2020 Dse Phy 2

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Please stick the barcode label here. 2020-08E Puy PAPER? HON KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORETY rows Kon oPLoMA OF SécoNARY EOUCATIN ExxmATCN at20| [Candidate Number PHYSICS PAPER 2 ‘Question-Answer Book aS am— 1245 pm (thou) ‘Thi paper must beanswered in Ergish InstRUCTIONS. (1) Atos the announcement ofthe start ofthe examination, you ‘Should test te your Candidate Number inthe space [vided on Page 1 and sek barcode labels inthe spaces ‘rovded on Papes 1,3, Sand 7 (2) ‘This paper consists of FOUR sections, Sections A, 8. © and 0. Each scion contains gh mul choice (questions and one sbusured quoston which cares ‘mars. Aempt ALL questons any TWO sectons, (2) ite your anawers to the stucred questions in the [ANSWER BOOK provided For muliple-choice questions, Biasken the appropriate cle wih an” HE pencil You Should mark only ONE answer for each question. I ou ‘mark more than one ans, you wl recetve NO MARKS for that questo, (4). Graph paper and supplementary answer sheets wil be pode on request. Whe your candaste number, mak {he question nanber box and sick a barcode label on each Shoot and fasten thom wit sting INSIDE the Answer Book. (©) The Question answer Book seed Answer BOOK wl Be Caleciod SEPARATELY aithe end of he examination (8) The dagrams in his pape ate NOT necessarily drawn to eal (7) Thotast wo pages ofthis Question Answer Book contain 2 Ist of data, formulae and rlatonships which you may fn ‘eo (©) Noexra te wil be given to candidates for sticking onthe Barcode labels or iling in he question number boxes after the Tne Up snnouncement enEsMARER RumM Hong Kong Examinations an Assasment Autonty ‘AI Fights Reserved 2020 wATS OE LM ES smonseniv24 1 Section A : Astronomy and Space Science Qu: Maple-choice questions |L1_ Which fhe following npeset the rangement in descending afer of ize? A. start > ply > planetary stem A pc D 1B) Sarelute > play stem > aay galaxy > planetary sytem > sr ster o 000 Daly > sarelter > planetary ote 12 Two sales X and ¥ ac evolving in lake det sou he Earth as shown. The diameter ofthe ‘ou fi of ons lent the jr ao ne elipeal oi of Y. The wo tis inert 7 me. Ath instant shown, thetwo stella the Earth ron a righ ine, Which deductions are eat? (1) XandYavethesame aeckeraion when they pss. Q)Thespeed of Xs greser tan Oat f Yat the asta sbown, G) Teter wit not met ach ter at? rt A ()mnsieaty A Bo cD B Gymdabely © Ghmdabealy o 00 0 DB G.@)aey 1.3 Themaes of Mas 0.197 snes tha ofthe Eth. ‘The as of Mars i 532 tes th of he ath, Wa isthe sap wel of tar ate ofthe sap easy of the Ea? A 0201m, A Bc D B07 Cao 0000 Dis 14 The luminosity of str 7s dnb tat of sar O. Te bightes of Pig mes that of 0. What an be ocd shou the rept distance ar Pando he Eat? P's sane fom the Barth eines tat of 0 A ‘Qssistance rom the Ea 2 nes that of ° Pr Sstance fon he Ear ines tat of (Odie ro the Earth times that FP. © op oo Of eee gp 15 The een vw of aay syste shows ht he wavelength ofthe clean K spect ine of ane of te sr changes by 10.3 na fom he sae line (1 394m) obtained ina barat. The period a the tai ‘hour, Fade adie of Re bi o> oe Oe O° S6x 10m moose 2-2 2 Please stick the barcode label here. 1.6. The ie tulaw shows the motion of Mars fom boom sig tp lef agaist the backround mgt sky over period of boa ons East West Athi pina pth rar Mas loss othe Eh? somentre betneen and A Bc D tomentare between © and 0000 tomentre etneen and © itera ening ott © or at ming pot 17 Ase, which 62 tac yeas hom he Sun is eberved fom the Earth 6 moots part. Estimate he ‘tatu mga dence th obtered pins ois A 08 me send A 8 cD © lemermls 0000 5. 