Globaltsunamihazardandexposureduetolarge Co-Seismic Slip

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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418

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Global tsunami hazard and exposure due to large

co-seismic slip
Finn Løvholt a,b,c,n, Sylfest Glimsdal a,b,c, Carl B. Harbitz a,b,c, Nick Horspool d,f,
Helge Smebye a,c, Andrea de Bono e, Farrokh Nadim a,c
NGI, PO Box 3930, N-0806 Ullevål Stadion, Oslo, Norway
University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics, PO Box 1072, Blindern, Oslo 0316, Norway
International Centre for Geohazards, co NGI, Oslo, Norway
Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT, Australia
UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva, International Environment House, 11 Chemin des Anémones, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland
GNS Science, PO Box 30-368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

a r t i c l e in f o abstract

Article history: Tsunamis are infrequent events with the power to cause massive loss of life, large
Received 5 November 2013 economic losses, and cascading effects such as destruction of critical facilities. Historical
Received in revised form tsunamis and paleotsunami evidence indicates indirectly that massive megathrust earth-
14 March 2014
quakes leads to the majority of the losses due to tsunamis. There is a need to quantify the
Accepted 2 April 2014
tsunami hazard from megathrust events in order to compare tsunamis with other natural
Available online 13 April 2014
hazards on a global level, as previous attempts have been lacking. Here, we determine the
Keywords: earthquake induced tsunami hazard for a return period of 500 years using both a
Tsunamis deterministic scenario based approach as well as a probabilistic tsunami hazard assess-
Hazard analysis
ment method (PTHA). The resulting hazard level for a set of selected areas in South and
Global study
South East Asia are compared quantitatively for both methods. The comparison demon-
Population exposure
Economic loss strate that the accuracy of the analysis is rather rough, which is expected given the global
Cascading effects character of the analysis. Globally, the exposed elements at risk such as population,
Critical facilities produced capital, and nuclear power plants are determined for each nation affected. It is
shown that populous Asian countries account for the largest absolute number of people
living in tsunami prone areas, more than 50% of the total exposed people live in Japan.
Smaller nations like Macao and the Maldives are among the most exposed by population
count. Exposed nuclear power plants are limited to Japan, China, India, Taiwan, and USA.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tsunamis having a low probability. The 2011 Tohoku tsunami

caused remote and indirect economic consequences such as
Recent megatsunamis have changed our understanding of reduced industrial production in countries not hit by the
how to deal with these rare and high consequence events tsunami, as well as resulting in the phasing out of nuclear
[1,2]. The spotlight was put on the risk to human lives, but power plants in Germany [3]. These events have highlighted
also on critical facilities that should withstand destructive the global repercussions. Such events are reinforcing the need
for a comparable basis for assessing the risk posed by
tsunamis worldwide. Previously, most hazard assessments
Corresponding author. have been spatially constrained to local sites or regions
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Løvholt). [4–8]. Following Løvholt et al. [9], this study is the first to
2212-4209/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418 407

