 Sampling Method

Random sampling
Sampling Plan
Sampling is a procedure to draw conclusion about larger population by studying a
small of the universe.

Sampling Units
In this study, the researcher has addressed questionnaire to the Sample

Sample Size
In this study, the sample was 102.

Sampling Techniques
Sampling technique were only which were used to select the respondents to get
the result for the questionnaire was adopted because of the huge number of

3.3 Data Collection

The data has been collected through primary sources.

Primary Sources

It refers to data collected fresh and recorded for the first time. In this study data
was collected through structured questionnaire method.

Secondary Sources
The Secondary data was collected through Books, Company Profile and the

Analysis of the Data

The data collected through questionnaires have been tabulated. By using the
above-mentioned statistical tools, the data have been analyzed. Interpretations
have been drawn based on the analysis. The findings and observations are the
result and outcome of the interpretations made during the course of analysis.

3.4 Statistical Tools

 Simple Percentage Analysis
 Chi- square test

Simple Percentage Analysis

Simple percentage analysis is the analysis for handling the collection of data in
tabulated form and for calculating percentage.
Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio used to describe relationships.

No. of respondents
Simple Percentage = ----------------------------- X 100
Total No. of respondents

Chi square test

 Chi-square test is a non-parameter test and is used most frequently by
marketing researchers to test the rightness of hypothesis.
 Hypothesis is a tentative and declarative statement formulated to be tested
describing a relationship between two attributes. The researchers should
state the null hypothesis (the hypothesis to be tested) in such a way that its
rejection leads to the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis.
 Chi-square analysis used for analysis of job-related factors which are
already surveyed.
X2 = ∑ [(O-E)2 / E]
Where O - Observed frequency
E - Expected frequency

Table 4.1:

Source: Primary data

The above chart shows that age group of the respondents, 91% of respondents are
about 18-25 and 7% of respondents are about 26-30 and 4% of the respondents
are above 30 ages.

Table 4.2:

The above graph shows the employment status of the respondents, 45% of
respondents are working professional, 43% of respondents are students, 2% of the
respondents are business owners, 1% of the respondents is entrepreneur, 2% of
the respondents are employees, 1% of the respondents is freelancer, 3% of the
respondents is unemployed, 2% of the respondents are professors, 1% of the
respondents is technician, 1% of the respondents is fresher and 1% of the
respondents has not mentioned.

Table 4.3:

The above chart shows that awareness of the respondents, 64% of respondents are
fresher and 26% of respondents are not aware and 10% of the respondents are

Table 4.4:

The above chart shows the maximum ads seen in different platforms, 35.7% of
respondents watched in YouTube, 17.9% of respondents watched in both
YouTube and Instagram and 17.9% of the respondents are watched in YouTube
and websites, 10.7% of the respondents watched in YouTube, Instagram and
Websites, 7.1% of the respondents watched in YouTube, Instagram, websites and
apps, 7.1% of the respondents watched in Instagram, and 3.6% of the respondents
watched in both Instagram and websites.

Table 4.5:

The above chart shows that 82.1% of the respondents get frustrated and 17.9%
the respondents not get frustrated while watching non skip ads.

Table 4.6:

This chart shows that 92.9% of the respondents are not interested and 7.1% of the
respondents are interested in subscribing YouTube premium.

Table 4.7:

This chart shows that the people clicks first search result because of popularity
(46.4%), suggested by Google (42.9%), trust on websites (7.1%) and amount paid
by the websites (3.6%).

Table 4.8:

This chart shows that 96.4% of the respondents accept that sales increase through
digital marketing and 3.6% of the respondents don’t accept.

Table 4.9:

This chart shows that 92.9% of the respondents watched similar set of ads in
different social media platforms and 7.1% of the respondents not watched.

Table 4.10:

This chart shows that 78.6% of the respondents watched ads related to their
interest and 21.4% of the respondents not watched.

Table 4.11:

This chart shows that 57.1% of the respondents are interested in learning digital
marketing and 42.9% of the respondents are not interested.

Table 4.12:

This chart shows that digital marketing is highly done for brand publicity
(42.2%), sales (31.3%), lead generation (21.9%), website traffic (3.1%) and leads
and sales (1.6%).

Table 4.13:

This chart shows that respondents believe maximum reach is because of SEO
(78.1%), PPC (20.3%) and 1.6% of the respondents has no idea.

Table 4.14:

This chart shows that the respondents feel 56.3% YouTube, 26.6% websites,
14.1% facebook, 1.6% mails and 1.6% instagram are the effective platforms to
run ad campaigns

Table 4.15:

This chart shows that 100% of respondents think digital marketing adds value to
the business.

