INSTRUCTIONS: List at least 10 laws or regulations that you are required to abide by.
Your family, church, neighborhood, and other groups might all be affected. Determine if
it is a moral or immoral standard and explain why.
1. We, as the children of our parents are not allowed to have boyfriend or girlfriend
not until we get our college degree, job, and have a stable life.
Moral. This family regulation is a moral standard for me because it limits
us teenagers to spend time with our opposite sex to avoid intimate
interactions. No wonder, there are a lot of teenagers who are pregnant
because of that so-called freedom. I believe that the power of love is so
strong that, when a person loves someone with all their heart, they will
do anything for them. When people are in love, they want to satisfy
themselves; love can make people less interested in studying and the
time they devote to study can decrease rapidly. So it’s possible for love
to wreck a person’s education and destroy their bright future.
2. You are not allowed to talk when someone who is older than you is still talking.
Usually, we, children should go inside our rooms when we have a visitor who
wanted to talk about serious matters to our parents.
Moral. Letting our elders speak or talk first what they want is one way of
showing respect. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. When
you give respect to someone it means you have already taken the first
step towards getting a place in their heart. Being disciplined and
respecting elders in our life or self-discipline gives us confidence in
terms of inner strength as it needs a lot of self-control and patience.
5. Abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and the abuse of drugs.
Moral. Undoubtedly, this law promotes morality. It is undeniable that too
much intake of these things can be very addictive and it may lead the user
health problems. Modern alcoholic beverages are more intoxicating,
tobacco can cause respiratory illnesses, and of course drugs can also affect
our health. We believe in the principle of Corinthians 6:19-20. Our body is
the temple of the Holy Spirit so, it is right and just to take care of it honor it
to God.
6. Abstain from worldly practices and amusements that hinder their own spiritual life
and testimony or that set a poor example for young Christians;
Moral. The world today is filled with a lot of entertainment, cruelty and some
of the amusements do not set a good example for the young ones. The
Christian and the world are not to be “like-shaped.” That is, we should not
allow ourselves to be pressed into following the corrupt customs, ungodly
principles, or evil plans of action promoted by worldly men.
7. Be faithful in personal Bible study and prayer, soul winning efforts, stewardship
responsibilities, and attendance at all regular church services unless hindered by
sickness, poor weather conditions, or traveling distance from the church;
Moral. There is nothing in this world that could ever satisfy us unless we
have a relationship with Christ. The actions mentioned above are the
things that He also did when He came here on earth. These things can
help a lot of people. It develops our social aspects and reach out those
who are in need. Through this, we get to know deeper who God is and
also pray for those people. And that we are taught to be a good and
responsible steward of the earth, so, in this way we can improve a society.
8. Be willing to follow a dress standard as set forth by the leadership of the church.
Moral. A dress code is one of the most important steps to follow, to set
yourself up for the basics of professionalism. When we dress
appropriately, we gain respect from other people, and we can avoid others
from temptations and lust of the eyes. There are a lot of rape cases,
because they viewed those victims as a fresh meat because they are
showing too much skin. So, to prevent it, we’ll be the one to initiate and
dress appropriately.
9. Never to engage pre-marital sexual activity.
Moral. There are young people out there who are pregnant with their
young age, this moral standard may put boundaries for teenagers with
their actions in order for them put value within themselves and their body.
We believe that marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed
kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. In
Jewish culture, sexual relations were clearly restricted until marriage
under the Law of Moses. Even though a betrothal was considered a
binding agreement, sexual relations were still restricted until the actual
marriage. Premarital sex is a temptation for every engaged or dating
couple, requiring precautions and a commitment to walk in the Spirit. We
should rather obey God’s commandment that is eternal than to gratify the
desires of the flesh that’s for temporary pleasures.
10. We should honor God's creation by enjoying the foods and by eating them in
appropriate quantities.
Moral. This church bylaw is moral because this leads us to act respect for
others and obedience to God, the creator of all things in the universe. It is
too offensive when we are eating too much while others have experienced
famine within their place. The Bible warns us not join those who drink too
much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons
become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. Gluttony seems to be
a sin that Christians like to ignore. We are often quick to label smoking
and drinking as sins, but for some reason gluttony is accepted or at least
tolerated. Basically, this also reminds us to eat an adequate diet and if
there are foods left, give it to those who are in need.