cover the major earthquake sources worldwide, and to representative for major events globally. Yet, the indicated
quantify both exposed critical facilities and population living 500-year return period represent the order of magnitude for
in inundated areas. the lower bound return period of major subduction zone
The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) was adopted by events. Hence, we choose to quantify the global tsunami
the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk hazard at the 500-year return period.
Reduction (UN-ISDR) in January 2005 in order to reduce Previous models for linking earthquake potential to
disaster risk. As an instrument to compare the risk due to parameters such as lithospheric plate age, thickness, and
different natural hazards worldwide, an integrated world- convergence rate to the earthquake potential has recently
wide study was implemented and published in several been refuted [1,2]. Hence, it is presently difficult to rule
bi-annual Global Assessment Reports (GAR) by UN-ISDR [3]. out the occurrence of large earthquakes for any major
This paper concerns the global tsunami hazard and expo- subduction zone or fault worldwide.
sure for a return period of 500 years. Contrary to a local
assessment, the present study therefore aims to capture
average trends on a country level across the globe. 2. Methods
Using the NGDC tsunami database [10] it is found that 54
of the reported historical tsunamis have caused a thousand or The hazard results reported here comprises both those
more fatalities, with these 3% generating 97% of the total originating from a scenario based method, supplemented
fatalities. A majority of these were reported to occur in the last with tsunami hazard maps using a probabilistic tsunami
400 years, as older records are more sparse. Hence, it is clear hazard assessment (PTHA) method [6] for the Indian
that the next large tsunami disaster is linked to a low Ocean and the South West Pacific. However, the quantifi-
probability. Furthermore, the sources of these tsunamis are cation of the run-up and exposure are comprised by a joint
dominated by earthquakes (the NGDC tsunami database [10] method. The different methods are briefly outlined below.
reports that more than 80% are due to earthquakes). Gonzalez
et al. [7] conducted a probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment
(PTHA) for the city of Seaside (USA), and found virtually no 2.1. Description of the scenario based hazard assessment
inundation for the 100-year return period. Using a character- method
istic magnitude-frequency distribution, they found that the
predicted tsunami run-up increased abruptly when the return The earthquake scenarios are confined to those with the
period was increased. As a consequence, an almost complete potential for tsunami generation due to co-seismic dip-slip
inundation of Seaside was found for the 500-year return motion. For the scenario earthquakes, earthquake faults of
period, and that this was predominantly due to local mega- uniform width, length and slip are established, and in turn
thrust sources. Paleotsunami information from Chile indicates converted to seabed displacement using the standard analy-
a relatively regular recurrence of major tsunamis in the order tical formula of [16]. The hydrodynamic response from the
of 500 years [11]. Based on the damage of the 2004 Indian seabed dislocation is smoothed using the model of Kajiura
Ocean tsunami, Nadim and Glade [12] postulated that the [17,18]. For most of the subduction zones, new scenarios were
damage characteristics of the tsunami is highly non-linear, constructed assuming fault locking over a period of 500 years
with a rapid transition from low to high fatality for an (the exception is South America, where scenarios taken from
increasing return period. Recent damage characteristics on Løvholt et al. 2012 [9] were used). Convergence rates obtained
buildings derived from the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 from Bird [19] are used. Related magnitudes were deduced
Tohoku tsunamis [13] also indicate a rapid transition from from the scaling relations of Blaser et al. [20]. By making
small damage to total destruction as a function of the tsunami assumptions on the fault shear strengths, related fault lengths
flow depth. and widths were in turn derived from the scaling. Typically
The findings from the brief discussion above [7,10–13] the shear strengths were in the range of 20–40 GPa. In the
suggest that the tsunamis driving the risk are associated with more tectonically complex regions, including the Adriatic
low probability of occurrence, and that the risk may change Sea, Cascadia subduction zone, Sicily, eastern Indonesia, and
rapidly from one return period to another. The findings from Portugal, worst case scenarios from the literature are used
Seaside and Chile are partly based on paleotsunami data, directly or adapted [7–9,21–23]. Altogether this gives rela-
indicating that a return period of 500 years may constitute the tively conservative estimates for the scenario earthquakes.
main risk driver. Clearly however, this is site dependent, and However, as discussed below, there are several other
in other areas such as Portugal (see e.g. the study of Matias assumptions in the overall methodology that are non-
et al. [8]) earthquakes having longer return periods are likely conservative.
to contribute more to the risk. In Japan, the last event of size Near source and regional tsunami propagation are mod-
similar to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami is believed to be the 869 elled using a linear dispersive wave model GloBouss [24–26],
Jogan tsunami [14], indicating a somewhat longer inter event on publicly available ETOPO1 grids. For convergence, the grids
time. Meanwhile, Japan has been hit by at least three other are refined to the desired resolution by bi-linear interpolation.
earthquake induced events each with reported fatalities The maximum water level obtained from the time series at
exceeding 10000 [10] which are each comparable to the the control points is used to compute the further amplification
losses caused by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. To this end, Kagan to the shoreline. The near shore control points have an
and Jackson [2], based on McCaffrey [15], indicate a return approximate spacing ranging from 20 to 50 km. The control
period close to 500 years for a Mw 9.0 earthquake for Japan. points are extracted automatically by a contouring algorithm
Clearly, it is difficult to define a characteristic return period (GMT [27]) at a small reference depth of 50 m.
408 F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418