Table 4.16:

This chart shows that the tools and applications used by respondents are
Facebook, Instagram, Canva, keyword planner, Google trends, YouTube, Google
ads, Google search console, SEO, hashtag generator, answer the public websites,
word press,hoot suite, Google analytics, SMM tools ,email marketing, graphic
creation tools, Social media, Graphic creation app, LinkedIn, SME, content, mail,
Survey by using Google form, e-mail, Inshots, 000webhost, Quill Engage, Sprout
Social, Ox Essays, Bitly, Offer Pop, Australian Help.

Table 4.17:

This chart shows that respondents feel most challenging in finding right
audiences (42.2%), content creation (25%), keyword research (21.9%) and
generating leads (10.9%) in digital marketing.

Table 4.18:

This chart shows that respondents feel Social media (70.3%), SEO (20.3%) and
content marketing (9.4%) are the best.

Table 4.19:

This chart shows that respondents feel the future of digital marketing are
 The future of digital marketing is bright because now there is more market
and consumer awareness. Businesses can also use a wide range of smart
tools to collect an ocean of data and make in-depth analyses about their
target audience. It's a completely new way to approach the audience.
 Smart tool to target the right audience with sample data.
 Great scope in future
 I think the ads are going to rule in whatsapp also as soon as possible.
 Very interesting and Important one
 Unexpected development
 To become Virtual Reality
 Everything is digitalized, so digital marketing also developing day by day.

 Bright future but we have to enhance the skills required for dm is most
 High Growth
 Rapid growth will occur and create a new revolution in society
 Metaverse
 Less expenses and reach quickly
 Digital marketing is bright because now there is more market and
consumer awareness. Many people are using social media, and in
upcoming years there will be more users and new platforms will be
created and it will be useful for the digital marketing.
 AI Fusion 4D

Table 4.20:

This chart shows that digital marketing is highly done for brand publicity (40%),
sales (10%), lead generation (40%), and for all these (10%).

Table 4.21:

This chart shows that the respondents think essential things to become a digital
marketer are English communication, Practical knowledge, analytical skills,
domain knowledge, passion, industry updates and so on.

Table 4.22:

This chart shows that the respondents think global reach is highly important
(60%), moderately important (30%) and not important (10%).

Table 4.23:

This chart shows that the respondents think engagement and impressions are
highly important (80%), slightly important (10%) and moderately important

Table 4.24:

This chart shows that the respondents believe maximum reach is because of SEO
(60%), PPC (20%) and depends (20%).

Table 4.25:

This chart shows that the respondents believe that the success of business depends
upon digital marketing (70%) and doesn’t depend (30%).

Table 4.26:

This chart shows that the respondents think reach (40%), engagements (30%) and
leads (30%) are the factors which impacts the business more.

Table 4.27:

This chart shows that the respondent’s opinion is SEO (40%), PPC (10%),
content marketing (10%) and all these (20%) are the best.

Table 4.28:

This chart shows that the tools and apps used by respondents are Semrush,
Google, SEO, Quill engage, hoot suite, uber suggest, Amazon, flipkart, olx,
Google analytics, CRM, moodle and canva.

Table 4.29:

This chart shows that respondents believe retargeting really works (100%).

Table 4.30:

This chart shows that most challenging in digital marketing is content creation
(40%), generate leads (20%), competitor analysis (20%) and keyword research

Table 4.31:

This chart shows that future of digital marketing is Metaverse, IT initiatives,
Automation, Technology development, prominent featuring, wide exposure and
marketing automation.

Chi- square
i) Table 4.31:

H0: There is no significant relationship between age group and maximum reach
H1: There is a significant relationship between age group and maximum reach
Hence the value is greater than 0.05%, we accept null hypothesis is and reject
alternate hypothesis. So there is no significant relationship between age group and
maximum reach percentage.

ii) Table 4.32:


H0: There is no significant relationship between social media platform and
increased sales rate.
H1: There is a significant relationship between social media platform and
increased sales rate.
Hence the value is greater than 0.05%, we accept null hypothesis is and reject
alternate hypothesis. So there is no significant relationship between social media
platform and increased sales rate.