2emeccus 14 Scr Phe higher sure temperate than sta 0. However star has a ager as. Which raph bows ‘he dsibtion of specter W mp im) wt te wavelength 2m) of be eleromaznec ‘ation emit om tesraces of P and 9" Blacktody radiation sumed fr bth tars a TON 8” Ht smonseny23 3 Qt: Structured question | cetain sar X a dsance of shout SD kpe fm he Eh exploded very lng time ag at Beeame Supemove 1987 (SN 987A) The ight fom his supernova ist revched the arth in 187 (@)Esiate how log sgt above explosion tok phe. (Give yourmaverin yeas 03 sig fg) (mk) (0) At maximum tihes, SN I987A has an apparent maple of 129. 6 the able magne of SN 19578 st mun Wighnss aller thn, ge tan o equal to +297 Esplin our answer. Cah) Bef the explosion of ta minty was abot 4000 tines hat ofthe Sun md its sic tera was $idmes tit of eS (2 @ Veen’ aw show tthe ie ofthe ar. aout 20 tines the Sun's raion, marks) (i) ta which vein, 4,8, CoD, c te Heraspng- Russel agra was sar X Tos? Explain ‘bother orn is arcane lal rd pu emis sont ey ie fc teger (@) A seca fate of SN PETA i tht aren og sumouns the superova. The ps wat ejected by ‘he ar some tine bore epledAr shown sn pure, each pont ea ths ing Is expaaig ‘ds conn sd om he supernova. igo 38 ‘Soppote a distant obser on th ple containing the rng views a cerain spect line fom the ing of ws ‘Side at coves wavelengths Brween he ity a Ty ath in igure LL the wavelength ‘ofthat epectal ine when observed in te lnbortoy. Sethe especve wavelngis at rig fom poll and pol Ran tering Explain our ave. Gras) annnse-rnv 24 4 Please stick the barcode label here. Section B : Atomic World (02: Muliplechoice questions 21. Whithof the fllowing tment tou Rites catering experiment coest? (0) Thin gtd foi wae we oo tha each particle woul most kely be seteed by on gold mics (2) fares wre dete tomas he ol lisa of «pres, they oul be dtd by toh the gold meld te eleons inthe (0) Golfo war wed Reaas gold coli oe cous. A Wanly AB © D B Oey (and @) only ooo0o 0 Do Gham) eh 22 te vapoue Mow pera vie gt is) Into expeiment shown shove dak ins obser ackround. Which explanation i coe? ‘A No potas corespnding tothe dak nes were emited «= AB ftom he sore 1D, Nope coresponding oe du ties wereeninsd «= OO OO fom he apo ©. Photons earenonding to he dik nes tom the source sre absorbed ye vapout Photons eeresondi othe dark tines fom the source 23. The ite below show the emission ines of i hydrogen soso asioitod wih clecton anions fom ‘xa ergy Teves th ground ste (w= I). Tes known that the energy level ofthe ground te Is Fin-lb6ev. Which ttre score? A. Sposa ine.Xhas he ihe aque: A Bo c Dp 1B. Theshores waeenghofihelinesiniswECISeHS {sabia 309m, © Thewe pct es en hiner D. Some af tase nes alo ppee in ther puta eis of shehyeeope spec, aeooesreas 5 aa as 26 aa 2 ‘Which states abut obr tom madl are caret” (1) Reamesplin why paris can be rebounded by a thin gold i, {G)._eangive the tunic pet ingly ole elu tom (He) (G) A poste of tie mode ent the angle amen ofthe cleo in an hysogn atom i uated. ()ana 2) nly A Bo © D (and) ety {hand honty moma, (0.21mi) ppeP ‘An atom hs the ery Devel XY, ad Z When the om waits om Xt it emis 2 pon of ‘raclengh 2 The ao tants on Yo Z