2.2. Description of the probabilistic tsunami hazard

assessment (PTHA) method

The probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA)

approach describes the probability of exceedence for a given
tsunami metric. Relatively recent studies have applied the
PTHA method to different regions, e.g. [6,28–31]. A short
description of the employed PTHA method follows here, for a
more complete description we refer to [32].
The PTHA framework can be summarized as:

 Define tsunami sources (earthquake faults) to be

included in the analysis.
 For each source discretize the fault into smaller sub-
 For each source create a synthetic earthquake catalogue
based on a recurrence model of choice (e.g. Gutenberg–
Fig. 1. Outline of PTHA logic tree.
Richter or Characteristic), which has probabilities asso-
ciated with each earthquake.
 For each sub fault, calculate the unit seafloor deforma- the PTHA come from modelling uncertainties in source
tion and propagate the tsunami from source to the geometry, and random slip. The aleatory uncertainty was
control points at the reference depth. accounted for by summing up different variances from model
 For each event in the catalogue, estimate the maximum errors, fault dip, and random fault slip. The uncertainties in
water level at the near shore control point by summing dip and random slip were obtained from Monte Carlo
the waves from all the individual sub faults that make simulations by varying the dip angle and employing the
up that event, and then scale by the amount of slip for different slip realizations, respectively. Aleatory uncertain-
that event. ties were included by integrating across probability density
 Combine the maximum water level from all sources to functions.
estimate the probability of exceedence. Combining all the information from the sources and logic
trees, a synthetic catalogue is generated which represents the
full integration over earthquake magnitudes, locations and
The subduction zone geometry and recurrence rates sources for every logic tree branch. The catalogue was
were taken from the PTHA for Australia [8], which uses generated by iterating through each magnitude in the MFD,
plate velocity vectors from GPS data to estimate the and calculating the rupture dimensions using the scaling laws
magnitude frequency distribution assuming full coupling [20]. The rupture is then iteratively moved across the fault one
on the plate interface. Sub faults for local crustal sources sub fault at a time until that magnitude has occurred on every
are 20 km  10 km, whereas sub faults that are distant possible location within the fault dimensions. For M7.0 earth-
only are 100 km  50 km. quakes on the subduction interface, the rupture dimensions
In deep water the tsunami is linear, meaning that any are equal to one sub fault; therefore the number of ruptures
tsunami can be constructed by the summation of the would be equivalent to the number of sub faults. The
responses from the sub faults. Hence, the simulations are maximum magnitude earthquake would occur once and
only carried out ones for the sub faults, and the hazard is rupture the whole fault if scaling laws have been used to
determined by superpositioning. In the PTHA a linear finite constrain the maximum magnitude. This iterative process
difference model allowing for nesting formulated in geogra- ensures that all magnitudes could occur at any possible
phical coordinates [33] is used for the simulation of the location on the fault plane. For each event the probability of
tsunami propagation for the unit sources. As for the worst that magnitude was then weighted by one over the number of
case scenario simulations the maximum water elevation was earthquakes represented by that magnitude. This ensures that
extracted at the 50 m reference depth. the sum of the events of the same magnitude equals the
Sources of epistemic uncertainty (uncertainties due to lack annual probability of one event of that magnitude.
of knowledge) that are included in the PTHA are slip rate, For each event in the synthetic catalogue, the tsunami
earthquake recurrence model type, and maximum magnitude hazard is calculated at each control point along the coast
(Fig. 1). Maximum magnitudes are constrained by scaling laws by summing the contributions from the sub faults that
[20]. The maximum magnitude from the mean of the scaling make up that event, and by scaling the tsunami height by
laws is given a weighting of 0.6, and two alternative max- the event slip. For each site, this results in a list of tsunami
imum magnitudes that are þ0.2 magnitude units and  0.2 heights and associated annual probabilities. For a coherent
magnitude units from the best estimate, are given a weighting description of the hazard compared to the worst case
of 0.2. For each source, a truncated Gutenberg–Richter Mag- scenario simulations, maximum surface elevation from the
nitude Frequency Distribution (MFD) was given a weighting of PTHA for a return period of 500 years is given at near shore
0.66 and a Characteristic Earthquake distribution was given a control points at the reference depth of 50 m. The further
weighting of 0.34. A b-value of 1.0 is used for both MFD’s. amplification to run-up is accounted for using the ampli-
Main sources of aleatory uncertainty (inherent uncertainty) in fication factor method (Section 2.3). The present model
F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418 409