1) The 90% of the respondents are aware about digital marketing.
2) The 35.7% of the respondents watched ads in YouTube platform.
3) The 46.4% of the respondents clicks first search result because of popularity.
4) The 96.4% of the respondents accept that sales increase through digital
5) The 92.9% of the respondents watched similar set of ads in different social
media platforms.
6) The 78.6% of the respondents watched ads related to their interest.
7) The 42.2% of the respondents believe digital marketing is highly done for
brand publicity.
8) The 78.1% of the respondents believe maximum reach is because of SEO.
9) The 56.3% of the respondents feel YouTube is the effective platforms to run
ad campaigns.
10) The 70% of the respondents think digital marketing adds value to the
11) The tools and applications used by the respondents are Canva, Google ads,
Google search console, Word press, Semrush, Inshots, Quil engage, Sprout
social, Bitly, Hashtag generator, answer the public websites, hoot suite, Ox
essays, Uber suggest, Moodle and so on.
12) The 40% of the respondents feel content creation is the most challenging.
13) The 80% of the respondents think global reach is highly important.
14) The 80% of the respondents think engagement and impressions are highly
15) The 100% of the respondents believe retargeting really works.

 Businesses should use appropriate target audience selection tools to take
full advantage of social media and other digital marketing tools.
 Brands and agencies need to work together in increasing the number of
video content on digital marketing platforms.
 By implementing effective strategies, best practices, adopting the latest
technologies, the digital marketing will be in highest position.
 With the help of Artificial Intelligence, Chat bots, augmented reality, the
digital industry will play a dominant role in the future.

The successful completion of this project indicates that the future of marketing is in
the hands of digital. Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in
portals, it consists of integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to
use these components in an effective way to reach target groups and to build a brand.
In this digital era marketer is not the custodian for a brand, people who are connected
across the digital platforms are the custodians.
Digital marketing has increased in last a few years in India. People have different
views about it. But the fact is this digital marketing has tremendous potential to
increase in sales provided businesses should have knowledge to implement it in
right way. Benefits like increased brand recognition and better brand loyalty
can be gained by effective digital media plan.
Digital marketing campaign help in reduction in costs, boost in inbound traffic
and better ranking in search engines. To summarize, digital marketing has a
bright future for long term sustainability of the product or services in the current
technological market with all its pros and cons.

 Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation & Practice – Dave Chaffey &
Fiona Ellis
 Digital Marketing 2020 - Danny Star

 Digital Marketing: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges (2020) - Neeti
 Digital Marketing: Current Trends (2021) - Nabieva


 Name
 Age group
 Designation
 Do you aware of digital marketing?
a)Yes (Fresher) b)Yes (Experienced) c)No
1) You see maximum ads in which platform?
a)Youtube b)Instagram c)Websites d)Apps e)Other
2) Do you get frustrated while watching non skippable ads in YouTube?
a)Yes b)No
3) If yes, do you interested in subscribing YouTube premium?
a)Yes b)No
4) While searching in Google, Why do maximum people clicks first search
a)Suggested by Google b)Trust on website c)Popularity
d)Amount paid by the website

5) Do you think the sales increases through digital marketing?

a)Yes b)No
6) Do you watch similar set of ads in different social media platforms?
a)Yes b)No
7) Have you ever watched the ads (in YouTube, Instagram) which are related
to your interested products that you searched in e-commerce (Eg:
Amazon, flipkart) websites
a)Yes b)No
8) Are you interested to learn digital marketing?
a)Yes b)No
Section II
1) Digital marketing is highly done for
a)Lead generation b)Increase sales c) Brand publicity
d) Website traffic
2) Do you believe the maximum reach is because of
a)SEO b) PPC
3) According to you, which platform is effective to run ad campaigns?
a) Youtube b) Mails c) Websites d) Facebook
4) Do you think digital marketing adds value to the business?
a) Yes b)No
5) What are the tools & apps do you used for digital marketing?
6) What do you think most challenging in digital marketing?
a) Generate leads b) Keyword research c)Content creation
d) Finding right audience
7) Which type is best from your perspective?
a) SEO b) PPC c) Content marketing d) Social media
8) What is the future of digital marketing?

Section III
1) Digital marketing is highly done for
a) Lead generation b) Increase sales c) Brand publicity
d) Website traffic
2) Essential things to become a digital marketer
3) Does Global reach matters the most for digital marketing
a) Not important b) Slightly important c) Moderately important
d) Highly important
4) Does Engagement and impressions matters the most for digital marketing
a) Not important b) Slightly important c) Moderately important
d) Highly important
5) Do you believe the maximum reach is because of
a) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) b) PPC (Pay Per Click)
c) Other
6) Does the success of business depends upon the digital marketing
a) Yes b) No
7) As per your view, what impacts the business more?
a) Reach b) Impressions c) Leads d) Engagements
8) In your opinion, which type of digital marketing is best?
a) SEO b) PPC c) Social media marketing d) Content
9) What are the tools & apps do you use for digital marketing?
10) Does retargeting really works?
a) Yes b) No
11) What do you find most challenging in digital marketing?
a) Generate leads b) Competitor analysis c) Keyword research
d) Content creation
12) What is the future of digital marketing?

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