when abr a pon of wavelength wih > Ay Thee ‘rg evel ranged in descending rere zxy. A mo ep 21x ead 0000 are ‘An section beam accleteddhogh x petal dienes of i dete toa thin ysl Lye. The Aitncton pater cae esa fo ta rodsed by Xa of waeengh What penta iene ‘hou be woe for asleting te elton beam so aa gve acon pater sina fo tat Produced by Xeayeof waveengh 227 v A Roc p “a 0000 Boa cow >ow Which ofthe flowing att about a scnningtameling mirscope (STM) ire cone? (1) STM can reveal otal sete of specie three diners images are rod ( InStBCiming th erie of especies must be ec conacting, (5) Theretting poner of INU tmees by Kaen ern (ony An © Bee 0000 eae) “Which ofthe owing tates bern ball orm ann ane size ae coe? (1) Most mtn eaibitiiret colour in theses meine above. {2}. Most aaterils innao sins ase lover eng plat 1G). Marie inno se ure wally more cen serving sexta A Qantayenty Am cD Chandon © @)and (3) only oo°0 0 D. Onemie anensernv2-6 6 Pease stick the barcode label here. ct tructured question In order to demons hotel efct he eletodes 4 and Cof the photocell in Figur 21 ae comes ox tet dleace V whit ean be fad from the ighresistnesvolmger. This pata difeenee ean vary from V2 ¥. acct Tame ae be gue 2 ‘When monoirmsi ight of wivelngh 300 na stint on clctodeC, the micronmmetr of net Inna esitance shows ead, (© Sethe pat of he clcwomagntic spectrum (lev bi, gee, red or itaed) that de ined i bales mak) According wave ory, thr shold he atime del frphotokstcemison wo eccr. However, the experimental sa shows a phtoelc emisalan sede. Sate he phen of ch at ‘perinatal ol ma) (@) The spl poten difeence ated il he mirosmmter reading js illo 2 when P= 17 V. (Sete an explain whether the micoametrreding woul! change i an indent Hah f the same srvelng bu hha intent sued Cmts) (Cael te work cin, in eV, of letode C. Cmts) (©. Now the api poet diferencias anil Y~ 0 Vand he miroamneter reps HA. (i) timate he amr of photoelectrons reaching elacude a oe Scud (om (i) She he maximum kintic ener, in eV, ofthe phooeleros reaching 4. Exphin why aot all loceleone ething poses: his moan of etc energy. @ mks) momoserev2-7 7 (=a > Section C : Energy and Use of Energy 3: Multpte-choice questions 211A ince meter ie plced 5 m dct ndemeth point ight source Semting a ein Tumis Prine source 1 in meter he Ifthe luminows emit by doable and he meters lowered to a poston I m underneath, wht ‘wal be he ang ine meter eadng A see son ‘ose wchsd 0900 rent e 32 Asa face wee ater af a 9? t collet night 0a to eat pa plc of rn of mass 2k {Theclicieney ofthe uace 3h. Eatin he tine takes to bea vp he ise ion fos 30% 99°C Given: speci eat eae of on = 430 Fg °C Si powe pri eared Er’ ute 1000 Wan? ne An © D rn 0000 wee 33 An lc vet's batery of capac 40 KW comply dshaged nity. 1s caged with 3 ‘erin votage of 220 aan average caret of 52 A Estimate th Une routed o fly charge his en Ase tht 2% ener ss cs un trig, ‘60m A Bc D> ethers 0000 3A Wat ae te esos fora microwave ove having an eas energy fey fs than 1006? o @ ® Some ery cbt dng te rts ocr ney forthe over lathe oven, Thenicovere ence comvral he cal cosy energy of more ‘Som microwave a sry ves dy nd Ser ot eee fd ()amd a) ty AB © (and) ot {hand Only ea (hey) aenpseeuvas 8 4.5 uring suena ne, teat flows nt boas rough ts walls of cern hckness. ‘The rte of eat Now eri are ofthe wallwoud be reduced (1) the temperate fee between the ter ed aner sures of be wal smaller (2) ethene