assumes a Poisson process where earthquakes are inde- incident sine shaped N-wave as input. Parameters such as
pendent and occur at a fixed rate over time. bathymetric profile, leading trough or leading peak, and
wave period are varied. The plane wave simulations are all
2.3. Run-up estimation and inundation mapping using run on idealized plane bathymetric configurations [9]
amplification factors where the shelf is broken up into two linear segments.
From the plane wave simulations, factors for amplification
To estimate tsunami run-up globally refined numerical that relate the surface elevation at time series gauges
inundation simulations are too time consuming (yet, located at water depths of 50 m to the maximum shoreline
examples of locally refined simulations are covering an water level are computed and stored in lookup tables.
ocean wide scale have previously been accomplished To determine the amplification factors along the idealized
by means of adaptive unstructured meshes, see e.g. [34]). bathymetric profiles we apply a linear hydrostatic plane
A faster procedure is to relate the near-shore surface wave model. For smaller islands the plane wave assump-
elevations to the maximum shoreline water levels by using tion is severely violated, a 2HD model (GloBouss) is
a set of amplification factors based on the parameters of applied. Both models apply a no-flux boundary condition
the incident wave and the bathymetric slope. This proce- at the shoreline leading to a doubling of surface elevation
dure is described and validated in detail by [9], and only a due to reflection. An idealized bathymetric profile is
part of it is reviewed here. The method of amplification manually assigned to each point. To estimate the max-
factors is sketched in Fig. 2. The basis for the procedure is a imum shoreline water level from the offshore time series
large set of pre-computed plane wave numerical simula- gauges in a tsunami simulation, the amplification factor for
tions in idealized two dimensional (2D) transects with an a set of parameters is extracted from the lookup tables and
in turn multiplied with the maximum surface elevation
measured at the time series gauges. Although the models
do not include dry land inundation, the surface elevation
on the boundary close to the shoreline (at 0.5 m water
depth) with a no-flux condition yields a good approxima-
tion. For long non-breaking waves, the linear solution for
the run-up height at the shoreline and the non-linear
solution for the run-up height on land are identical [35].
The validation of the procedure is presented in [9]. Based
on the findings of Pedersen [36], we may further assume
that the procedure should also provide reasonably accu-
rate results for waves of moderately oblique incidence.
For reviews of numerical methods for run-up estimation,
see [37–39].

2.4. Mapping the inundation

Resulting run-up heights were projected from the offshore

points to the shoreline by nearest neighbor interpolation. In
turn, an inverse distance weighted method was used to
determine the inundated area, using the SRTM topography
by [40]. It also turned out that for some very flat near shore
locations, the inundation distance could be unreasonably high.
To limit the inundation, a crude formula taking into account
the head loss due to bottom friction was used. We represent
the wave load at the shoreline by a constant surface elevation
η and choose a friction coefficient f¼10  2. This friction is
relatively high, slightly counterbalancing the conservative
assumption of fault locking, yet providing reasonable inunda-
tion distances compared to real events. By assuming a
quadratic friction law and a constant drop of hydraulic head
loss along the inundation path, a simple formula for the
maximum inundation distance Lmax was obtained, propor-
tional to the ratio of the surface elevation over the friction:
Fig. 2. Principles of the amplification factor method. Upper panel, Lmax o
regional tsunami simulation and locations of the time series gauges at
the reference depth contour. Mid panel, sketch of an idealized bathy- The 500-year return period inundation maps are over-
metric profile. The amplification factor is defined as the ratio between the
water surface elevation at the shoreline over the water surface elevation
lain by population exposure data [41], urban produced
at 50 m water depth. Lower panel, maximum shoreline water level capital data [42], and critical facility data for nuclear
obtained from superimposing results from a series of simulations. power plants [43] to integrate total exposed elements in
410 F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418

