Shield Shield
1 1 ???
2 2 transmitted data
3 3 received data
4 4 request to send
5 5 clear to send
6 6 data set ready
7 7 signal ground
8 8 carrier detect
20 20 data terminal ready
25 pin 25 pin
female female
connector connector
The actual HP41 software below includes the following limits : Data register
blocks and data-files containing numbers (like -12,34E-56) are transferred
correctly. Pure alpha text (like abcXYZ) are also transferred correctly. But alpha
text mixed with numbers (like ABC123) would be reduced to the number on the
receiving side. For transferring this correctly use the NNN transfer routines.
Furthermore the NNN transfer routines are able to transfer any possible byte
value from 000 up to 255 correctly. By using the ZENROM on the receiving
side you are able to speed up the transfer time for NNN´s. For ASCII file
transfer the record length is limited to 24 signs/characters, the maximally length
of the Alpha-Register.
Christoph Klug
Körnerstrasse 47B
31141 Hildesheim
© January 2006