ofthe wal cease (3) steal fs Uae ad rbd the wal, & Qaigian A Bc D 3) nly © Gant) ny ooo°0 DB. Gy@yanta) 36 A rom is kept colby a arsondoner of colngcpacty P. The tempers ise and outside the oom ate 27°C and 31 Craps. There of et owing to the ou y ado theagh windows {nd tut by conduct are i th rio 14.1 he cooling capac i raised to 2P while he tengerue “uid th room stl ete he emperatre ide te room- ASune Da he rate of hea owing Ino oom by din ncn Awe A Bc Dp Rome aoe 0000 3.7 Asimplie schematic ingramof rofgerator i a shown expansion whe compres ‘hat the drston aff of the tigen tough the expansion vale F°? Which component, Xo ¥ nti pat oa higher tempers? Aizen of ow ofthe component that contains felrgerant rough the Feltgerant a higher ‘Spain ve ‘ere A ever x A Bo cD » xover r 0000 « rovex x > yevex ¥ 38 Whish ft lowing armel cory soe)? wind pone &) map & muy A Way A Roc 8 Whantoonty C.— Q)and G) only ooo 0 > @eneaie eee) ° 3; Structured question Presid water reactors cote the may of the war's nuclear power plant. In he ctr, eben ‘Produced hy the fission of wraniom-235 mace (79S). Atypical sion reaction i follows: 230+ jn Ba BKr¥ 23m (6) Refeing tothe binding nergy civ in Figure 3.1, explain why raniom-25 cele to undergo fio, Gms) Winding coy per meleon| Figwe 3.1 Tas amber (0) Thebinting energy of auranion-235 mela is 783 Me. (Wome doe he sore statement mean? (may (Gi) Find he nergy eked in MeV, he son of wninn 235 mls Given Binding eeey per mlen of "Ba miles “8.27 MeV per mceon Binding emery pr melon of Kr miles 8.59 MEY per maeon ems) (9. © tne reactor of + mocear power pln, tl energy of 130% 10% MeV would be seleasd if all ‘ain 23S mck nthe fel ods ve wens fsion. Given tht the mean power opto the rower pln 508 MW ad th efclency In converting malar ery to ltl energy 40%. timate he tien yer, for whch he el rode ewe. (ake yea 3.15»10°s) (2k) State arson why fel oar ly eae ofr theme etme in) bas elapsed ‘ima (phn eee ofthe ling in isin eco © oder © eneins emis) amonseriv2-10 10 Section D : Medical Physies a: ultple-ehoie questions 441 When the accommodon ofan ee shang fom looking at» iat ojo toa ner abet, which ofthe ‘ollowing satemets sre oret? ()Theeyeleosbeome es ‘conver’ (2) The opel over ofthe ye es increases. (8) The ctr maces round the es combat enty A Bc D Ghent (Q)and@) ony 0000 (@hand) on 42 The fgue shows the asionstip of loads in hon to sod intestyLevel (in Bo persons with ‘ono esng” Which att CANNOT be ded fom sige? “Tae ar iemostsensitv to sands of fequencies eben 2000 Hand S00 He. ‘sound of Ha 40 di naib Horn sensi lays nereses with he erase of eguncy of sunt Forman a oqurais below 1000 Hh meri vale of ound ines level (iB) int “aller han is loodes (in pons) oper A nm ec Dp 0000 413° A doctor spect thats pact hs tumours in he ter, Which methods) below can Ye wed Yo detect he ‘sours andre se? (1) cambiog wit on days @ Stneanureone bc Shins compact omepaphy (CD san A eay Aw cD © ata) as 0000 > Omoab conser u “14 Wik of the folowing statements shut te plemeloeic crystal insite an loud nsducer ivare (1) Thepiczeecc crystal converts lec signals into mechani ations nd vc versa (0) Thethicknes ofthe peseloatc cysts airy ‘ony (1) scare ‘Only 2) scare (D)andQ) ae crt. (and) ae eae, poRr A Bc D oo00°0 45. Using the information gen elo, ad the ropcion of eneray nse when wlsou i iient frome to tn A sro A pc D ats © 28107 ooo 0 Dts “46 Which soquone abou te procdue