each country. The status of the nuclear power plants in 3. Comparison of the scenario based method and PTHA
Japan has been updated manually, as most of them have for the tsunami hazard and population exposure in the
been shut down following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Indian Ocean
The exposed population is taken as the cell population,
times the inundated cell area over the total Landscan cell Hazard maps in the Indian Ocean using both the
area. The exposed urban produced capital is quantified as scenario based and the PTHA method are displayed for
the cell urban produced capital times the inundation cell four different areas, namely the Arabian Sea (Fig. 3), the
area. The produced capital is the total value of machinery, coastlines of the western Bengal Bay (Fig. 4), the coastlines
equipment, structures and urban land. The urban pro- of the eastern Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea (Fig. 5),
duced capital is defined as the capital in urban areas with and along the western coast of Sumatra. Furthermore,
more than 2000 inhabitants [3]. the model sensitivity (scenario based vs PTHA) on the
It should be noted that inundation maps are based on computed exposed population is demonstrated for four
coarse topographic data (SRTM) hampered with inaccuracies different countries in Table 1. The sensitivity to using the
and falsely elevated land. This may lead to an underestimation (biased) STRM topographic data is also briefly addressed
of the inundation and therefore also the exposure. The effect by uniformly subtracting a value of 2 m and comparing the
is particularly pronounced in tropical areas [44], but may also exposed population with those obtained by the regular
play an important role in urban areas. Moreover, the effects of SRTM data.
countermeasures such as breakwaters which are expected to The Makran fault zone is located along southern coast-
decrease the exposure are not considered. Breakwaters are for lines of Iran and Pakistan facing the Arabian Sea. Fig. 3
instance common in Japan. shows the simulated run-up along the northern part of the

Fig. 3. Upper panel, simulated run-up using the method of amplification factors along the Makran trench using the scenario based approach (blue bars),
and PTHA (red bars). Lower panel, PTHA run-up normalized by the scenario based run-up (black bars). Here, perfect agreement is defined for a unitary
normalized run-up (red curve). It is noted that extent of the domains for the two different methods (scenario based and PTHA) deviate, and that
comparison cannot be obtained for these points. The coloured contours depicts the bathymetric and topographic isolines. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418 411

Fig. 4. Upper panel, simulated run-up using the method of amplification factors along the western coastlines of Bengal using the scenario based approach
(blue bars), and PTHA (red bars). Lower panel, PTHA run-up normalized by the scenario based run-up (black bars). Here, perfect agreement is defined for a
unitary normalized run-up (red curve). It is noted that extent of the domains for the two different methods (scenario based and PTHA) deviate, and that
comparison cannot be obtained for these points. The coloured contours depicts the bathymetric and topographic isolines. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Arabian Sea. Due to the vicinity of the coastlines to the and India however, the agreement between the two models
Makran trench, the maximum run-up in this region are close to unitary. The exception is the northernmost section
expected to be from this fault zone. Near the fault zone, of the Oman coastline, where the scenario based method
large run-up often exceeding 5 m and sometimes 10 m is again produces much higher run-ups than the PTHA. The
found. In this region near the source, there is a clear reason for the large model discrepancies here and along the
tendency that the scenario based method yields higher western Pakistan, the Iranian, and the northern Oman coast-
run-up than for PTHA. Typically, the run-ups using the lines, is that the westernmost Makran trench scenario are
scenario based method are factors 1.5–2 larger than the extending further west than the corresponding unit sources
run-ups obtained from PTHA. In certain regions such as in from the PTHA method. The observed discrepancy in the
Iranian, the difference may be even larger along short sections computed run-up is also reflected different population expo-
of the coastline. In the far-field coastal stretches along Oman sure as exemplified in Table 1 for Pakistan, with the scenario
412 F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418

Fig. 5. Upper panel, simulated run-up using the method of amplification factors along the eastern coastlines of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea
using the scenario based approach (blue bars), and PTHA (red bars). Lower panel, PTHA run-up normalized by the scenario based run-up (black bars). Here,
perfect agreement is defined for a unitary normalized run-up (red curve). It is noted that extent of the domains for the two different methods (scenario
based and PTHA) deviate, and that comparison cannot be obtained for these points. The coloured contours depicts the bathymetric and topographic
isolines. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

based method providing about twice as large exposure as the year return period run-up ranging from 3 to 5 m, with the
PTHA. This is not unexpected as the differences in run-up are highest run-up in the South, gradually reducing north-
substantial. wards. Along the eastern Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea
Figs. 4 and 5 show the simulated run-up along western coastlines, the run-up may extend up 10 m. In Sri-Lanka
and eastern part of the Bengal Bay and the Andaman Sea. and along the southern part of India, a close model
Here, the maximum run-up typically originate from the agreement is obtained. Despite this overall good agree-
northern section of the Sunda Arc (the subduction zone ment, Table 1 shows that the PTHA method yet provide a
extending from the Andaman Islands to Sumbawa in much larger exposure. This is interpreted as a result of the
Indonesia), as well as from the Burma trench. The Indian larger run-up obtained by the PTHA method near impor-
and Sri-Lankan coastlines (Fig. 4) typically exhibit 500- tant urban areas such as Trincomalee and Batticaloa on the
F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418 413

Table 1 expected only to be within the same order of magnitude.

Compared population exposure (exposed population in thousand people) By subtracting uniformly 2 m from the SRTM data, we find
using PTHA and the scenario based method. The effect of uniformly
that the population exposure increase up to a factor 2 for
subtracting 2 m from the topographic SRTM data on the estimated is also
estimated. Sri-Lanka, and somewhat smaller factors for the other
countries. Knowing that the SRTM data has a particularly
Scenario PTHA Scenario based PTHA positive bias in tropical and urban areas [44], we are led to
based SRTM SRTM SRTM—2 m SRTM—2 m the conclusion that the present exposure based on SRTM
Myanmar 284 253 371 312
are lower bound estimates.
Sri-Lanka 109 209 222 335
Pakistan 47 24 70 49 4. Results—Global hazard and exposure
India 209 529 357 851
Fig. 7 shows the predicted earthquake-induced tsunami
run-up height for a 500-year return period at the global
east Sri-Lankan coast. Further north along the Indian scale. In the Pacific Ocean, run-up exceeding 5 m is found
coastline, the PTHA model provide the highest run-up, in South America, southern Central America, the states of
up to factors of 1.5–2 times that of the scenario based Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, Kamchatka, Japan, parts
approach. The larger run-up obtained along by the PTHA is of China, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. In the
also reflected in a higher population exposure as exempli- Indian Ocean, we find run-up exceeding 5 m in parts of
fied in Table 1 for India. The reason for the discrepancy the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, Sumatra, Java, north-
here is that the northernmost extension of the PTHA unit western Australia, Pakistan, Oman, and eastern Iran.
sources along the Sunda Arc are further north than the The hazard in the above mentioned areas is related to major
location of scenario events in the same region. A similar subduction zones including the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Sunda
trend is found for the Burmese coastline, yet here the Arc and the Makran trench. Run-up in this range is also
population exposure compare favourably for the two found adjacent to the smaller and more complex fault zones
methods. At the coastlines of the Andaman Islands and in the Mediterranean as well as in eastern Indonesia.
Nicobar, relatively similar results are found using the two Populous Asian countries, most prominently Japan, but
methods. Along the Thailand coastline, a good agreement also China and Indonesia account for a large absolute
is found for run-ups in the regional north of Phuket, number of people living in tsunami prone areas (Fig. 8).
whereas the scenario based method is typically factors Although large run-up heights are also predicted in USA,
1.5–2 larger than the run-ups obtained from PTHA south of South America, and parts of Central America, the popula-
Phuket. tion exposure is smaller. Normalizing the exposure by the
Fig. 6 shows the simulated run-up along western total population, smaller countries such as Macao and the
Sumatra as well as at the coastlines of the nearby forearc Maldives have relative population exposures similar to
islands. The typical simulated run-up is 10 m. As shown, Japan (Fig. 8). High, relative exposure is further dominated
there is a tendency that the scenario based method by small island states (in the Indian Ocean, southwest
provides larger run-up compared to the PTHA. Exceptions Pacific nations, and the Caribbean) and South American
are the south part of Sumatra, where PTHA provides the countries.
higher results, and on northern Sumatra and on the forearc Fig. 9 shows that Japan accounts for the majority of the
islands where a relatively close agreement is found. total exposed urban produced capital. Countries such as
The simulated run-up over the different sections of Greece, Italy, and Australia are ranked relatively high in
coastlines discussed above suggests that the two methods terms of economic exposure despite being ranked lower in
provide a comparable hazard, however with a clear ten- terms of population exposure. The exposed urban pro-
dency that the scenario-based method provides the higher duced capital is normalized against the countries total,
run-up. In some regions such as the Bay of Bengal, the with a several small island states having large relative
agreement between the methods are very close given exposure. The amount of steel and reinforced masonry
the uncertainties in questions. In other regions such as buildings subject to major tsunami damage increases from
Makran and Sumatra, there seems to be a tendency that 20–30% to 80–90% when the tsunami water level is
the scenario based method systematically provides larger increased from 2 to 5 m [13]. Although this study do not
run-up. This is interpreted as due to the assumption of address probability of loss, it is apparent that water levels
fault locking. In certain areas, large model discrepancies exceeding 5 m will result in almost total economic losses
may appear as a result of different extents or position of locally.
the source locations using the two models. It may seem Statistics covering the nuclear power plants within the
as the population exposure values exhibit larger model inundation zone as well as facilities located within 1 km
related differences than the individual hazard. This is from the coastline is provided. The statistics for the
interpreted as due to the alongshore sensitivity to the facilities located less than 1 km from the coastline is
run-up representation in densely populated areas. Using included mainly because the employed methodology for
Sri-Lanka as the example, we see that although the mean computing the inundation is considered less accurate than
run-up is generally comparable, the deviations in simu- inundation maps obtained by using local inundation
lated run-up close to two of the largest coastal commu- models. Nuclear power plants should withstand loads of
nities on the East coast give rise to a large effect on the much larger return periods than 500 years. Non-seismic
calculated exposure. As demonstrated, the exposure is sources such as submarine landslides have source
414 F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418