ofratinoelis imaging (RMI is cnet? (1) The dug mov rough lodseam the age oan 12) Inthe rg tote pata’ boy. (0) Label he dg ih aration oops. (8) Reconsrct the mage bya compute. (3) Scant pate with ganna caer @FHF03030 BIGI 0320) E2207 OF BF A702 024 O> Of Oa pee for 4.7 Radiomid imaging can be used to say kidney dieses. Which ractive toe below would Ye the ‘os abe? rdinacive ——raaton otope nt al % 203 minutes aA pie B ohours o00o°0 © 27ays D, 2.3 hors amonseeny 2-12 2 Oe 4.8 The gue shows sapling of the cos-sestion ofan am. Themed avy he ental vy tht fled witrbone marow. The ar state cela of bo maw i roughly the same VULU LLL muscle molly cavity (ied =} wits ro one ‘Wi gure below he represen the Xray raigrapic image of thea a A nm cD 0000 = (Q4: Structured question (9) State riety how X-aayar priced (mt) (©) Thetbl olw shows ener enaton coef ofa tru and befor an ay bem. “ait Pee ane = 2.86 em (© Sto one tar ating oa bight linear ateuation cafe ofbone compare 0 08 te mak) (Gy bam of ints pases hough oR ve thai 5.6 om in hikes andi tri 9 inesity What ckness of bone Would yi he sme Jeger of atenunton ofthe same X12) team Show youreseuaton ‘Gnais) (i) Exphin why Xray aiogaphic imaging ofthe fret wally employs ews of lower ener (201s) while eaminaton bay stature employs Xs of energy around 100}e¥. (2 mark) (©. People are on concer shot he raisin expose ding metal examinations like Xray ogg nang and computed wniopaghy (CT) scant Some Infra shou te aan dove ren low quran dose Tiking w Kay adlopapie age 01-02 aS Actsan | 1-0 | dasa peica_| abot 0.05 Sv 10) Staton pote sazad of expe oon ition on human bos. (a (G)_Expin why the equivalent dose ofa CT scan higher than at of king an Xa adloaphie nage ‘ome (Gd. Name one some xing tote natu! backround dose. (ea) [END OF PAPER ‘Sours of atrial usd in ts paper wl be aeknovkdped inthe HRDSE Question Papers okt pubs by ‘he Hong Kong Examinations nd Asset Aor a ner sage anunseriy-u 4 st of data, frmalae and relationships i gown Ress ‘owe cota scent Shr ae omy Soatwe'thertn gear) universal gravitational constant = 6.67 x 10" Na kg ‘pototiga cme eo sane Soper scum ‘electron rest mass, m= 9.11 10 kg emote me Botescime ama oe pe fesenng Sacer at oy viene 09160) Sent sot er Beate cia pa BB sae anaes av Scot Croc weak Pact seers eter mton Neto Feri act ma Dg ofasaioe yom vena ack ne eatin Sets wettonde = thet ? . SIE ame efoiadr = 97h Swe a ofgiee = te? Vomestniee = Su? Fetal, sin =n 0 Ori) [ Astronomy and Space Science nergy and Use of Energy yn Sie _grwvitnonal potential energy ‘uminance fol jaa Stefi A RTE ae of energy transfer by comdction a fae" tert inn pony ie aio Tea Pe Vota! =W-# Bitrate oul aya iron ein owe) cece gin rp sey Ald setae emis . pow {22 = 20) esi elton etcet onl rats eign |) * Toke” _ransmited imensity through a medium aemnse-nay is 15 AL Bemear — agattamttrduinheniog — pt, p22 aieabstew sein 2, fo. Rottm — getirtmcane oy, ga Oy eet 8. prank — etme rats D3. Ew E shel en el le A r= E a int oan Dt nares 8. Bo BT encecn DS. RRL +R, rnin pe bebe snp i rem Ba te DI Pema? R poweinaceat Ba, moc FX d mont oefoe DL FeDpving Seemaperin carne BL. Beongh—envtcemtatelcomy DP, Faia cponscmatcmg _ — pr pol mu eg Bs nt pone pun paAME mp iets rs ceoeninchin 2, =P tate w m ewieteritin 0, Teal, etre cL. =. ‘nw of radioactive decay e enon pe sen sl ey ot ©. ba sige es sore amonsernny 2 16

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