Fig. 6. Upper panel, simulated run-up using the method of amplification factors along coastlines Sumatra using the scenario based approach (blue bars),
and PTHA (red bars). Lower panel, PTHA run-up normalized by the scenario based run-up (black bars). Here, perfect agreement is defined for a unitary
normalized run-up (red curve). It is noted that extent of the domains for the two different methods (scenario based and PTHA) deviate, and that
comparison cannot be obtained for these points. The coloured contours depicts the bathymetric and topographic isolines. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

characteristics that enable larger local run-up than tsuna- inundated area. The Japan Sea is omitted for this study; it
mis induced by an earthquake [45], and therefore repre- is therefore possible that the exposure in Japan and the
sent lower probability tsunami hazard, but with Republic of Korea should be higher. However, the majority
potentially higher consequences [46]. of the nuclear power plants in Japan are presently sus-
Fig. 10 depicts the number of inundated and near shore pended or being shut down, whilst in other Asian coun-
nuclear power plants per country. Japan and China have tries such as China, Taiwan, and India, there are nuclear
the largest number of nuclear power plants within the power plants currently under construction at locations less
F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418 415

Fig. 7. The global tsunami hazard map displaying the run-up height for a return period of.500 years. Panels A–D shows close ups of Europe, North America,
East Asia, and South America, respectively.

than 1 km from the shoreline according to the nuclear reported previously [9]. The increased exposure is due to a
power plant database [43]. Only 2 out of 13 of the nuclear more comprehensive coverage of both earthquake sources
power plants in USA located less 1 km from the coastline as well as inclusion of a larger section of the shorelines.
are exposed, as most are located along the Atlantic shore The majority of the exposed populations are located in
and subject to lower earthquake induced tsunami hazard. East and Southeast Asia, with Japan accounting for more
Similarly, the UK has seven nuclear power plants located than half of the exposed population worldwide. South
less than 1 km from the coastline, of which none lies American and smaller island countries are among the
within the inundation zone. It is noted that evidence highest ranked for exposure relative to their population.
of past large submarine landslides having tsunamigenic Despite recent focus on cascading risks, this analysis
potential exists offshore both USA [47] and offshore Norway demonstrates that the number of nuclear power plants
[48], which may indicate a potential high consequence low exposed to large earthquake induced tsunamis are limited.
probability tsunami hazard. One remaining question surrounds hazard related to non-
seismic sources, and whether critical facilities outside the
5. Concluding remarks identified hazard zone may be subject to tsunami threat
from such sources.
This analysis concludes that the population exposure For most of the areas, a relatively simple scenario based
due to large earthquake induced tsunamis is close to 29 method is used on the expense of the more sophisticated
million people globally, which is about twice as much as PTHA method. The examples from the Indian Ocean shows
416 F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418

Fig. 8. Left panel; number of people living in areas potentially affected by tsunamis for a 500-year return period. Right panel; number of exposed persons
divided by the total population in each country in percent.

Fig. 9. Left panel; exposed urban produced capital in MUSD due to tsunamis for a 500-year return period. Right panel; produced urban capital divided by
the total population in each country in percent.

that resulting 500-year run-up using the two methods are based and the PTHA methods is model sensitive, and devia-
roughly comparable in the average sense. In certain tions of more than a factor two occur even if the average run-
regions such as in the Bay of Bengal, close to a one-to- up exhibit fairly similar value. A possible explanation for the
one agreement is found. In other regions however, there apparently large sensitivity may be that the coastal fluctua-
seems to be a systematic tendency that the scenario based tions in run-up become crucial when correlated with the
method provides a higher run-up, typically providing run- coastal population pattern. Based on the comparison, it is
up that is a factor 1.5–2 higher than for the PTHA. We assume expected that a PTHA method would be able to provide
that this is partly due to the assumption of fault locking using refined accuracy, and should be attempted in the future. This
the scenario based method. Locally, larger deviations are also would also enable hazard quantification at different return
found, but these are related to different extensions of the fault periods. Yet, as the tsunami risk is dominated by events with
zones comprising the tsunami sources. The population expo- high return periods, a larger uncertainty should still be related
sure in four different countries compared for the scenario to establishing the source probability at high return periods.
F. Løvholt et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 10 (2014) 406–418 417

Fig. 10. Total number of all nuclear power plants located within 1 km from the coastline (both exposed and not exposed). Left panel; red coloured bars
denotes exposed power plants, whereas blue denotes power plants not within the simulated inundation zone. Right panel; operational status of the
nuclear power plants. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

It is further noted that the sensitivity due to the topographic Agency for International Development (AusAID). Andrew
data is found to be prominent, and that the SRTM data used to Maskrey and Manuela di Mauro at UN-ISDR are thanked
derive inundation maps is expected to provide a significant for co-ordinating the tsunami hazard assessment with the
bias [44]. The present analysis indicate that use of refined risk assessment for the other natural hazards. We thank
topographic data should expectedly produce larger exposure UNEP-GRID Geneva for providing the critical facility data-
numbers. bases for the exposure calculations. Dr. Phil Cummins and
It should also be noted that tsunamis generated by Dr. Victoria Miller at Geoscience Australia are thanked for
volcanoes, submarine landslides, and smaller earthquakes constructive comments improving the manuscript. The
are not addressed in the present study. Non-seismic applied methods were reviewed by independent experts
sources contribute to the generation of about one fifth of from UNESCO, including Jö rn Behrens (Professor, Univer-
all tsunamis globally, and there are several examples of sity of Hamburg, Germany), Stefano Tinti (Professor, Uni-
such tsunamis causing devastation, a recent example is the versity of Bologna, Italy), and Kenji Satake (Professor,
1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami caused by a submarine University of Tokyo, Japan), which are all thanked for their
landslide. In areas like eastern Indonesia [23] and the constructive suggestions. We also thank one anonymous
Caribbean [30,49] tsunamis due to landslides and volca- reviewer for helpful and constructive comments. This
noes are relatively more frequent, and contribute to a work was published with the permission of the CEO of
significant portion of the risk. It has also recently been Geoscience Australia.
claimed that large run-up in northern Japan following the
2011 Tohoku tsunami was induced by a huge submarine
slump [50]. Unlike earthquakes, landslides are not con- References
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